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Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

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I guess it's not you who is paying the price for India' deeply flawed democracy. It's the vast majority of Indians who are hungry, poor, malnourished and continue to defecate on the streets, while their children die from all sorts of diseases in an extremely unhealthy environment.

Mr Haq,

You are selective in your examples. Why don't you give us examples of African countries which have not had a chance to sample democracy yet. Hell, why not use the examples of the two countries in South Asia which have had experiences with military governments. They aren't any better either.
Hey Amusing Haq:Here is something worth your read:

India to be "open defecation free" in three years- Hindustan Times

China has now become part of the rich nations league to be the “biggest polluter” of atmosphere. Seen as a major contributor to green house gas emissions, next to the US, it owes to the world what is being termed as “climate debt”.

Hammering the point was Ms Victoria Tauli Corpuz, Chairperson of UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous issues. She was among those speaking at the two day Asia Pacific seminar on Indigenous People, Climate change and rural poverty. The US, she said, must do its bit and take the lead for countries like India and China to follow suit: “Not enough is being done and unless effective steps are taken the future generations will not be able to live a life of dignity” she said.
Leading the Indian delegation was India’s youngest minister Agatha Sangma Minister of state for rural development.

In a pitch for the Indian government, Sangma spoke about India’s effort to focus on “inclusive growth” and the different policies to help the poor, disadvantaged and marginalized segments of the population.

Ironically, India does not recognise indigenous people. They are neither defined or described under the Constitution. The closest any community can come to the concept of indigenous people are the scheduled tribes of which Agatha Sangma is a part. She belongs to the Garo tribe in Meghalaya in India’s north eastern state: “Scheduled tribes in India and the indigenous people are not on the same footing. But the issues of rural poverty and climate change are common” Sangma told Hindustan Times. The tribals, she said, were the first to face the brunt of climate change and it is thus imperative that they be protected.

Reiterating Indian government’s sensitivity to the scheduled tribes Sangma said that the next step for the government would be to incorporate the traditional knowledge of the tribals into policy and tackle implementation of its stated policy.

Earlier in her keynote address Sangma said that India is aware of vulnerability of the poor to climate variability and change. Its National Action Plan, she said, outlines a strategy for addressing climate change through sustainable development. India, she claimed, would pursue a strategy of low carbon growth for inclusive development. While doing this, she highlighted some of the Indian government’s schemes for rural employment, watershed development and skill development of the rural poor. More importantly she pledged that India would, in the next three years, be a country which is what she called “open defecation free”.
I generally find the below site (based on CIA worldbook) fairly accurate

Population - Country Comparison

Seriously sry for going off topic. I dont have power to open a new thread and thus posting my questin below,

Manpower reaching military service age annually - Country Comparison

Please have a look at the above link. Can someone explain what it is all about. I though India has one of the youngest population.

@Mods, Why I'm not able to open a new thread? What else is the qulification that I require.
Seriously sry for going off topic. I dont have power to open a new thread and thus posting my questin below,

Manpower reaching military service age annually - Country Comparison

Please have a look at the above link. Can someone explain what it is all about. I though India has one of the youngest population.

@Mods, Why I'm not able to open a new thread? What else is the qulification that I require.

Seems like an error. They are showing 11.8 million as just 11.8. Hence the problem.. This site is a data presentation site for the CIA fact book. Attaching the link to the source below

On your other question, I think you need to move past the fresh status to be able to create a new thread..
Do you want me read your crap blog to understand water problem in India and Pakistan?

For gods sake don't compare pakistan with India.

Pakistan is in top 10 failed state.

Here is link

Rediff.com: Will Pakistan's break-up bode well for India?

Tristan James Mabry, a professor in the government department at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, believes that Pakistan is a failed State.

Seems others don't have a healthy opinion for India also.

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Indian Members:

I also do not agree with a lot of what Mr. Haque has been posting here or on his blog. However, disagreement can be expressed without using offensive and abusive language. First of all, Mr. Haque is a senior person; second of all, he has never used substandard language while replying the posts and therefore I believe that it should be reciprocated and he must be addressed in a civil language.

