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Situation in east of Ukraine is still tense | Міністерство оборони України
Friday, July 24. DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the situation in the region is still tense. Over the past 24 hours, the Russian-backed terrorists have completed 78 attacks against the Ukrainian govt positions.

Terrorists shelled Novhorodske from bandits-controlled Horlivka.

Bandits attacked the Ukrainian army positions near Opytne, Avdiyvka, Berezove with 152 mm and 122 mm mortars, Pisky with 120 mm mortars, Novhorodske, Rozsadka, Avdiyvka, Kirove, Stanytsya Luhanska, Sanjarivka, Luhanske, Lozove, Mariynka, Opytne, etc.

As of 06:00 a.m., July 24, the illegal armed formations keep shelling the Ukrainian govt positions. Bandits attacked Mariynka, Pisky, Kryakivka, Luhanske, Popasna, Lozove with small arms.

One Ukrainian soldier killed in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 24 /Ukrinform/. One Ukrainian serviceman was killed; three soldiers were wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"One Ukrainian serviceman was killed, other three soldiers were injured over the past day," Lysenko said.

Gerashchenko: 250 Ukrainians still illegally held by Russia and militants : UNIAN news
About 250 citizens of Ukraine are being illegally held by Russian-backed militants and the Russian Federation, Ukrainian presidential envoy for the peaceful settlement of the Donbas conflict and Ukrainian representative of the humanitarian subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group, MP Iryna Gerashchenko said on Friday, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

"For the last two months, our humanitarian subgroups were able to release 30 Ukrainians from the militant captivity. About 250 Ukrainians are still in captivity," she said.

Gerashchenko said that the priority of the Trilateral Contact Group talks in Minsk was the release of prisoners.

One soldier wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 25 /Ukrinform/. One Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in the area of conduct of anti-terrorist operation in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"One our soldier was wounded in hostilities over past 24 hours," he said.

Lysenko noted that yesterday's morning three Ukrainian soldiers had been killed and four wounded in an accident, which occurred near Pervomayske village, Yasynuvata district, Donetsk region.

A driver's failing to control a car properly resulted in the accident, ATO spokesperson noted.

Militants shell Ukrainian forces more than 70 times in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 25 /Ukrinform/. July 24, despite the relative calm till 18:00, the Russian-terrorist forces intensified shelling on the positions of ATO forces after dark. The militants launched over 70 attacks on Ukrainian positions in past 24 hours.

This is reported by the ATO press center.

Ignoring the Minsk agreements, the Russian mercenaries used heavy artillery and tanks to cynically shell the peaceful settlements in all directions.

In the afternoon of July 24, the pro-Russian militants fired rounds of incendiary shelling on village of Novhorodske (34 km north of Donetsk). Houses of civilians were ignited with shelling in dry and hot weather. The ATO forces soldiers came to help civilians put the blaze out, but the terrorists opened fire on them, making it difficult to tackle fire.

From 18:00 to 24:00, the militants' attacks were launched using the weapons banned under the Minsk agreements on Ukrainian positions near Starohnativka, Pisky, Leninske, Novhorodske, Verkhniotoretske, Bohdanivka, Lozove, Luhanske.

Since today's morning, the Russian-terrorist forces have continued shelling Ukrainian positions.

Ukrainian troops come under major shelling near Volnovakha - journalist : UNIAN news
Combained Russian-terrorist forces engage 122mm artillery against positions of the 72nd motorized brigade near Volnovakha overnight, Yuriy Butusov, a Ukrainian journalist, wrote on Facebook.

"The shelling comes from 122 mm artillery division. The fire is precisely aimed, drones are being used for adjustment. This is Russian artillery – the shelling is closely grouped, well-coordinated and quickly adjusted. Our people do not sleep, maneuvering to get out from under fire. The shelling continues. Of course, there is no OSCE anywhere around. It's probably the way they prepare for the demilitarization of Shyrokyno. This is probably to show "Normandy Four" Russia's willingness to comply with the terms of the ceasefire, and to speed up the withdrawal of weapons of an under 100mm caliber. Be safe, guys," says Butusov.

As UNIAN earlier reported, Russian proxies attacked Ukrainian troops more than 70 times overnight on July 24.

