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Consensus in London: ‘our way or the highway’


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
• Only PM to appoint army chief ‘at any cost’, London huddle decides
• Sharifs agree not to accept Imran’s demand for snap elections
• Nawaz gets diplomatic passport valid for five years

LAHORE: As crucial discussions among various stakeholders around the next army chief’s appointment gain momentum within and outside the country, the Sharif brothers have reportedly decided in a London huddle that the prime minister will not buckle under any ‘pressure’ to make the all-important appointment — come what may.

Meanwhile, it emerged on Thursday that former prime minister Nawaz Sharif had been issued a diplomatic passport, paving the way for his impending return to the country.

In the face of looming pressure from Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan to appoint a new army chief that would be acceptable to him, and announce early polls, both PM Shehbaz Sharif and his elder brother Nawaz have decided that the powers of the premier to appoint the army chief will not be surrendered at any cost, a reliable source privy to the talks between the two brothers in London told Dawn on Thursday.

Read more: Imran 'abandons' designs to sway chief's selection

Insiders said that the prime minister had reportedly flown to London to place the options he was conveyed by certain quarters before his elder brother in the context of the fast-changing political scenario.

However, the source said both brothers agreed not to give in to Mr Khan’s demand for snap elections.

“PM Shehbaz told Nawaz that almost all Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) parties are on the same page over the premier’s powers to appoint the army chief and complete the incumbent government’s tenure till August 2023. They (PML-N and allied parties) are even ready to sacrifice their government, but will not budge from their stance,” the source maintained.

Nawaz’s children — Maryam, Hassan and Hussain — were also present in the meetings.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif also confirmed to a private TV channel that both Sharif brothers discussed the appointment of the army chief.

Editorial: A state of anarchy

A PML-N insider said the coalition government had ‘certain pressures’ from some quarters over the issue of army chief’s appointment and fresh polls. “That is why Mr Shehbaz reached out to the party supremo to decide whether to accept some demands or not,” he said.

The prime minister had rushed to London on Wednesday on his way back from Egypt to have the ‘final word’ from his elder brother and party’s supreme leader, who has been in a self-imposed exile for three years, over the appointment of the new army chief. Sources said an extension to Gen Bajwa was also discussed during the meeting. Gen Bajwa’s tenure is set to end on Nov 29.

This was Mr Sharif’s third visit to the UK since taking over as premier in April this year.

Ousted prime minister Imran Khan has on several occasions lambasted the PM for discussing the crucial appointment with a “proclaimed offender” (Nawaz Sharif), saying it violated the Official Secrets Act and was a breach of his oath.

However, a couple of days ago, Mr Khan appeared to have changed his stance when he told journalists in Lahore that he had no issue if the next army chief was appointed by the Shehbaz government. When asked whether he had demanded that the appointment be made in consultations with him and/or his party, the PTI chief had said: “No… they can appoint whoever they want.”

Earlier, in several public meetings and remarks made over the past several months, Mr Khan had declared that “the Sharifs and the Zardaris” were unfit to make the appointment to the top military office on the basis that “thieves cannot be allowed” to do so.

He alleged that Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif wanted to appoint the next army chief of their choice to evade accountability.

He had also proposed an extension to Gen Bajwa till the next elections were held. “The new army chief should be appointed by the premier elected in the wake of fresh polls,” Khan had said. He had said the appointment should be made by an elected government, voted to power in a free and fair election, and that a “provision can be found” in the law to make this arrangement work.

Also read: Imran grilled for ‘U-turn’ on army chief appointment

Federal Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb chose not to comment on the discussions between the Sharif brothers when Dawn approached her.

Nawaz gets diplomatic passport

Meanwhile, PML-N supreme leader Nawaz Sharif was reportedly issued a diplomatic passport with a five-year validity, it emerged on Thursday.

A senior Interior Ministry official told Dawn the previous such passport issued to Nawaz had expired on Feb 16 last year.

