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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion


An explosion in Ukraine’s capital Kiev has killed two people and wounded five others including a member of parliament, the interior ministry said on Thursday.

The blast happened late Wednesday near the entrance to the internet television station Espresso where Ihor Mosiychuk, a lawmaker with the nationalist Radical Party, was making an appearance.

The explosion injured five people, including Mosiychuk, and killed his bodyguard and a passer-by.

The bomb was planted under a scooter parked outside the television studio, said Olena Gitlyanska, a spokeswoman for the Ukrainian Security Service. Gitlyanska said investigators were looking into all possible theories. Ukrainian authorities rushed to call the latest bombing an act of terrorism.

In a message on Facebook from the hospital where he is being treated, Mosiychuk said he suspects Russia was behind the bombing.

Mosiychuk was a commander of the Azov Battalion, a volunteer regiment that fought Russia-backed separatists in southeastern Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called for police to solve the “bloody and cruel crime” as soon as possible.

The blast is the latest in a series of targeted bombings in Kiev this year. In June, a bomb planted under a car has killed a senior Ukrainian military intelligence officer.

Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/war/2208109-...mariupol-donetsk-sectors-1-wia-on-oct-25.html

Russia's hybrid military forces were most active in the Mariupol and Donetsk sectors on Wednesday, October 25, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

War 23:03, 25 October 2017 168

Photo from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Photo from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

In the first half of the day, the Russian occupation forces fired heavy machine guns on the defenders of the villages of Hnutove and Lebedynske, as well as 82mm mortars near the village of Vodiane, which is in the Mariupol sector.

In the Donetsk sector, the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Pisky came under enemy grenade launcher fire. The situation was also tense near the town of Avdiyivka, where the occupiers shelled the Ukrainian troops with the use of machine guns and small arms.

"Our military fired back, using infantry weapons. Unfortunately, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded in that fighting," the ATO HQ said in an evening update.


Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian troops in Donbas 15 times, in some cases using proscribed weapons, as a result of which one Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action (WIA), according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

"In total, illegal armed formations violated the ceasefire 15 times in the past day. Ukrainian soldiers fired back nine times, making the enemy observe the truce. As a result of fighting, one Ukrainian ATO serviceman was wounded," the ATO HQ said on Facebook on Thursday morning.

"The enemy continued shelling our positions to demonstrate its firing capability along the contact line. They occasionally used proscribed weapons," the ATO HQ said.

At night, militants first used 120mm mortars to shell ATO strongholds near the village of Troyitske. At about 23:00 local time, they lobbed 20 rockets from a multiple rocket launcher into areas near the village," it said.

What is more, Russian proxies fired 120mm mortar shells, aiming at a residential area of the village of Vodiane.

Ukrainian positions near the town of Avdiyivka and Butivka coal mine in the Donetsk sector came under enemy grenade fire.

The same type of weapons was used by militants to attack the village of Krymske in Luhansk region.


Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said Ukraine is a part of the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

"We are in a situation where we must support and be true to our values. This is Ukraine now – if not de jure, then politically – a part of NATO's eastern flank, because we are fighting in Donbas to support our values and defend the free world," Klimkin said during a conference, dubbed "Kyiv's Transatlantic Dialogue," in Kyiv on Tuesday.

According to Klimkin, NATO observes clearly defined and understandable principles, which are written in the military bloc's statutes.

"Values, principles and faith – this is why NATO is necessary for the free world," Klimkin.


Leadership of Ukrainian Air Force Command held talks with Azerbaijan Air Force delegation in Vinnytsia.

The foreign guests were briefed on general structure and tasks of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, air defence, armament, etc., as well as current state and prospects of development of the Ukrainian Air Force considering the ATO experience.

The parties also focused on discussion of some issues of international cooperation.





In the framework of working travel to the United States Chief of General Staff – Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General of the Army of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko held talks with Adjutant General of California National Guard David Baldwin at California National Guard Headquarters in Sacramento.

It was the first visit of the Ukrainian delegation to the California National Guard Headquarters.

The parties agreed on development of bilateral cooperation program. The US part also briefed the Ukrainian military on their activities.

