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CNN:Seal kIlled OBAMA

Sorry but you are making no sense.
I said. I am only making a generic statement. Nowhere upto the topic in any serious manner.

U shud be sensible enough to not find sense when u saw reference of Delhi Bimbos. :)
Well look at the bright side now CNN can say that they are not really that biased towards one party.
Girls have the same IQ everywhere

Ha Ha. To be frank our Delhi Gurlz have more IQ than their American counterparts. :D

Chill guyz!!
That female just made what is called a human error. And to err is very human.
She reads the word Obama every now and then, and for long there hasn't been any news of Osama. Ergo she made a blunder. No biggie!!
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Chill guyz!!
That female just made what is called a human error. And to err is very human.
She reads the word Obama every now and then, and for long there hasn't been any news of Osama. Ergo she made a blunder. No biggie!!
Now I'm sure you don't want me to remind you that a man's IQ is limited to a very small part of his body. Ahem!
So let's stop this IQ game.

If you are talking about Erin Burnett, she is not responsible for the graphics, I am pretty sure someone else does that. So no she did not make that blunder.
I said. I am only making a generic statement. Nowhere upto the topic in any serious manner.

U shud be sensible enough to not find sense when u saw reference of Delhi Bimbos. :)

Delhi bimbos? Dude you should seriously try to be a bit more respectful towards ladies.
If you are talking about Erin Burnett, she is not responsible for the graphics, I am pretty sure someone else does that. So no she did not make that blunder.
Let me correct myself: She uttered that blunder.
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