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Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

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I read the first point and I stopped reading further.

Read the first point again -

This is a classic example of 'cherry picking'. To those who are not aware of the term, read -

Cherry picking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have no clue from where the per capita figures cited by the author came from, but they are definitely nominal figures. Now, that very same ADB, which is used as a source by the author, says this on page 168 of this 2009 report -


Any person who has studied even basic micro and macroeconomics will find the above statement obvious. Now, on that page itself India's per capita income is given as $2,923 and Pakistan's $2,657.

Even a first year economics student can easily conclude that Pakistan's nominal per capita income is higher compared to India's because it has higher price levels but the size of its economy per capita is lower than that of India's (as reflected by the PPP figures). The author purposely ignored PPP comparison to show Pakistan in better light.

So continue with the 'cherry picking'.

Indians over here cherry pick just the same by only posting the positives about India. Its human nature. The fact of the matter is that all of South Asia has serious problems and I am a firm believer that eventually the region will come out of it.
This is a VERY UNFAIR comparison.

Other than per capita income which is roughly $1000 per head in both india and pakistan all other factors are a TOTAL MISMATCH with india at another level.

Surely it makes more sense to compare China & India AND at the lower end Pakistan versis Bangladesh.

I am assuming we are talking about GDP forex geopgraphy coastlines industrial growth FDI future projected GDPs etc.

India is one the largest industrial powers on earth v Pakistan a very small GDP country prehaps top 60 at best

it is very unfair on Pakistan.
Indians over here cherry pick just the same by only posting the positives about India. Its human nature. The fact of the matter is that all of South Asia has serious problems and I am a firm believer that eventually the region will come out of it.

the reason Indians do that is because they know the poor in India, the 800 million living in absolute below sub saharan poverty do not have access to computers nor the means to come online at websites like these and argue their case.

hence, these people can lie and cheat the world by telling them how awesome it is in India at the cost of the lives of their own country people, but their lies are exposed little by little. Remember how Indians were angry when Slumdog Millionare was released and showed only a glimpse of what India is really like?

they dont want you to see pictures like these:

This is GUJRAT btw. the same place Indians were earlier saying it is the bestest most awesomeous place in the world.
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Simple.. There is no comparison.

Pakistan is in top 10 failed state.:hitwall::hitwall:

1. Somalia (0)
2. Zimbabwe (+1)
3. Sudan (-1)
4. Chad (0)
5. Democratic Republic of the Congo (+1)
6. Iraq (-1)
7. Afghanistan (0)
8. Central African Republic (+2)
9. Guinea (+2)
10. Pakistan (-1)

India is no where near it.:lol::rofl:

This is a VERY UNFAIR comparison.

Other than per capita income which is roughly $1000 per head in both india and pakistan all other factors are a TOTAL MISMATCH with india at another level.

Surely it makes more sense to compare China & India AND at the lower end Pakistan versis Bangladesh.

I am assuming we are talking about GDP forex geopgraphy coastlines industrial growth FDI future projected GDPs etc.

India is one the largest industrial powers on earth v Pakistan a very small GDP country prehaps top 60 at best

it is very unfair on Pakistan.

You are part of the "India Shining" advocates, mostly urbanites but a small minority nonetheless, who have benefited while the vast majority of Indians suffer hunger and malnutrition and still defecate in the open. That's what is wrong with India and the Indian democracy, and I do not wish it upon any country.

In 2008, Indian Planning Commission member Syeda Hameed acknowledged that India is worse than Bangladesh and Pakistan when it comes to nourishment and is showing little improvement.

Speaking at a conference on "Malnutrition an emergency: what it costs the nation", she said even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during interactions with the Planning Commission has described malnourishment as the "blackest mark".

"I should not compare. But countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are better," she said. The conference was organized last year by the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Ministry of Development of Northeastern Region.

According to India's Family Health Survey, almost 46 percent of children under the age of three are undernourished - an improvement of just one percent in the last seven years. This is only a shade better than Sub-Saharan Africa where about 35 percent of children are malnourished.

