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CNN: Why giving China the military edge over India may not be true

"Recent conflicts with Pakistan give the current IAF a level of institutional experience in actual networked combat," it says.

Lacking such experience, Chinese pilots may have difficulty thinking for themselves in a dynamic aerial battlefield, according to the Belfer report.

"Recent PLAAF exercises with unscripted scenarios have found that pilots are excessively reliant upon ground control for tactical direction," it says. "This suggests that PLAAF combat proficiency may be significantly weaker than often estimated."
A little hint for you,mr slient
from the satellite,drones in the space/near space to the submarine, from J20 to Type 055,All forces of PLA are data-linked,and the EW and ECM is going on daily basis in pacific to South China sea against US/Japan/Korean/Taiwan ships,drones and aircrafts.
So India's going to ignore its western border and focus all airpower to the east?
China has over 2,000 combat aircrafts, including long-range strategic bombers and stealth crafts - both of which India lacks. Let that sink in. Unlike India, where Pakistan may join the war - no one else is joining the war against China for India. Bean counting shows the incompetence of the writer.
China has only 4-5 fighter aircraft capable airbases near India. Each can host No more than 40-50 jets at best
China operates 3 IL78s and 10 H-6s - pretty overkill for a relatively small border.
H-6s work only on paper and short videos.

Bahaha! Is that their take from that?!
Are they talking about the networked combat where all their aircrafts were jammed? Or the one where their AWACS taking a nap? Or the one where they shot down their own heli?
IAF has now been equipped with BNET-AR which is the most advanced secure communication and networking system for fighters made by mankind
No they're not! They are still arriving, acclimatizing with the new environment from rotation and without adequate equipment.
Almost 95% of necessary troops have been sent and have completed acclimatization.
No one will send even a single soldier to fight for India. Pakistan, on the other hand, will open a whole new war front for China. Even if only for it's own interests. That's the ground reality. The most US will do and has historically done is throw weapons at its allies.
Not a single unit has been transferred by Indian army from Pakfeldzug.
So India's going to ignore its western border and focus all airpower to the east?
China has over 2,000 combat aircrafts, including long-range strategic bombers and stealth crafts - both of which India lacks. Let that sink in. Unlike India, where Pakistan may join the war - no one else is joining the war against China for India. Bean counting shows the incompetence of the writer.

China operates 3 IL78s and 10 H-6s - pretty overkill for a relatively small border.

If the writers paid any attention to events of February last year, they perhaps would have noticed that comparing qualities of individual fighters against each other is futile.

The massive recent build suggests otherwise.

Bahaha! Is that their take from that?!
Are they talking about the networked combat where all their aircrafts were jammed? Or the one where their AWACS taking a nap? Or the one where they shot down their own heli?

No they're not! They are still arriving, acclimatizing with the new environment from rotation and without adequate equipment.

Troop count parity is legacy thinking.

Where do I even begin?

No one will send even a single soldier to fight for India. Pakistan, on the other hand, will open a whole new war front for China. Even if only for it's own interests. That's the ground reality. The most US will do and has historically done is throw weapons at its allies.
IL-76 & IL-78s are useless for those heights,
An IL-76 could barely lift-off without evwn any payload, only An-32s, C295 & C130J work there.
For those position India uses Su-30 for buddy Air refueling.
Same goes for those H-6 Bombers equipped with copied & stolen Russian Engines.
Despite being cheaper & highly efficient India purchased C17 & C137 for these type of operation instead of more IL-76
IAF has now been equipped with BNET-AR which is the most advanced secure communication and networking system for fighters made by mankind
So you guys have learnt something from last year..
Now when you go again against China or Pakistan, you will learn something new one more time. Don't think that your enemies are docile and sit still like Indian forces who only wake up after a good beating.

Pakistan is learning so much from China in the field of EW and in a constant change. February 27 2019 is a thing of the past. We know that you have probably taken care of the gaps..

Pakistan and China share so much information with each other.. It's like US and Israel relationship. Chinese and Pakistanis also have many things to learn from the last year's air skirmish between India and Pakistan.

Just an advice from your foe.. don't act on the advice of Americans or Europeans.. they are looking at you with hungry eyes to sell defence equipment.
This is the experience the article is talking about.

Indians didn't know how actual scenario will look like against a good adversary.

They have probably learned a lot after getting jammed, losing a couple of aircraft and killing own heli followed by media and intelligence battles. Pakistan knew exactly where India had planned to attack with missiles and the msg was conveyed to them that Pakistan knew the locations from where India would fire on the 7 Pakistani locations and India should have gotten ready for 21 locations (3X) of Pakistani choice in response. Pakistan exactly knew who was attending meetings at the locations bombed by Pakistan.

Praveen Sawhney talks about the networked warfare and tech involvement a lot of times in his videos. He is a true nationalist who tells the establishment from time to time about the weaknesses. From our perspective, his kind of guys are more dangerous than the over confident delutional ones.

Claim whatever..
Being a Moderator helps...

And why breaking rules yourself?? off topic rant to counter the heart burn created by American study??

We Indians have our own foreign policy. As mush as you wish, we will never be playing for America.

Let this be itched in your brain once for all..

India will never abandon Russia in Defence matters. Indian Deep state will ensure it.
And why breaking rules yourself?? off topic rant to counter the heart burn created by American study??
I thought Americans wanted to tell you something about the topic:

Pakistani soldiers stand next to what Pakistan said was the wreckage of a downed Indian fighter jet on February 27, 2019.
"Recent conflicts with Pakistan give the current IAF a level of institutional experience in actual networked combat," it says.

Being a Moderator helps...
You aren't on BRF.

Not true. China has India's arch enemy on her side.
Let the indians live in their own world of delusions.

India is surrounded by two enemies who she shares a 4000+kms border with.

Indians will know exactly what's the difference when your foe is technologically light years ahead, shares a long border with you, and has another of your foe on her side completely.
I thought Americans wanted to tell you something about the topic:

You aren't on BRF.

Let the indians live in their own world of delusions.

India is surrounded by two enemies who she shares a 4000+kms border with.

Indians will know exactly what's the difference when your foe is technologically light years ahead, shares a long border with you, and has another of your foe on her side completely.

What is that?? and how it is related?

Technologically light years away is completely false.. substantiate with a link of study with international standards or any other credible source
Manmohan Singh was visionary leader. He was going to raise 2 Mountain Cors but Modi govt rejected it. Now facing the heat.

Well said my brother. Modi has been destroying India and weakening Indian military from day 1.
Ah!!! CNN ... the paid prostitute of the State Department, a news network that started it's broadcasting with the Iraq War in the 1990s. A news network that has a history of lying like a $2 whore on the street. A mouth piece of the "Western Democracy" that is the Republic of Zionist America!!!

The moment I spotted the news source as CNN, I instantly skipped reading the article. Anyone with half a brain would know better than to read toilet newspaper called CNN. You're better off reading a tabloid for entertainment, than read something from that pathetic CNN, an embarrassment to american journalism.
What is that?? and how it is related?

Technologically light years away is completely false.. substantiate with a link of study with international standards or any other credible source

I am not your teacher that I have to tell you why the author of the article have mentioned the skirmish of last year.

Regarding technological edge, you will get to know when you try to get back what you have lost to China. For now, just practice with the baseball bats as a starter in which also you are lagging behind.

China hasn't used its weapons yet.. In a fist fight, PLA killed, injured and took away several of your men.

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