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Clinical human trials begin for COVID-19 vaccine in China

TCM can help halve COVID-19 death rate: report
Source: Xinhua| 2021-05-10 13:13:51|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, May 10 (Xinhua) -- A recent study has shown that Qingfei Paidu soup, a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) widely used to treat COVID-19, can help reduce the rate of death among hospitalized patients by half, China Daily reported Monday.

The study, led by researchers from Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, examined more than 8,900 hospitalized COVID-19 cases in Hubei Province, the hardest-hit region during the epidemic, from January to May last year.

Nearly 30 percent of the patients had taken Qingfei Paidu as part of their therapies. Results suggest that the mortality rate for those undergoing the TCM treatment stands at 1.2 percent, while the rate for other patients is 4.8 percent, said the report.

The study concluded that the use of Qingfei Paidu is associated with a 50 percent reduction of mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, without amplifying the risk of developing acute liver or kidney injuries.

The newspaper cited Li Jing, head of the research team, as saying that based on the national diagnosis and treatment guidelines for COVID-19, Qingfei Paidu is the only prescription that is recommended for treating all patients ranging from mild to critical cases.

Qingfei Paidu is a concoction made of dozens of TCM herbs and roots such as ephedra, licorice root and bitter almond.

The study is by far the largest clinical research on Qingfei Paidu and its findings have provided strong evidence proving its marked efficacy in saving the lives of COVID-19 patients, according to the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
This is for clinical treatment of COVID-19, not vaccine.

Fosun Pharma, a large Chinese pharma group has bought the rights to antiandrogen Proxalutamide for India and Africa, adding to the credibility of that spectacularly effective Covid treatment that has the potential to change the course of the pandemic.​
There is question of credibility because the reported clinical trial result is just too good.

Science magazine has an news article on this back in 7 Jul, 2021.

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China’s first COVID-19 antibody drug cuts hospitalizations, deaths 80%
By Liu Caiyu and Zhao Juecheng
Published: Dec 09, 2021 07:43 PM

Photo: Zhao Juecheng/GT

Photo: Zhao Juecheng/GT​

China’s first home-developed anti-COVID-19 drug using “antibody cocktail therapy” has been approved for marketing, after being found to be effective in reducing the risk of hospitalization or death among high-risk COVID-19 patients by 80 percent. It also retains its neutralizing activity against the Omicron variant.

The drug shows excellent safety and protection effects in international multi-center trials, and it is the only antibody drug in the world to have evaluated the efficacy of the treatment of patients with mutant strains and obtained the best results, Zhang Linqi, the professor who leads the research and development of the drug at Tsinghua University’s School of Medicine, told the Global Times on Thursday at the university.

Studies showed that the drug could retain neutralizing activity against numerous variants including Alpha, Delta and Omicron. In the next step, Zhang’s team will investigate the preventive effect of this “antibody cocktail therapy” among high-risk and immunocompromised people, said the professor.

With one shot, the antibody cocktail can persist in the human body for about nine to 12 months. Besides the therapeutic efficacy shown in the clinical trials, it can also be used for epidemic prevention. “Antibody drugs and vaccines complement each other. If people who have underlying or immune diseases cannot take vaccines, they could choose to take this drug instead to get antibodies against COVID-19,” Zhang said.

The antibody cocktail contains two monoclonal antibodies – Brii-196 and Brii-198 – which received emergency approval from China’s top medicine regulator, the National Medical Products Administration, on Wednesday. Its approval signifies that China has the first fully domestically developed and proven anti-COVID-19 drug that has undergone strict randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trials.

The therapy was jointly developed by Tsinghua University, the Third People's Hospital of Shenzhen and Brii Biosciences.

The main mechanism of the drug neutralizes the novel coronavirus, preventing the virus from being absorbed to susceptible cells and thus preventing the virus or its genetic materials from entering cells to proliferate.

Photo: Zhao Juecheng/GT

Photo: Zhao Juecheng/GT​

The study was conducted at multiple clinical trial centers around the world, including the US, Brazil, South Africa, Mexico, Argentina and the Philippines. The clinical trial results showed that the “antibody cocktail therapy” reduces the risk of hospitalization and death among high-risk COVID-19 patients by 80 percent. Nine deaths were seen in the placebo group while there were zero deaths in the treatment group.

Since June, Brii Biosciences has been working with government agencies and hospitals to donate about 3,000 doses, which helped treat about 900 COVID-19 patients across the country, including those from Guangdong, Yunnan and Inner Mongolia.

The team submitted an application for the emergency use approval to the US Food and Drug Administration in October, which means that it is likely to be the first medication to receive emergency use authorization in a developed country.
This is for clinical treatment of COVID-19, not vaccine.

Fosun Pharma, a large Chinese pharma group has bought the rights to antiandrogen Proxalutamide for India and Africa, adding to the credibility of that spectacularly effective Covid treatment that has the potential to change the course of the pandemic.​
There is question of credibility because the reported clinical trial result is just too good.

Science magazine has an news article on this back in 7 Jul, 2021.

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