Frigate Naval Forces of Ukraine "Getman Sahaidachny" of helicopter Ka-27pch on board completed participation in the multinational naval exercises "Sea Shield-2015", which is from 17 to 24 July were in the western part of the Black Sea today, July 25, returned to the port of Odessa.

The purpose of training involved in training Ukrainian Navy assets was to simulate interaction during assignments in multinational tactical connections ships under NATO standards, raising the level of interoperability of and their operational capabilities.




Terrorists still violate Minsk agreements | Міністерство оборони України
According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, over the past 24 hours, there have been 75 attacks against the Ukrainian army positions.

Militants shelled the Ukrainian army positions near Krasnohorivka and Nyjnye with 120 mm mortars; Pisky, Mayorsk, Pershe Travnya, Mykolayvka; Kurdyumivka with 152 mm artillery; Berezove with tanks.

The illegal armed formations attacked the Ukrainian govt positions near Avdiyvka, Nelipivka, Zhovte, Luhanske, Chermalyk, Opytne, Triokhizbenka, Pisky, and Mayorsk with small arms and mortars.

Today, the bandits have shelled the army positions near Berezove and Krasnohorivka.

The enemy opened the harassing fire against Ukrainian troops near Mariynka, Opytne, Krasnohorivka, and Verkhniotoretske.


Militants attack using tanks and 122mm howitzers today : UNIAN news

In the past 24 hours, on July 25, Russian-backed illegal armed groups shelled Ukrainian troops in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) area 75 times, with 39 attacks launched from 18.00 Kyiv time till midnight, the ATO press center wrote on Facebook.

Starting from 20:00 Kyiv time, militants shelled almost simultaneously Ukrainian troops near the settlements of Krasnogorivka and Nyzhnie, using 120mm mortar. Later, militants launched shelling near the villages of Pisky, Mayorske, Pershe Travnia, and Mykolaivka. Ukrainian troops near the village of Kurdiumivka were also under enemy 152mm artillery fire, while the village of Berezove was attacked by a tank two times.

Militants were firing from mortars and small arms on the ATO troops near the villages of Avdiyivka, Nelypivka, Zhovte, Luganske, Chermalyk, Opytne, Triokhizbenka, repeatedly Pisky and Mayorske.

Today, on July 26, militants opened fire on the positions of Ukrainian troops near Berezove using tanks. Later, militants continued shelling Krasnogorivka. Also, at 04:50 the positions of the ATO forces near this village were shelled with 122mm howitzers for half an hour.

In addition, the ATO press center reports on militant tactics of “disturbing fire” on the positions of Ukrainian forces near the settlements of Maryinka, Opytne, Krasnogorivka, Verkhniotoretske.

ATO Headquarters denies withdrawal of Azov and Aidar battalions : UNIAN news

The Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters denies reports about withdrawal of units of the Azov battalion from positions near the village of Shyrokyne and withdrawal of the Aidar battalion in Luhansk direction, the ATO press center wrote on Facebook.

Unreliable reports have been spread by some media and controversial experts in order to discredit the ATO forces and stir up panic in society, according to the statement.

A scheduled rotation of these battalions is under way, according to the ATO Headquarters. One of the most combat-ready units of the marine corps is to replace the Azov battalion as part of a troop rotation.

Mechanized brigade of Ukrainian Ground Forces will replace the Aidar battalion on its frontline positions.

None of the units of the ATO forces have left their positions and no settlements have been surrendered, the report noted.

The scheduled rotation of the Azov and Aidar battalions is carried out for enhancing combat capabilities of these units. Rearmament, resupply and combat coordination will be carried out on certain positions of the Azov and Aidar battalions.

The Ukrainian armed forces are firmly holding their defensive positions and are ready to fulfill the tasks, as noted in the report.

Militants attack Ukrainian positions using tanks and 122mm howitzers - read on - uatoday.tv
Ukrainian army says militants use heavy weapons banned under the terms of Minsk peace deal

In the past 24 hours Russian-backed illegal armed groups shelled Ukrainian troops in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) area 75 times, with 39 attacks launched from 18.00 Kyiv time till midnight, the ATO press center wrote on Facebook.

