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Clinton to Iran: Show that nuclear arms not sought

Jul 11, 2011
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ISTANBUL (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday urged Iran to back up its declaration that Islam bars weapons of mass destruction by agreeing to a plan that would prove it does not intend to develop nuclear arms.
Ahead of international talks April 13 in Istanbul on Iran's uranium enrichment program, Clinton talked strategy with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who visited Tehran last week with other government officials.
"They were told that the supreme leader (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) viewed weapons of mass destruction as religiously prohibited, as against Islam," Clinton said at a news conference.
"We are meeting with the Iranians to discuss how to translate what is a stated belief into a plan of action," she said. "It is not an abstract belief, but a government policy. That government policy can be demonstrated in a number of ways. ... The international community now wants to see actions associated with that statement of belief."
She mentioned opening Iran's nuclear facilities to international inspectors and shipping out some of Iran's enriched uranium in exchange for fuel for its research reactor.
Washington and its allies see Iran's nuclear program as designed to develop an atomic bomb. Tehran says the program is for peaceful energy and research purposes.
The upcoming talks, which Clinton said would not be "an open-ended session," have taken on fresh urgency amid speculation that Israel or the U.S. could take military action later this year. Clinton has made clear that time is running out for diplomacy.
Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters, issued a religious decree in 2005 declaring nuclear weapons as "haram" or forbidden. The U.S. and its allies discount Iran's claims.
Clinton noted that the Turkish leaders had "lengthy discussions" with Iranian officials. But the U.S. and Turkey, a NATO ally, haven't seen eye to eye on the Iranian threat.
Erdogan has built close economic ties with Iran and has tried to act as a go-between on the nuclear program, breaking ranks with world powers in 2010 by attempting to find a separate settlement with Tehran. The international talks have included the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China.
Erdogan's comments upon returning from Tehran suggested further distancing from U.S. and European positions, repeating Khamenei's verdict on weapons of mass destruction.
"After such a statement from such a person, I cannot claim that Iran is building a nuclear weapon," the Turkish leader said. "Does it not have the right to implement a nuclear program for peaceful means?"

The Associated Press: Clinton to Iran: Show that nuclear arms not sought

Iran to Hilary clinton:
Why dont the US just come forward and say ..look we want cheap oil and lets have a deal..you take the weapons and guarantee us cheap oil! Its not about weapons but about dominating regional affairs and as the case of Pakistan and NK has proved it is difficult to cave in nuclear armed countries due to their potential of taking a lot of people down with them.
Somebozo said:
Why dont the US just come forward and say ..look we want cheap oil and lets have a deal..you take the weapons and guarantee us cheap oil! Its not about weapons but about dominating regional affairs

How cheap should oil be? can you clarify? Cheaper than what it currently is?
Iranian nuke dogma is the same as Iraqi WMD..same game new player!
Wars are waged for a reason and through out human history the aggressor has always taken innocence by appointing himself righteous through a self selected process or selling a national security theory to his populace.
Sombozo said:
Why dont the US just come forward and say ..look we want cheap oil and lets have a deal..you take the weapons and guarantee us cheap oil! Its not about weapons but about dominating regional affairs

Doesn't make sense.
If this was the case, then Us should have started by taking out the easier targets like UAE, Kuweit, KSA, before going for Iran.
But as you see, they have no problem with the former.

The reason is clear for me. Just pointed out as a good starting point for you to start thinking.
It could at the very least, help you in the apparent confusion that you have.
She is dumb no doubt.

They were told that the supreme leader (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) viewed weapons of mass destruction as religiously prohibited, as against Islam," Clinton said at a news conference.
"We are meeting with the Iranians to discuss how to translate what is a stated belief into a plan of action," she said. "It is not an abstract belief, but a government policy. That government policy can be demonstrated in a number of ways. ... The international community now wants to see actions associated with that statement of belief."

Yesterday Clinton had a great meeting with counterpart, that's what make her so happy. I am not talking about Saudi Arabia, just look at the face of Clinton big smile....wink wink wink

Doesn't make sense.
If this was the case, then Us should have started by taking out the easier targets like UAE, Kuweit, KSA, before going for Iran.
But as you see, they have no problem with the former.

The reason is clear for me. Just pointed out as a good starting point for you to start thinking.
It could at the very least, help you in the apparent confusion that you have.

The countries you have pointed out are also the largest trading partners of US. By selling them expensive oil, US benefits by boosting its exports to those countries because in exchange of dollar thy buy billion dollars weapons and industrial goods. That is not the case with Iran.

The situation would be way different if UAE and KSA will not buy over priced american war toys to save the jobs back in US or Qatar will refuse to finance US backed regime change campaigns!

I am not saying Iran is saint but neither the GCC is..if the GCC will not play in American lap, the Iranians will..it is just conflict of interest. Someone has to agree to be ripped off!
How cheap should oil be? can you clarify? Cheaper than what it currently is?

Free. They want to steal it. Steal resources using human rights as cloak for actions

Iran to Clinton: Go back to kitchen old lady.
What else should Iran do to prove that it is not developing nuclear weapons?

Go look after your husband and then he wont run off with other women
Somebozo said:
The countries you have pointed out are also the largest trading partners of US. By selling them expensive oil, US benefits by boosting its exports to those countries because in exchange of dollar thy buy billion dollars weapons and industrial goods. That is not the case with Iran.

Somebozo said:
I am not saying Iran is saint but neither the GCC is..if the GCC will not play in American lap, the Iranians will..it is just conflict of interest. Someone has to agree to be ripped off!

Why do you contradict yourself all the time? I can't follow your logic.

It's only because of Iran-US conflict that a country like UAE is visible on the maps Americans use.
They have found a chance to "play in the US lap" just after the Iranian revolution.

If as you say Iran was willing to "play in the US lap" we could easily do that, what's stopping us? Iran (Carter's Island of stability) makes a far batter partner for US in the region than the other counties I named. On all fronts: economy, security, military.


You confess GCC is playing in US's lap, but Iran is not, but then you see Iran's revolution as failed one.
iran has every right to nukes U.S has no moral high ground to stand on to decide who should have nukes and who should not.
How cheap should oil be? can you clarify? Cheaper than what it currently is?

u dont get it they want to capture most of the oil exporting countries so that they can sell it to u in high price:blink:

instead of that in the near future that can be :lol:their only source of money
iran has every right to nukes U.S has no moral high ground to stand on to decide who should have nukes and who should not.

Iran has no legal right to nuclear weapons. It signed its legal right away for dual use equipment under the npt.

Before Iran had any legal right to pursue nuclear weapons, it would have to leave the npt, and get rid of all dual use equipment it got under the plan and materials+ equipment derived from such. Basically start from scratch.

That is just a hypothetical, in reality if Iran left the npt (we both know they wouldn't give up the dual use equipment) the US would gather up a coalition and come down on them like a ton of bricks whether we got UNSC support or not.

If Iran has no intention to obtain nuclear weapons then their course of action is obvious, and has long been obvious.

If Iran intends to obtain nuclear weapons then I recommend those who live in Iran on this forum start building bomb shelters under their house, store purified water, an electric generator or two, food, etc.

If basic utilities in the cities are cut off then you will have a backup to wait in safety until the new provisional Iranian government gets the basic utilities back up and running.
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