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Corona Virus spreads to Saudia


Sep 8, 2009
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  • Transport of Virus from India to Saudia Arabia

Reports of escaped Indians who fled to Saudia
Two in Kerala under observation for Coronavirus 'flee to Saudi Arabia'

Kozhikode: Kerala, which has reported three positive cases of Coronavirus and has over 2,500 people under watch, faced a fresh problem as authorities discovered that two people, who came here from China and were placed under observation, have slipped out of the country and have reportedly gone to Saudi Arabia.

Only a few of the suspected cases in Kerala are being treated in hospitals while the vast majority of them are being monitored at their homes.

Health officials used to call them up everyday and check their situation while test results for the virus are being processed.

On Tuesday when the officials called for the routine checkup, they were informed by the family members that two of them had gone to Saudi Arabia.

There is no information yet on whether they managed to land in Saudi Arabia.

Source 2 Saudia's internal newspaper

Reports 2 people found with Corona Virus, one in Makkah and 1 in small city near Jubail
Presently suspecting it is the Corona (Middle east)

سجل مركز القيادة والتحكم بوزارة الصحة اليوم حالتين "كورونا- المسبب لمتلازمة الشرق الاوسط التنفسية" او ما تسمى ب "كورونا الشرق الأوسط" لرجل عمره 53 عاما بمدينة النعيرية بالمنطقة الشرقية واخرى لرجل عمره 47 عاما في مدينة مكة المكرمة، فيما لم تحدد بعد ما اذا كانت الحالتين قد خالطت الابل.

وكان المسبب الرئيسي للإصابة بهذا الفايروس هو مخالطة الإبل من قبل مواطن خمسيني في محافظة النعيرية بالمنطقة الشرقية، وكان المواطن الخمسيني قد دخل مستشفى النعيرية (الجمعة) الماضي وتم عمل التحاليل التي أكدت اصابة بالفايروس القديم (متلازمة الشرق الأوسط) ومن ثم تم تحويل لمجمع الدمام المركزي لاستمرار علاجه.

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2 new cases in UAE
DUBAI: The Ministry of Health and Prevention in the UAE announced two new cases of coronavirus infections, state news agency WAM reported on Saturday.

The cases were discovered through a routine check-up system set according to standards by the World Health Organization, which brings the total number of cases to seven in the UAE.

The two new patients, a Chinese national and a Filipino, are receiving medical care, WAM reported, without giving further details.

Last month a family of four who arrived from Wuhan for a holiday in Dubai were diagnosed with coronavirus.

A fifth patient, who also arrived from the Chinese city, was also confirmed to have been infected with the virus, but is reportedly in a stable condition.

The number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus rose in China again, with fatalities increasing to 722. The latest number of cases in the mainland reached 34,546.
When is this Hajj pilgrimage? This is every Plague Inc player’s dream.
From India with Love
Keep it and give Modi another medal and billion dollars of investment.
We are so far one of the least hit countries in the world compared to population size and geographic size (12th largest country in the world) and being next door to one of the most impacted countries in the world (Iran).

The coronavirus reached KSA from Iran due to some Saudi Arabian Shias traveling to Iran from Kuwait, Iraq, Bahrain, UAE in order to visit shrines of Hijazi Arabs in cities funded by Arabs and with Arab names (Qom, Mashhad) and returning to KSA without any stamps in their passports and while knowing that travel to Iran is currently banned (KSA has no consulate or embassy in that country). So almost all of the 500 + cases, are confined to the Qatif region only with few incidents elsewhere.

Out of those 500, 72 or so are Turkish pilgrims currently in quarantine.

Luckily we have had 0 casualties so far and our healthcare system is well prepared (number of hospitals, hospital beds, intensive units, respiratory machines etc. are some of the best in the world) for this since we dealt with MERS (much deadlier than Covid-19 and also a SARS disease) not many years ago with the latest outbreak in 2018.

Which might explain the 0 fatalities in KSA and the relatively many recoveries so far.

So the only farm that I predict is the economically harm but that goes for the entire world and every country will be hit. KSA/GCC Is one of the best prepared regions for a global financial crisis given our fiscal balance, enormous sovereign wealth funs, oil/gas, youthful population and the possibility for the introduction of taxation and lasting economic changes. Already an ongoing thing to remove the country from the extreme pampering society from the state to a more Scandinavia inspired (more natural, better on the long run from every angle) welfare state.
Your wishes, will remain wishes IA

1 case was reported in Madinah 2 days ago if I recall. Not known whether the infected person is a local, expat or pilgrim. Not sure if the news was accurate either as there is a lot of fake news around.

In any case 25% of the reported cases in KSA are pilgrims. 15% of them being Turks.

However KSA is very well prepared for this virus, see my post 12, but unfortunately I think that we will eventually have casualties. Anything else would not be normal.

By all accounts, this is not the time to engage in a blame game (although I blamed the incompetent Iranian Mullah regime for not stamping the passports of those Saudi Arabian Shia pilgrims in the midst of a pandemic that they themselves tried to hide from the world until they no longer could - casualties are probably much higher than those 1700 dead people) but cross-border cooperation despite political disagreements.

If just our Chinese friends could stop some of their objectively speaking very strange (at least for me) eating habits.....this virus would likely not have spread.

MERS in the Middle East did not spread due to the consumption of any strange cuisine, rather (most likely) bats infected camels and later some camel herders of people consuming camel meat (delicious mostly) or camel milk got sick. But not sure how that explains the outbreak in South Korea....Must have been a mutation of some sort reaching North Korea from the Middle East.
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it will never spread within original Madinah area boundary as at time of Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) like epidemic as this city has special privilege that neither dajjal nor epidemic will enter in Madinah according to Hadees
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