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College graduates flocking to military


Jun 27, 2008
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College graduates flocking to military
By Cui Xiaohuo (China Daily)
Updated: 2009-07-01 07:40

A record number of recent college graduates are considering careers in the Chinese military, and officials are happy to oblige, by opening up more than 120,000 spots for them.

Yesterday, the army completed a two-month pre-recruitment campaign for recent college graduates.


Soldiers conduct checkups on students at Shandong Normal University on June 19 as more college students are applying to join the army. Gong Hui

Applications in some areas have dramatically outnumbered those of previous years, but officials know that some will drop out of the military before November, the deadline for enrollment.

The government's directive allows graduates to terminate contracts with the army if they find another job.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) created an unprecedented number of spots for the country's 6.1 million college graduates this summer in the wake of a tight job market and an economic slowdown.

Eager to modernize itself by thrusting more talents into its 2.3 million-manned armed forces, the PLA hopes to provide the graduates a career in the armed forces, a source from the Ministry of National Defense was quoted as saying by the Xinhua News Agency.

To attract young men and women, the military and the government have worked out a 2.88 billion yuan ($420 million) financial package, in which graduates receive a one-time compensation of 24,000 yuan ($3,500) to cover his or her college tuition fees and student loans.

The recruit also would be given opportunities for future promotions within the army, and also a chance to apply for and attend graduate school. Also, recruits will be given employment opportunities upon their retirement from the army.

The incentives seem to have worked, recruitment officials said.

"The application numbers and the enthusiasm have both exceeded last year," said an officer, who wanted to be named by his surname Shu, at the recruitment office in Fushun, Liaoning province. "Young people think the military and the government are doing them a favor."

Chen Jianan, director of the armed forces office at Beijing University of Technology, found that applications shot up 20 times more than last summer to more than 100.

"But the army is still just an alternative for them. It's unpredictable to see how many will stick to the army by the end," he said.

Graduates who choose the army as their first career are making a smart move, given that the jobs are both "well-paid and experience-rich," said Chen Yu, an expert on the job market who works at Peking University.

The Chinese military has raised the bar for new army recruits in recent years, narrowing the chances for those who have a less education. At minimum, a high school diploma is a necessary prerequisite for army recruits in most regions in China since last year.

Women were excluded from the pre-recruitment campaign, but will be allowed to register in the official recruitment later this year.
It will be interesting to see how many of these new graduates regret their choice once the shooting starts, or once their units are required to put down civilian protests. Few of the Chinese that I have met in the US have struck me as being particularly military-minded. They have mostly been small, soft and weak - and easily startled by loud noises.


The Chinese military has not performed well in the past - the Japanese handled them easily before the Americans entered WW2. They were soundly defeated by the UN during the Korean war. The Tibetans embarassed them for a while in 1953 and the vietnamese fought them to a standstill in 1979. The only real victory that they have achieved was in Tianamin square in 1989 when they used tanks to run over peaceful protesters. I think the PLA will do well if it confines its activities to Tibet but the Spratly islands will be their undoing. The PLA only needs to be defeated once and they will lose public confidence - then their regime will fall.
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It will be interesting to see how many of these new graduates regret their choice once the shooting starts, or once their units are required to put down civilian protests. Few of the Chinese that I have met in the US have struck me as being particularly military-minded. They have mostly been small, soft and weak - and easily startled by loud noises.

