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Clean your own backyard..!

Dawood Ibrahim

May 25, 2016
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A few years ago, was speaking with a lawyer, who told me his young son wanted to get into a career in singing. “I have spent thousands putting him through law college,” he cried, “And now this is what he wants to do Bob?”
I looked at the lawyer, quietly took him to a coffee shop, and reasoned with him, telling him, that he had worked hard so his children could make choices in what they wanted to do. The lawyer seemed quite convinced with my clever arguments, and then just as we were about to leave he asked me, “How’s your daughter doing?” “She’s doing well,” I said, “Though she seems to spend more time learning to dance than study!” “Then why don’t you allow her to choose?” said the lawyer, and slowly, very slowly I nodded my head. I had just lost to him, because without cleaning my own backyard, I was advising him to clean his.
Many of us do this everyday. A president to be, of a social club, I know, talked big of projects worth crores which he could help finance and get started, till somebody asked him, about the club’s own little project of cleaning a garbage dump, “We are finding it difficult to raise money to pay the sweeper!” he said. How easy to talk about cleaning the whole city, and raising money for dream projects when you were not putting efforts in your own backyard! And this trend is in all our lives.
A preacher, I know, who’s sermons are some of the best I heard, screamed one day from the pulpit about forgiveness. Many in his congregation where impressed by his sermon, “How’s your brother?” somebody asked him, and then watched him put his eyes down. He, and his brother were not on talking terms. How is your backyard? Are you telling others how to clean theirs? An uncle of mine I remember was quite good at advising all his relatives not to stand in the way of their children and who they wanted to marry. Then one day, his son decided to get married to a girl of his own choosing. “No!” shouted his father, the same amicable uncle, “You will not marry her!”
Again, a dirty backyard. What’s the dirt lying in your backyard about? Forgiveness? Paying back a debt? Calling up a son or daughter? Clean it, and people seeing your own backyard clean, will clean theirs too, even before you tell them to! The most powerful advice you can give others, is a clean backyard..!
—Email: bobsbanter@gmail.com

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