Starting from 20:00 Kyiv time, militants shelled almost simultaneously Ukrainian troops near the settlements of Krasnogorivka and Nyzhnie, using 120mm mortar. Later, militants launched shelling near the villages of Pisky, Mayorske, Pershe Travnia, and Mykolaivka. Ukrainian troops near the village of Kurdiumivka were also under enemy 152mm artillery fire, while the village of Berezove was attacked by a tank two times.

Militants were firing from mortars and small arms on the ATO troops near the villages of Avdiyivka, Nelypivka, Zhovte, Luganske, Chermalyk, Opytne, Triokhizbenka, repeatedly Pisky and Mayorske.

Today, on July 26, militants opened fire on the positions of Ukrainian troops near Berezove using tanks. Later, militants continued shelling Krasnogorivka. Also, at 04:50 the positions of the ATO forces near this village were shelled with 122mm howitzers for half an hour.

VOA: Ex-Ukrainian spy chief: Russian camps spreading chaos - read on - uatoday.tv
Nalyvaichenko says danger of Ukraine's disintegration much reduced from a year ago

Ukraine's former intelligence chief says Russia is financing and organizing training camps from within Ukraine's rebel-controlled eastern provinces in order to destabilize the country.

"Up to 30 camps in Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea are training subversive groups, providing them with weapons and sending them on missions throughout Ukraine," said Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, who ran the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), the country's successor to the Soviet-era KGB, until his forced resignation last month.

"Local criminal gangs and separatists, together with Russian active duty troops, are all committing war crimes and violating international law inside Ukraine," Nalyvaichenko said. "That's what we mean by Russian aggression."

Ukraine detains another suspected Russian soldier in east| Reuters

Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:06am EDT
Related: World
Ukraine detains another suspected Russian soldier in east
KIEV | By Natalia Zinets

Ukrainian state security agents on Sunday questioned a soldier suspected of being a Russian army officer who was picked up while riding in a military truck packed with ammunition in the country's east.

If he is confirmed as a Russian soldier, Ukraine is likely to use the case to bolster its charges that Russia is continuing direct involvement in the 15-month-long conflict and failing to honor a peace agreement worked out in Minsk, Belarus, in February.

The Ukrainian military and border guard service said the soldier had identified himself as a Russian officer with the rank of major in a rocket-artillery unit when he was detained. Another man who was detained identified himself as a pro-Russian separatist fighter.

A spokesman said the two men may have taken a wrong direction and driven toward Ukrainian forces manning a checkpoint southwest of the rebel-controlled city of Donetsk by mistake.

The truck stopped only after Ukrainian border guards fired warning shots.

"We can assume that they took a wrong direction while driving, got lost and came on our checkpoint," military spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanuk told a briefing.

The two men wore military uniforms, without insignia, and carried no identity documents, he said.

In the face of what Kiev and Western governments say is undeniable proof, Moscow denies its regular forces are engaged actively in the conflict on behalf of the separatists.

Though a fragile ceasefire seems to be holding, more than 6,500 people have been killed in the conflict in Ukraine's industrialized Russian-speaking east.

Ukraine is still holding two Russian soldiers who were captured in May and have been charged with terrorism. Russia says the two men had quit their special forces unit to go to Ukraine on their own.

Ukraine's border guards said in a statement they found nearly 200 cases containing grenades and ammunition including rocket-propelled shells when they stopped the truck at the Berezove checkpoint about 45 km (28 miles) southwest of Donetsk.

They were driving from the direction of Olenivka, which is under separatist control.

"He (the Russian officer) had no documents. But he admitted that he was a chief of an RAO (rocket-artillery weapons unit). He is responsible for ammunition supply. He said that while delivering the ammunition they had got lost", Oleksandr Tomchyshyn, a border guards spokesman said.

(Writing by Richard Balmforth; Editing by Angus MacSwan)
It's good to see Ukraine losing in this fight, go Donbass fight for your freedom.
you lose a lot of energy to be keep us convinced that Ukrainians have won the war, while actually they are in a civil war ....
They are fucked up,Ukraine will never be the same country and that fact know very well Ukrainians but now is too late to fix the mistake .
you lose a lot of energy to be keep us convinced that Ukrainians have won the war, while actually they are in a civil war ....
They are fucked up,Ukraine will never be the same country and that fact know very well Ukrainians but now is too late to fix the mistake .

