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Come October, China could flex its muscles again. India must prepare urgently


Sep 26, 2018
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Let us make no mistake: we have had a close shave. After the Chinese pushed forward at several points on the Line of Actual Control from early May, there were some reports of forces building up on the Pakistan side too. The two could have been preparing for a pincer operation of some sort.
For the moment, the Chinese have moved back a little but, as one senior officer remarked, “it’s a very, very slow process...seems like a long haul ahead”.
Even for this limited pull-back, we must partly credit sabre-rattling by the US over the past month. US secretary of state Mike Pompeo has spit fire at China almost daily. That, backed by the presence of three aircraft carriers and a huge fleet of related US ships in the region, encouraged Japan to flex muscle over the Senkaku Islands (which China claims) in the East China Sea, and the Philippines to tell China it doesn’t own the South China Sea.
This combo of moves on its eastern and southern flanks no doubt helped to put the brakes on China’s aggression in Ladakh.

Autumn blues
If China’s painfully slow withdrawal portends resumed hostilities, it might possibly choose the end of September or October. That window between the monsoons and the onset of winter is generally preferred for major military manoeuvres in this part of the world. It’s the time of year when the 1962 and 1965 wars took place.
Pakistan had initiated a diversionary attack in Kutch in April 1965 before invading at Chhamb at the beginning of September. One waits to see whether the Chinese advances in May-June this year fall in the same category as the Kutch skirmish. It’s also worth remembering that Pakistan signed a ceasefire pact with India on June 30, 1965, just before it initiated its covert Operation Gibraltar in the Kashmir Valley, and followed up with the invasion near Jammu at the beginning of September. Could China’s current talk of disengagement be a similar round of deception?
Having positioned itself in strength at, or quite near, the LAC at several sensitive points in Ladakh over the past couple of months, the PLA will find it easy to interdict Indian military traffic on the Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie, or DSDBO, road. It could even hope to take over DBO and thence connect Aksai Chin to the Karakoram Pass, which it already holds.
In the east, China has already installed itself in the Doklam plateau since 2017. From there, it could seek to invade the “chicken’s neck” stretch that connects the north-eastern states with the rest of India. And some reports say the PLA is mobilising opposite Tawang and other points on the Arunachal Pradesh border too.
All this has made military planning extremely challenging. Since special trains transported vast numbers of troops and armour to Ladakh, strategists will have to make critical choices in September over what to leave in Ladakh and what to move to these other locations before the passes close.
If only endless corruption hadn’t held up the highways, railways, and tunnels to Ladakh that prime minister Narasimha Rao had planned a quarter-century ago! Those would have allowed flexibility even after the passes closed.
Prepare urgently
Thankfully, the government seems to have finally woken up to the challenge that has been staring India in the face for a decade and more. It is urgently trying to build up infrastructure, logistics supplies, and armaments.
The country will pay through its nose for emergency armament imports, because every exporter will squeeze an India that is obviously too hard pressed to negotiate. It’s a terrible Catch-22: the country must desperately spend in order to avoid a disaster, but the inflated costs might be in vain if the high-priced purchases actually deter aggression. Planning ahead, with enough time to negotiate the best prices and quality, would have been so much better.

I really think some people on social media and here in PDF are overestimating the importance of India to China militarily ... these posts seem to suggest as if India is the center of operations for the PLA with all these crazy troop buildups.
I really think some people on social media and here in PDF are overestimating the importance of India to China militarily ... these posts seem to suggest as if India is the center of operations for the PLA with all these crazy troop buildups.
India is ranked enemy number 2. Beijing is much more aggressive now when it comes to dealing with India. No more "Wuhan Spirit" :rofl:
I really think some people on social media and here in PDF are overestimating the importance of India to China militarily ... these posts seem to suggest as if India is the center of operations for the PLA with all these crazy troop buildups.
raphaeeel tejas migs su mirages running on vedic fuel will annihilate china!!
India is ranked enemy number 2. Beijing is much more aggressive now when it comes to dealing with India. No more "Wuhan Spirit" :rofl:
Japan is a much bigger military threat to China than India is
LOL at close shave. China ran off with all the goodies and nailed India as badly as possible.
Japan is a much bigger military threat to China than India is
Japan is not a threat. Japan is an aging society and very peaceful. Only the US tries to stir up isolated elements within the country against China. Without American instigation, there wouldn't be any issues between China and Japan.
reality of Chinese military ->


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