“A red passport bearing number BV5128363 with a five-year validity was issued to the PML-N supreme leader on Feb 18, 2016,” he said.

Under the rules, former presidents, prime ministers, Senate chairmen, National Assembly speakers, chief justices, governors, chief ministers, ministers and ministers of state, special assistants to the prime minister and attorneys general were entitled to diplomatic passports, but the previous PTI government had refused to renew Nawaz’s passport saying absconders were not entitled to the privilege.

Earlier on April 23, Nawaz had been issued an “ordinary” green passport with a 10-year validity in Islamabad.


PTI Chief Imran Khan on Friday said that it is highly unfortunate that an absconder Nawaz Sharif is making the country’s biggest decisions from London, ARY News reported.
The PTI Chief questioned why is it that Pakistan, despite being a nuclear state, has to beg from other countries. Why does our Prime Minister go to London, and consult an absconder over major decisions of our country,? he added.
He added that he is the same Nawaz Sharif who fled the country after a deal with General Musharraf. He denied any deal but the deal was uncovered later, the PTI Chief said.

Imran Khan added that Shehbaz Sharif, along with his sons, was to be indicted in a money laundering case, instead, he was installed as the Prime Minister of our country. Three witnesses and the Investigation Officer (IO) of his money laundering case have dramatically died since he became the PM, he added.
The PTI Chief added that the PDM parties staged three long marches in their tenure just to get an NRO. But, he refused every time, because a country that punishes small thieves and lets big thieves go can not progress, he added.
“The man who is weak (status wise) rots in jails for committing small felonies, while big thieves get what they want,” Khan told his supporters in Gujrat.
The PTI chief said since influential people get what they want, society was now witnessing anarchy as everyone who could not make ends meet resorted to theft.
He said that the leader of the biggest party of the country cannot get an FIR registered after an assassination attempt against him.
Imrna Khan said that these corrupt people are closing cases against them and pushing the country into darkness. The economy is drowning, industries are closing and foreign debt is rising rapidly, he added.
He added that Nawaz Sharif has never made any appointment on merit. The ECP Chief is their servant, they do whatever they want using him, he added.
Also Read: Nawaz Sharif, Shehbaz’s meeting concluded in London: sources
He added that he strived for two years for EVMs, which could eradicate 90% of rigging in polls but they ended the project because they want to rig elections.
Army chief appointed by London not Washington.
We have gone to the days of our beloved colonial masters
😀 😀

• Only PM to appoint army chief ‘at any cost’, London huddle decides
• Sharifs agree not to accept Imran’s demand for snap elections
• Nawaz gets diplomatic passport valid for five years

LAHORE: As crucial discussions among various stakeholders around the next army chief’s appointment gain momentum within and outside the country, the Sharif brothers have reportedly decided in a London huddle that the prime minister will not buckle under any ‘pressure’ to make the all-important appointment — come what may.

Meanwhile, it emerged on Thursday that former prime minister Nawaz Sharif had been issued a diplomatic passport, paving the way for his impending return to the country.

In the face of looming pressure from Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan to appoint a new army chief that would be acceptable to him, and announce early polls, both PM Shehbaz Sharif and his elder brother Nawaz have decided that the powers of the premier to appoint the army chief will not be surrendered at any cost, a reliable source privy to the talks between the two brothers in London told Dawn on Thursday.

Read more: Imran 'abandons' designs to sway chief's selection

Insiders said that the prime minister had reportedly flown to London to place the options he was conveyed by certain quarters before his elder brother in the context of the fast-changing political scenario.

However, the source said both brothers agreed not to give in to Mr Khan’s demand for snap elections.

“PM Shehbaz told Nawaz that almost all Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) parties are on the same page over the premier’s powers to appoint the army chief and complete the incumbent government’s tenure till August 2023. They (PML-N and allied parties) are even ready to sacrifice their government, but will not budge from their stance,” the source maintained.

