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Clinton " I was Mistaken about Syria" - US foreign policy blunders


Mar 22, 2013
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After three years of advocating Islamic rebellion in Syria , Clinton admits that she underestimated the propinquent danger of radical Islamists


Clinton said the problem in Iraq has been exacerbated by Syria's civil war, which has created problems not just for Syria but for the whole region but she did not explain why she was advocating the Islamist rebellion in Syria for more than three bloody years.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Sunday that a militant group in Syria and Iraq that gained control of key Iraqi cities last week may try to create an Islamist state.

“I could not have predicted the extent to which ISIS [the Islamist State of Iraq and Syria] could be effective in seizing cities in Iraq and trying to erase boundaries to create an Islamist state,” Clinton told Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass during a conversation hosted by CFR in New York. Referring to the conflict in and around Syria, she said, "Now the wicked problem has gotten even wickeder."

AWDNews - Clinton : I was Mistaken about Syria
She supported terrorism since the beginning, she encouraged terrorists to not drop their weapons and continue killing, and now she says she is wrong after the destruction of the whole country??
after all this death and destruction i was mistaken she says
Too late to confess, we knew what was happening ...
After three years of advocating Islamic rebellion in Syria , Clinton admits that she underestimated the propinquent danger of radical Islamists


Clinton said the problem in Iraq has been exacerbated by Syria's civil war, which has created problems not just for Syria but for the whole region but she did not explain why she was advocating the Islamist rebellion in Syria for more than three bloody years.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Sunday that a militant group in Syria and Iraq that gained control of key Iraqi cities last week may try to create an Islamist state.

“I could not have predicted the extent to which ISIS [the Islamist State of Iraq and Syria] could be effective in seizing cities in Iraq and trying to erase boundaries to create an Islamist state,” Clinton told Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass during a conversation hosted by CFR in New York. Referring to the conflict in and around Syria, she said, "Now the wicked problem has gotten even wickeder."

AWDNews - Clinton : I was Mistaken about Syria

If it took Mrs. Clinton 13 years from 9/11 attacks and the War in Afghanistan to understand the dangers and threat from radical Islam then I must say that she isn't smart enough and not suitable for the US president's post.
If it took Mrs. Clinton 13 years from 9/11 attacks and the War in Afghanistan to understand the dangers and threat from radical Islam then I must say that she isn't smart enough and not suitable for the US president's post.
when Bush type ppl becomes president of USA, then anyone can be US president LOL
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