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Consquences of military operation in North waziristan

I doubt there will be an operation, though i am counting on a punitive strike to contain their new found confidence to kill innocent people.

Operations plus negotiations seems to be the plan now .
unless and until we do something about the sanctuaries in Afghanistan, this operation will not yield results. Taliban simply cross over into Afghanistan and hide, only to return latter. The Pak Afghan border needs to be secured so that these terrorist scum bags don't have an escape zone. Nawaz is not the kind of leader who can make tough calls like this. He simply lacks the will. Half baked operation will only result in more army and civilian causalities while yielding little to no results.
We need to put some sense in to the tribal who proudly give their land and their daughters to foreign terrorists. These tribal need to be dealt with Shock and Horror Campaign something like NATO attack on Iraq in 1991. Shock and Awe Campaign.Bomb them 24/7.
Nawaz is not the kind of leader who can make tough calls like this. He simply lacks the will. Half baked operation will only result in more army and civilian causalities while yielding little to no results.
Nawazji is concentrating more on Kashmir and so called human rights violations out there, even bringing it up in his address in the UN the other day and also went crying to Obama to help him solve the Kashmir dispute, but to no avail! It seems he has little or no time nor inclination to sort out problems within his own country first, where more than 50,000 Pakistanis have already been killed.

The sad truth is that he's playing to the gallery for political brownie points
by raking up Kashmir at the drop of a hat, but twiddling his thumbs whilst Waziristan is burning.
Nawazji is concentrating more on Kashmir and so called human rights violations out there, even bringing it up in his address in the UN the other day and also went crying to Obama to help him solve the Kashmir dispute, but to no avail! It seems he has little or no time nor inclination to sort out problems within his own country first, where more than 50,000 Pakistanis have already been killed.

The sad truth is that he's playing to the gallery for political brownie points
by raking up Kashmir at the drop of a hat, but twiddling his thumbs whilst Waziristan is burning.

I can assure you that Kashmir is highly unlikely to be on Nawaz's agenda anytime soon. He wants business with India or should i say sugar business with India. When i say he is not the kind of leader who can make tough calls, please see it in broader aspect and not just India Pakistan.
Do you think Nawaz can give his air force the go ahead to bomb sanctuaries in Afghanistan? secure the pak afghan border and force Aghanistan to reconcile with this? So him being not a leader has nothing to do with India, but rather his general capacity to be a leader.

Thats how it should be. We can only negotiate on our terms, once they are on a back foot.
Totally baffled by these uzbeks.How are they entering pakistan in numbers?
innocents will die getting tangled up with terrorists, few sacrifices for the life time peace, security and prosperity is much better

we will do noha on the innocent sacrifices, they will be our heroes who saved pakistan by giving their lives for the greater good
Pak army should have launched this operation 2 yrs ago if they ultimately decided they had to.Then the taliban and TTP retreating from north waziristan into afghanistan would be pinched from that side by NATO.And whole force would be crushed in pincer attack with nowhere to go.Bad timing it seems,now they can probably retreat back and begin hit and run guerilla war from sanctuaries in afghanistan as nato has left,just like they did to coalition forces from sanctuaries in pak earlier.
Unfortunately, this is a civil war and it involves not only the outsiders (Uzbeks, Afghans, etc.) which are on the payroll of foreign countries. Locals have also joined the gravy train. There are those which are just mercenaries, and there are those who are brain-washed to become cannon fodder. Then, there are sectarian fanatics and also the criminals who know that name of TTP can be used to extort money and rob banks.

History of this region tells 2 interesting traits inhabitants of this region. They can be bought with money and they can be disciplined with extreme force. British used both, they recruited them as Frontier Corps and carried out punitive strikes when needed - demolishing whole villages and burning all their crops.

I think the money option today is useless, their handlers will always have more money than what State of Pakistan can offer. Punitive actions - Military Operations - can discipline them only for a limited time (as the history is witness).

The only option is a transformative solution. With investment in education, social reform and urbanisation to change the mindset of the people. I know that there was a trade corridor (Military Roads) was built recently in FATA. Once, the region become integrated into the settled areas of KPK and Pakistan; ideologies and convictions will always change. I think that this is the time for Pushtunwali to go! There are other - better - options, Quranic Laws, for example.

