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Controversial banners in Islamabad - Removed

Indian politicians propaganda through ANI was displayed in the Federal Capital Islamabad.
Who is responsible to place these banners in Pakistan!!
Why were they allowed to do so, and why their names are not made public and actions taken against them!!

View attachment 573099

Its is a sarcastic banner its aimed at making people realize the threat of BJPs governement...


The sarcasm is in the logo on top.
Lets stick to the topic. Not everything is for you guys to play politics.

The banners were most probably a propaganda campaign. The title did read "Akhand Bharat REAL TERROR" but it was not a highlight of the banner and people were right to take it as an anti-Pakistan banner at first look.

Anyway, it have been removed now. I hope investigation will be concluded to find who was involved. With all the security camera and stuff in Islamabad it wont be a big problem.
What a Neutrality...Fake image still present in Post No.: 38 & 42 but original images entirely removed from the thread. Delete these two posts as well.
lmao too bad one have to zoom in to read this

Today Zardari again was going on about bhoghara muhajirs in his speech even when topic was Kashmir. You can't fix these "Karachites", PPP and MQM deserve each other.
"bhagora Muhajirs"?? really?? You are no better than any of those two.
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