PA Office of the Armed Forces of Ukraine




The number of attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, grew to 20 on Thursday, October 26, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

War 09:28, 27 October 2017

"In total, illegal armed formations violated the ceasefire 20 times in the past day. The ATO forces fired back 16 times," the ATO HQ said on Facebook on Friday morning.

In particular, four attacks on Ukrainian troops were recorded near the village of Hnutove in the Mariupol sector – the enemy used 82mm mortars, anti-tank grenade launchers and small arms.

Ukrainian positions near the villages of Vodiane and Pavlopil also came under 82mm mortar fire. The town of Avdiyivka remained a hot spot in the Donetsk sector, as Russia's hybrid military forces mounted two attacks on Ukrainian troops based there. They opened fire from large-caliber machine guns and small arms.

One Ukrainian serviceman was wounded in action near the village of Pisky, which came under grenade fire.

Grenade launchers and small arms were also used near the village of Stanytsia Luhanska in the Luhansk sector. As UNIAN reported earlier, 15 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas were recorded on October 25.

In some cases, the enemy used proscribed weapons, including 120mm mortars. One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action on that day.

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian troops in Donbas nine times on Thursday, October 26, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

"The situation in the ATO zone remained unchanged. The enemy continued to shell the Ukrainian positions, sometimes using mortars," the ATO HQ said in an evening update.

In the Mariupol sector, the militants used 82mm mortars, various types of grenade launchers and heavy machine guns three times against the defenders of the village of Shyrokyne.

In the Luhansk sector, the Russian occupation forces launched at least twenty 82mm mines near the village of Troyitske. Moreover, they opened fire from infantry fighting vehicles near the town of Popasna.

In the Donetsk sector, the Ukrainian fortified positions near the town of Avdiyivka, and the villages of Pisky and Troyitske came under fire from grenade launchers and small arms.

"The ATO forces fired back four times, thus forcing the enemy to observe the ceasefire. There were no casualties among our military as a result of hostilities," the press center said.


Over the past day, militants have violated the truce 20 times, as a result of which one Ukrainian soldier has been wounded, the press center of the ATO (Anti-Terrorist operation) headquarters has reported.

"At the end of the past day, the situation in the ATO area remained tense. The enemy's firing activity shifted from the Donetsk sector, which had previously been hot, to the Mariupol sector, where the enemy began to use mortars more and more often ... The ATO forces used weapons to defeat the enemy 16 times," the ATO staff said on Facebook on Friday morning.

In the Mariupol sector, the militants applied 82-mm mortars, anti-tank grenade launchers, and small arms four times to attack the defenders of Hnutove. They also used mortars of the 82-mm caliber near Vodiane and Pavlopil.

In the Donetsk sector, near Avdiyivska industrial zone, at the end of the day, the militants fired at strongholds of the ATO forces two times from large-caliber machine guns and small arms. As a result of grenade launcher fire, a Ukrainian soldier was injured near Pisky.

In the Luhansk sector, Ukrainian positions fell under fire of grenade launchers and small arms near Stanytsia Luhanska.

In Ukraine, for three years and a half, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the National Police units prevented more than 300 terrorist attacks, some of which were planned in places of mass gathering, advisor to the interior minister of Ukraine Zorian Shkiriak has said.

"In just three years and a half, the SBU and the relevant units of the National Police of Ukraine warned and prevented more than 300 terrorist attacks, some of which were planned in places of mass gathering. As for the overall assessment, I would like to say that, despite the welfare of the civilized world and Europe, as we see, neither British, nor Belgian, nor French special services warned or defended people against the terrorist attacks in Paris, Nice, Brussels, Barcelona and I would not be so categorical. We should give people the understanding that, unfortunately, today the world has changed and our security is our common responsibility," he said on the air on 112.Ukraine TV channel on Thursday evening.


Employees of the SBU's "A" special operations centre, special units of the National Guard and the National Police along with the U.S. Marine Corps unit will conduct joint coordinating exercises near Kyiv.

"The drill training will be held next week on the basis of the international training centre of the "A" special operations centre in Kyiv region, which will exchange experience in the tactical actions of the units in various emergency situations," the press centre of the SBU said on Friday.


In the framework of the NATO Days in Ukraine, Kharkiv Ivan Kozhedub Air Force University hosted a NATO delegation led by Major General Odd Egil Pedersen. The NATO military met with staff, cadets and leadership of the University.

