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Congressi Propaganda: Hindu Majority provinces and Muslim Majority provinces can't live together

Bharateeyata is about recognising and preserving the syncretic indian way of life, not just the Hindu way of life. It's what India was in 1947, a land of 300 million hindus, but also a land of 100 million muslims. Bharateeyata is about giving every man his space in society, while Hindutva is about standardizing our society along Hindu lines alone.
If you have a problem with calling it Bharateeyata, feel free to call it Hindustaniyat. And yeah, I'm not 'secular' either. I just don't believe that for me to practise my beliefs, the guy next to me need not sacrifice his beliefs.

Hinduism itself is syncretic :lol: ...........how is Bharateeyata different ?

Hinduism is about giving every man space in society :lol: .....which is why we have parsis living between us. Jains, buddhists, christians etc.

Your own narrow minded and ignorant opinion of Hinduism only shows your own prejudice. Then to have the audacity to say that is the correct definition and to further claim that is my view is hilarious.

Hindutva is a sanskritised ....... Hindustaniyat is not, its is persian. I AM talking about our culture, civilization our SANSKRITthi :lol: ............you are even blind to the Irony in what you have said.

Your strawman defense about others sacrificing their belief is very true for Islam. Not for any Dharmic religion. Stop spreading ignorance.
Hinduism itself is syncretic :lol: ...........how is Bharateeyata different ?

Hinduism is about giving every man space in society :lol: .....which is why we have parsis living between us. Jains, buddhists, christians etc.

Your own narrow minded and ignorant opinion of Hinduism only shows your own prejudice. Then to have the audacity to say that is the correct definition and to further claim that is my view is hilarious.

Hindutva is a sanskritised ....... Hindustaniyat is not, its is persian. I AM talking about our culture, civilization our SANSKRITthi :lol: ............you are even blind to the Irony in what you have said.

Your strawman defense about others sacrificing their belief is very true for Islam. Not for any Dharmic religion. Stop spreading ignorance.
No need to go aggro here. I just gave you the reason why Hindutva does not include every other socio-religious denomination of India. Precisely, as you said, Muslims too have been living amongst Parsis, Jains, Buddhists and Hindus. It's a celebration of the Indian way of life, not the Hindu way of life. Btw, don't forget the plight of untouchables in the Hindu way. It's not like Hindu society was all good and just, only to be ruined by other religions.
Sanskrit or Persian, both have their roots outside India. What are you jumping up for?
India stands for Unity In Diversity, not Unity through Uniformity. To think Hindutva celebrates our diversity...LOL
No need to go aggro here. I just gave you the reason why Hindutva does not include every other socio-religious denomination of India. Precisely, as you said, Muslims too have been living amongst Parsis, Jains, Buddhists and Hindus. It's a celebration of the Indian way of life, not the Hindu way of life. Btw, don't forget the plight of untouchables in the Hindu way. It's not like Hindu society was all good and just, only to be ruined by other religions.
Sanskrit or Persian, both have their roots outside India. What are you jumping up for?
India stands for Unity In Diversity, not Unity through Uniformity. To think Hindutva celebrates our diversity...LOL

LOL. WRONG. Muslims KICKED out Parsis from Iran, which is why they came to India in the first place :cheesy:

Muslims pretty much WIPED OUT Buddhists from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Same holds true for Jains and Hindus too.

I just knew you would bring in "caste" here :lol: ..........what next ? Toilet ? .....you have been trained well by the "secular s".

Do not forget the "slaves" in the Christian and Muslim way. Do not forget the inquisition and the "kaffir killing Hindu Kush" in the christian and Muslim way of life.

Good or Bad, Hindu society was ours and so is Hindutva. Its our culture, civilization and tradition. We get to use it, change it or improve it.

Sanskrit has root outside India :woot: .....what next ? The Aryan Invasion Theory ? LOL.

Your ignorance of what Hinduism is and what Hindutva makes you unsuitable to talk about it. I am not interested in teaching you. All the best pushing AIT. :D
Muslims ll never accept such things,everyone else ll do,

They have to do sar jhukna towards kaaba,thats their duty to bow down to arabs.

so it is natural they have their own country to bow down to arabs.
LOL. WRONG. Muslims KICKED out Parsis from Iran, which is why they came to India in the first place :cheesy:

Muslims pretty much WIPED OUT Buddhists from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Same holds true for Jains and Hindus too.

I just knew you would bring in "caste" here :lol: ..........what next ? Toilet ? .....you have been trained well by the "secular s".

Do not forget the "slaves" in the Christian and Muslim way. Do not forget the inquisition and the "kaffir killing Hindu Kush" in the christian and Muslim way of life.

