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conditions on the borders are very unstable, armies should be ready to retaliate on ‘short notice’ : Defense Minister Rajnath

After giving the issue some thoughts I am wondering if the BJP owes a much belated apology to a certain Zakhir Hussain from the opposition party.

Admittedly his version of events was extremely skewed in the other direction. The PLA obviously didn’t kill over 200 Jawans and definitely did incur casualties of its own, but we have to keep in mind that he might not have been privy to these facts during the chaotic days that followed June 15th. As a councillor from Ladakh, he must’ve had first hand information of Indian Army being defeated and large number of Indian soldiers missing (actually most were taken captive, as recent photos confirmed), but it is understandable that the local sources didn’t know this at the time. What is important is that his version of events is way closer to the truth than the inconsistent piece of crap that the BJP has been pushing for last year and half.

he probably refer to Indian pows missing at that time. From the leaked photos and videos, pla easily captured 200 Indian pajeets, but we let them go and handed them over after they begging
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Indians will be smoked just like their cricket team.
Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, while addressing the Air Force Commanders’ Conference on Wednesday, clearly said that the situation on the country’s borders is very unstable, so it is very important that the three wings of the Army, the Army, the Air Force and the Navy, at a very ‘short notice’. Be prepared for any sudden retaliation.

The Defense Minister made this statement in the presence of CDS General Bipin Rawat, Air Chief VR Choudhary and Tom Commanders of the Air Force. During this, he said that the Air Force will have an important role in whatever war will happen in the future. In such a situation, the Air Force will have to further sharpen its capabilities through AI i.e. artificial intelligence, big data handling and machine-learning.
Rajnath Singh said to be ready to retaliate at short notice
The Defense Minister lauded the Air Force for its high operational preparedness, quick responding capabilities and professionalism of a high order during peacetime and operations. But he called for being prepared at short notice, drawing attention to the ongoing standoff on the country’s borders (from China). Rajnath Singh asked the armed forces to be ready to retaliate at short notice regarding the ‘volatile’ situation on the country’s borders.
This time the theme of the Air Force’s three-day Commanders Conference (10-12 November) is. ‘Ensuring certainty amdist uncertainty.’ For three days, the top commanders of the Air Force, including Air Chief Marshal VR Choudhary, CDS Bipin Rawat and other military commanders, are holding consultations on national security with senior officials of the Defense Ministry. The Commanders Conference is held twice a year in the capital Delhi.
Airforce needs to develop multi-domain capabilities: Air Chief
The Defense Minister stressed on the creation of a common theater command of the three wings of the army, saying that during this time everyone’s views and concerns will be taken care of. In fact, the Air Force had expressed some of its operational concerns regarding the establishment of a theater command in the country. That’s why the Defense Minister insisted on thoroughly brainstorming the views of all the stakeholders.
Addressing the conference on Wednesday, Air Force Chief VR Choudhary said that the Air Force needs to develop multi-domain capabilities so that any nefarious intentions of the enemy can be given a befitting reply. The Air Chief Marshal emphasized on joint training with the Army and Navy so that the combat power of the three organs (Army, Air Force and Navy) can be better utilized during any future war or conflict. The Air Chief also congratulated all the commanders for their excellent operational preparedness even during the Kovid epidemic.

Though I prefer a peaceful settlement.

But somehow India needs to be balkanized. Are you sure India is up for this? Thieves deserve to be disintegrated. I hope India goes to war soon. North-East India will become independent states and Kashmir will be taken by Pakistan.
Don't care about the rest of India, they can shag each other.

Armies are Ready, Sir!
Is it harder for the Indian army to mention these photos/videos than it is for Modi to mention China? What's going on here?

Im not sure about Indian army. But any Indian online mentioning these pictures are banned. So no Indians are mentioning them as they are banned from their forum.
Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, while addressing the Air Force Commanders’ Conference on Wednesday, clearly said that the situation on the country’s borders is very unstable, so it is very important that the three wings of the Army, the Army, the Air Force and the Navy, at a very ‘short notice’. Be prepared for any sudden retaliation.

