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Continue denying visa to Narendra Modi: US lawmakers urge Hillary Clinton


Nov 20, 2009
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United States
Continue denying visa to Narendra Modi: US lawmakers urge Hillary Clinton

Washington: In a setback to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, a group of 25 American lawmakers have urged the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to continue denying visa to the BJP leader, stating that his government has not adequately pursued justice for the 2002 riot victims.

"As Mr Modi continues to pursue a potential run for higher office, we believe a change in policy to his request for a visa will only embolden Modi and his government's efforts to obstruct further investigations and the tandem prosecution that have still to be finished to bring the perpetrators to justice," as many as 25 members of the US House of Representatives wrote in a letter to Ms Clinton.

Dated November 29, the letter addressed to Ms Clinton was released to the press on Monday, by Republican Congressman Joe Pitts and Frank Wolf on the eve of their joint press conference at the Capitol Hill with family members of the victims of the 2002 Gujarat riots.

"India is a thriving democracy, and one that is aspiring to a high standard of leadership and progress. It is disturbing that certain parties in India are considering elevating Modi, despite his tie to these attacks. Allowing him to enter the United States will only serve to abdicate his responsibility for the 2002 human rights abuses," the Congressmen said.

Among other prominent lawmakers who signed the letter include John Conyers, Trent Franks, James Moran, Michael Honda, Bill Pascrell, Barbara Lee, Edward Markey, Jim Jordan, Dan Burton, Michael Capuano and Dough Lamborn.

Observing that the Bush Administration "rightly denied" Modi a visa to enter the United States, the lawmakers said as he is currently seeking support for a possible bid for Prime Ministership, including meetings with leaders of foreign nations, "we expect" that he may again request entry into the United States.


Continue denying visa to Narendra Modi: US lawmakers urge Hillary Clinton | NDTV.com
As Indians always like to point out what the "whole world" is doing, it seems like the "whole world" agrees that Modi is a butcher.
As Indians always like to point out what the "whole world" is doing, it seems like the "whole world" agrees that Modi is a butcher.

setting aside the issue with Modi. Only a ____ would think 25 lawmakers = whole world. 25 lawmakers in the US can't pass jack in laws , let alone dictate who get's a visa.
setting aside the issue with Modi. Only a ____ would think 25 lawmakers = whole world. 25 lawmakers in the US can't pass jack in laws , let alone dictate who get's a visa.

see how silly Indians sound whenever they say "the whole world thinks Pakistan is ......"

see how silly Indians sound whenever they say "the whole world thinks Pakistan is ......"


Perhaps you don't understand, not surprisingly. when 99% of the world opines or has the same conclusion on an topic= reasonable assumption of whole world. If you find the same regarding any topic, then be sure to use the word " whole world".

Now state what the statement is after " the whole world thinks Pakistan is...." .
Perhaps you don't understand, not surprisingly. when 99% of the world opines or has the same conclusion on an topic= reasonable assumption of whole world. If you find the same regarding any topic, then be sure to use the word " whole world".

Now state what the statement is after " the whole world thinks Pakistan is...." .

opines? you talking about opium?
And lol @ 90%
did you take a pol of all 7 billion people? how did you get that number?
You guys sound like 5 year olds whenever you say this.
The whole world knows that my daddy is better than your daddy

regardless, 100% of the USA decided not to let Mr. killy killy in tier country :rofl:
opines? you talking about opium?
And lol @ 90%
did you take a pol of all 7 billion people? how did you get that number?
You guys sound like 5 year olds whenever you say this.
The whole world knows that my daddy is better than your daddy

regardless, 100% of the USA decided not to let Mr. killy killy in tier country :rofl:

opines 3rd person singular present of o·pine
Verb: Hold and state as one's opinion: "“The man is a genius,” he opined".

Nobody takes a poll depending what the common man states. You don't want that opinion to have Pakistan be judged upon, rather whole world= multiple countries /govt view

It would better not have " Mr. killy killy" as you put it, not allowed in the US, over having Mr. killy killy flying drones killing you :)
Opines = having opinion ;)

Coming from an Indian I naturally thought
Opine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


opines 3rd person singular present of o·pine
Verb: Hold and state as one's opinion: "“The man is a genius,” he opined".

Nobody takes a poll depending what the common man states. You don't want that opinion to have Pakistan be judged upon, rather whole world= multiple countries /govt view

It would better not have " Mr. killy killy" as you put it, not allowed in the US, over having Mr. killy killy flying drones killing you :)

so you got nothing, heh


Like I said, children talk :rolleyes:
Coming from an Indian I naturally thought
Opine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


so you got nothing, heh


Like I said, children talk :rolleyes:

How could you associate opium with opine let alone think India. Golden triangle does not include India.

and where in my statement is I HATE PAKISTAN? I don't hate Pakistan, I hate ignorance and you fly that banner quite often.

and simple English comprehension would have saved you the embarrassment
I never denied that the one meaning was to give opinion, I merely gave an alternate meaning, which is the one I initially thought he meant.

You should really hit those English books again
^^^ continue to embarrass yourself more...what's to lose? you can't look anymore ignorant than you have established here.
I dont know what is the big fetish for this visa issue by the lawmakers in US.
First of all Modi did not even apply visa initially and the US only said "they would only deny IF he applied"...cool..no one gave a jack to it except the media which blew it out of proportion...again when some lawmakers urged to revoke the informal ban....Modi did not react and it was media hoopla again..now again this circus...

Meanwhile British ambassador to India meeting with him as a sign of changing mindsets and a radical muslim editor writing an open letter to him seeking jobs,education for muslims...and many muslim leaders embracing him by joinging BJP..the latest being Habibbhai Sheikh of NCP who joined BJP some days before..and a very influential Congress leader Narahari Amin all set to join today or tomorrow..

If these outsiders stop meddling in Gujarat, then everything would be fine.

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