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Bull Crap, when you are fighting a battle with an enemy that is killing your people you shouldn't give a damn about consequences.

What is the consequence of not destroying this enemy ?

Have you thought about that , Genius ?

While we are discussing consequences, I would suggest discussing the consequences of not taking a firm action against any Traitor Terrorist Beast.
Thats where you are wrong, consequences have to be considered after they are our people and we have to live with them after the operation. And also have you forgotten the terror wave after Swat operation. Taliban are not going to fight PA in the opertion, they will just retreat To Afghanistan or migrate to other parts of Pakistan, Its just not that simple.
Thats where you are wrong, consequences have to be considered after they are our people and we have to live with them after the operation. And also have you forgotten the terror wave after Swat operation. Taliban are not going to fight PA in the opertion, they will just retreat To Afghanistan or migrate to other parts of Pakistan, Its just not that simple.

Their free hand operating base in Pakistan will shrink. They wont have open access to manpower ( which they grabbed by threat of killing entire families if one kid didnt join them ). Then they will have to turn to Afghanistan and believe me USA will not stop drone strikes, be it in Afghanistan or Pakistan. So better it is Afghanistan. Plus its about time our dilly dallying political force takes a concrete step. How do you expect to conduct peace talks with 40+ groups all for various reasons. These illiterate cant create and offer anything positive to humanity, let alone Pakistan and Islam.

So its better these we face consequences, we are already facing them sitting on our butts. It's high time we actually do something to face it.
It should have been general tariq khan, because the new army chief raheel shareef lacks the experience of command in FATA and north west and is committing some big blunders without taking into consideration the complexities of tribal social infrastructure and the history of the region. In December 2013 army was attacked at khajori, they blamed uzbeks for the attack and retaliated by attacking mir ali town with gunship helicopters which has presence of uzbeks and other foreigners according to reports.They claimed that gunship helicopters chased attackers running on the ground all the way from khajori to mir ali, the question arises how the hell attackers survived the shelling of chasing helicopters above their heads?......The gunship helicopters destroyed the entire bazaar, houses and mosques killing more than hundred civilians according the reports of locals, local journalists, parliamentarians and JUI-F.....This clearly indicated that raheel shareef instructed to army to retaliate with full force and apply collective punishment on all those villages and towns where there are militants. Basically Army has been given permission to reply in the same manner as TTP, also increasing the intensity of collective punishment tactic by army. After the attack army imposed continuous curfew in mir ali, hafiz gul bahadur threatened pak army of consequences and army immediately lifted curfew through political administration..............

Army retaliated in response to bannu attack, again with brutality but on much larger scale, jets were used to bomb the hell out of mir ali, eight other villages of north wairistan and also tirah. The message was very clear by army, for every attack on us(not civilians) we would bomb the hell out of your people (militants plus civilians of waziristan).......Pak army could have used highly planned commando raids on houses of taliban in the middle of night, but jets were used as intention was revenge and terrorize the locals..........Now it seems that Pak army is heading for full scale military operation in north waziristan, the false reports of deaths of adanan rasheed, shaheen bhittani and uzbeks were propagated by pak army and political administration under it, to convince the general public and government that congratulate us on our effective and 100 % precise bombardments and support us in military operation which would relive you from terrorism that is taking place in punjab, balochistan and karachi.

No one is discussing about the consequences. Lets discuss about the consequences of military operation in north waziristan without peace talks.

1- Hafiz gul bahadur.
The most powerful the local Taliban commander in north Waziristan which has tribal base of utmanzai wazirs and dawars, which the haqqanis do not. He is descendant of famous faqir of ipi and is proper aalim so he has huge respect and support among wazirs and dawars. He has peace deal with army since 2007 i guess and is focused on Afghanistan. He is allied with haqqani network and he is also sheltering TTP in north waziristan. . Your peace treaty with him would become null and void in case of full scale military operation in north waziristan. He would join hands with TTP and even uzbeks against you .unlike south waziristan operation of 2009 in which mehusd taliban preferred to retreat due to leadership crisis after death of baitullah mehsud , hafiz gul bahadur would offer you a very solid resistance, he has draws very solid loyalties from tribal elders of utmanzai wazirs.........moreover the area of north waziristan adjacent to afghan border is under his influence , they would simply retreat to afghanistan if overwhelmed by military power.

