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Computer, Laptops and Phones will have a Tabdeli and will face 17% GST from Next Year

Do some research on the Top 20 companies in the world and most of them will be Tech related. Apple alone is worth almost USD 2 Trillion and then there is Google (Alphabet), Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, Oracle etc., they got there because the US put computers in each household. That's what we need to emulate, we need to digitize the entire country, especially our youth.
litteracy rate is 58 percent................ a doctrate, post doctrate level person cant use computer here and you are talking about common people friend?
litteracy rate is 58 percent................ a doctrate, post doctrate level person cant use computer here and you are talking about common people friend?
Most people can use a phone, most of the young people can use a smart phone.

it's an easy step to each people how to use a PC or a laptop. it takes a couple of months of effort.
In the UK I pay tax on my salary 20% tax on the first slab of my salary, then 40% tax on a second slab.
I also pay a roughly 5% rate specifically for healthcare, socialcare and pensions. (I then pay towards my own private pension, but that is not mandatory).
I pay a local tax too directly to the local govt.
I pay 33% of the cost of my fuel as tax. I pay 20% VAT on the remaining 66%.
I pay 20% VAT taxes on all consumer products.
I pay 20% VAT on gas and electricity as well.
I pay 12% insurance premium tax on my car and my house (this insurance is legally required)
I pay tax when i sell a house or buy one
I pay tax when/if i recieve an inheritance

We pay these taxes regardless of if the govt performs or not, if we can afford to or not. in a country of 60 million people, 32 million pay these taxes. This is WHY we get services from the govt, because the govt has the money to provide services. Our current govt is no less corrupt than any Pakistani govt. However we don't have the luxury to choose whether we pay taxes.

I'm not saying it's fair that you should recieve poor service or little to no service in exchange for your taxes - it's not. I'm saying as a nation, we have to do our bit to pay our taxes, and then hold govt to account for what it does for these taxes.

It we can get a 10-20,000 goat lovers together to protest over any old BS at the drop of a hat; why can't the common people make mass protests about govt performance and services? Why are politicians able to get away with what they do? Ultimately protest is the only tool people have.
almost everything is same here just income tax people avoid . our taxes go to sarkari maal type ayashis . sometime i think why these villages paying taxes . if that money was spend on every village it was look like model village . some towns pay taxes alot but got nothing . at the end if you call police they will come to haress you if you go courts you will got nothing not even a blank paper free if you are jobless gov will give you a dildo and there is no security no infrastructure no peace of mind . just look our electricity bill how unfair it is even you did not use a single unit you have to pay thousands of rupees .
In the UK I pay tax on my salary 20% tax on the first slab of my salary, then 40% tax on a second slab.
I also pay a roughly 5% rate specifically for healthcare, socialcare and pensions. (I then pay towards my own private pension, but that is not mandatory).
I pay a local tax too directly to the local govt.
I pay 33% of the cost of my fuel as tax. I pay 20% VAT on the remaining 66%.
I pay 20% VAT taxes on all consumer products.
I pay 20% VAT on gas and electricity as well.
I pay 12% insurance premium tax on my car and my house (this insurance is legally required)
I pay tax when i sell a house or buy one
I pay tax when/if i recieve an inheritance

We pay these taxes regardless of if the govt performs or not, if we can afford to or not. in a country of 60 million people, 32 million pay these taxes. This is WHY we get services from the govt, because the govt has the money to provide services. Our current govt is no less corrupt than any Pakistani govt. However we don't have the luxury to choose whether we pay taxes.

I'm not saying it's fair that you should recieve poor service or little to no service in exchange for your taxes - it's not. I'm saying as a nation, we have to do our bit to pay our taxes, and then hold govt to account for what it does for these taxes.

