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Collapse Sole Conceivable Fate for Zionist Regime: IRGC general


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
A ranking Iranian general dismissed the recent Israeli threat of military action on the Islamic Republic as a psychological war, warning the Zionist regime that a small mistake will only push it closer to the doomed fate of dissolution and elimination from the region.

In remarks on Wednesday, senior spokesman for the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi made it clear that the only thing the Zionist regime needs to prepare for is a collapse, not future plans.

His comments came after the Israeli regime’s army chief of staff, Aviv Kochavi, said he had instructed the military “to prepare a number of operational plans, in addition to those already in place” against Iran.

General Shekarchi said the Zionists are not aware of the Islamic Republic’s capabilities, some of which have not been publicized yet.

Iran’s military capabilities, a number of which were presented in recent war games, can raze Tel Aviv to the ground in the shortest time, the general stressed, adding that the Zionists will actually accelerate their collapse with any mistake.

“If we face the smallest mistake from the Zionist regime, we will raze their missile bases as well as Haifa and Tel Aviv to the ground in the shortest time,” he added.

Dissolution of the Zionist regime has been put on the agenda of the Muslim community, the resistance front, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, the general said. “This regime must collapse, and such a cancerous tumor in the region, which has really inflicted losses on the Muslim Ummah, must be eliminated.”
Earlier on Wednesday, chief of staff of the Iranian president’s office shrugged off the Zionist regime’s rhetoric of military action, saying, “Our people and people of the region are familiar with the language that the Zionist regime’s officials have used so far.”
The Iranian Armed Forces, including the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), are seasoned forces defending the country, he added.

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