The Defense Minister made this statement in the presence of CDS General Bipin Rawat, Air Chief VR Choudhary and Tom Commanders of the Air Force. During this, he said that the Air Force will have an important role in whatever war will happen in the future. In such a situation, the Air Force will have to further sharpen its capabilities through AI i.e. artificial intelligence, big data handling and machine-learning.
Rajnath Singh said to be ready to retaliate at short notice
The Defense Minister lauded the Air Force for its high operational preparedness, quick responding capabilities and professionalism of a high order during peacetime and operations. But he called for being prepared at short notice, drawing attention to the ongoing standoff on the country’s borders (from China). Rajnath Singh asked the armed forces to be ready to retaliate at short notice regarding the ‘volatile’ situation on the country’s borders.
This time the theme of the Air Force’s three-day Commanders Conference (10-12 November) is. ‘Ensuring certainty amdist uncertainty.’ For three days, the top commanders of the Air Force, including Air Chief Marshal VR Choudhary, CDS Bipin Rawat and other military commanders, are holding consultations on national security with senior officials of the Defense Ministry. The Commanders Conference is held twice a year in the capital Delhi.
Airforce needs to develop multi-domain capabilities: Air Chief
The Defense Minister stressed on the creation of a common theater command of the three wings of the army, saying that during this time everyone’s views and concerns will be taken care of. In fact, the Air Force had expressed some of its operational concerns regarding the establishment of a theater command in the country. That’s why the Defense Minister insisted on thoroughly brainstorming the views of all the stakeholders.
Addressing the conference on Wednesday, Air Force Chief VR Choudhary said that the Air Force needs to develop multi-domain capabilities so that any nefarious intentions of the enemy can be given a befitting reply. The Air Chief Marshal emphasized on joint training with the Army and Navy so that the combat power of the three organs (Army, Air Force and Navy) can be better utilized during any future war or conflict. The Air Chief also congratulated all the commanders for their excellent operational preparedness even during the Kovid epidemic.

bunch of delusional fools, pajeets whole establishment a complete joke
Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, while addressing the Air Force Commanders’ Conference on Wednesday, clearly said that the situation on the country’s borders is very unstable, so it is very important that the three wings of the Army, the Army, the Air Force and the Navy, at a very ‘short notice’. Be prepared for any sudden retaliation.

The Defense Minister made this statement in the presence of CDS General Bipin Rawat, Air Chief VR Choudhary and Tom Commanders of the Air Force. During this, he said that the Air Force will have an important role in whatever war will happen in the future. In such a situation, the Air Force will have to further sharpen its capabilities through AI i.e. artificial intelligence, big data handling and machine-learning.
Rajnath Singh said to be ready to retaliate at short notice
The Defense Minister lauded the Air Force for its high operational preparedness, quick responding capabilities and professionalism of a high order during peacetime and operations. But he called for being prepared at short notice, drawing attention to the ongoing standoff on the country’s borders (from China). Rajnath Singh asked the armed forces to be ready to retaliate at short notice regarding the ‘volatile’ situation on the country’s borders.
This time the theme of the Air Force’s three-day Commanders Conference (10-12 November) is. ‘Ensuring certainty amdist uncertainty.’ For three days, the top commanders of the Air Force, including Air Chief Marshal VR Choudhary, CDS Bipin Rawat and other military commanders, are holding consultations on national security with senior officials of the Defense Ministry. The Commanders Conference is held twice a year in the capital Delhi.
Airforce needs to develop multi-domain capabilities: Air Chief
The Defense Minister stressed on the creation of a common theater command of the three wings of the army, saying that during this time everyone’s views and concerns will be taken care of. In fact, the Air Force had expressed some of its operational concerns regarding the establishment of a theater command in the country. That’s why the Defense Minister insisted on thoroughly brainstorming the views of all the stakeholders.
Addressing the conference on Wednesday, Air Force Chief VR Choudhary said that the Air Force needs to develop multi-domain capabilities so that any nefarious intentions of the enemy can be given a befitting reply. The Air Chief Marshal emphasized on joint training with the Army and Navy so that the combat power of the three organs (Army, Air Force and Navy) can be better utilized during any future war or conflict. The Air Chief also congratulated all the commanders for their excellent operational preparedness even during the Kovid epidemic.

Bullshit all day , at least modi is smart and keep mouth shut when he is scared
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