It we can get a 10-20,000 goat lovers together to protest over any old BS at the drop of a hat; why can't the common people make mass protests about govt performance and services? Why are politicians able to get away with what they do? Ultimately protest is the only tool people have.
the country you live in now didnt develop because its citizens were honest taxpayers, it developed because it owned colonies abroad and looted their wealth to build itself. comparing it to pakistan is senseless. develop the country, build trust in govt and then ask people to pay taxes, otherwise, its just bhatta with police and judiciary only protecting the rich and the rest of the country goes to sh*t (which is happening here btw)
I am all for it. I think this is the only government where austerity measures were taken. Though a lot more can be done as you suggested above I think we should give credit where it's due. Besides cutting import by increasing taxes on luxury items is not wrong. There are two advantages to it. A ) we don't lose much-needed foreign exchange for items we don't need and b) gives a boost to our local industry like Mobile Phones and TVs now that assembly plants have started working in Pakistan.
But bringing the civil society and bureaucracy into check is going to take a while. They have been jamming the entire country for a while now and with the kind of politics played in Pakistan, it is simply not possible to take political parties as well as the entire bureaucracy headon.
I agree, they have taken steps in the right direction, but a lot more is needed. the austerity drive was limited in its scope, you cannot do anything without generating revenue. the easiest and laziest way to do that is to raise tax rates. the hard work needed cannot be put in by fbr, or a govt that appoints people like razak dawood as advisors or fawad chaudhry as science minister (through replaced, the new one isnt any good either).
Most people can use a phone, most of the young people can use a smart phone.

it's an easy step to each people how to use a PC or a laptop. it takes a couple of months of effort.
agreed, but why go to a pc or a laptop? if people can use cellphones, they should be made to use tablets, simple as that.
agreed, but why go to a pc or a laptop? if people can use cellphones, they should be made to use tablets, simple as that.

I think the pc/laptop are hear to stay. I don't expect they'll be redundant any time soon. But you're right.

My kids are proficient with phones and tablets, it came naturally to them but I had to teach them to use a pc.
the country you live in now didnt develop because its citizens were honest taxpayers, it developed because it owned colonies abroad and looted their wealth to build itself. comparing it to pakistan is senseless. develop the country, build trust in govt and then ask people to pay taxes, otherwise, its just bhatta with police and judiciary only protecting the rich and the rest of the country goes to sh*t (which is happening here btw)

I agree, they have taken steps in the right direction, but a lot more is needed. the austerity drive was limited in its scope, you cannot do anything without generating revenue. the easiest and laziest way to do that is to raise tax rates. the hard work needed cannot be put in by fbr, or a govt that appoints people like razak dawood as advisors or fawad chaudhry as science minister (through replaced, the new one isnt any good either).

Major development happened post ww2. It wasnt funded by empire. Even before that the industrial revolution fueled growth, empire was a means to get free resources for the industrial machine. Although it could be argued that colonising Amreeka and the slave trade provided the wealth that funded the research behind the industrial revolution.
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agreed, but why go to a pc or a laptop? if people can use cellphones, they should be made to use tablets, simple as that.
you make me think i am old school ? i cant imagine internet usage without laptop . i cant use touch screens much .
Some people don't want tabdeeli but same old Dar economy of taking loan and for expenses and let the next govt deal with their mess, but that policy only works 3 terms.
I think the pc/laptop are hear to stay. I don't expect they'll be redundant any time soon.

Here in the states (at least my area of the States) gaming laptops are a hot ticket item.

I've grown attached to mine, so much so, that I sometimes catch myself saying good night to it.
you make me think i am old school ? i cant imagine internet usage without laptop . i cant use touch screens much .
naah, not old school, just different preferences. if there is a person in a far away village who knows how to use a smartphone, instead of moving him to pc/laptop and training him about OS, drivers etc, simply providing him/her with a tablet will improve their access to digital services. those who comfortable with laptops/PCs can continue to use them for access to digital services.
naah, not old school, just different preferences. if there is a person in a far away village who knows how to use a smartphone, instead of moving him to pc/laptop and training him about OS, drivers etc, simply providing him/her with a tablet will improve their access to digital services. those who comfortable with laptops/PCs can continue to use them for access to digital services.
yeah i agree new ones should start from latest tech . it was we old generation started from PC then turn on laptops and learn every bit of devaloupment . there is no such need for new generation . they can easily start from phones but i must say its shame we still have people whom dont know computing in 2021 .
yeah i agree new ones should start from latest tech . it was we old generation started from PC then turn on laptops and learn every bit of devaloupment . there is no such need for new generation . they can easily start from phones but i must say its shame we still have people whom dont know computing in 2021 .
until and unless we start producing them here, in pakistan, they wont get cheaper, and wont be accessible. our education system has a role to play in that too. that is the main issue regarding lack of knowledge about computing.
until and unless we start producing them here, in pakistan, they wont get cheaper, and wont be accessible. our education system has a role to play in that too. that is the main issue regarding lack of knowledge about computing.
i read few days ago we have produces hundreds of thousands and we exported them too sir .
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