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COAS flies F-16, takes part in operation

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I appreciate your motivation level and sincerity for nation .:enjoy:

Thanks for your appreciation:enjoy:

As long as most of us are motivated and sincere, we shall eventually turn it all around...one way or another.
That is why when i see something different done by COAS with good intent, i am pleased that now there is atleast some thought going on to do something about the situation... those who are aware of major change in PA morale in last few years will agree with me here.
I believe in positive encouragement and slow but steady reform...slowly such steps will change the heirarchy and mindset of the generals and commanders and that will inshallah auger well for us.

This forum is a great platform for us all to understand the diverse point of views and take something positive...as our awareness increases we shall be that much more effective in helping our country regain its direction...sadly the arguments tend to take a personal tone and that is only human i guess...as long as we are all sincere it is all for the best.

Anyways, Pakistan Zindabad!
>>Tal why I don't agree with you 1971, 6 sabers in formation at 500ft and one of them exploded because a single bullet hit its fuel tank well I can't be sure it might be more than one but no AAG were there. Now AK-47 can bring down and fighter if the bullets enter its intake. So as COAS it is not our duty but our responsibility to protect him at any cost.

Well in your previous post you wrote about flying 500kts and P3 can achieve around 400kts and of course it would be flying high and also f16 squadron can protect P3 during it's survey mission but that is only my opinion plz correct me if i am wrong.
So thank you for letting me know about myself. You guys have scored enough thanks while dueling with me. Time to retire from this discussion. After discussing though, I thank myself again that I made a right decision to leave Pakistan, because things will never be changed in that country. A place where people don’t care about wasting money and invent reasons to justify for it will never grow and will never prosper. Whether it is military or civilians no one is honest to that country. That is what I tell to my Americans friends when they ask me what is wrong with that country. When somebody tries to identify this you guys call him traitor, sick, dishonest, uneducated, with twisted mindset. If the standard of honesty and loyalty and love for your country is what I have read in previous posts, than we really don’t need an enemy to destroy us, we ourselves are sufficient for that.

My friend I can sort of relate to what you are saying. Yes, when you are living away from Pakistan you see the flaws more clearly but again you see the good points as well. Like every place in on this good Earth our country has its good points and bad points.

But everyday I miss our Pakistan the good and bad. I always try to educate people about Pakistan. Do I hide the bad points? Never! I don't put down the US society to make my points either.

Born a Pakistani and will die a Pakistani and to the very last breath will always praise Pakistan.
Storm in a teacup. As with any issue, did the benefits justify the expense? First, a simple cost benefits evaluation justifies, IMO, Kayani's flight. At the very least, if the objective was a PR exercise, it seems to have worked.

It seems to me that military commanders at the highest levels have to communicate with their troops more often than directly lead them; communication does not necessarily come through communiques and speeches, nor does it mean talking down. It also comes from public actions that frame the military approach - see Rommel, Patton, etc - and is often vital to strategy.

Communication with ground troops is going to be critical to this war. From this perspective Kayani's flight makes eminent sense.

Second, it is good to keep a sharp eye on public expenses, but if you criticize every act you will end up nitpicking, behaving like an accountant where there is need for a military leader.
Now lests come to the next part...the palace you are talking about belongs to the GoP not to him. The fleet of cars you are talking about also belongs to the GoP not to him. The security you are talking about is also from the GoP not his personal. So if you don’t find all these things OK, you must hold the GoP responsible for that not the CJP. Let me add though that his 'palace' is merely a servant quarter as compared to the Army House. This is my last post to you because kind of the language you use, I may not be able to communicate with you.

Aha... I do not write here very often but trust me I too am in the habit of calling a spade a spade when I observe one... Your "beef" is not with the COAS and his "joyride" it is with the entire pakistan military aparatus which in your "world" is the cause of all the socio-political and financial evils in pakistan... enough said, now you are free to put the TARP on all activities "10% or more"... your masters in isloo will need a lot of socio-political "bail-out" to cleanse them of their financial debouchery... and, it will be a very steep incline to tarnish the image of COAS Kiyani on this forum... mate!
If I were a soldier on the front posts and my COAS was flying over my head, I would have thought that I am really forgotten. My COAS is flying high above where enemy fire can’t reach and here I am, sitting in a cold trench facing my enemy. That feeling will not bolster my morale I swear.

Just for curiosity's sake, did you ever try ISSB and if yes then what was the result?

I can assure you, they ensure and double ensure if not tripple ensure that they do NOT under even "draft" conditions enlist that attitude. It is this attitude that when seeps and spreads into the ranks, begets colossal defeats. PA is made of a different matter, trust me I have and had my blood serving it, I know what that matter is and it has no inclusion of cowardice!!!

After discussing though, I thank myself again that I made a right decision to leave Pakistan, because things will never be changed in that country.

You may change the color of your passport but the color of skin will always give you away... you ARE a Pakistani whether you like it or not, at the most you will become a Pakistani American... :)

And, you WILL be reminded of it at every airport... Just some food for thought...
Let's lay off qsaark's back and get back on topic. He mentioned that he is done with this discussion in his last post.
No one here is disputing your patriotism, but you just did a pretty fine job of it yourself. You go ahead and tell your American friends (I wonder how much you tell them about your views regarding their country) about how you in your contemptuous self-righteousness left your own country and your 'hopeless' countrymen to their fate because apparently you're so much better than the rest of us...

You know what I think is wrong with our country? Too many people do too much whining and little action. You hate Pakistan because it is allied with 'evil' America but you're willing to drop Pakistan out of your life and run to America the first chance you get and then tell your American 'friends' about how 'hopeless' we are. Then you wonder why no one respects Pakistan...

You've failed to defend your points and everyone can see that, don't indulge in this BS rant about Pakistan to leave the impression that there is any material to your criticisms, because there is not.
Some addition to whining and doing nothing stuff: (not many has guts to say it)

Ladies & gents,

Closing this thread as its not going anywhere but coming down to personal recriminations and name calling. I think all, including qsaark, are fine sharing their pov. Disagreeing with CoAS taking a sortie on a F-16 is ok, those supporting it are fine too. However branding members for taking a position is wrong. Lets keep the discussion civil (when the thread opens up).

I think all that was to be said has been said. Will re-open later or if the need arises.

Thank you.
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