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CNN Propaganda Machine Exposed - Interview with Former Reporter Amber Lyon

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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she is an amazing journalist

Check out the show she did on the Joe Rogan podcast

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I hope more Americans will pay attention to these kinds wrong doings, actually, these are more than wrong doings, these are beyond criminal because these are a threat to what USA used to be - if this continues and people in the US begin to lose their sense of trust, well, just look at the same kind of thing as far as the loss of credibility, that the people in Pakistan face - it's absolutely tragic and DANGEROUS for the very notion of Liberty and a free society.
I hope more Americans will pay attention to these kinds wrong doings, actually, these are more than wrong doings, these are beyond criminal because these are a threat to what USA used to be - if this continues and people in the US begin to lose their sense of trust, well, just look at the same kind of thing as far as the loss of credibility, that the people in Pakistan face - it's absolutely tragic and DANGEROUS for the very notion of Liberty and a free society.

Except that the U.S. never was a "free" society, Western media in general has always been spreading propaganda and lies.
CNN Propaganda Machine Exposed - Interview with Former Reporter Amber Lyon

Three-time Emmy award-winning journalist, photographer, and former CNN reporter Amber Lyon discusses the brazenly false stories CNN forced her to report, as well as paid propaganda being aired as normal news reporting.

CNN Propaganda Machine Exposed!!! Interview with Former Reporter Amber Lyon: 2012-09-28 - YouTube

Source: Video: CNN Propaganda Machine Exposed - Interview with Former Reporter Amber Lyon

can you at least tone down your hatred for US and Israel. this article is around a month old.
stop wasting your entire day in searching and posting articles to bash the Israelis and US, get a life.
every other thread you open invariably revolves round bashing the Israelis or the Americans, if there anything you want to contribute on a defense forum,put your thought across, stop posting articles filled with hatred towards Israelis.
Except that the U.S. never was a "free" society, Western media in general has always been spreading propaganda and lies.

There's no such thing as a free lunch and there is no such thing as a 'free' society. Every society has its cultural aspects. Lobbies run the US. Our system is a capitalist system. For some, its a goldmine of opportunities and for others who hate and attack our civilians....it's a military industrial complex!!! So instead of bashing us (not you specifically, but others), try to focus on how the US can change an average Pakistani's life and bring prosperity to your nation.

It's time that you change your thoughts and quit blaming the US or its allies for your internal political and religious mess that you, the Pakistanis have created between yourselves. The US might favor some leaders over others to keep the modern ones there. But this should be the responsibility of the People of Pakistan to choose their leaders wisely who can take the country into a better spot and form a more advanced society. Trust me, if there were no nukes, the US interest in Pakistan (after so many events) would be 60% below than what it is now. So please fix yourselves internally and do something productive for your society. The US will help you bring about change and prosperity. Just blaming the US won't help. The US has been the ONLY nation since the creation of Pakistan TILL date, who's provided assistance to Pakistan. No matter WHAT happened, good relations, bad or sour!!! So really, we are the only real ally you've had. Sure at times the relationship had its ups and downs. So rethink why you should hate the US. Rethinking might change your thought process!
Except that the U.S. never was a "free" society, Western media in general has always been spreading propaganda and lies.

There can never be an absolutely Free society. There will always be some restrictions to keep anti-social elements in check.
However this video itself shows that America is a free society or, this lady would not have dared to disclose this info.
can you at least tone down your hatred for US and Israel. this article is around a month old.
stop wasting your entire day in searching and posting articles to bash the Israelis and US, get a life.
every other thread you open invariably revolves round bashing the Israelis or the Americans, if there anything you want to contribute on a defense forum,put your thought across, stop posting articles filled with hatred towards Israelis.

That pretty much describes 80% of Indians on this forum.
They spend all their time digging up and posting Anti Islam and anti Pakistan articles and opinions.
Actually, Fox News is the most reliable in the US. One reason that other news network regard it as the fringe network but it has the largest viewers.
Actually, Fox News is the most reliable in the US. One reason that other news network regard it as the fringe network but it has the largest viewers.

You are mistaken. Fox news actually doesn't have a lot of credibility when you talk about the educated population. Fox news does cater to the religious conservative Americans and it is a Republican party focused channel. But there are other media giants in the US. CNN usually tops it.
That pretty much describes 80% of Indians on this forum.
They spend all their time digging up and posting Anti Islam and anti Pakistan articles and opinions.

Some of the dumbest and brainwashed people I've ever seen, they are even worse than American rednecks. When I see an Indian flag, I automatically skip their messages without reading because I know it's a big pile of dog ****. Same with Americans and "Israelis". I don't know why most rational people don't do the same and keep replying to them. They aren't worth it.
CNN Propaganda Machine Exposed - Interview with Former Reporter Amber Lyon

Three-time Emmy award-winning journalist, photographer, and former CNN reporter Amber Lyon discusses the brazenly false stories CNN forced her to report, as well as paid propaganda being aired as normal news reporting.

CNN Propaganda Machine Exposed!!! Interview with Former Reporter Amber Lyon: 2012-09-28 - YouTube

Source: Video: CNN Propaganda Machine Exposed - Interview with Former Reporter Amber Lyon

If you hear to what Ms Lyons says, the video in question was aired on CNN International, but mounting Bahraini and Saudi pressure forced it off.

The real crime here is the power of Middle Eastern despots to control what their own populations hear and see.

I hope more Americans will pay attention to these kinds wrong doings, actually, these are more than wrong doings, these are beyond criminal because these are a threat to what USA used to be - if this continues and people in the US begin to lose their sense of trust, well, just look at the same kind of thing as far as the loss of credibility, that the people in Pakistan face - it's absolutely tragic and DANGEROUS for the very notion of Liberty and a free society.

The US intelligentsia are quite aware of the need for unbiased news sources and their importance in a free society, please rest assured.
If you hear to what Ms Lyons says, the video in question was aired on CNN International, but mounting Bahraini and Saudi pressure forced it off.

The real crime here is the power of Middle Eastern despots to control what their own populations hear and see.

The US intelligentsia are quite aware of the need for unbiased news sources and their importance in a free society, please rest assured.

C'mon man, that is weak.
Poor CNN was controlled by by the evil moooslim countries to not show their program.
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