Ukrainians have lost thier territories and thousands have been dead in Ukraine and millions have been displaced.

But Ukrainians are defending thier territories.

One Ukrainian soldier killed in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 27 /Ukrinform/. One Ukrainian serviceman was killed; seven soldiers were wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"One Ukrainian serviceman was killed, other seven soldiers were injured over the past day," Lysenko said.

Militants shell Vuhlehirsk TPP again. Station halted| Ukrinform
KYIV, July 27 /Ukrinform/. On the night of July 27, the Russian-backed militants fired on the Vuhlehirsk thermal power station, forcing to halt its work.

The thermal power station is located near the town of Svitlodarsk, between Horlivka and Debaltseve, Donetsk region.

This is reported by the press service of the Donetsk Regional Military and Civilian Administration.

"At 0:56 on Monday, the 1st and the 3d units of the thermal power station were shelled. As the substation broke down, the Vuhlehirsk TPP was halted. The recovery efforts are being carried out," reads the statement

The local authorities consider the TPP shelling to be a deliberate destruction of infrastructure by the terrorists.


Escalation of situation in east of Ukraine | Міністерство оборони України
Monday, July 27. DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, over the past 24 hours the Russian-backed terrorists have completed 86 attacks against the Ukrainian army positions and communities.

Terrorists shelled Avdiyvka and its outskirts with 152 mm artillery; Zaytsevo, Holmivskyi, Horlivka, Mykolayvka with 152 mm artillery, 120 mm mortars, tanks, small arms; Vodyane, Mayorsk and Pershe Travnya, Shchastya with 152 mm artillery and 120 mm mortars.

The enemy opened the harassing fire near Mariynka, Shyrokyne, Avdiyvka, Luhanske, Mayorsk, Kirove, Pershe Travnya, Stanytsya Luhanska, Pisky, Opytne, Shchastya.

Today, the terrorists have made a great number of violations of the Minsk Agreements from 00:00 to 06:00 a.m. Militants keep shelling the communities where civilians live. Terrorists shelled communities with Grad multiple rocket launchers.


25 - 26 July in the village Saturday, the first nationwide military pilgrimage "Kholodny pilgrimage." It was organized at the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the State Border Service of Ukraine, the National Guard and military control of the Synodal clergy UOC-KP. The event was held under the slogan "One single Baptism Church, one state."During the pilgrimage soldiers and their families had the opportunity to visit Elias Church, which is the burial place of kind Khmelnitsky. That it is an icon of Jesus Christ, which a few months ago began to bleed.Before the first military pilgrimage Orthodox Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Filaret in Ilyinsk village church served a prayer service Saturday.-We Started this pilgrimage to our exploits inspired the captains, and patriots. We have to defend their land, their people and the state as protected our ancestors - Zaporizhzhya Cossacks - said the Patriarch.

New Ukrainian army needs new traditions, new uniform and new knowledge – President about the achievements of volunteers | Міністерство оборони України

Monday, July 27. KYIV — President Petro Poroshenko met with volunteers of the Ministry of Defence. The volunteers informed on their achievements in the maintenance of the army. The President emphasized that the reform of material supply should provide servicemen with everything necessary and help save their lives.

“The main purpose is to save lives and health of our defenders. Every soldier must be fully supplied with everything necessary on the front. It is not an impossible task — it is a necessity,” he said.

“Ukrainian army should be different. Everyone must see that Ukraine has an absolutely new army with high combat capability, morale, patriotism and professionalism, that Ukrainian army is one of the strongest armies of the continent,” Petro Poroshenko noted.

The President supports the initiative to get rid of the Soviet experience. “We must introduce our new Ukrainian traditions, inter alia, new Ukrainian ranks. Replacement of ‘junior lieutenant’ with ‘cornet’ fully meets Ukrainian traditions and structure of military ranks in NATO countries,” the President stressed.

