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LOL. You do realize that its only a matter of time when ALL humans get infected with this virus and develop immunity, right ?

End of the day its just another strain of FLU virus. With the same morality rate as Flu.
LOL. You do realize that its only a matter of time when ALL humans get infected with this virus and develop immunity, right ?

End of the day its just another strain of FLU virus. With the same morality rate as Flu.
Err, except that it's a corona virus, not an influenza virus....but yah otherwise you're right ...sort of.

I like your "morality" rate typo by the way. Quite appropriate.

Dr Ramanan Laxminarayan an expert in this field....thinks India already has community spread and 1000's of infected.
No they are not suppressing information. These figures are correct but what they are actually doing is not conducting tests. That is why the number is low. Most of the tests are being conducted on Hindus and the minorities are being ignored.
Will that help Hindu Population.. The guy from Kalburgi with age 76 was a Muslim and before his death he infected nearly 32 Patients. Do you believe that leaving infected muslims open in society will not impact hindus?? You are not naive and aren't dumb.. You know very well that, even a single infected person in society will wrack havoc. Government will find situation out of control.
You are a person with good Wisdom. Try to see thing without prism of religion.. The perspective might change..

To other members, government is making everyone who traveled abroad to be at quarantine for 2 weeks.. Even remotely located area of Gadhachiroli is being swiped by government officers. Officers from Nagpur traced these 2 peoples up to 150 km and brought them to Nagpur quarantine area. Police force being deployed at Quarantine area and hospitals so that these chaps don't run away.
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