The Chinese military has not performed well in the past - the Japanese handled them easily before the Americans entered WW2. They were soundly defeated by the UN during the Korean war. The Tibetans embarassed them for a while in 1953 and the vietnamese fought them to a standstill in 1979. The only real victory that they have achieved was in Tianamin square in 1989 when they used tanks to run over peaceful protesters. I think the PLA will do well if it confines its activities to Tibet but the Spratly islands will be their undoing. The PLA only needs to be defeated once and they will lose public confidence - then their regime will fall.

you do know PLA are not using these graduates' body ,right? how was the big,strong americans possible stuck in korea and vietnam? the small, soft and weak chinese in your mouth handled "AC" US easily with stick:taz: .they wrote the "the art of war" ,"The Analects of Confucius","The Book of Songs " and numerous classics before you knew how to cook food .
what happened in Tiananmen square in 1989 is no way close to what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan,and how many blacks were being killed in that dark"I have a dream" period, you still can't get rid of that racial problem.some of you are still making fun of your first lady's color,check out your olympic history,you will find lots of blacks,go to your scientific research institutions,you will find lots of "weak" chinese,US is nothing without those immigrants you always discriminated


South Carolina GOPer Apologizes For Calling Michelle Obama A Gorilla -- And Says She Started It
By Eric Kleefeld - June 15, 2009, 12:10PM

Rusty DePass, a prominent South Carolina Republican activist, is now apologizing for making a racist joke about Michelle Obama, and taken down the Facebook page where he made it -- though he does make sure to shift the blame and say that Michelle started it.

DePass commented on a story about a gorilla escaping from a local zoo: "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."

"I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone," said DePass. "The comment was clearly in jest."

But, he said, "The comment was hers, not mine," referring to Michelle having said that man has descended from apes. The New York Daily News says they could find no such comment from Michelle -- but even if they could, it's not like that would make it any better.

It's worth noting that Michelle's ancestors came from South Carolina. So why did they leave, again?
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There is a drift back to Govt jobs all over.

The recession has shown the young that glamorous jobs in civvy street are good for a number of reasons but the stability of a Govt job remains unmatched.

Add to this the fun a job in the Military carries with it - provided of course you take it that way & are so inclined.
It will be interesting to see how many of these new graduates regret their choice once the shooting starts, or once their units are required to put down civilian protests. Few of the Chinese that I have met in the US have struck me as being particularly military-minded. They have mostly been small, soft and weak - and easily startled by loud noises.

This whole paragraph is one list of pointless stereotyping. And so is what followed. Furthermore it is not related to the topic other than in the vaguest, taunting and flaming way. You'd do better to avoid that, this thread is not for discussing the PLA’s military reputation (your account of which is primitive, faulty and will inevitably be challenged). I would also encourage our Chinese members not to be baited and continue discussing this innovative and productive new scheme introduced by the Chinese government.
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It will be interesting to see how many of these new graduates regret their choice once the shooting starts, or once their units are required to put down civilian protests. Few of the Chinese that I have met in the US have struck me as being particularly military-minded. They have mostly been small, soft and weak - and easily startled by loud noises.


The Chinese military has not performed well in the past - the Japanese handled them easily before the Americans entered WW2. They were soundly defeated by the UN during the Korean war. The Tibetans embarassed them for a while in 1953 and the vietnamese fought them to a standstill in 1979. The only real victory that they have achieved was in Tianamin square in 1989 when they used tanks to run over peaceful protesters. I think the PLA will do well if it confines its activities to Tibet but the Spratly islands will be their undoing. The PLA only needs to be defeated once and they will lose public confidence - then their regime will fall.

and you can give us more about chinese millitary is bs,but why r you guys talking about chinese threat
PLA is handled by japanese----------funny ,huh? dont tell me that you dont know the history of WW2,and you r in a nation that has freedom of press,right?

and you can sleep now ,wake up ? no
"Few of the Chinese that I have met in the US have struck me as being particularly military-minded. They have mostly been small, soft and weak - and easily startled by loud noises."

You are really an amazing guy, aren't you? Your american fellows will be proud of you.

Yes, you are right, the Chinese PLA sucks, that is why our goverment deny that there is any possible "Chinese threat" in the future. It is nonsense since we have never and will not win any single war. That also proves that the western media always twist the facts about China. You people should not believe CNN, BBC. You should always get the truth with your own brain, such as the facts about Chinese PLA as you mentioned. It is a good try. Go on.

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