2- TTP
They are not natives to north waziristan but the area has become their operational base after they lost mehsud territoy to army in 2009. They are dangerous for punjab because they have alliances with all Punjabi militants and sectarian outfits (except lashar e taiba). They have also support of uzbeks. Moreover they are also allied with mangal bagh now. They have operational cooperation with haqqani netwrok in afghanistan.Their new leader fazlullah , has great respect among afghan taliban. They would fight along side hafiz gul bahadur and haqqanis against you and would simply retreat to afghanistan once they lost north waziristan. cross border attacks from kuner and nooristan against army check post would increase by many folds after that.

3-Haqqani network
Long-time allies of the Pakistani ISI. north Waziristan is operational base for them. Also lakki marwat, bannu, and tank are recruiting areas for them. Haqqani have friendhips with both TTP and hafz gul bahadur group. Haqqani network needs sanctuaries in paksiatn to operate successfully in Afghanistan. By denying them space in north wairistan , you are not only making them enemies but also all afghan Taliban groups. Loya pakyita (khost, paktika and paktiya) are strongholds by haqqabi network, they border pakistan. HQ has relationships with Uzbeks, ttp, hafiz gul bahadur group and Taliban of ahmadzai wazirs of south waziristan. Their focus is afghanistan, so they might not engage you miliatrily in north waziristan. But as they would suffer huge losses due to loss of sanctuaries in pakistan, they would provide TTP and hafiz gul bahadur , IMU and Punjabi taliban sanctuaries in loy paktiya.....or even the entire pashtun belt of afghanistan might become strategic depth for TTP.

4_ Ahmadzai wazirs of south waziristan
The taliban groups among them are allied with haqqani network and would support fellow wazirs of north waziristan . Nek mohammad and mullah nazir were their prominent taliban leaders. Like utmanzias, taliban have deep social roots in ahamazai wazirs. Half of their tribe is on other side of durand line so they pose a serious threat. Moreover the mehsud area is sandwiched between wazirs of south wazitistan and of north waziristan. The army in ghost region of mehsuds might face attacks from three sides 1-wana, shakai 2-afghanistan 3-shawal valley of north waziristan................it might prove disaster for pak army.,

so according to you the state should kneel down to these fanatic mercs and do nothing as these bastards bomb the shit out of the rest of the country and their fellow soldiers, I am not up for civilian casualties but when you shelter a terrorist, harbor him in your home, provide logistical support or anything of this sort you are a terrorist, directly or indirectly and the army is going to act against you, as for the prowess of the leaders mentioned by you they are nothing compared to the might of the state and its forces, give the army the go ahead and they will be crushed.....
so according to you the state should kneel down to these fanatic mercs and do nothing as these bastards bomb the shit out of the rest of the country and their fellow soldiers, I am not up for civilian casualties but when you shelter a terrorist, harbor him in your home, provide logistical support or anything of this sort you are a terrorist, directly or indirectly and the army is going to act against you, as for the prowess of the leaders mentioned by you they are nothing compared to the might of the state and its forces, give the army the go ahead and they will be crushed.....

Relax he is an Afghani, turncoats. Dont waste your breath.
i really wish for a full scale operation now. anyone giving sanctuary to any armed group should be targeted (including haqqani people). all these groups provide each other a sanctuary which is why none can be eliminated fully without targeting all of them. Now that the govt is thinking of an operation, I hope they do it properly.

peace talks might have been a better way but no one seems to know how to conduct them leaving us with this last option.
new stratgy been applied, in the OPS theater by PAKARMY?
which is simple, no announcements, just hit hard , whenever , where ever you can, with accurate intell?
its the best & great time line, i guss?
will going to bring fast results, for sure!

Relax he is an Afghani, turncoats. Dont waste your breath.
just say yah allha maddad to GREEN BRIGADE, fighting side by side with its PAKARMY against the most of the brutal beasts on earth called, TTp!
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