Good or Bad, Hindu society was ours and so is Hindutva. Its our culture, civilization and tradition. We get to use it, change it or improve it.

Sanskrit has root outside India :woot: .....what next ? The Aryan Invasion Theory ? LOL.

Your ignorance of what Hinduism is and what Hindutva makes you unsuitable to talk about it. I am not interested in teaching you. All the best pushing AIT. :D

So to you an Indian Muslim and a Palestinian Muslim have no difference whatsover? So, by your own admission, Muslims and Christians everywhere are the same and only hindus=Indians. Good going, dude!:enjoy:
Btw, I hope you know about the many battles where Hindus killed lots of Hindus. How many Hindus, do you think, were killed in the battle of Kalinga?
I guess your limited trysts with History books haven't told you anything about Sanskrit's roots nor have they told you about the Aryan Migration theory(since Parsis migrated to India, they must've definitely conquered India, according to your logic).
So to you an Indian Muslim and a Palestinian Muslim have no difference whatsover? So, by your own admission, Muslims and Christians everywhere are the same and only hindus=Indians. Good going, dude!:enjoy:

LOL. When Indian muslims became Majority the land was called Pakistan. We can all see how the minorities fared there :lol: ...they are nothing but Indian muslims in majority. :disagree:

Indian christians majority in North East has also shown how tolerant they are towards Hindus :lol:

Let me know when you come out of this La La Land.

Btw, I hope you know about the many battles where Hindus killed lots of Hindus. How many Hindus, do you think, were killed in the battle of Kalinga?

But the difference is those battles were NEVER fought for religious reasons. Some thing you are not smart enough to understand.

I guess your limited trysts with History books haven't told you anything about Sanskrit's roots nor have they told you about the Aryan Migration theory(since Parsis migrated to India, they must've definitely conquered India, according to your logic).

Ah...still pushing the AIT. :enjoy: ......even strawmens LOL. Can't say I am surprised.
LOL. When Indian muslims became Majority the land was called Pakistan. We can all see how the minorities fared there :lol: ...they are nothing but Indian muslims in majority. :disagree:

Indian christians majority in North East has also shown how tolerant they are towards Hindus :lol:

Let me know when you come out of this La La Land.

But the difference is those battles were NEVER fought for religious reasons. Some thing you are not smart enough to understand.

Ah...still pushing the AIT. :enjoy: ......even strawmens LOL. Can't say I am surprised.

There are plenty of incidents to showcase our 'tolerance' too. Let's not go there for this isn't the thread for that. The Muslims of India who believe in the two-nation theory automatically cease to become Indian Muslims. Belief in two-Nation theory is what defines a Pakistani as well as a Hindutva-wadi.

The Christians of north-East haven't done anything out of the ordinary than what the Hindus of North-East have done.

Yeah, Hindus killing Hindus is somehow soothing than Muslims killing Hindus. so, how many indian muslims do you think have been caught/identified waging Jihad?? How many indian christians have you come across taking part in crusades?

The simplest example I can give you to stress home that national identity is different than religious identity is that of Indonesia. One can have a name like Megawati Sukarnoputri and be a practising Muslim at the same time. Of course, Indonesia lies in the straits of La la land!:coffee:
There are plenty of incidents to showcase our 'tolerance' too. Let's not go there for this isn't the thread for that. The Muslims of India who believe in the two-nation theory automatically cease to become Indian Muslims. Belief in two-Nation theory is what defines a Pakistani as well as a Hindutva-wadi.

LOL. We have seen that legendary Indian Muslim tolerance in Kashmir ethnic cleansing where all Hindus were driven out and the valley cleansed of Pandits :lol:

Two Nation is a reality. Actually its Three Nation now. That has been true for the last 66 years, so why should it define a Hindutva-wadi today ? :lol:

The Christians of north-East haven't done anything out of the ordinary than what the Hindus of North-East have done.

Oh they have done plenty, just don't want to talk about that in this thread.

Yeah, Hindus killing Hindus is somehow soothing than Muslims killing Hindus. so, how many indian muslims do you think have been caught/identified waging Jihad?? How many indian christians have you come across taking part in crusades?

So every murder that happens in India where a Hindu kills a Hindu is "communal" ? :cheesy:

In any case any muslim terrorist caught in India is doing Jihad :P ..... want me to name a few ?

Recently the High court in Orrisa just sentenced 7 Christians for killing a Hindu saint Laxmananda Saraswati for religious reason. :disagree: ...how about christian Naga Terrorists ? how about christian terror by National Liberation Front of Tripura ?

The simplest example I can give you to stress home that national identity is different than religious identity is that of Indonesia. One can have a name like Megawati Sukarnoputri and be a practising Muslim at the same time. Of course, Indonesia lies in the straits of La la land!:coffee:

Show me one Indian muslim with a name like Megawait Sukarnoputri :coffee: ......then talk.

