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Congress promises Food- BJP Promises Temple

In 50+ years out of 68 yrs they ruled ....no food came, even in last 10 successive years of UPA no food came, will the food supplying food train arrive at station if Congress is given the next 5 years.

There the crime of the BJP is even worse- congress stuck to the stupid policies only till 1991- BJP stuck with till 1998 and actually took to the streets when congress tried to reverse them.
There the crime of the BJP is even worse- congress stuck to the stupid policies only till 1991- BJP stuck with till 1998 and actually took to the streets when congress tried to reverse them.

Funny was that BJP opposed FDI in retail and supported FDI in defense.
There the crime of the BJP is even worse- congress stuck to the stupid policies only till 1991- BJP stuck with till 1998 and actually took to the streets when congress tried to reverse them.

We are talking about food, i wasnt asking for policies.

So tell me what good have changed on the foods that is still being getting rotten in our FCI godowns, what have they done in say,,, last 10 years to supply , logistics and control black market????
It is not as simple as food vs temple. Congress has promised so many things for last so many years, how much they have delivered? And after surviving UPA2, I wonder how many & for what reason would want a UPA3 in power?

BJP's era was a golden era...Vajpayeeji's Govt. was one of the best India ever had, they delivered. And now Modi is a proven administrator, Rahul is a proven failure (as per several election results where he lead from the front). Rahul is not fit for PM role. Some Indians think anybody from Gandhi-Nehru family is God and solution for all our problem, sad.
retoric is the last resort of the damned . refute my statement if you can . the temple will serve no one, its just a mirage, made for those who are foolish enough to believe in it. the nda did nothing for 6 yrs what is different now?

1. bjp didn't say that its sole aim for coming to power is to build ram's temple in ayodhya... , it is one of their political agenda.... in this case amith shah said that he prayed that a ram temple is built in ayodhya......

2.they have their own agenda on developing the country and reducing the poverty ... wch is more reliable than congress agenda as we have seen bjp govt's rule in staes like guj , m.p and chatsgarh and upa's rule for the last 9 yrs....

3. this lnk was sent to me by a frnd fewdays back in fb..... its a small proof of nda's work

4. sir i knw that u r affiliated to congress , but can u disagree that it was congress misrule of 60 yrs that is responsible for poverty in india ???

( and i am not affiliated to bjp either , jst a student of 19 yrs who is frustrated wth congress's misrule, corruption and nepotism )
1. bjp didn't say that its sole aim for coming to power is to build ram's temple in ayodhya... , it is one of their political agenda.... in this case amith shah said that he prayed that a ram temple is built in ayodhya......

2.they have their own agenda on developing the country and reducing the poverty ... wch is more reliable than congress agenda as we have seen bjp govt's rule in staes like guj , m.p and chatsgarh and upa's rule for the last 9 yrs....

3. this lnk was sent to me by a frnd fewdays back in fb..... its a small proof of nda's work
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4. sir i knw that u r affiliated to congress , but can u disagree that it was congress misrule of 60 yrs that is responsible for poverty in india ???

( and i am not affiliated to bjp either , jst a student of 19 yrs who is frustrated wth congress's misrule, corruption and nepotism )

Look if one is to look at 60 yrs of rule then one must realize that till 92 we had a socialist outlook towards the economy . its in the past 2 decades that we have grown.so to blame the congress for past growth is in my opinion not entirly true. ( one can assign some blame but they were the ones who opened the economy too)
as to facebook pages given as sources , if you believe them then i dont know what it is that i can say .

i understood from your post that you are young . (did not know 19 though) you have a right to feel frustrated. but what is it that frustrates you is the question you should ask your self. you have yet to face any real difficulties in life. criticize is easy , find a small problem you would like to fix and in your own way fix it. then you serve your country otherwise everyone criticizes in our country , especially the govt , but no one does any thing about it.
just a word of advice , take it as a friend or leave it.
I made the mistake of joining politics early in life(i was younger than you) dont make the same mistake. the best thing you can do is to go cast your vote for whom ever you feel will be best , and let the majority decide. :)
Rajnath Singh says temple not poll, political issue, it's development

A day after endorsing party general secretary Amit Shah's views on construction of a temple at the disputed site in Ayodhya, BJP president Rajnath Singh Sunday said that Hindutva "was never the political agenda" of the BJP and that "Ram temple would not be an election issue, nor a political issue" for the party in the coming Lok Sabha polls.

The BJP would go into 2014 elections with development agenda, Rajnath said.

He was in Amritsar to attend a meeting of the Punjab BJP executive committee in preparation for the Lok Sabha polls. The two-day meeting began Sunday.

Responding to queries regarding Shah's comments during a visit to Ayodhya on Saturday, Rajnath said, "The issue (construction of a temple at the site) should not be unnecessarily politicised."

It was a "national issue" that was sub-judice and "we should wait for the Supreme Court judgment", he said.

Shah had not tried to make the issue a political or electoral one, he asserted.

