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Concern MPA of PMLN in punjab assembly today

Latest..............Humza becomes CM
This is a Baap Beta party, Showbaz as Pm and his son as CM.

Isn't this such a shame?? Dynastic rule!!
But one of the worst decision Imran Khan made was to appoint Buzdar as the CM of Punjab and even worse was keeping Buzdar in power in arguably the most important province of Pakistan for years despite many pleas and warnings about Buzdar not only under-performing but was also alienating the PTI support. But Imran Khan persisted with his folly, comfortable in the thought that as long as the Establishment of Pakistan was behind him, he didnt' have to worry about anything.

Well that changed! And sensing a defeat in Punjab, Imran finally offered the CM-ship to Pervez Elahi in the last few days but the damage was already done!
And by offering Pervez Elahi the CM-ship, Imran demonstrated his political opportunism and lust to power over principles after having already demonstrated his mighty ego for keeping Buzdar in power for almost 4 years. These are bitter facts which the PTI fanbois must think about unless they are also like the Modi Bakths whom they make fun of all the time in this forum!
Isn't this such a shame?? Dynastic rule!!
But one of the worst decision Imran Khan made was to appoint Buzdar as the CM of Punjab and even worse was keeping Buzdar in power in arguably the most important province of Pakistan for years despite many pleas and warnings about Buzdar not only under-performing but was also alienating the PTI support. But Imran Khan persisted with his folly, comfortable in the thought that as long as the Establishment of Pakistan was behind him, he didnt' have to worry about anything.

Well that changed! And sensing a defeat in Punjab, Imran finally offered the CM-ship to Pervez Elahi in the last few days but the damage was already done!
And by offering Pervez Elahi the CM-ship, Imran demonstrated his political opportunism and lust to power over principles after having already demonstrated his mighty ego for keeping Buzdar in power for almost 4 years. These are bitter facts which the PTI fanbois must think about unless they are also like the Modi Bakths whom they make fun of all the time in this forum!

Why is only buzdar a problem and not murad ali shah who openly threatens sindhudesh in Sindh Assembly?

Which country allows a CM of a province to state things in official capacity?

Why isn't 18th amendment a problem through which Sindh was gifted to PPP without any safe guards?

Why was the military establishment only concerned about Punjab CM and not about the largest seaport of the country?

Can it be then inferred that mil establishment is from a particular province and hence they have brought back people because of ethnic affiliations?

Pakistan establishment must seriously look at what they have done. As a humble student of history, I see these events as stage 1 of the final balkanization of Pakistan. Hope I am proven utterly wrong.
Isn't this such a shame?? Dynastic rule!!
But one of the worst decision Imran Khan made was to appoint Buzdar as the CM of Punjab and even worse was keeping Buzdar in power in arguably the most important province of Pakistan for years despite many pleas and warnings about Buzdar not only under-performing but was also alienating the PTI support. But Imran Khan persisted with his folly, comfortable in the thought that as long as the Establishment of Pakistan was behind him, he didnt' have to worry about anything.

Well that changed! And sensing a defeat in Punjab, Imran finally offered the CM-ship to Pervez Elahi in the last few days but the damage was already done!
And by offering Pervez Elahi the CM-ship, Imran demonstrated his political opportunism and lust to power over principles after having already demonstrated his mighty ego for keeping Buzdar in power for almost 4 years. These are bitter facts which the PTI fanbois must think about unless they are also like the Modi Bakths whom they make fun of all the time in this forum!

When superstitions and shamanism take over rationale and logic this is what happens.

Why is only buzdar a problem and not murad ali shah who openly threatens sindhudesh in Sindh Assembly?

Which country allows a CM of a province to state things in official capacity?

Why isn't 18th amendment a problem through which Sindh was gifted to PPP without any safe guards?

Why was the military establishment only concerned about Punjab CM and not about the largest seaport of the country?

Can it be then inferred that mil establishment is from a particular province and hence they have brought back people because of ethnic affiliations?

Pakistan establishment must seriously look at what they have done. As a humble student of history, I see these events as stage 1 of the final balkanization of Pakistan. Hope I am proven utterly wrong.

C.m sindh is a certified thug while c.m punjab was expected to act as wasim Akram in the politcal arena.
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Why is only buzdar a problem and not murad ali shah who openly threatens sindhudesh in Sindh Assembly?

Which country allows a CM of a province to state things in official capacity?

Why isn't 18th amendment a problem through which Sindh was gifted to PPP without any safe guards?

Why was the military establishment only concerned about Punjab CM and not about the largest seaport of the country?

Can it be then inferred that mil establishment is from a particular province and hence they have brought back people because of ethnic affiliations?

Pakistan establishment must seriously look at what they have done. As a humble student of history, I see these events as stage 1 of the final balkanization of Pakistan. Hope I am proven utterly wrong.

I think @Mentee has hinted at that. Imran's ego prevented him from accepting the big mistake of appointing and keep Buzdar for almost 4 years!! You have to question the mindset of such a person who makes self inflicted wounds like that. He is not a God--he is fallible and he has fallen. There are consequences for one's actions!

Why would I support Murad Ali Shah?? I know what rural Sindhi politicians do: When denied power or risk losing power they bring up Sindhu Desh. Unfortunately, they have to be tolerated. An important point to remember is that the Pakistani Establishment learned from 1971 to never again let a political crisis go out of hand and such crisis happen around the change of govts in Pakistan--history proves that except for the last 2 decades.

About the 18th Amendment, I had said in this forum probably more than once that today it is hurting the PTI's urban base in Sindh but tomorrow it would benefit PTI after PTI was able to win power in Sindh.
This is just unfortunate....the son of the lotera is now CM. The whole system needs to go and these chors locked up forever.
Mafia wanted control over Police power and budget money
The influence over courts is already proven
Isn't this such a shame?? Dynastic rule!!
But one of the worst decision Imran Khan made was to appoint Buzdar as the CM of Punjab and even worse was keeping Buzdar in power in arguably the most important province of Pakistan for years despite many pleas and warnings about Buzdar not only under-performing but was also alienating the PTI support. But Imran Khan persisted with his folly, comfortable in the thought that as long as the Establishment of Pakistan was behind him, he didnt' have to worry about anything.

Well that changed! And sensing a defeat in Punjab, Imran finally offered the CM-ship to Pervez Elahi in the last few days but the damage was already done!
And by offering Pervez Elahi the CM-ship, Imran demonstrated his political opportunism and lust to power over principles after having already demonstrated his mighty ego for keeping Buzdar in power for almost 4 years. These are bitter facts which the PTI fanbois must think about unless they are also like the Modi Bakths whom they make fun of all the time in this forum!
This isn't about Buzdar though.
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