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Featured *Confirmed* Mullah Omar Baloch Irani (One of Iran's most wanted) killed by Pak Forces in Turbat, Balochistan


Funeral Prayer of Mullah Umar and his two sons. Some of the people who are barking against him won't even have more than a few dozens people in their funeral. He lived as a mujahid and died like one. Anyone who fights against Iranian Mullahs is a hero to me.
Now when FC gets attacked by Jaish Al Adl I will know why
FC should reconsider their priorities but seems like they love to live as a canon fodder force, it would be better if they have avenged their own men before creating a new enemy but seems like they don't know who should be on their target list.
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Funeral Prayer of Mullah Umar and his two sons. Some of the people who are barking against him won't even have more than a few dozens people in their funeral. He lived as a mujahid and died like one. Anyone who fights against Iranian Mullahs is a hero to me.
Now when FC gets attacked by Jaish Al Adl I will know why

Kiya banay ga is mulk ka? :hitwall:
Kiya banay ga is mulk ka? :hitwall:
They should've arrested him to appease Iran instead of murdering him n his sons but Pakistan as usual went extra mile to lick Iranian boots even when Iran didn't take even one step against ethnofascist terrorists who are killing our soldiers. In the end kutay ki maut marenge phir bhi akal nahi ayegi
Mullah Omar, who was called a Pak agent by India and apparently captured Kulbushan, has been killed in Turbat, Balochistan.
Endians are saying RAW carried out this attack. lol.
I'm asking you once more, what is the relevance of India to this story? You have mentioned a narrative of Indian media sources which is UNSUBSTANTIATED and hearsay at best.

What is the purpose of reporting this narrative along with the news item in question?

It is akin to reporting "Indians claim to have shot down an f16 whilst their mig was shot down, but don't listen to them, lolz hahaha funny innit, but they keep saying they shot an f16 down btw lolz".

@waz @Eagle @krash @ irfanbaloch
Anyone who fights against Iranian Mullahs is a hero to me.
Fighting without the sanction of the State makes them militants/terrorists.

Weren't you one of the people going on and on about Pakistanis fighting for Al-Zainabiyoun being declared terrorists?

Why double standards all of a sudden?

As our military leadership has stated time and again - only the State can have a monopoly on violence.

These so called 'good militants' became a liability in FATA, and they are a liability in Balochistan. At best they serve a temporary purpose, to provide some space for the State to make inroads, after that they can either surrender, give up arms or be neutralized.
Well done, Pakistan will not let its soil use for Terrorism activities in the neighbourhood or beyond.
They should've arrested him to appease Iran instead of murdering him n his sons but Pakistan as usual went extra mile to lick Iranian boots even when Iran didn't take even one step against ethnofascist terrorists who are killing our soldiers. In the end kutay ki maut marenge phir bhi akal nahi ayegi

How do you know he's Pro-Pakistani? What made you say that? Did you have a conversation with him? Have we not had enough of terrorism? How long until we cater them? How long will we allow such people to promote the culture of arms on our land? Show your empathy where it is needed.
For Wahhabis, Every Pig is Hero
That's complete bull. People don't have to be wahabi to be cautious of Iran's mullahocracy. This kind of complacency is our real problem.

Pakistan should welcome rapprochement with Iran, however we need to see definite action by the mullahs which proves their desire to reform their relationship with Pakistan. All I seem to hear from Iran is whining about Israel, which is of zero relevance to Pakistan and at worst, attracts needless attention to the region.

Iran should be pushed directly if it is still harbouring RAW and BLA elements. But I'm not concerned too much. Iran has no choice but to start playing ball because if CPEC is to expand to provide an Iran-centric wing, Tehran will have to curb all anti-Pakistan activities.
Fighting without the sanction of the State makes them militants/terrorists.

Weren't you one of the people going on and on about Pakistanis fighting for Al-Zainabiyoun being declared terrorists?

Why double standards all of a sudden?

As our military leadership has stated time and again - only the State can have a monopoly on violence.

These so called 'good militants' became a liability in FATA, and they are a liability in Balochistan. At best they serve a temporary purpose, to provide some space for the State to make inroads, after that they can either surrender, give up arms or be neutralized.
You are comparing apple to oranges. On one hand a state is recruiting citizens from your country to fight in another country for sectarian reasons and on the other Jaish Al Adl has no beef with us. They never attacked our forces nor we have anything to do with them. Why making more enemies when we are already struggling to defeat one from the same area?
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This is Pakistan not Nazi Germany and these are own people u sectarian thug.

I'm Sunni Muslim

I don't care who you are aslong as you put PAKISTAN first

You pick up weapons when the Pakistani state hasn't authorised it, then you might as well die

TTP afghanis should be a wakeup call to all loyal Pakistanis
Only if you are aware of implications of what you are trying to imply by saying that a pro Pakistani is killed or anti Baloch tetrorists? We really need to learn to how not to react like a knee jerk and without details.

Really? Are you even reading what you typed?

According to INDIANS, he was the guy.
That's all i said.

I'm not saying that he was pro-pakistani or whatever. All i mean is that he was apparently against the BLF and other terror groups.
I'm asking you once more, what is the relevance of India to this story? You have mentioned a narrative of Indian media sources which is UNSUBSTANTIATED and hearsay at best.

What is the purpose of reporting this narrative along with the news item in question?

It is akin to reporting "Indians claim to have shot down an f16 whilst their mig was shot down, but don't listen to them, lolz hahaha funny innit, but they keep saying they shot an f16 down btw lolz".

@waz @Eagle @krash @ irfanbaloch

I would have replied a lot sooner if the mods hadn't closed the thread.


Why're you getting so angry?

Indian OSINT accounts were claiming that. Go on twitter and see for yourself.
I would have replied a lot sooner if the mods hadn't closed the thread.


Why're you getting so angry?

Indian OSINT accounts were claiming that. Go on twitter and see for yourself.
India's "osint" puts an india-centric spin on everything Pakistan does. I request that you consider this before adding subjective interpretations to facts

I'm simply saying there is a place for jingoistic click bait, and then there is a place for facts. This thread should divulge facts, and objective interpretations, rather than India's narrative. I don't intend to discourage opinionated discussion but let's establish facts first, before defaulting to the lowest common denominator of "India's Twitter sphere".

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