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Confirmation required: BAF to loan one squadron of J-10A.

Anything coming out of BDMil cannot be substantiated.

What's so special about the J-10? At best, it can be comparable to the F-16 Block 40/42. Can BAF acquire it? Yes. Given that money, politics and engine issues allow it.

The J-10 is a good plane for BAF. Single-engine, no strings attached and low cost.

Most of the sensitive tech that the J 10 uses is actually also used by India in some shape or form(both being Russian allies)......His concern would be much more fitting if China was giving us the J-31....well it is not...and the J-10 is not that sensitive of a tech.And our civilian administration does not control our military complex.So no even if Sonia gandhi was our Prime Minister India wouldn't be getting anything from us.

Though Bangladesh Army is a state within a state, the commitment coming from the top levels of government really do matter in such important, complex and costly procurement.
Anything coming out of BDMil cannot be substantiated.

What's so special about the J-10? At best, it can be comparable to the F-16 Block 40/42. Can BAF acquire it? Yes. Given that money, politics and engine issues allow it.

The J-10 is a good plane for BAF. Single-engine, no strings attached and low cost.

Though Bangladesh Army is a state within a state, the commitment coming from the top levels of government really do matter in such important, complex and costly procurement.

Why is everyone so pessimist?

What is BD going to do with those planes ?

Why are they required ?

I think Bangladesh has a plan to modernize its fleet of fighter aircrafts, so this would be the first step.

Bangladesh has two neighbors, both of them somewhat hostile. So the country needs to continually work to increase its deterrence ability. Having closer relations with China and eventually upgrade that to a level of ally and become a part of a combined security umbrella like NATO (perhaps SCO extended to South East Asia) is part of that goal of deterrence. A good step towards that goal is aligning the military hardware platforms as much as possible with Chinese, for synergy during future joint exercises and joint command structure. This is also a part of a larger economic reorientation that Bangladesh seeks, in its "Look East Policy", to decrease its dependence on Western centric economic system to a more eastern centric economic system that is developing in East Asia (Northeast + Southeast) led by China.

China is creating road/railway networks with South East Asian countries, to create a hub and spoke system, so there can be close economic integration of these economies. Aligning the defense system platforms based on the Chinese systems will also take this integration into security realm as well:
World-systems theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China is the new emerging "core" for initially Asia and eventually the world. And by having closer and closer relationship with this new core, Bangladesh wants to capitalize on this new emerging shift in world economic system.

The other interesting thing to note is that this issue of close cooperation (including for defense hardware purchase) with Chinese is a direction that brings together the political divide in Bangladesh (Awami League and BNP). Regardless of party politics both sides agree on this issue (90% Muslims), of course 8-9% Hindu's may not agree, but it will not make a difference when 90% population are unanimous on this issue.
JF-17 do not satisfy the criteria set by the BAF. BAF officers have minutely evaluated the plane and seem to have decided not to induct it.

Please enlighten us on this criteria?

I would say, BS.

OK OK Modernize and all that, but WHAT FOR ?

We have two neighbors:

- India, it has a huge air force, army and navy and they surround us from all sides
- Myanmar, it has a few hundred mile long border in the South and a maritime space in Maritime Economic zone

India is no match for us, so just like Pakistan, Bangladesh wants to raise its level of relationship with China so eventually we can become a part of security partnership like eastern NATO (SCO extended to South East Asia), to balance the threat from India.

Myanmar is close to China as well, so there is little possibility of major conflict, as both nations are close to China, but yet we have some minor issues like Rohingya, Maritime border (which has been settled in UNCLOS arbitration) etc. So we need to make sure that our forces maintain superiority over Myanmar forces to guard against any adventurism from them.

By the way, Yzd mentioned you are Saudi national, why do you have Pakistan flag, is it ok to ask? Do you live in Pakistan?
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Sorry dray but the mig 29s are essentially 70s tech, even though they have been constantly upgraded, they were designed to take on early versions of the F16. On top of that they are actually very expensive to maintain for what they are even Malaysia found that to there cost, are hardly fly any of them, infact considering the capability of the mig 29s and the far more capable SUs the maintenance costs aren't that much more.

It is actually a good option, if true to lease a squadron of these J10s and wait until our economy expands to $250bn in the next 5-10 years and our defence expenditure almost triples. By which time the J31 exports will be available and affordable.

You can buy/lease any fighter based on the "role" your war doctrine wants it to perform, like, a light/medium weight jet for interceptor role, or a heavy class deep strike fighter. However, just one correction;

Mig29s were designed to take on early versions of the F16, and Mig29 SMT/UPG were upgraded to take on the latest versions of F-16s, they are not 70's tech, only the design of the airframe is old, but that is true for all other fighters like Flankers, F-16/15/18 etc. And J10s are also old design, its airframe is a carbon copy of cancelled Lavi (just Google it) which was a Israeli variant of F16. In terms of performance the latest J10B can at best match the F16 block C/D minus the reliability/serviceability of F16.
Why is everyone so pessimist?