“It’s our priority to cooperate with NATO representatives, it contributes to reforms of the Ukrainian army and University integration to the European and Euro-Atlantic education”, University Commandant Major General Andrii Alimpiyev stressed.

General Pedersen told about the purpose of their visit to Ukraine and participated in discussions regarding bilateral cooperation, met with cadets, staff of the University.
Rebuilt bridge across Siverskyi Donets in Donbas











Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine Alexander Hug has announced that monitors registered six civilian injuries in the past week.

"The SMM confirmed six civilian injuries last week," he said at a briefing in Kyiv on October 27.

Two incidents happened close to a checkpoint in the Trudovskyi area of the Russian-occupied city of Donetsk's Petrovskyi district where a man and a woman were injured. Hug also said the SMM had seen military positions with armed men and hardware in civilian areas of Trudovskyi.

"Those firing at civilians are responsible but using civilians as shields has moral culpability too," he said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, Hug announced in Donetsk on October 12 that monitors had confirmed 400 civilian victims in Donbas since January 2017.


A total of 162 Ukrainian servicemen have been killed in the area of the Anti-Terrorist Operation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions since early 2017, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy said during a meeting with U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Kurt Volker in Kyiv, Friday, October 27.

The speaker also pointed to the activation of Russian hybrid units in Donbas, ZN.UA reports.

"Recently, the Russian aggression is only increasing in the east of Ukraine. Ten Ukrainian servicemen were killed and another 70 were wounded only in the last two months. And since the beginning of the year, 162 people have been killed," Parubiy told Volker.


Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 19 times in the past 24 hours, with two Ukrainian soldiers reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

The Mariupol sector became the epicenter of confrontation in the last few days. The enemy increasingly uses banned weapons there. "Yesterday afternoon, the militants were firing 122mm artillery systems, 82mm mortars and machine guns on our positions near the village of Shyrokyne for several hours.

The Ukrainian soldiers fire back, using infantry weapons. One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in that fighting. In addition, the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Vodiane came under mortar fire in the evening. Furthermore, the occupiers used grenade launchers twice against the defenders of the town of Maryinka," the ATO HQ said.

"In the Donetsk sector, the Russian-backed mercenaries used infantry weapons three times near the village of Zaitseve at night. Using the same type of weapons, the militants provoked the Ukrainian fighters near the village of Myronivka and the Avdiyivka industrial zone," the report says. In the Luhansk sector, the enemy was opening fire from infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers and machine guns on the Ukrainian troops near the village of Triokhizbenka for almost an hour.


Ukraine reports escalation in Donetsk sector, one soldier killed, two wounded on Oct 28 10:50, 29 October 2017 28 0 The press center of the Ukrainian Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters has reported escalation in the Donetsk sector on Saturday, October 28.

"In the evening, the enemy mounted two attacks on our positions in Avdiyivka's industrial zone, using infantry weapons. They lasted for several hours," the ATO HQ said. "One Ukrainian ATO soldier was killed in this fight at about 21:00," it said.

Civilian houses in the vicinity of Avdiyivka came under enemy grenade fire at the end of the day. In addition, militants opened fire from large-caliber machine guns near the villages of Opytne, Pisky and Zaitseve in the evening.

During the day, the occupiers lobbed over twenty 82mm shells in a residential area of the village of Vodiane in the Mariupol sector. After 18:00 local time on October 28, Ukrainian positions near the villages of Starohnativka and Shyrokyne were under machine gun fire.


Combat casualties of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have reached 10,710 servicemen since the start of the military operation in Donbas in April 2014, of them 2,333 servicemen have been killed, the Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff said.

"As of October 28, 2017, combat casualties stand at 10,710 servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including 2,333 irreversible casualties, and 8,377 servicemen wounded or injured during fighting," the General Staff said on its Facebook account on Saturday.

A total of 212 Ukrainian servicemen were killed and another 1,277 were injured in fighting in 2016, it said. At the same time, the number of non-combat losses was 65% lower than the number of combat losses.

"This year, 2017, sees a tendency toward a considerable decrease, by 50%, in non-combat losses in units of Ukraine's Armed Forces," the General Staff said.

