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CNN:Seal kIlled OBAMA

Chill guyz!!
That female just made what is called a human error. And to err is very human.
She reads the word Obama every now and then, and for long there hasn't been any news of Osama. Ergo she made a blunder. No biggie!!
OK OK. Relax. Idhar TP chal raha tha. But frankly, this OBAMA for OSAMA has become a regular, last time happening somewhere in 2007.
Delhi bimbos? Dude you should seriously try to be a bit more respectful towards ladies.
I am a Mumbai guy. If there is any specie in India that respects women the most, its a Mumbaitte. But I have reservations with Delhi junta. Trust me, they deserve it.

And this Delhi vs Mumbai thing is a oldie. ;)
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