It's called being a realist :D

I mean, what the heck are we doing with a bunch of F-7's anyway?


OK OK Modernize and all that, but WHAT FOR ?

For security. Is that too much to ask? I mean really?

In terms of performance the latest J10B can at best match the F16 block C/D minus the reliability/serviceability of F16.

I'd be surprised if the J-10B meets or even exceeds the F-16 blk 52.
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Anything coming out of BDMil cannot be substantiated.

What's so special about the J-10? At best, it can be comparable to the F-16 Block 40/42. Can BAF acquire it? Yes. Given that money, politics and engine issues allow it.

The J-10 is a good plane for BAF. Single-engine, no strings attached and low cost.

Though Bangladesh Army is a state within a state, the commitment coming from the top levels of government really do matter in such important, complex and costly procurement.

An additional information,

Bangladesh may not be able to afford it.

The reason is not upfront cost but massive running costs.

WS-10 Engine need to be replaced after a flight of 500 hrs while comparable Russian Engine lasts for 3000Hrs and Western/US ones last for 6000Hrs. This is the reason that even Pakistanis do not want to buy it even though China is offering soft loans for J-10.

Unless bangladesh wants to ground it's airforce, F-16 would be best option.
An additional information,

Bangladesh may not be able to afford it.

The reason is not upfront cost but massive running costs.

WS-10 Engine need to be replaced after a flight of 500 hrs while comparable Russian Engine lasts for 3000Hrs and Western/US ones last for 6000Hrs. This is the reason that even Pakistanis do not want to buy it even though China is offering soft loans for J-10.

Unless bangladesh wants to ground it's airforce, F-16 would be best option.

F-16's along with spares, weapons and equipment don't come cheap. Not to mention the potential strings attached to any such deal. Much of BAF's current equipment are compatible with Russian and Chinese platforms.

For American ones, it'd require a complete overhaul which would be very expensive. Not a very rational approach for a cash-strapped and limited force like BAF.
I'd be surprised if the J-10B meets or even exceeds the F-16 blk 52.

Blocks > Models > Engine
1-20 > F-16A / B > PW F100-PW-200
25,32,42 > F-16C / D > PW F100-PW-220E
30,40 > F-16C / D > GE F110-GE-100
50 > F-16C / D > GE F110-GE-129
52 > F-16C / D > PW F100-PW-229
60 > F-16E / F > GE F110-GE-132

Block 52....nah, J10B won't match that, probably it can match earlier blocks. Though F16s serviceability remains unchallenged, and that is very important during war. Mirage2000s is another good plane with high serviceability.
Why are Indian "friends and well wishers" trying to convince Bangladeshi's that they should not go for Chinese jets?

I think we should go for Chinese jets regardless of costs down the line, because that is where our future is, so we should start developing more relationship with Chinese Aerospace industry.

Russian planes and engines will soon loose their quality edge against the Chinese, its a matter of a decade max and Western tech is out of the question, as it is either too expensive or not available to us due to political considerations of not being a close US/Western ally.

All our future defense purchases should be with the Chinese.
Why are Indian "friends and well wishers" trying to convince Bangladeshi's that they should not go for Chinese jets?

Are you for real? This is a discussion forum where people share their opinion. No one is stupid enough to think that they would be able to convince BAF either way.
Now India is totally surrounded by enemies! :china:

Ignorant Chinese, do you really think the opinion of few Bangladeshi forum loonies really matter in the real ground scenario? We literally own their government and can trigger civil war at will. How secure do you think all the data of your J-10 will be?
It's called being a realist :D

I mean, what the heck are we doing with a bunch of F-7's anyway?

For security. Is that too much to ask? I mean really?

I'd be surprised if the J-10B meets or even exceeds the F-16 blk 52.

Why wouldn't the J-10B meet or exceed it? It has a 1152 module AESA radar, RAM, composites since 50% of its wings alone are composites by mass, IRST, new cockpit, next generation ECM, and a new 132 kN engine.

Blocks > Models > Engine
1-20 > F-16A / B > PW F100-PW-200
25,32,42 > F-16C / D > PW F100-PW-220E
30,40 > F-16C / D > GE F110-GE-100
50 > F-16C / D > GE F110-GE-129
52 > F-16C / D > PW F100-PW-229
60 > F-16E / F > GE F110-GE-132

Block 52....nah, J10B won't match that, probably it can match earlier blocks. Though F16s serviceability remains unchallenged, and that is very important during war. Mirage2000s is another good plane with high serviceability.

J-10B is seen testing with a 132 kN WS-10B engine, which is more powerful than any F-16 engine. Besides, the J-10B also features an AESA radar which only the Block 60 and F-16V has. The combination of RAM, composites, AESA, IRST, MAWS, and such, as seen on the J-10B, is only reflected on the Block 60 variant.
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