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Concern MPA of PMLN in punjab assembly today

There had been credible reports about what was happening in the Punjab politics. Imran Khan's opportunistic appointment of Ch. Pervez Elahi as the Chief Minister of Punjab as a last minute attempt showed how far Imran would go to hold onto power! Heck, the President of Pakistan Arif Alvi is still shamelessly clinging on to power waiting for some last minute act of brilliance which Imran Khan is planning to do!
The following video is very interesting. It shows how Ch. Pervez Elahi, going back and forth between Imran and the Opposition in the last few days, sniffing for the best deal, eventually ended up on the wrong side. Some last minute drama!! But what it highlights is the political opportunism in Pakistan and Imran is certainly a card carrying member of that elite group!

There had been credible reports about what was happening in the Punjab politics. Imran Khan's opportunistic appointment of Ch. Pervez Elahi as the Chief Minister of Punjab as a last minute attempt showed how far Imran would go to hold onto power! Heck, the President of Pakistan Arif Alvi is still shamelessly clinging on to power waiting for some last minute act of brilliance which Imran Khan is planning to do!
The following video is very interesting. It shows how Ch. Pervez Elahi, going back and forth between Imran and the Opposition in the last few days, sniffing for the best deal, eventually ended up on the wrong side. Some last minute drama!! But what it highlights is the political opportunism in Pakistan and Imran is certainly a card carrying member of that elite group!


I would agree if Pervez E had been Khan's first choice to save his govt. However, Khan tried all possible tactics and went to courts, Intelligence community to stop horse trading but to no avail.

Elahi was his last shot. Hence, I deem it unfair to criticize Khan on this. Institutions of the so called Islamic republic proved to be utterly corrupt once again.

I think @Mentee has hinted at that. Imran's ego prevented him from accepting the big mistake of appointing and keep Buzdar for almost 4 years!! You have to question the mindset of such a person who makes self inflicted wounds like that. He is not a God--he is fallible and he has fallen. There are consequences for one's actions!

Why would I support Murad Ali Shah?? I know what rural Sindhi politicians do: When denied power or risk losing power they bring up Sindhu Desh. Unfortunately, they have to be tolerated. An important point to remember is that the Pakistani Establishment learned from 1971 to never again let a political crisis go out of hand and such crisis happen around the change of govts in Pakistan--history proves that except for the last 2 decades.

About the 18th Amendment, I had said in this forum probably more than once that today it is hurting the PTI's urban base in Sindh but tomorrow it would benefit PTI after PTI was able to win power in Sindh.


I didnt really understand. We have to tolerate Sindhudeshis but still IK is the one to be questioned. As if Sindhudheshis are not a threat but IK is.

I think we have different standards for IK. And how is PTI going to win Sindh if we tolerate Sindhudeshis?

I never voted for IK, but this time I will if he survives that is. As I feel he is a victim of a corrupt civil mil establishment who actually got exposed badly. Prior to Khan their scam was to criticize each other and present themselves as clean in front of the awam.

IK could have done a lot lot better, but despite his incompetence in my humble opinion he is a better option and at least I will vote for him now.
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