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COAS Calls on Corps Commanders Conference - Will go to last limit to defend Country

nawaz did mistake in kargil and later musharaf allowed india to fence Loc both of them damaged kashmir struggle
At this time Musraf has done his best decision, People in GHQ they are not fooled. For them, Pakistan is always the number one priority. after the Afghan war, America uses us like tissue paper and he was on India side at that time and no country needs pakistan. today we have a different situation. We have no restriction now after this bill revoke, We can fight at the diplomatic level and as well as ...........we shouldn't miss this window opportunity at any cost .Pakistan Zaindabad Tha , Pakistan Zainbada He , AUR Pakistan Zaindabad Ra Ga TA Qemat TAK. We have not only 6 Lak Armies , our nation 20 corer also fight side by side with our Army.
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Go find some other truck ki batti.

I have seen that you are always complaining but not stating what should be done.

I am fine with my truck ki batti, if you dont like it convince me to like your truck ki batti.
I have seen that you are always complaining but not stating what should be done.

I am fine with my truck ki batti, if you dont like it convince me to like your truck ki batti.

Declare war officially which India already has legally.
Raheel Sharif really was a gem for Pak armed forces.
he has failed to put pressure on indian army at kashmir border and they are violating human rights fearlessly.I think we need aggressive general like Raheel Sharif
Unfortunate for us but War is the only solution.

Kashmir will never be resolved on table or through talks.
Untill and unless massive amount of innocent kashmiris dies in a protest or something. Pakistan will not corss the border.
War is not a prety business and requires blood on both sides.
They rapes two villages in 90's,molested girls from 13 to women upto 80 and we did nothing.
Unfortunately, this country is replete with "Darshani Pehlwans" and this includes many of our PDF posters as well. They really think that war is a joke.
Well if you don't fight,get ready to live as a cuckload.

Economically,our condition is pathetic.expect zero action.we can't afford war against india.too much corruption,failed diplomacy,failed strategies.it is so sad that we are now at this stage where we have to beg for money and beg for peace.defensive policies can win you a noble prize but on the ground,it is harmful.what Khan has achieved through defensive policies? Army itself is defensive because there is no money.

Was it after or before Kargil.

Because it was in our interest.
Because winning the opinion of the int community IS also part of winning the war. Just because you cant 'see' anything doesn't mean we're sitting idle. We're lucky that we have the right men at the right positions for the first time in our history, have faith. War is not won on emotions, its won on careful strategy, call it 'strategic patience' if you will.
Good Joke boy,keep it up.
When you are holding an area using Gun,nothing matters.

As far as additional troops are concerned. Please do tell us how many troops were in there before ? If you ask me it works better for the cause if there are more troops.
0.7 million before and 0.2 million transported in past 5 days.0.9 million total.

Horrible stuff, things like that have made us numb. As I said war is not pretty.
Nothing pretty.
If someone agrees or not it's the time when serious skirmishes or even limited war chances are high. May be it's time to prepare the whole nation for emergency as unfortunately our civil defense is almost inactive and in past wars the NCC youngsters played major role in suppport services but now NCC program is terminated since many years. We should make territorial voluntary committees having basic medical aid training, some fire fighting equip,emt along with basic know how about light ammo.
Good Joke boy,keep it up.
When you are holding an area using Gun,nothing matters.

0.7 million before and 0.2 million transported in past 5 days.0.9 million total.
Dont think 0.2m figure is correct. It is not feasible to transport that many in 5 days.I could be wrong.

Even if 0.2m is the correct figure it does not make much of a difference.If they cant control with 0.7 they wont be able to control with 0.9m either.
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