If his posts are so provocative that certain members can not control their anger, than the best way is to report, and ignore those posts.
Indian Members:

I also do not agree with a lot of what Mr. Haque has been posting here or on his blog. However, disagreement can be expressed without using offensive and abusive language. First of all, Mr. Haque is a senior person; second of all, he has never used substandard language while replying the posts and therefore I believe that it should be reciprocated and he must be addressed in a civil language.

If his posts are so provocative that certain members can not control their anger, than the best way is to report, and ignore those posts.

Qsaark i wish there were more people like on on this forum. You level minded approach to everything is truly amazing. Keep up the great work bro. :cheers:
And guys.. trust me.. I am talking from experience.. A lot more can be achieved by simply talking offline to the moderators and /or the person you think is posting bad stuff.

Understand that most of us are fairly normal everday people and respond well to normal positive stimulii..

Try it and hopefully you will be pleasently surprised....
Do you want me read your crap blog to understand water problem in India and Pakistan?

For gods sake don't compare pakistan with India.

Pakistan is in top 10 failed state.

Here is link

Rediff.com: Will Pakistan's break-up bode well for India?

Tristan James Mabry, a professor in the government department at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, believes that Pakistan is a failed State.

I saw some of your posts with rediff news link.

Talking about posts from media, here is one that brings out the reality of the impact of climate change India is already seeing. 200,000 Indian farmers have already killed themselves in the last twenty years because of serious and continuing drought and failed crops:

But here in the Bundelkhand region in central India that is among the nation's more impoverished areas, the problem is exacerbated by climate change and environmental mismanagement, they say, suggesting that ecological degradation and global warming are changing human life in more ways than just elevated sea levels and melting glaciers.

"Before, a bad year would lead to a good year," said Bharat Dogra, a fellow at New Delhi's Institute of Social Sciences specializing in the Bundelkhand region. "Now climate change is giving us seven or eight bad years in a row, putting local people deeper and deeper in debt. I expect the situation will only get worse."

An estimated 200,000 Indian farmers have ended their lives since 1997, including many in this area, largely because of debt.

A 2007 study of 13 Bundelkhand villages found that up to 45% of farming families had forfeited their land, and in extreme cases some were forced into indentured servitude. Tractor companies, land mafia and bankers routinely collude, encouraging farmers to take loans they can't afford, a 2008 report by India's Supreme Court found, knowing they'll default and be forced to sell their land.

"While a few people borrow for social status or a desire to buy a new motorcycle, in most cases it's for sheer survival," Dogra said. "When they see their children starving after several years of crop failures, many feel they have no choice."

Haq's Musings: Climate Change Worsens Poverty in India
Hey Amusing Haq:Here is something worth your read:

Good luck.

Just 33 percent rural Pakistanis had access to toilets in 1990 and it went up to an impressive 58 percent in 2006, it took 16 years to do it.

The problem is much worse in india.

“This is a huge problem. India has made some progress but there is a lot to be desired. The speed in which we are (India) increasing the toilet usage will not help much,” Lizette Burgers told IANS, a day before an international sanitation campaign in Delhi.

India trails Pakistan, Bangladesh in sanitation
Good luck.

Just 33 percent rural Pakistanis had access to toilets in 1990 and it went up to an impressive 58 percent in 2006, it took 16 years to do it.

The problem is much worse in india.

“This is a huge problem. India has made some progress but there is a lot to be desired. The speed in which we are (India) increasing the toilet usage will not help much,” Lizette Burgers told IANS, a day before an international sanitation campaign in Delhi.

India trails Pakistan, Bangladesh in sanitation

Amusing haq...tell me one thing.......a simple equation...

50% of an elephant = 4500 KG/2 = 2250 Kg
50% of Mule = 454 KG/ 2 = 227Kg....

So if elephant wants to reduce 50% of its weight....he has to put more efforts....than MUle...

Percentages are to please jerks...and people who are scared of numbers.....

Lets talk about figures ..and not percentages.....

Now you know that India and Pakistan started with similar situations....

You tell me ...how many people have been brought over poverty line in Pakistan...and in absolute numbers....that will give you a reality check...rather than pleasing percentages...
Amusing haq...tell me one thing.......a simple equation...