The BJP chief also invoked a Supreme Court "definition" to state that Hindutva was a way of life. "Religion cannot be made a political agenda", he added. "Hindutva cannot be limited to any caste, sect or religious boundary."

Rajnath also reiterated that as per the information with him, Shah had just expressed his "wish" for construction of a grand Ram temple at the site claimed to be his birthplace. A Hindu would obviously want a temple, a Muslim a mosque, a Christian a church and a Sikh a gurdwara, he added.

Responding to a question, Singh ruled out differences within the NDA on the issue.

Rajnath Singh says temple not poll, political issue, it's development - Indian Express
Look if one is to look at 60 yrs of rule then one must realize that till 92 we had a socialist outlook towards the economy . its in the past 2 decades that we have grown.so to blame the congress for past growth is in my opinion not entirly true. ( one can assign some blame but they were the ones who opened the economy too)
as to facebook pages given as sources , if you believe them then i dont know what it is that i can say .

i understood from your post that you are young . (did not know 19 though) you have a right to feel frustrated. but what is it that frustrates you is the question you should ask your self. you have yet to face any real difficulties in life. criticize is easy , find a small problem you would like to fix and in your own way fix it. then you serve your country otherwise everyone criticizes in our country , especially the govt , but no one does any thing about it.
just a word of advice , take it as a friend or leave it.
I made the mistake of joining politics early in life(i was younger than you) dont make the same mistake. the best thing you can do is to go cast your vote for whom ever you feel will be best , and let the majority decide. :)

Spoken like a true politician - place the blame elsewhere - in this case nowhere and resetting the clock for Congress. "We have been having new policy from 1992 - so judge us by our performance in the past 20 years" - while the person behind the policy change and architect behind the reforms and arguably the best PM India has ever seen dumped conveniently by the Congress and his body not even allowed into AICC office. And the peak of hypocrisy - the Food security bill, a legacy of the failed policy of socialism covering not the people under the BPL but 67% of the population spending the money not on growth but on subsidies and touted as the election agenda shamelessly. Bravo.
Poor Indian masses again made chutiya by congress-I, gullible masses pretending naive as usual.

Such schemes are working in many BJP states and food is offered by many states at cheapest rates to poor.
Look if one is to look at 60 yrs of rule then one must realize that till 92 we had a socialist outlook towards the economy . its in the past 2 decades that we have grown.so to blame the congress for past growth is in my opinion not entirly true. ( one can assign some blame but they were the ones who opened the economy too)
as to facebook pages given as sources , if you believe them then i dont know what it is that i can say .

i understood from your post that you are young . (did not know 19 though) you have a right to feel frustrated. but what is it that frustrates you is the question you should ask your self. you have yet to face any real difficulties in life. criticize is easy , find a small problem you would like to fix and in your own way fix it. then you serve your country otherwise everyone criticizes in our country , especially the govt , but no one does any thing about it.
just a word of advice , take it as a friend or leave it.
I made the mistake of joining politics early in life(i was younger than you) dont make the same mistake. the best thing you can do is to go cast your vote for whom ever you feel will be best , and let the majority decide. :)

There is a PDS in place. This PDS could have been put to good use over the past 8 years, if there was a real need to address the issue of hunger, which is a major problem. Second that to the abysmal state of the warehouses where foodstock is sold. This foodstock lying in the warehouses has gone rotten year on year. Why? Had this policy been brought in 3 years back on the win of the Congress it could have been appreciated as a genuine effort to address a critical problem. The role model to study should have been chattisgarh. If the government was truly interested in addressing the food problem it would bring about a food policy which addressed the core issue of escalating rates being carried out by the food mafia, the same way it happens in sugar.

But, no attempt has been made towards the same. Hence, though this is a genuine problem again the Congress seems to be playing vote bank politics. And this precisely has been the reason why this government has been dysfunctional over the past 5 years.
as to facebook pages given as sources , if you believe them then i dont know what it is that i can say .

sir , the link is abt the news frm toi , wch states that
The UPA government on Monday admitted before the Supreme Court that the NDA regime, in five years, constructed nearly half the total length of national highways laid during the last 32 years.
and it was sent to me by a frnd...

and thanks for the advice , i dnt have interest in joining politics..... atleast not at this age.....and yes , i will defilnetely execute my right to vote.... :)
A Govt for the last ten years cannot even protect from grain rotting in wharehouses, now plan to implement a wider food security program...Ho Raha Hein Bharat Nirman.

Ghanta Nirman bhai.....BC 40% grains are rotting in open in current situation leave alone the grains required for food security bill. They are just making fool of people for votes. But Congi regime is gonna suck a big black mamba this time.
The math proves that Sonia’s Food Security Bill is a big hoax

Sonia Gandhi’s Food Security Bill (FSB), everyone acknowledges, is a political signal from the Congress to the electorate on the eve of elections. That it will damage the fiscal situation and also give inflation another push is something most economists accept. We are, of course, talking of economists who go beyond the moral argument which holds that when it’s a question of feeding the poor, the budget can go take a walk.

