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COAS confirms death sentences of 11 'hardcore terrorists'

I see these, and I think of struggling with fellow Indians not to celebrate the deaths of any, including death in shooting incidents, and getting labelled - what was it? - a Jayachand, a traitor to India, and I say to myself

We're happy that finally those innocent civilians will get justice too whom these animals killed.
. .
More or less what I was told, from the opposite side of the border. Funny how people think alike.
Well our indian members say that those who attack police, military are also terrorists and not freedom fighters because by this logic bhagat singh should be a terrorist than? i tried to explain the difference to indian members but they just start using abusive language that's why i avoid this debate now these TTP terrorists were at war with our army, police etc but the moment they started killing innocent civvies they became terrorists because they started using terror as a tool to achieve their goals.
Well our indian members say that those who attack police, military are also terrorists and not freedom fighters because by this logic bhagat singh should be a terrorist than? i tried to explain the difference to indian members but they just start using abusive language that's why i avoid this debate now these TTP terrorists were at war with our army, police etc but the moment they started killing innocent civvies they became terrorists because they started using terror as a tool to achieve their goals.

Several members have made this point, and it deserves a thoughtful, detailed reply. Bear with me for a few hours. I am sorry you were not answered properly. That is unacceptable.
I see these, and I think of struggling with fellow Indians not to celebrate the deaths of any, including death in shooting incidents, and getting labelled - what was it? - a Jayachand, a traitor to India, and I say to myself

I think Chekhov summarised it best:

Do not desire to take away what you can never give back.

I pity those that bay for the blood of other people, however evil those other people may be.
Well done pakistan. All terrorists deserve death penalty.Even though I failed to understand why justice department was transferred to the military but whatever gets the job done.

Let the Human rights wallas, Amenesty International and bleeding heart liberals like @Joe Shearer cry all they want against death penalty. The terrorists dont deserve human rights as they are not human
Well done pakistan. All terrorists deserve death penalty.Even though I failed to understand why justice department was transferred to the military but whatever gets the job done.

Let the Human rights wallas, Amenesty International and bleeding heart liberals like @Joe Shearer cry all they want against death penalty. The terrorists dont deserve human rights as they are not human

I think you should read posts, including my post, before going into your usual frothing-at-the-mouth ultra-patriot Donald Trump act.
Let the Human rights wallas, Amenesty International and bleeding heart liberals like @Joe Shearer cry all they want against death penalty. The terrorists dont deserve human rights as they are not human

I agree that all terrorists need to be killed.
I am with Pakistan govt on this. There can not be any duplicity on an Indian's part when it comes to terrorism.

But I understand @Joe Shearer point that any death should not be celebrated and there are numerous people like him who are "built" like that. It's not a bad thing. In an ideal world they are definitely the better Human than some one like me can ever be.

Hence I don't think I will go about labelling people on this topic as long as other's respect my view of certain people unfit to live in this world.
I wish I could leave out the hatred I have for terrorists. Unfortunately I can't.
I'm not a fan of military courts.

I hope these people had defence lawyers and the evidence was actually examined.

I hope they are in fact guilty.

I hope these are not lives just being dispensed with.
I'm not a fan of military courts.

I hope these people had defence lawyers and the evidence was actually examined.

I hope they are in fact guilty.

I hope these are not lives just being dispensed with.

Thats a lot of hoping brother.

I still remember my sleepless nights as a kid when I first came across an article that talked about people that were executed that later turned out to be innocent in the US justice system.

A country made by the people for the people with arguably one of the most well developed legal systems in the world sending people to their deaths....for absolutely nothing....because a group of people decided with what was presented and argued to them....that guilt was established beyond "reasonable doubt"....as though reasonable doubt has a % value.

Its why I am firmly against capital punishment...and it sickens me even more when people go the extra mile and hoot and holler for all kinds of cruel and unusual punishment during the execution as well.....as though the rush from indulging in such psychopathy will bring back the lives lost.

Even if a criminal is truly guilty of a heinous crime, isn't punishing him with death the easy way out for him/her? Let such a person live with what they did to the end of their days, kept away from society and have only his/her psyche for company.

But it seems so many of us still have that primal animalistic nature in us to enjoy the spectacle of death of the "bad guy". It's why I am slowly losing hope for humanity as the years pass and I see just how deep rooted it is almost everywhere.
Thats a lot of hoping brother.

I still remember my sleepless nights as a kid when I first came across an article that talked about people that were executed that later turned out to be innocent in the US justice system.

A country made by the people for the people with arguably one of the most well developed legal systems in the world sending people to their deaths....for absolutely nothing....because a group of people decided with what was presented and argued to them....that guilt was established beyond "reasonable doubt"....as though reasonable doubt has a % value.

Its why I am firmly against capital punishment...and it sickens me even more when people go the extra mile and hoot and holler for all kinds of cruel and unusual punishment during the execution as well.....as though the rush from indulging in such psychopathy will bring back the lives lost.

Even if a criminal is truly guilty of a heinous crime, isn't punishing him with death the easy way out for him/her? Let such a person live with what they did to the end of their days, kept away from society and have only his/her psyche for company.