50% of an elephant = 4500 KG/2 = 2250 Kg
50% of Mule = 454 KG/ 2 = 227Kg....

So if elephant wants to reduce 50% of its weight....he has to put more efforts....than MUle...

Percentages are to please jerks...and people who are scared of numbers.....

Lets talk about figures ..and not percentages.....

Now you know that India and Pakistan started with similar situations....

You tell me ...how many people have been brought over poverty line in Pakistan...and in absolute numbers....that will give you a reality check...rather than pleasing percentages...

Please stop being personal and deal with the subject with data and arguments. If you can't do that, it'll just amount to an admission of your own moral and intellectual bankruptcy.

And if you want to about absolute numbers rather than percentages, India's record looks much worse in almost every area..from poverty to illiteracy to sanitation.

In fact, even Bangladesh and sub-Saharan African nations look much better than India.

According to a joint study conducted by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, 665 million Indians, or nearly two-thirds of them defecate in the open.

Haq's Musings: Fixing Sanitation Crisis in India

Over 270 million adults, that is one out of every three illiterate adults in the world is an Indian, according to UNESCO.

One out of very two hungry persons in the world is an Indian, according to World Food Program.

Almost one out of two Indians lives below the poverty line of $1.25 per day.

Haq's Musings: India Tops in Illiteracy and Defense Spending
Please stop being personal and deal with the subject with data and arguments. If you can't do that, it'll just amount to an admission of your own moral and intellectual bankruptcy.

And if you want to about absolute numbers rather than percentages, India's record looks much worse in almost every area..from poverty to illiteracy to sanitation.

In fact, even Bangladesh and sub-Saharan African nations look much better than India.

According to a joint study conducted by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, 665 million Indians, or nearly two-thirds of them defecate in the open.

Haq's Musings: Fixing Sanitation Crisis in India

Over 270 million adults, that is one out of every three illiterate adults in the world is an Indian, according to UNESCO.

One out of very two hungry persons in the world is an Indian, according to World Food Program.

Almost one out of two Indians lives below the poverty line of $1.25 per day.

Haq's Musings: India Tops in Illiteracy and Defense Spending

Now that we are comparing numbers and statistics, here's some that show the other side of the coin....

[Data from CIA World Fact book]


Net migration rate
-0.05 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2009 est.)

-3.13 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2009 est.)

Seems like people want to leave Pakistan much more than people want to leave India.. Wonder why??

Infant mortality

50.78 deaths/1,000 live births

67.36 deaths/1,000 live births

India is so undernourished, but wonder why more children die under the age of 1 in Pakistan




One out of every 3 illiterates in the world is an indian (because of our large population) but it looks like Pakistan is much worse off

GDP growth

2007 9%
2008 7.4%
2009 6.5%

2007 6%
2008 3.4%
2009 2.6%

Surprised?? Any one?? Didnt think so...

GDP Per Capita PPPIndia

$3,100 (2009 est.)
$2,900 (2008 est.)
$2,800 (2007 est.)

$2,600 (2009 est.)
$2,500 (2008 est.)
$2,500 (2007 est.)

more Poverty in India.. hmmm??....Also looks like India is getting better.. Pakistan??




If India has such a poverty problem, wonder what will be the situation in Pakistan with 50% more unemployment..

Investment Gross

32.1% of GDP

18.1% of GDP

One of the reasons for growth (in case of India) or lack thereof in case of Pakistan




Coupled with lower growth and higher unemployment, wonder what this does to the supposed to be more literate and less hungry:azn: population of Pakistan...

Industrial production growth rate: India

7.6% (2009 est.)


Wonder why??


$287 billion

$15.68 billion

Self explanatory

External Reserves to External Debt Ratio (I love this one)



If all of India's external debt is called in, India can pay so from its existing reserves and will still have money to spare. Pakistan on the other hand can only pay 30% of its external debt. Riaz.. Dude.. Familiar with Chapter 11 .. someone??
karan bhai he will post something else with his own blog as reference. I'm still waiting for his new blog:-) 80% indian vehicles dont have spare tyre
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