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Convincing information that Haqqani network in Pak: US Senate


Apr 22, 2012
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Impressed by Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif's leadership skills, he hoped that the general continues to lead Islamabad.

McCain said that Pakistan should take action against the Haqqani network "involved in killing a number of US soldiers and citizens in Afghanistan". (Photo: AFP)
Islamabad: Maintaining that there is clear and convincing information that the Haqqani network is operating in Pakistan and Afghanistan, Chairman of US Senate 's Armed Services Committee Senator John McCain said the insurgent group should not have a safe haven in Islamabad.

In an interview with ARY News, McCain said that Pakistan should take action against the Haqqani network "involved in killing a number of US soldiers and citizens in Afghanistan".

"Haqqani network should not have a safe haven in Pakistan," Dawn quoted him as saying.

He added that Washington wants action against this common adversary and betterment of relations between the Kabul and Islamabad.

The senator dodged the question about Mullah Fazlullah's presence in Afghanistan and instead reminded the interviewer about Al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden's presence in Pakistan.

He also reminded about Pakistan's presumed inaction against Haqqani network.

"Now there is an act of Congress which says that the President has to certify that government of Pakistan will take action against Haqqani network before sending money in aid, the President could not certify," he claimed.

John McCain asserted that he wants U.S. to help Pakistan in rebuilding infrastructure in its tribal areas for Internally Displace Persons (IDPs) - facilitating their return towards respectable lives in their areas.

Impressed by Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif's leadership skills, he hoped that the general continues to lead Islamabad.

"I saw him how he interacts with other officers in the army. In one meeting, he also brought the ISI chief to discuss issues with us. Our dialogue with him was regarding Pakistan's relations with Afghanistan and how we can improve ties between US and Pakistan," he said.

Terming the situation in Waziristan agency satisfying, he lauded the armed forces for clearing Miranshah town off terrorists.

"I and my fellow senators spent several hours there in Miranshah and met the military leadership. We were surprised to know that 6,000 Pakistani soldiers lost their lives and 16,000 were injured, which is a very very heart breaking number," he added McCain.

KPK government is taking preventive measures to root out haqania network from Pakistan by granting 300 million PKR funds.
The senator dodged the question about Mullah Fazlullah's presence in Afghanistan and instead reminded the interviewer about Al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden's presence in Pakistan.
Nothing new. They have got a never ending list for us but when wud be confronted on what they themselves do......Ofcourse U are not suppose to ask them such things. How dare U :P
Nothing new. They have got a never ending list for us but when wud be confronted on what they themselves do......Ofcourse U are not suppose to ask them such things. How dare U :P

only because you have a never ending list of jihadi groups! drones and American pressures on Pakistan will continue as long as Pakistan does not actually take positive action against all terrorist outfits that operate from there
only because you have a never ending list of jihadi groups! drones and American pressures on Pakistan will continue as long as Pakistan does not actually take positive action against all terrorist outfits that operate from there

Just beware what happens when your love affair with Uncle ends up. Good Luck and Best Wishes.
Best wishes from India.. Gen Raheel is doing what he could to eradicate the menace which Pakistan has faced for a long long time but again let's remind ourselves that he can only do what he can... ISI is too in picture
Good Riddance is what Pakistan should do now in case of Afghanistan, though it must try to keeps good relations with US.

We would never be able to satisfy their wish list. The safety of US troops at the expense of Pakistani blood in return for few fighter planes and few millions in aid that too with fears of sanctions looming is not a good deal.

India has been picked up as a partner by US and they are been given anything they want without any preconditions.
KPK government is taking preventive measures to root out haqania network from Pakistan by granting 300 million PKR funds.

For your information, that $3 million will be spent on reforming Darul aloom haqqania and won't be given to haqqani network.
Instead of worrying about Haqqani bomb ttp in Afghanistan.
Just beware what happens when your love affair with Uncle ends up. Good Luck and Best Wishes.

unlike Pakistan which always looks for aid money from any foreign provider, India establishes mutual relations. All this Uncle Sam betrayed kind of nonsense therefore is just Pakistani whining and excuse for even more failure
unlike Pakistan which always looks for aid money from any foreign provider, India establishes mutual relations. All this Uncle Sam betrayed kind of nonsense therefore is just Pakistani whining and excuse for even more failure

US does not engage with any country except that where it has an upper hand. And anyone who tries to challenge that upper hand of Uncle Sam is dealt with catastrophe. Likes of Iraq is a living example in front of us. Once an ally ended up in tatters. Talking of the economic assistance etc then rather pointing fingers towards us plz just look inside.


Surprise surprise :)
US does not engage with any country except that where it has an upper hand. And anyone who tries to challenge that upper hand of Uncle Sam is dealt with catastrophe. Likes of Iraq is a living example in front of us. Once an ally ended up in tatters. Talking of the economic assistance etc then rather pointing fingers towards us plz just look inside.


Surprise surprise :)

you should read what you post. Assuming you did, can you understand what the below section means?

"In addition to the $ 65.1 billion in economic aid, Israel received a staggering $ 134 billion in military support during the same period to enable its survival. Pakistan, which received $ 44.4 billion in economic aid for a population one-sixth of India's, also got with $12.9 billion in military assistance from the US through regular channels, not counting the billions it bilked more recently in the form of coalition support funds."
only because you have a never ending list of jihadi groups! drones and American pressures on Pakistan will continue as long as Pakistan does not actually take positive action against all terrorist outfits that operate from there

To be honest, i'm tired of your antics. So sit down and listen up.

Pakistan's Military strategy of reestablishing the state of law revolves around the Military:
1.Clearing a district,
2. Putting their foot down to cleanse the entire district of anyone and everyone who either had an involvement in terrorist activities or sympathies.
3. Bringing in the local law enforcement, training them in the field that they were supposed to hold.
4. Pick another district and repeat.

This is what the bozos in Congress don't understand and neither do you.

America tried it's shock and awe, America tried their surge, America tried handing out Viagra to buy loyalties. Which one worked?

None of them.

The Taliban took over an Afghan City and still have the capabilities of launching attacks on Kabul.

This isn't WW2 or the Korean War, neither is it Panama where you can parachute troops behind enemy lines and watch the Wehrmacht, Chosŏn inmin'gun, Panamanian dictator get arrested and the entire conflict collapses. This is the 21st Century. The Taliban, Al Qaida, or TTP magically stop fighting. They live off the land, and survive through the grievances of the people.

And next time you want to talk about being unable to pacify terrorist threats, take a look at Indian Administered Kashmir, 700,000 Indian Soldiers and Paramilitary, 1947-Present, unable to bring tranquility to the region.

The text in red could be the response the Pakistani Ambassador might tell George Stephanopoulos and the American public, you know once he's sober enough from the high point of his career of shaking hands with First Lady Michelle Obama.

@Tiger Genie fix your signature the whole thing is a sound bite for what you want it to say, with the impression of it being said by Nixon and Kissinger.
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