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Clinton's leaked mail: Sectarian Shia-Sunni war in Syria and region is a good thing for Israel, West

Lol wth are you talking about
I was saying that those countries are literally nothing without crude oil, building some towers won't make your country more advanced or respectable than Iran.

I am talking about your recent and current history. Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about. Do your own research. Material that confirm those historical facts and data are freely available all over the internet, within academia etc.

Keep telling yourself that. Last time I checked Arabia (GCC and Yemen - basically the same historically entity called Arabia) have as many World UNESCO Heritage Sites as Iran. Just to make one example. Your pretentious and fake conviction of your "superiority" is laughed at considering what I described in my first post in this thread. Thankfully not all Iranians are like that. The reality is that most Iranians are very poor (compared to GCC standards) and poor people are usually humble and hospitable. I have friends from the GCC who recently traveled to the countryside of Iran and they told about it. The same is the case in the GCC, excluding tourist traps such as Dubai, expect for the poverty part, excluding Yemen of course. I have never met your kind of Iranians personally in the GCC so either they are more educated than your kind or they just don't have as big a mouth in real life as some of you guys have on the internet. Understandably as Arabs are quite direct people if you know what I mean…..We don't deal with nonsense but actions.
I think that it is a combination. But the Iranians in the GCC are all right. Most people in the GCC, contrary to what you probably believe, don't think about Iran or know much about it. We have many other worries. I wish I could say the same about you guys as you seem really obsessed about Arabs. It's like you are holding a 1400 year old grudge. Get over it! You were not the only ones conquered by us. The entire Muslim world, almost, was. Only you are bitching this much though.
Anyway many of the Iranians in the GCC are Sunnis and also many of them are actually of Arab descent or mixed. I think that we will work it out eventually some day as neighbors. Until then I will have fun dealing with people such as you. Don't bother to reply.
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I am talking about your recent and current history. Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about. Do your own research. Material that confirm those historical facts and data are freely available all over the internet, within academia etc.

Keep telling yourself that. Last time I checked Arabia (GCC and Yemen - basically the same historically entity called Arabia) have as many World UNESCO Heritage Sites as Iran. Just to make one example. Your pretentious and fake conviction of your "superiority" is laughed at considering what I described in my first post in this thread. Thankfully not all Iranians are like that. The reality is that most Iranians are very poor (compared to GCC standards) and poor people are usually humble and hospitable. I have friends from the GCC who recently traveled to the countryside of Iran and they told about it. The same is the case in the GCC, excluding tourist traps such as Dubai, expect for the poverty part, excluding Yemen of course. I have never met your kind of Iranians personally in the GCC so either they are more educated than your kind or they just don't have as big a mouth in real life as some of you guys have on the internet. Understandably as Arabs are quite direct people if you know what I mean…..We don't deal with nonsense but actions.
I think that it is a combination. But the Iranians in the GCC are all right. Most people in the GCC, contrary to what you probably believe, don't think about Iran or know much about it. We have many other worries. I wish I could say the same about you guys as you seem really obsessed about Arabs. It's like you are holding a 1400 year old grudge. Get over it! You were not the only ones conquered by us. The entire Muslim world, almost, was. Only you are bitching this much though.
Anyway many of the Iranians in the GCC are Sunnis and also many of them are actually of Arab descent or mixed. I think that we will work it out eventually some day as neighbors. Until then I will have fun dealing with people such as you.
wtf does World UNESCO Heritage Sites have to do with this discussion lol? Number of the World Heritage sites does not indicate anything related to this topic. I think the words in the name has misled you. Moreover, Iran is a modern country, if you want to compare Arabia, as opposed to Saudi Arabia, to an Iranian entity, you should compare it to greater land which is called Greater Iran. In fact, many Important 'Iranian' cities and cultural elements are outside of the modern boundaries of Iran. Anyway, this has nothing to do with this discussion.