What I wish for developing nations aspiring for genuine and inclusive democracy is the example of Turkey, or Malaysia, or Taiwan, or South Korea, which became highly developed before turning to democracy.

Haq's Musings: Right to Food in India, Pakistan and China
What I wish for developing nations aspiring for genuine and inclusive democracy is the example of Turkey, or Malaysia, or Taiwan, or South Korea, which became highly developed before turning to democracy.

No. Thank you.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Simple.. There is no comparison.

Pakistan is in top 10 failed state.:hitwall::hitwall:

1. Somalia (0)
2. Zimbabwe (+1)
3. Sudan (-1)
4. Chad (0)
5. Democratic Republic of the Congo (+1)
6. Iraq (-1)
7. Afghanistan (0)
8. Central African Republic (+2)
9. Guinea (+2)
10. Pakistan (-1)

India is no where near it.:lol::rofl:

Failed state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Country with most AIDS cases


U.N. Says India Now Has Most AIDS Cases


Country where half or more people do not have toilets


DNA: With one in two people lacking access to a toilet, India urgently needs a Sanitation Act:Sep 12 | Public Toilets : News Articles | Newspaper Articles | www.karmayog.org

DAWN.COM | World | Toilet problem tarnishes India?s ?superpower? image

No. Thank you.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I guess it's not you who is paying the price for India' deeply flawed democracy. It's the vast majority of Indians who are hungry, poor, malnourished and continue to defecate on the streets, while their children die from all sorts of diseases in an extremely unhealthy environment.

Haq's Musings: Fixing Sanitation Crisis in India

Haq's Musings: Food, Clothing and Shelter in India and Pakistan
The first thing that puts me off immediately is when someone tries to compare Pakistan with India.

Qarz ki peetey thhey ma'i lekin samajhtey thhey key haaN
RaNg laayegi hamari faqa masti ek din

With experience, I have also learnt that anything written by the so-called economists, and bankers of Pakistan must always be taken with a grain of salt, sometimes with sacs of salt.

Mark Twain wrote in his autobiography:

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
the reason Indians do that is because they know the poor in India, the 800 million living in absolute below sub saharan poverty do not have access to computers nor the means to come online at websites like these and argue their case.

hence, these people can lie and cheat the world by telling them how awesome it is in India at the cost of the lives of their own country people, but their lies are exposed little by little. Remember how Indians were angry when Slumdog Millionare was released and showed only a glimpse of what India is really like?

they dont want you to see pictures like these:

This is GUJRAT btw. the same place Indians were earlier saying it is the bestest most awesomeous place in the world.

Where the hell do you even get the balls to actually sit and criticize India......

a) You arent from a developed country....Just living on their dime...just as I am
b) Your country's position is no better than ours....in all probablities worse
c) Your industrial base, your economy, your armed forces, technology, R&D, Healthcare....NOTHING is close to where India is

So knowing all this, all that helps you sleep at night is that India has poor people and their misery is more satisfying than trying to better your own nation.....thats some bloody twisted logic

With 800 Million poor(I dunno how this number keeps varying everyday)...lack of public healthcare, lack of toilets, caste system, Maoist insurgency, Kashmir etc etc....all the bloody problems one can think of, we still have managed to
keep our nation together,
progress to become a leading economy,
Research in space, pharma, biotech.....
Produce scientist, engineers and doctors of international caliber.....
Launched world renowned universities and school
become a potent military force
and above all have the admiration of the world....

The above is credited to the diligence and hardwork of Indians.....the 800 million poor you keep referring to....

God did not bless the Ambanis......the Ambanis made themselves....and there are thousands of such cases.....We the Indians have made India what it is.....which is why if we are proud and want to be elated about it, we have the right to.....

All you have to make yourself feel better is to count the maggots on our skin when you're ******* on the inside......What exactly do you have to be proud of? Are you anywhere close to where we are with all the problems in the world?