But it seems so many of us still have that primal animalistic nature in us to enjoy the spectacle of death of the "bad guy". It's why I am slowly losing hope for humanity as the years pass and I see just how deep rooted it is almost everywhere.
What about capital punishment for somebody like Ajmal Kasab whose guilt was clear as a bell? When the terrorists dont think for a minute before killing innocent people why should the govt not give them the just punishment

You want to send the people for life imprisonment. Do you want to waste indian taxpayer money to feed these imbellical terrorists? We have much better uses of that money. We can use it to improve our intelligence and security aparatus. That money can be used to provide relief and rehabilitation for the victims

And what is the guarantee that another Kandhar will not happen to free these terrorists? Another Maulana Masood Azhar will not be freed and will lead to creating of yet another terrorist organization which will lead to deaths of hundreds of other innocents just because we showed "humanity" in dealing with the terrorists

Just see this famous movie clip. Do you have any answers to the Stupid Common Man

What about capital punishment for somebody like Ajmal Kasab whose guilt was clear as a bell? When the terrorists dont think for a minute before killing innocent people why should the govt not give them the just punishment

You want to send the people for life imprisonment. Do you want to waste indian taxpayer money to feed these imbellical terrorists? We have much better uses of that money. We can use it to improve our intelligence and security aparatus. That money can be used to provide relief and rehabilitation for the victims

And what is the guarantee that another Kandhar will not happen to free these terrorists? Another Maulana Masood Azhar will not be freed and will lead to creating of yet another terrorist organization which will lead to deaths of hundreds of other innocents just because we showed "humanity" in dealing with the terrorists

Just see this famous movie clip. Do you have any answers to the Stupid Common Man

I like you and a lot of your posts. Let us agree to disagree on this. It will take me too long to explain in detail all my points....and I wasnt even sure if I wanted to respond and drag this on.....but let me try one more post to explain my position to you.

I am resolute in my stand that death penalty is wrong be it Kasab or even Hitler....any human being no matter how proven evil he/she is.

Basically it is easy way for them....I would rather they need to live with their concious till they get old and withered and completely scared of themselves and others as the most severe punishment.

Trust me when I say this, it is far more painful in the long term than any short term pain you can inflict on such people physically. Plenty of psychological studies are out there which deal with the long term effects of sensory deprivation on a human soul. For the small payment of food and other expenses, you get to perpetuate this suffering for this person as he slowly boils in his own juices....and its worth it ....I mean the amount for a full lifetime is like pennies compared to what politicians spend on their thugs and ***-kissers in just one day.

No one has to bloody their hands, or get a rush of exciting thrilling (and disgusting) "bad guy killing" feeling....and the established 100% guilty evil person gets the worst punishment available over a long long period....and not a swift near-painless one from a noose or bullet.

If the criminal is just very very likely to have commited the crime (but not absolute)...you do not run the risk of killing a potentially innocent man (say its 1% of less chance but not zero)....and you can scale the prison commitment/severity of this appropriately compared to the 100% clear established evil person.

Now the situation changes when you talk about security provision (which has to be provided for the entire facility anyway) when you mention likelihood of attack etc. This has to be factored in and it can be justified in certain cases where public safety is at risk given state of prison due to lack of funds/personnel (and its why summary judgements operated many times in history) ....but is India really the wild wild west these days?

Anyway its a long debate....I think we should just agree to disagree and move on.
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I like you and a lot of your posts. Let us agree to disagree on this. It will take me too long to explain in detail all my points....and I wasnt even sure if I wanted to respond and drag this on.....but let me try one more post to explain my position to you.

I am resolute in my stand that death penalty is wrong be it Kasab or even Hitler....any human being no matter how proven evil he/she is.

Basically it is easy way for them....I would rather they need to live with their concious till they get old and withered and completely scared of themselves and others as the most severe punishment.

Trust me when I say this, it is far more painful in the long term than any short term pain you can inflict on such people physically. Plenty of psychological studies are out there which deal with the long term effects of sensory deprivation on a human soul. For the small payment of food and other expenses, you get to perpetuate this suffering for this person as he slowly boils in his own juices....and its worth it ....I mean the amount for a full lifetime is like pennies compared to what politicians spend on their thugs and ***-kissers in just one day.

No one has to bloody their hands, or get a rush of exciting thrilling (and disgusting) "bad guy killing" feeling....and the established 100% guilty evil person gets the worst punishment available over a long long period....and not a swift near-painless one from a noose or bullet.

If the criminal is just very very likely to have commited the crime (but not absolute)...you do not run the risk of killing a potentially innocent man (say its 1% of less chance but not zero)....and you can scale the prison commitment/severity of this appropriately compared to the 100% clear established evil person.

Now the situation changes when you talk about security provision (which has to be provided for the entire facility anyway) when you mention likelihood of attack etc. This has to be factored in and it can be justified in certain cases where public safety is at risk given state of prison due to lack of funds/personnel (and its why summary judgements operated many times in history) ....but is India really the wild wild west these days?

Anyway its a long debate....I think we should just agree to disagree and move on.
OK lets agree to disagree. You are a good poster so I wont fight you. I will just say I have nothing but absolute contempt for Human Rights wallahs who cry crocodile tears for the rights of the terrorists

I am proud to admit that I felt a rush of adrenaline when I heard about the scumbag Ksabs death. I cant imagine the feeling for the family members of the 166 victims of the attack.

My feeling is that for every day of the four years this person was alive these people would be dying internally. They received their justice on the day he was hanged.
OK lets agree to disagree. You are a good poster so I wont fight you. I will just say I have nothing but absolute contempt for Human Rights wallahs who cry crocodile tears for the rights of the terrorists

I am proud to admit that I felt a rush of adrenaline when I heard about the scumbag Ksabs death. I cant imagine the feeling for the family members of the 166 victims of the attack.

My feeling is that for every day of the four years this person was alive these people would be dying internally. They received their justice on the day he was hanged.

Fair enough. It depends from person to person. Everyone gets feelings like this, its natural. But I personally do not like myself later when I experience them....and even type them here. I am not a good practitioner of what I preach unfortunately (for my own idealistic psyche). I do not look down on people that celebrate death of baddies since I have no right of that. But sometimes I do feel pity for them given they take it beyond reason (in my opinion).

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