However, it’s now time to look even at the moral arguments closely. And expose the Congress party’s claims that this bill is the answer to the problems of eliminating malnutrition and hunger. It was never intended to be that. What the math points to is not a budgetary fiddle, but a gigantic political hoax.

A good place to begin the argument is Surjit Bhalla’s brilliant article in The Indian Express today which points out that if the Bill is proposed to be implemented as professed, the real cost is 3 percent of GDP. His calculation is that after the FSB is implemented this year, it will cost us Rs 3,14,000 crore in a full fiscal year.

Just in case the number doesn’t impress you, that’s more than the entire cost of all NREGA spends since 2005-06, the Rs 72,000 crore farm loan waiver, and many other government giveaways put together.

In short, the Food Security Bill is the mother of all giveaways and hugely damaging to the economy. It is guaranteed to cripple us for years, whether or not it helps reduce malnutrition.

Of course, the first thing to do is question Bhalla’s math. But his critics have no chance here. This is how he arrived at the FSB cost figure of Rs 3,14,000 crore.

Start with the pre-FSB year of 2011-12, when the food subsidy bill was Rs 72,000 crore. In that year, 44.5 percent of the population accessed the public distribution system (PDS), taking an average of Rs 2.1 kg per head in subsidised food per month, according to National Sample Survey (NSS) data.

Under the Sonia-backed FSB, the per head entitlement will be 5 kg of rice or wheat or coarse cereals at Rs 3, Rs 2 or Re 1 a kg,

Bhalla takes the weighted market price of rice and wheat (assuming the PDS user takes his 2.1 kg monthly average) at Rs 19 a kg, from which he minuses the average price paid at the ration shop (Rs 5.5 per kg), leaving a subsidy of Rs 13.5 percent to be paid by the UPA.

Now, adjust 2.1 kg per head (actual drawal from the PDS per head per month) to 5 per kg under FSB, and adjust again for the fact that the per head subsidy under FSB will be Rs 16.5 per kg (against Rs 13.5 per kg earlier), and adjust once more for the fact that subsidies will now cover 67 percent of the population (against current PDS’s the 44.5 percent).

Do the math and Rs 72,000 crore of 2011-12 food subsidy before the FSB bloats to Rs 3,14,000 crore after Sonia Gandhi’s electoral munificence.

There is clearly nothing wrong with Bhalla’s calculator, bur then how do you account for P Chidambaram’s claim that food subsidy will be only Rs 10,000 crore more than the normal subsidy?

In his budget speech last February, Chidambaram piously wished quick passage for the FSB and said: “Hon’ble members will be happy to know that I have set apart Rs 10,000 crore, over and above the normal provision for food subsidy, towards the incremental cost that is likely under the Act.” Overall, he provided just Rs 90,000 crore for food subsidy, including the Rs 10,000 crore.

How does Chidambaram pitch in with just Rs 10,000 crore more, when Bhalla’s calculation makes the total cost Rs 3,14,000 crore – a Rs 2,24,000 crore difference?

Even accepting that Chidambaram may have planned to implement the bill for only half this year (from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014), it would still give us a total additional provision of only Rs 20,000 crore for a full year.

So, clearly, Chidambaram’s babus in North Block are mathematically challenged or they hoped the bill would never pass.

But we all know that Sonia Gandhi always intended to get it passed. Hence the recent ordinance in case parliament does not pass it.

There is only one other explanation possible: that neither Sonia nor Manmohan nor Chidambaram ever planned to cover 67 percent of the population.

If only half the population, or even one-third, will be actually covered by the FSB, the math would be significantly different – but even in this case the subsidy figure would not be the Rs 90,000 crore mentioned in the budget. Some others put the bill at Rs 1,25,000 crore – an amount still not budgeted for.

Little wonder Bhalla is calling the UPA’s bluff: “This is an open challenge to Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and P Chidambaram. Your minions are stating that the ordinance-induced food subsidy bill will only increase by about 25 percent and will amount to 1 percent of the GDP. I get a conservative increase of 336 percent, or a total subsidy level of 3 per cent of GDP with an honest implementation of the bill, sorry ordinance. One of us is massively wrong. I believe it is not me. But prove it otherwise.”

Bhalla need not waste his time challenging the Congress and Sonia Gandhi. The only conclusion one can draw is this: the Food Security Bill is either a huge political hoax, or a gigantic fiddle with the budgetary arithmetic. Or both. The betting should be on both.

The math proves that Sonia’s Food Security Bill is a big hoax - Firstpost

These fugures show Congress FSB is a Hoax ,another attempt to fool the people
Its not that everything during the Congress regime was bad for all Indians....considering the record-breaking number of mega-scams, we can safely say that at least some people have secured their future in last few years.

And probably EU could survive the econimic crisis because of constant inflow of fresh Indian blackmoney in Swiss banks....commendable job by UPA2 no doubt.
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