Lifting people out of poverty is no bloody joke....especially coming from a joke of an individual like yourself....India and Indians are doing all they can....its a slow process.....

Remember in this race...The tortoise wins....
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My Question to the thread starter is.....

Since Pakistan is better on multiple fronts than India....on scales that are so important for development......

What exactly is stopping your country from becoming bigger, better, powerful and stronger than India in all fronts? You obviously dont have half the problems that we do.....so....

And please dont blame the corruption, Zardari Govt etc.....We dwarf your country's corruption into eclipse......so please enlighten us with your musings.....

What is stopping Pakistan......?
What exactly is stopping your country from becoming bigger, better, powerful and stronger than India in all fronts?
What a silly question? Pakistan IS becoming bigger, better, powerful and stronger than India on all fronts.


Now you know what is? Denial, ignorance, arrogance.
Stupid disgusting toll thread!!
This is designed for a flame war!
Mr. Haq, advertising your malware filled blog and trolling is against forum rules!!
You are part of the "India Shining" advocates, mostly urbanites but a small minority nonetheless, who have benefited while the vast majority of Indians suffer hunger and malnutrition and still defecate in the open. That's what is wrong with India and the Indian democracy, and I do not wish it upon any country.

In 2008, Indian Planning Commission member Syeda Hameed acknowledged that India is worse than Bangladesh and Pakistan when it comes to nourishment and is showing little improvement.

Speaking at a conference on "Malnutrition an emergency: what it costs the nation", she said even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during interactions with the Planning Commission has described malnourishment as the "blackest mark".

"I should not compare. But countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are better," she said. The conference was organized last year by the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Ministry of Development of Northeastern Region.

According to India's Family Health Survey, almost 46 percent of children under the age of three are undernourished - an improvement of just one percent in the last seven years. This is only a shade better than Sub-Saharan Africa where about 35 percent of children are malnourished.

What I wish for developing nations aspiring for genuine and inclusive democracy is the example of Turkey, or Malaysia, or Taiwan, or South Korea, which became highly developed before turning to democracy.

Haq's Musings: Right to Food in India, Pakistan and China

After all these comparisons, its odd that you have concluded it with connecting democracy. Then what about those nations significantly reduced poverty without democracy?. India has the largest child development programme in the world. But yet we haven't achieved the goal because its not an overnight job. The point should be noted here is, process has been started and someday it will fulfill.(link provided)

Also I feels that you are in a confusion while differentiating poverty and malnutrition. Malnutrition in children is not affected by food intake alone, its also influenced by access to health services, quality of care to the child and carrying mother as well as hygiene practices.

PS: For those who interested in read something really worth.


Read from page 39.
No too long ago, Beijing's Tienanmen Square was the scene of the Chinese government crackdown by the units of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) against mass students protests in 1989. Since the death of Chairman Mao and passing of the leadership to late Deng Xiaoping in 1980s, the Chinese communist party has pursued liberalizing the nation's economy without political liberalization, in the same way other East Asians did earlier. Such a strategy has allowed them to pursue rapid industrialization with accelerated economic growth over the last two decades, while forcefully controlling the chaos on the streets, to lift a record number people out of poverty. China's large neighbor India has failed to use a period of high economic growth to lift tens of millions of people out of poverty, falling far short of China’s record in protecting its population from the ravages of chronic hunger, United Nations officials said recently. Last year, British Development Minister Alexander contrasted the rapid growth in China with India's economic success - highlighting government figures that showed the number of poor people had dropped in the one-party communist state by 70% since 1990 but had risen in the world's biggest democracy by 5%.

Haq's Musings: Right to Food in India, Pakistan and China

Unicef, the UN's child development agency, said India, Asia's third largest economy, had not followed the example of other regional economies such as China, South Korea and Singapore in investing in its people during an economic boom. It said this failure spelled trouble as the global economy deteriorated, while volatile fuel and food prices had already deepened deprivation over the past two years.

Unicef attacks India's record on poverty: Rediff.com India News
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