Nawaz’s children — Maryam, Hassan and Hussain — were also present in the meetings.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif also confirmed to a private TV channel that both Sharif brothers discussed the appointment of the army chief.

Editorial: A state of anarchy

A PML-N insider said the coalition government had ‘certain pressures’ from some quarters over the issue of army chief’s appointment and fresh polls. “That is why Mr Shehbaz reached out to the party supremo to decide whether to accept some demands or not,” he said.

The prime minister had rushed to London on Wednesday on his way back from Egypt to have the ‘final word’ from his elder brother and party’s supreme leader, who has been in a self-imposed exile for three years, over the appointment of the new army chief. Sources said an extension to Gen Bajwa was also discussed during the meeting. Gen Bajwa’s tenure is set to end on Nov 29.

This was Mr Sharif’s third visit to the UK since taking over as premier in April this year.

Ousted prime minister Imran Khan has on several occasions lambasted the PM for discussing the crucial appointment with a “proclaimed offender” (Nawaz Sharif), saying it violated the Official Secrets Act and was a breach of his oath.

However, a couple of days ago, Mr Khan appeared to have changed his stance when he told journalists in Lahore that he had no issue if the next army chief was appointed by the Shehbaz government. When asked whether he had demanded that the appointment be made in consultations with him and/or his party, the PTI chief had said: “No… they can appoint whoever they want.”

Earlier, in several public meetings and remarks made over the past several months, Mr Khan had declared that “the Sharifs and the Zardaris” were unfit to make the appointment to the top military office on the basis that “thieves cannot be allowed” to do so.

He alleged that Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif wanted to appoint the next army chief of their choice to evade accountability.

He had also proposed an extension to Gen Bajwa till the next elections were held. “The new army chief should be appointed by the premier elected in the wake of fresh polls,” Khan had said. He had said the appointment should be made by an elected government, voted to power in a free and fair election, and that a “provision can be found” in the law to make this arrangement work.

Also read: Imran grilled for ‘U-turn’ on army chief appointment

Federal Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb chose not to comment on the discussions between the Sharif brothers when Dawn approached her.

Nawaz gets diplomatic passport

Meanwhile, PML-N supreme leader Nawaz Sharif was reportedly issued a diplomatic passport with a five-year validity, it emerged on Thursday.

A senior Interior Ministry official told Dawn the previous such passport issued to Nawaz had expired on Feb 16 last year.

“A red passport bearing number BV5128363 with a five-year validity was issued to the PML-N supreme leader on Feb 18, 2016,” he said.

Under the rules, former presidents, prime ministers, Senate chairmen, National Assembly speakers, chief justices, governors, chief ministers, ministers and ministers of state, special assistants to the prime minister and attorneys general were entitled to diplomatic passports, but the previous PTI government had refused to renew Nawaz’s passport saying absconders were not entitled to the privilege.

Earlier on April 23, Nawaz had been issued an “ordinary” green passport with a 10-year validity in Islamabad.
Pakistan’s future is decided in London by a absconder and money launderer…fittah mouh on Crimeminster .

Army chief consultations: Nawaz contacts Zardari, Fazlur Rehman, Mengal

Discusses key appointments, agree to enhance action against Imran's anti-state narrative

Having completed an intra-party consultation on the appointment of the next army chief and a strategy to tackle former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on his anti-state narrative, leaders of key parties part of the government coalition held consultations on Saturday.
Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif called coalition partners, including Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari, and Balochistan National Party (BNP) Chief Akhtar Mengal.
During the call, the country’s prevailing situation was discussed.

The anti-state allegations leveled by PTI chief Imran and his long march were also discussed. It was viewed with concern how an administrative procedure was being politiczed unnecessarily.
A consensus was reached that legal action would be enhanced against Imran.
The Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) leaders were of the view that while Imran and the people who followed him, retain the right to protest peacefully, but there would be no compromise on national security.
On the new appointments in key institutions, no external pressure would be accepted.
The leaders also discussed other political matters, including dates for holding general elections.

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