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Colonial Mindset

Ik is not coming up to your standards ? did Jinnah ?

Please do not insult Jinnah by putting him in the same sentence as Mr. Khan.

Jinnah was gift from God.
Mr. Khan is a plague from God.
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In my measure Pakistan, India etc do suffer from colonial mindset. To illustrate this example Turks, Chinese and Iranians do not suffer from this mindset but Pakistani's do. But in my definition colonial mindset means entirely opposite of what most think. This manifests in the following ways -

  • being averse to anything western
  • being averse to any concepts from the west
  • making concerted effort to do differant from west
  • dressing and other optics differant from the west
  • trying to find other paths other than ones laid by the west for no good reason but aversion to west
  • etc
The net result is progress is stymied as these societies continously search for a recipe when one already exists which has been tried/tested by west. Compare this to countries like China or Turkey who do not have this colonial mindest. They just copied west wholesale and then acclimatized those idea to their local enivironments. That is they got western ideas and 'desified' them.

China is great example. Their entire political/ideaology theory is copied from the west, namely communism informed by writings of Karl Marx. The rulling CCP was inspired by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Even today the symbology is remarkably similiar to Soviet Russia.


Over time western ideolgy has been cultivated in the Chinese environment creating today a unigue Symbiosis of west/China. To put it bluntly in another way Chinese are not shy of reverse engineering ideas, thoughts, philosopies, culture traits, fashion and that also extends to physical products like cars, technology and products from the west. The result is you see the China ewe have today.


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By the looks of it - you don’t know Jinnah neither IK. Ciao

Anything worthy of a think tank status?

did you meet any of the stated individual yourself?

you once postulated that visiting graves has Erdogan and Khan in power. Need i dwell in the colonial grave politics?
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Does your people suffer from colonial mindset and plz give an example of this.



Stale and myopic critique.

Jinnah and Iqbal were educated in Great Britian. Both served Muslims and Pakistan more than Molana Fazullah ur Rehman's father Mufti Mahmud who opposed the creation of Pakistan and was in bed with Congress leaders like Nehru and Gandhi.

The problem clearly isn't Western education and dressing in Western clothing or rejection of junk science like homeopathy. It is our inept education system that handicaps people.
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