Also, the Head of State praised the introduction of “brigadier general”. “Look at our brigadier commanders on the front line. They became true fathers for our soldiers. They are a great example of heroism. I think they deserved to become brigadier generals,” the President said. According to him, it is a powerful social elevator and motivation for new commanders, who proved themselves on the battlefield.

The Head of State praised the work of volunteers in the Ministry of Defence. “Due to these people, many things that hadn’t been made in more than 20 years, have been made in several months: NATO standards have been established in material supply, new technical conditions for the maintenance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been created etc. You’ve achieved a significant progress already,” the President addressed the volunteers.

The President thanked volunteers for the establishment of e-procurement and computerization of medical support in the Defence Ministry.

“Today, the Ukrainian society can notice the efficient and transparent use of the increased military budget. I am sure that this experience must be also used in other ministries,” he said.

The President believes that the new system will put an end to corruption in the Armed Forces. As Supreme Commander-in-Chief, he will further support measures aimed at improving the maintenance of the army.

The event was attended by Minister of Defence Colonel General Stepan Poltorak, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel general Viktor Muzhenko, Advisor to the President Yuriy Biriukov and First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Vitaliy Kovalchuk.

Press Service of the President of Ukraine



Ukrainian border guards detain Russian officer driving ammunition truck : UNIAN news

Ukraine's State Border Guard Service reported over the weekend that its officers detained a Russian officer, a major from a rocket-artlliery unit, who had been driving in a military truck full of ammunition near the Russian proxies’ stronghold of Donetsk

The detainee acknowledged being on active military service in Russia during questioning.
Another man, detained along with the Russian officers identified himself as a pro-Russian militant fighter, according to Ukraine Today.

The truck was supposedly moving from another separatist-controlled town of Olenivka as it was stopped following warning shots from Ukrainian border guards.

Russian military officials did not comment immediately, while the self-styled “ministry of defense” of the Russian proxies in Donetsk rejected Ukraine's claim, saying it "provokes irony".

Detention of a Russian officer will add up to Ukraine's charges that Russia is directly involved in military conflict in Ukrainian Donbas, failing to fulfill the truce signed in Minsk this February.

See unian.info’s video section for more of the latest news from Ukraine in video from Ukraine Today, Ukraine’s 24-hour English-language news channel.


Exclusive video shows combined Russian-terrorist forces shelling Ukrainian positions near Schastya in an attack that would last for four hours on Sunday, July 26.
Tank Refurbishment for Ukraine Army: Eats Ukraine repairs military vehicles for armed forces

AFP: Two killed, power station hit in Ukraine violence - read on - uatoday.tv

One Ukrainian soldier and one civilian died in east Ukraine conflict zone in the past 24 hours

At least two people were killed Monday and a regional power station was knocked out of action after being damaged by shelling in Ukraine's east.

Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said one soldier had died and seven were wounded across the eastern industrial war zone in the past 24 hours of clashes.

Local police chiefAvdiivka - a town lying about 15 kilometers (10 miles) north of the separatists' de facto capital Donetsk.

An important power station near the flashpoint town of Debaltseve was forced to shut down overnight because of another rebel attack.



Yaroslav Babych was found hanged in his flat on July 26

A high-ranking commander of Ukraine's Azov battalion has been found dead in his apartment in the town of Bucha, outside Kyiv.

The press service of the Azov regiment, formerly a volunteer militia unit, said on Twitter that Yaroslav Babych, a deputy chief of Azov's civil staff, was found hanged in the morning of July 26.

No further details were immediately available.

Investigations have been launched into the death. Based on a preliminary police investigation, Babych is believed to have died of suicide.
Young Nazis came to the rally near the Russian Embassy in Kiev. July 25, 2015.
Young Nazis came to the rally near the Russian Embassy in Kiev. July 25, 2015.

The surge of Neo-Nazi activities in Europe is rather alarming and disgusting indeed. Plus, what does this rabble of young nutters (excuse my French) want? Attention?
The surge of Neo-Nazi activities in Europe is rather alarming and disgusting indeed. Plus, what does this rabble of young nutters (excuse my French) want? Attention?
Unfortunately, in Ukraine the situation is different from Europe or Russia. The Nazis want to tore the pseudo-democratic mask of Maidan Junta and establish a Nazi dictatorship.

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