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Consider total ban on beef across nation in 3 months, HP HC tells Centre

So says the Chinese whose Country is predicted to be the NEXT biggest Christian Nation in east.

China dose not place bans, so there is religious freedom. The same can't be said about the current India.
He is a troll, who thinks BD is Heaven on Earth.If they were so good,why are they still coming to Bharat? In Next 50 Years Half of their Land will be under sea,Pity them please.Don't mock them. ;)
I do feel pity for Bangladeshis, many of them are illegal living in appalling condition in WB and Assam, pitiful they look. But this @Maira La guy is in another world altogether.
I do feel pity for Bangladeshis, many of them are illegal living in appalling condition in WB and Assam, pitiful they look. But this @Maira La guy is in another world altogether.
He is high because he is in UK.He thinks Bonglodeshi is same like him.Bongladeshis are not only in Assam and WB, bhai galat ho tum,They are in all parts of Bharat,South India,North,West,East (ko toh chor do). Recently a Bangla was caught by Police in Hyderabad trying to Open a Madarssa to train Jihad.

China dose not place bans, so there is religious freedom. The same can't be said about the current India.
Are you kidding me?I know China very much.from real life experience.Don't try to fool me.Your best friend Pakistan is not even given a Business visa more than 3 months, and they have to renew their visa by going back to their homeland and start all over again.So much for your Iron Brother.Do you know the Visa fee charged for Pakistan is higher than Visa fees for Bharat?
He is high because he is in UK.He thinks Bonglodeshi is same like him.Bongladeshis are not only in Assam and WB, bhai galat ho tum,They are in all parts of Bharat,South India,North,West,East (ko toh chor do). Recently a Bangla was caught by Police in Hyderabad trying to Open a Madarssa to train Jihad.
That's sad to know. Time to kick these thankless underwear makers out of our country, hope government takes some action.
You force others to change their lifestlyles because of your RELIGIOUS beliefs.

Thats fanaticism.
Absolutely not. Beef can't be a person's lifestyle. Nor can ice cream, hash, cocaine, dodo meat etc. At most it can be a very very small part of one's food habits. Which is a small part of a person's lifestyle.
I don't see you talking my language. I see you talking rubbish, by claiming you read some rubbish somewhere. And I am somehow required to demolish that strawman.

Hindu dharma guides him to protect the cow. Preferable without killing others. But if that is not possible ........ then killing for protecting dharma is very much permissible. Or din't you know that ?

"IF you want to argue" is a classic strawman. Again. Two in a row.
No that was not a strawman argument. I countered your argument and then expecting you to slip away by using this new line, I countered that as well.

Killing may be permissible in any religion, but not under Indian law. Ohh but you already know that.

Yes, which is why a law ensuring cow protection is much needed :coffee: ........ it prevents talibanization. :coffee:
OK. So cow protection by resorting to Taliban tactics prevents Talibanization. :facepalm:
LOL.... I just did and posted the definition and it fits you to a 'T'. Yet you have now come up with your own definition. :cheesy:
I am tired of this. Your fundamental 'realities' are not realities. As I said before it is reasonable for someone to follow his religion. It is not reasonable to force others to follow the same. How is this bigotry? When I asked you to read the dictionary definition, I also expected you to use your head, my bad.
I don't see where I have changed my words. I have clearly defined how my morality and ethics makes me call out your hypocrisy. Its lack of ethics that makes one a hypocrite.
Not again. Dude you should now google the definition of hypocrisy, seriously. I challenge you to show what two stands I take make me a hypocrite.
That's sad to know. Time to kick these thankless underwear makers out of our country, hope government takes some action.
I can tell you they try to masquerade as Bengalis.
These laborers commit crimes and run back to Bonglodesh.There are many such cases down here in South.

No that was not a strawman argument. I countered your argument and then expecting you to slip away by using this new line, I countered that as well.

Killing may be permissible in any religion, but not under Indian law. Ohh but you already know that.

OK. So cow protection by resorting to Taliban tactics prevents Talibanization. :facepalm:

I am tired of this. Your fundamental 'realities' are not realities. As I said before it is reasonable for someone to follow his religion. It is not reasonable to force others to follow the same. How is this bigotry? When I asked you to read the dictionary definition, I also expected you to use your head, my bad.

Not again. Dude you should now google the definition of hypocrisy, seriously. I challenge you to show what two stands I take make me a hypocrite.
If in a country where 80% are Predominantly Hindu and where the Directive Principles of Constitution say to Ban Cow slaughter? Why are you against it?
Why does a Minority of 13% want to thrust their food habits on rest of 80% of us? Why Should we tolerate such nonsense? give me a reason?
Ok Dude, I missed this post earlier. So could not respond to it. You actually read up on the dictionary meaning of 'bigotry'. Good.