What a shame you had to go all the way to Indonesia to prove this point. Pity you could not find anyone in India :P
LOL. We have seen that legendary Indian Muslim tolerance in Kashmir ethnic cleansing where all Hindus were driven out and the valley cleansed of Pandits :lol:

Two Nation is a reality. Actually its Three Nation now. That has been true for the last 66 years, so why should it define a Hindutva-wadi today ? :lol:

Oh they have done plenty, just don't want to talk about that in this thread.

So every murder that happens in India where a Hindu kills a Hindu is "communal" ? :cheesy:

In any case any muslim terrorist caught in India is doing Jihad :P ..... want me to name a few ?

Recently the High court in Orrisa just sentenced 7 Christians for killing a Hindu saint Laxmananda Saraswati for religious reason. :disagree: ...how about christian Naga Terrorists ? how about christian terror by National Liberation Front of Tripura ?

Show me one Indian muslim with a name like Megawait Sukarnoputri :coffee: ......then talk.

What a shame you had to go all the way to Indonesia to prove this point. Pity you could not find anyone in India :P

Are you still under the impression that Kashmiris love India and consider themselves Indian?:cheesy:

Since you've made it amply clear that Hinduism is a syncretic religion itself, any problem when one starts to think along the lines of Kshatriyas killed Dalits and Shaivites killed vaishnavites ?

So, any Muslim can only be a jihadist, not just a rebel? If they scream Allah-o-Akbar they're communal and if we scream Jai Maa Kali, we're liberal & 'secular'?:rofl:

What about the Hindus convicted for killing a Christian missionary & his sons in Orissa? :wave: How about Bodo terrorists(most Bodos are hindus FYI)? How about Bodoland Liberation Organisation?:wave:

Why should the society of India mimic Indonesia?? One need not have a Hindu name to proove his allegiance to India. There are plenty of Muslims who even want to join our armed forces, but are rejected by the cynicism of guys like you. One of my neighbours is muslim and we celebrate Holi & Diwali together. This is Bharateeyata, not Hindutva. I don't think you'll ever get it. Stay a hindutva-peddling jerk for all I care!
Muslims ll never accept such things,everyone else ll do,

They have to do sar jhukna towards kaaba,thats their duty to bow down to arabs.

so it is natural they have their own country to bow down to arabs.


Please try to learn from the posters.

If you don't have to say something concrete, why to add half-witted sentences.

Please refrain.
So the next question is?

Why did Lala Lajpat Rai became obsessed with chopping Muslim majority Provinces (MMPs) off from the Hindu majority provinces (HMPs)?


what could be the factors that triggered his extremist views that were then adopted by Congress?

This is going to be 'interesting' , have you read the book called, 'Jinnah, the champion of Hindu Muslim unity' ? :coffee:

If history to be revisited again, I know that the the present picture of Jinnhah that is depicted by the Congi Party of India, will feel shame about how history of independent India was distorted to such an extent to show case as if Nehru is a savior of Hindu Muslim unity....But if you go deep down the history, Jinnah was much more liberal and less shrewd politician than Nehru. It is the power hungry congress which was not ready to accommodate any kind of political leaders on top of Nehru to become PM so they sidelined a moderate,educate Muslim person like Jinnahto lead Independent India....

I think if you read the book written by Jaswant Sinha from BJP about Jinnah, it will be a eye opener for all....And the most unfortunate part is that because Congi was in power after independence, it always demonised those person who oppose or challenge Nehru or Congi party.....
So the next question is?

Why did Lala Lajpat Rai became obsessed with chopping Muslim majority Provinces (MMPs) off from the Hindu majority provinces (HMPs)?


what could be the factors that triggered his extremist views that were then adopted by Congress?

Lala Lajpat Rai's views on partition were not endorsed by the Indian national Congress. As for Lalaji, his Hindu Nationalist views were well known.
It's a little known fact today that Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya and Lala Lajpat Rai had actually broken away from the Congress and founded the Nationalist Party which contested elections against the Congress in the mid-twenties.
Lala Lajpat Rai's views on partition were not endorsed by the Indian national Congress. As for Lalaji, his Hindu Nationalist views were well known.
It's a little known fact today that Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya and Lala Lajpat Rai had actually broken away from the Congress and founded the Nationalist Party which contested elections against the Congress in the mid-twenties.

Malviya was the President of the Indian National Congress in 1909, 1918, 1930 and 1932.

Which year did he leave and form a separate party?

Lala lajpat rai died in 1928.

So you should have a bit more info to prove your point.


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