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Coexistence with virus the West's choice out of no choice; China still has better choice: Hong Kong professional


Nov 4, 2011
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Coexistence with virus the West's choice out of no choice; China still has better choice: Hong Kong professional
By Zhao Juecheng
Published: Apr 09, 2022 02:03 PM Updated: Apr 10, 2022 07:55 AM

"'Lying flat' is a kind of capitulationism, rather than a scientific decision," said Lo Wing-hung, proprietor of Hong Kong-based newspaper Bastille Post, during an interview with the Global Times.

While the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is encountering a fifth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, Shanghai is also struggling to contain its outbreak. In the wake of Omicron, which is more transmissible and leads to more silent virus carriers, negative voices calling for people to "lie flat" in the face of the variant are growing.

However, Lo told the Global Times that the West chose to "lie flat" as they failed to combat the virus and were left with no other choice. But China still has the route of dynamic-zero COVID, which is the most scientific and effective way to save the most lives at the least cost.

As the pandemic has lasted for more than two years, both Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland have felt some level of "tiredness" in anti-epidemic work. Lo said that for those people who are advocating "coexistence" with the virus, he has two questions: How many people will die if China "lie flat?" And are we ready to accept that cost?

He noted that so far he hasn't seen any convincing evidence proving that coexistence with the novel coronavirus would not lead to mass deaths.

Some data instead showed that there were more deaths from Omicron than when Delta dominated.

For example, in the UK, from August to October 2021, when the Delta variant was dominant, the death rate was 16 per 100,000; from November 2021 to January 2022, when Omicron dominated, the death rate was 22 per 100,000.

The situation is similar in the US. The death rate was 40 per 100,000 during August and October 2021, and it was 42 per 100,000 from November 2021 to January 2022.

Some Western countries have decided to coexist with the virus with an excuse that "Omicron leads to less severe cases and deaths" despite the increasing infections.

In Hong Kong, some experts said "Omicron is just a big flu." They think that when calculating the death rate, the Hong Kong government should not use total confirmed cases as denominator, but should use the total infections. For example, if the government uses a total of 4 million infections - predicted by a model set up by the University of Hong Kong - as the denominator, the death rate would decrease to 0.18 percent, which is only a little higher than death rate from flu in the previous flu seasons.

However, there are also voices spreading in Hong Kong that "Omicron is not severe, the pandemic is natural selection, and the weak are destined be sifted out."

But Lo told the Global Times that this is misleading. "I have checked the seasonal flu deaths in Hong Kong in different years. In the year of flu outbreak, the number of deaths due to the flu in a year is probably more than 100 to 300. The number reached 352 from 2018-19. Now 300 people have died [due to the COVID-19] in Hong Kong in one or two days. The cumulative death of this round of epidemic has exceeded 8,400. Some people said the COVID-19 is like the flu, but I don't agree at all."

According to the report of relevant departments of the HKSAR government, as of April 7, the fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong has infected more than 1.17 million people and caused a total of 8,430 deaths, with a case fatality rate of 0.72 percent.

As a Hong Kong resident, Lo has seen the parents of three of his friends die recently due to COVID-19. "I've never heard of friends' relatives die from the flu, but now people around us are dying from COVID-19," Lo said, adding that the COVID virus is still very dangerous for seniors who aren't vaccinated. Statistics in Hong Kong show that the death rate of infected people over 80 who have not been vaccinated exceeds 15 percent.

Some countries have realized that the "lie flat" approach facing the COVID-19 is wrong. German Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach on April 4 announced that from May 1, Germany will no longer require people to self-isolate if they test positive for COVID-19, but the country had made a U-turn less than 48 hours later. "Coronavirus is not a cold. That is why there must continue to be isolation after an infection," Lauterbach said on Twitter, adding he had made a mistake by suggesting an end to mandatory quarantine.

In the case of the failure of the anti-epidemic situation in the West, there is no choice for them but to "lie flat," and they then portray the approach as a pleasant thing. We should not simply and impulsively learn from the West, as we still have better choices, Lo said, adding that "dynamic zero" is still the most scientific epidemic prevention strategy in the world. It not only minimizes the cost, but more importantly, it attaches importance to the value of each person's life.

As for the claim that "the lethality of future mutant viruses will be lower than that of Omicron," Lo noted that this is only an assumption, not a reality.

"Be wary, not impulsive. I understand the feeling that 'it's been exhausting to fight the virus, and we really want to get out of the closed rooms.' Hong Kong residents are experiencing the same difficulties, but this is a matter of human life, and decision-making should depend on data and science," Lo said.

Lo told the Global Times that "lying flat" is not a scientific and responsible approach. "We should not surrender just because the epidemic prevention is temporarily broken, otherwise it will cost a lot of lives."