You are a Muslim and I know this from your past posts. What is interesting is your desire to hide it.
I don't have to hide anything. But you are missing the important point. I don't have to reveal anything. What posts exactly are you referring to?
Rubbish. You did nothing of that sort. Lies to won't fly.
Dude, just read my posts. I paraphrased your views as best as I could. What is this brash argument. Do you think others cannot read?
I am not required to explain "why" I support a beef ban. For the moment, I support the beef ban. That should be good enough for now.
Jahapanah, once you claim you are debating, then you should atleast stick to some logic and reasoning and 'why' is a reason.
Muslim is your Identity, not a label. ............. but your cheap tricks has only helped me expose you. Feel free to try new ones.
So you decide, eh?
A Hindutva govt. in center is proof enough. Must stronger proof than your empty claims. Modi has never hid is desire for Beef Ban even during elections and people have given him a clean majority.
Lol. Yeah his beef ban promise was the reason why he became PM. :cheesy: Tell that story to some kid.
Just because Rape did not become a "burning issue" does not mean people support Rape. :lol: Only the truly desperate comes up with such hollow lines of argument.
Apples and Oranges. Rapists were already getting punished by law. So until the law seemed to fail, it was not a burning issue. Beef eaters were never punished. At least I have never seen any. But people were fine with it so far.
Artice 48 of the Constitution of India mandates the state to prohibit the slaughter of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle. By your own logic, since no one has asked for its repeal, it stands to reason that the majority want it :azn:
OK read the article. It has tricky language, credits to whoever proposed it. It says the State shall endeavour with no time limits. And it does not talk about ox meat for example.
Take your own advice and look up the meaning of bigotry.

"intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself." ........ your cheap attempt at name calling, labeling and mocking the beliefs is the proof of your Bigotry.

Or like Koovie, are you too blind to it ?
I totally tolerate your beliefs dude. I said this like thrice today already. What I cannot accept is your enforcing your beliefs on others. You are the one who labelled me a muslim. I called you a new-born Hindu, that is an accurate description and you even take pride in the fact as per your own posts.
If in a country where 80% are Predominantly Hindu and where the Directive Principles of Constitution say to Ban Cow slaughter? Why are you against it?
Why does a Minority of 13% want to thrust their food habits on rest of 80% of us? Why Should we tolerate such nonsense? give me a reason?

That is what we call "Majority Tyranny", and it is not democracy.

Definition of Majority Tyranny:

The phrase "tyranny of the majority" (or "tyranny of the masses"), is used in discussing systems of democracy and majority rule, this involves a scenario in which decisions made by a majority, place its interests above those of an individual or minority group, constituting active oppression comparable to that of tyrant and despots.[1] In many cases a disliked ethnic, religious or racial group is deliberately penalized by the majority element acting through the democratic process.[2][3]

No one is asking anyone to worship the cow. However if one religion ask its practitioner to PROTECT THE COW and another religion challenges their faith and guideline and does the opposite, that is stirring up trouble.
Ok. There is a common ground. Since your religion asks you to protect the cow. You protect YOUR cow. Let the other guy do what he wants. If we take your logic seriously, Hindus in US would be suicide bombing in protest of hamburgers.

You either provide legal cover to the cow or people will have no option but take law into their own hands to practice their faith. :coffee:

You inability to grasp such fundamental realities is what makes you a bigot.
That is nothing great or fundamental about the reality you are proposing. You are basically threatening that there will be violence. Again liberal does not mean, you will stand by watching as people gag others and restrict their freedom. And protesting against violation of other's rights does not make one bigot.
yes, you can pass comments on other people's reasons. Only it reflects your ignorance, bigotry, intolerance and spite. Expect to be called out for it. Morality and Ethics dictate it.

You are free to your opinion. It means nothing.
Intolerance means you are allowing people to live without hindering others rights. It does not mean tolerance for people like you for curbing other's freedoms.
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That is what we call "Majority Tyranny", and it is not democracy.

Definition of Majority Tyranny:

The phrase "tyranny of the majority" (or "tyranny of the masses"), is used in discussing systems of democracy and majority rule, this involves a scenario in which decisions made by a majority, place its interests above those of an individual or minority group, constituting active oppression comparable to that of tyrant ...
Democracy is called the Tyranny of Majority,You being in USA as a Chinese(If you are) should know that better.Don't copy paste Stuff.What have you got to say about your Religious Freedom in China.
It is common sense not to offend the sensitivities and beliefs of others when you live in a Neighborhood where 80% are not your Religion.
Democracy is called the Tyranny of Majority,You being in USA as a Chinese(If you are) should know that better.Don't copy paste Stuff.What have you got to say about your Religious Freedom in Chonguo?
It is common sense not to offend the sensitivities and beliefs of others when you live in a Neighborhood where 80% are not your Religion.

You totally misunderstand the word "Democracy". Maybe that is how the majority of "The biggest democracy" was taught?
You totally misunderstand the word "Democracy". Maybe that is how the majority of "The biggest democracy" was taught?
Democracy is the vote of the Majority, Are you as a Communist going to teach the fine points of Democracy now?The same Democracy which you never experienced in your Life?
If in a country where 80% are Predominantly Hindu and where the Directive Principles of Constitution say to Ban Cow slaughter?
Again history tells us that majority is not decisively for a beef ban. Even some of those who want beef ban want it as a means to secure peace but not on principle. You first have to prove that all Hindus or at least that a majority of India want beef ban.

The Directive Principles are not legally enforceable. There are SC judgements confirming that.
Why are you against it?
Live and let live. Freedom of life. I don't eat beef. That does not mean somebody should be prevented from eating beef.

Why does a Minority of 13% want to thrust their food habits on rest of 80% of us? Why Should we tolerate such nonsense? give me a reason?
I think the reverse is happening now. You are trying to thrust your food habits on people who eat beef. People who eat beef are not forcing you to eat it. Could you please understand this logic.
Democracy is the vote of the Majority, Are you as a Communist going to teach the fine points of Democracy now?

Sure, why not? You guys act like “fascists", much worse than Chinese brand of Communism.

Either in China or in America, nobody dare to tell me what I can eat what I can't eat, let alone passing a law to ban certain food majority population don't like to eat. Do you have the concept of "Separation of church and state"?

Are you guys trashing the idea of "Diversity in Unity"?
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