Who said Iranians are superior? I'm not a racist lol. I'm not very rich either, I'm in the middle-class and from a poor background. Of course Iran is home some of the most hospitable people on the planet, so we see stuff like Iran is Great every now and then. Of course I'm hospitable in real life as well, but if you want to say Iranians in Dubai are poor people escaping Iran then I can't show much hospitability.
Why do you think Iranians think about you? I didn't know what "GCC" mean before joining this forum. Last time I check there was a Saudi obsession with Iran, not the other way around. "You were not the only ones conquered by us" lol you think history begins with the conquers of Muslims? :lol: Nations conquer each other. You were actually conquered more by us if you look a little further back. There's no grudge, your dictators are obsessed with our country and our interests, they have done nothing good for us, simple as that. You mistakenly thinking that Iranians being anti-Saudi makes them anti-Arab, average Iranians are not against Arabs.
@Takaavar I cannot quote your post and I already spent way too much time replying to your post so this will be my last post.

Your pathetic comment where you practically implied that Arabian and Arab history began when oil and gas was discovered when that area of the world is home to some of the oldest civilizations in the world and is the second oldest inhabited place by humans after Eastern Africa. Almost whenever you go in Arabia this is evident. What's more, it's one of the least explored regions of the world by archaeologists for a lot of reasons.

It is hilarious in the first place that you had to mention oil and gas seeing that your country benefited just as much from it and have just as many resources as we have. Now look at your economy for the past 40 years. Are you content? Also what have camels to do with anything? I would bet that you likely have more camels in Iran than we have in KSA. We are actually importing camels from Australia for meat and diary products and as farm animals. Besides they are great and useful animals although I prefer the Arabian horse personally.
Many Iranians that I have talked to often like to pretend that they are on the level of Germany or something hilarious as that and that they do not face the exact same problems that most ME countries face. Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact on many fronts you are worse off. Some, I have already mentioned. There is also this "Aryan" fixation that you guys have where you like to link yourself with Europeans whom you have no genetic connection to as confirmed today by DNA tests. In fact the average Arab has more of a genetic connection which geography also explains. In comparison I have never heard about Arabs believing that they are a superior race nor have I heard about Arabs, regardless of skin color, focusing on such things.
Yes, and if we shall compare it with some "Greater Iran" (this is the first time that I have heard about such a thing) we can just as well mention the entire Arab world then and you lose big time. That's irrelevant though although plenty of World UNESCO Heritage Sites in modern-day Jordan (the jewel Petra for instance which is world-renowned for is unique beauty, size and architecture) Iraq, Syria, Israel/Palestine and Lebanon were built by people from Arabia long before Islam.
I never said anything about Iranians in GCC being poor or rich. I just mentioned the fact that there are a lot of them while there are no people from the GCC living in Iran. Refugees from nearby Iraq and Syrian don't even go to Iran or want to go there. Is that not telling? There must be a reason why so many Iranians have migrated to the GCC and in comparison why so few Arabs have gone to Iran in recent times.

I think that you knew very well what Arabia (GCC) was at an early stage of your life considering that you have likely only known an Islamic Iran in your life and that you are taught Arabic in school and Islamic history etc.
Are you sure about that? Besides it's obvious for anyone who is more obsessed about the other. Just look what your regime, who btw claims or are of Arab descent, have been doing in the Arab world since 1979. Besides Arabic language, the Arabic alphabet, Islam etc. have shaped your culture much more than any Iranian influence in the Arab world which outside of the small Kurdish region of Iraq, is negligible at best and actually non-existent west of Iraq and the Peninsula due to geography and a lack of Iranian presence.
Average Arabs are not against Iranians either. In fact fanatical Shia Arabs are in love with your regime quite often and the "Sayyids" among you whom they consider almost holy. The average Saudi Arabian and Arab knows little about Iran, as I already wrote. This is changing a bit though due to the political hostility between the GCC and Iran. There are people of Iranian origin living in KSA and nobody is bothering them. I did not know that Iran was a shinning democracy while GCC is ruled by evil dictators that happen to host 1 million Iranians. Yes, and Iran has never done anything good for the Arab world either in recent times. Maybe that will change though in the future, I don't know.

To stay on the topic, while you are here, can you answer me when you are finally going to invade Israel for the first time instead of propagandizing that Arabs of all people are in love with Israel and using gullible Shia's from Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq to do your dirty job in Lebanon and Syria?
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Believe it or not this news will actually help hillary get more votes. Well even hillary probably didnt knew that influx of Millions of refugees will turn western world with it a$$ pointing sky high. It is rich that what west was brewing for other came back to haunt them as refugees. Every passing day millions more march to west due to instability caused by their own hands.
This all bullshit. Look at the 'sources'. Only an idiot would post this stuff and think it's real. Keep up the good work.:rofl:
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