Nonsense article. Xi Jinping funked up. A useless vaccine on a population is the reason he is afraid to open up. Xi thought they had made a good vaccine before unleashing the virus but really failed. West is open because of confidence in the vaccine. The number of deaths for those who took vaccine is velly low.
With such stupidity no wonder india has 6 mil deaths.

India's staggering COVID-19 death toll could be 6 million: Study​

The study suggests 6 million people may have died.
BySomayeh Malekian
23 December 2021, 12:02

US vaccines are real, contribute to one million deaths now and still counting.
Lol but the joker Xi has locked up China after 2 years. Why? Vaccine fake.
India has had about 500000 deaths but not much now. No one knows how many China had. The 10 million chinese deaths has not beeb repoerted The population decrease has been attributed to low birth rate rather than covid deaths.

There is no vaccine fake, Indonesia uses lot of Sinovacs and there is research going on in comparing those who has had one dose, second dose, an who dont take any vaccine. This was conducted in 2020 where many Indonesians havent got the vaccines and still has very few exposure to the virus.

Sinovacs is quite effective, I have made a thread about it and posted the results of the research. The research sample is our medical staffs who use 100 % Sinovacs during early 2020 and has huge exposure to Covid 19 through their patients.
One more study says 60000 million deaths

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Lol Chinese daily wagers posting images of how people died in other countries but have no clue what happened in their own filthy country!

If situation so worse in Shanghai, imagine the plight of other 2 tier, 3 tier and rural areas.

Dirty Chinese eat god knows what that all pandemics originate from their vile stomachs, hide information and then gloat at misery of others.

Your dead bodies are piling up, make sure your loved ones don't get their organs harvested.

Lol Chinese daily wagers posting images of how people died in other countries but have no clue what happened in their own filthy country!

If situation so worse in Shanghai, imagine the plight of other 2 tier, 3 tier and rural areas.

Dirty Chinese eat god knows what that all pandemics originate from their vile stomachs, hide information and then gloat at misery of others.

Your dead bodies are piling up, make sure your loved ones don't get their organs harvested.
lOl, we burn the dead in city parking lots and parks, we are so filthy and we don't even have toilets so people just defecate open in the streets.
lOl, we burn the dead in city parking lots and parks, we are so filthy and we don't even have toilets so people just defecate open in the streets.
You don't burn the dead without harvesting their organs, you have so many toilets that your Xitler had to bring a toilet revolution in 2015. :rofl:

Open your dirty filthy country and then see what people find in your jail.

Only double digit IQ slaves like yourself get persuaded by one way propaganda.
You don't burn the dead without harvesting their organs, you have so many toilets that your Xitler had to bring a toilet revolution in 2015. :rofl:

Open your dirty filthy country and then see what people find in your jail.

Only double digit IQ slaves like yourself get persuaded by one way propaganda.
We said we are filthy, India is very clean, check my previous post again, I was praising clean and spotless India.
"Zero covid" flopped in Hong Kong, look at the responses of daily labourers in this thread.

Came to know about the deaths in Hong Kong only because information flow from there is relatively slack.

After having 1000% population vaccinated with their super duper vaccines, locking down whole cities with the most stringent and unscientific conditions.
Either a new variant or it's saline water they injected their 1000% population with.

Look at the condition of these subhumans fighting for food in Shanghai

If these videos are coming out even after CCP bots working overtime to censor social media, one can just imagine the plight of people in other cities and rural areas that are less affluent.

But 60000000 million people died in India as per some study conducted by ret*rds with below room temperature IQ, so China still numbaaah waaan~
Indeed, the Covid-v unleashed by China caused a lot of deaths and there was a spike. Like in Hong Kong which is an international Fin centre. If only they remained a democracy and not taken over by Xi, there would be 8000 deaths per day lesser.
Maybe they'll be like democratic India and start burning on the streets, or democratic US, suffering one million deaths.

Jilin city in NE China hits zero-COVID status at the community level after one month lockdown​

Updated: 2022-04-08 19:43


A volunteer registers information for a resident at a COVID-19 testing site in Jilin city, Northeast China's Jilin province, March 18, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]

Jilin city in Jilin province has reached zero-COVID status at the community level, officials said on Friday.

A full nucleic acid testing at communities in the city has been completed in 24 hours from 8 am on Thursday to 8 am on Friday.

Based on comprehensive study and judgment of the testing results, the city's epidemic prevention and control headquarters have concluded that the city has reached zero-COVID status at the community level after 37 days' hard work to control the novel coronavirus outbreak since the recent round of the epidemic broke out on March 2, Zhang Baozong, an official with the publicity department of Jilin province, said at a news conference on Friday.

China stats.. today jilin may have 0. Tomorrow they could be locked down again with 100k cases. But of course 8000 HK deaths under ximmunist regime is because of demoxracy .
India doesn't need stats, just go on the streets and along rivers to see half rotten corpses to get a real sense of what's going on. No other regimes can come close to Indian democratic government in this regard.

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