In total, illegal armed formations violated the truce in Donbas 16 times in the past day. Servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine used infantry weapons 13 times to counter the attacks. As a result of fighting, one Ukrainian soldier was killed, another two were wounded, the ATO HQ summed up.

30 October 2017
Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 15 times in the past 24 hours, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

In the Donetsk sector, the Ukrainian fortified positions near the Avdiyivka industrial zone were attacked with an automatic grenade launcher and small arms. One Ukrainian fighter was wounded as a result of the shelling. Now he is in a military hospital, his state of health is satisfactory.

The militants also used anti-tank grenade launchers and machine guns against the Ukrainian positions near the village of Luhanske and the town of Svitlodarsk, as well as infantry fighting vehicles near the village of Zaitseve.

In the Mariupol sector, the Ukrainian positions near the town of Maryinka had been attacking from an anti-tank grenade launcher and small arms for more than an hour. "In general, the Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 15 times in the last day. The ATO forces fired back 10 times, thus suppressing enemy activity. One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in hostilities," the ATO HQ said.

An arsenal of heavy weapons was delivered from the Russian Federation to occupied Donbas last week, according to Ukraine's Defense Ministry.

"Over the past week, the Russian-Ukrainian border has been crossed by enemy military hardware from the Russian Federation, including four Ural trucks, four 122mm howitzers, two Grad multiple rocket missile systems and four armored combat vehicles," speaker for the ATO at Ukraine's Defense Ministry Andriy Lysenko said at a briefing in Kyiv on Monday, an UNIAN correspondent reports.

According to Lysenko, it is also recorded an increase in the volume of supplies of fuel and lubricants from Russia to the occupied territories of Ukraine. "At the same time, there is growing dissatisfaction with the terms of military service and the low level of payment among the militants of the Russian occupation forces.

Many of them are trying to retire from the ranks of illegal armed groups to further enrollment in private military companies and service in crisis regions of the world, particularly in Syria," he said.


According to the press centre of the ATO HQ, on October 28, officers of the observation group Mariupol of the Ukrainian party of the JCCC provided photographic evidence that the illegal armed formations had violated the ceasefire and used 120 mm mortars near Shyrokyne. They transferred this photographic evidence to the OSCE SMM.

All these facts demonstrate that militants are interested in conflict escalation, and prove their unwillingness to observe the ceasefire and fulfill the Minsk agreements.



31 October 2017

A new tactical group of the enemy has been sent to the town of Dokuchaevsk, which immediately affected the activation of shelling in this area, according to Information Resistance, a Ukrainian non-governmental project on information security.

In addition, the redeployment of armored vehicles, namely the movement of two infantry fighting vehicles, was recorded in the landings near the village of Pivdenniy.

Moreover, the movement of three trucks with ammunition and one Kamaz truck with manpower was recorded in the Sokol district of Dokuchaievsk.


31 October 2017

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 10 times in the past 24 hours, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

"In the Donetsk sector, the militants used anti-tank grenade launchers against the Ukrainian fortified positions near the town of Avdiyivka and the village of Pisky at the end of the day," the report says. "In the Mariupol sector, at about 21:00 Kyiv time, the enemy started firing a heavy machine gun near the village of Starohnativka. The Ukrainian military fired back and stopped the provocation. Unfortunately, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded in that fighting. Now he is in a hospital, his state of health is satisfactory," the press center said.

Once again violating the agreement on the withdrawal of weapons, whose caliber exceeds 100 millimeters, the Russian-backed mercenaries launched six 120mm mines on the Ukrainian positions near the village of Triokhizbenka, which is in the Luhansk sector.

Over the past day, the ATO forces had to fire back seven times, using infantry weapons.


Illegal armed formations fired on the positions of the Ukrainian military since the beginning of the day on Tuesday, as a result of which one soldier was killed and two others were injured, the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) headquarters press center has said.

"All in all, since midnight illegal armed formations have violated the truce ten times. Half the time, the ATO forces suppressed the enemy's activity with the prevailing fire. As a result of hostilities, one of our military personnel was killed and two others were injured," the press center' said on Facebook.

A Turkish airline carrier's Airbus A320, en route from Domodedovo Airport in Moscow to a Turkish airport, made an emergency landing in Odesa International Airport on Tuesday evening.

The Turkish crew made an emergency landing following the discovery of a suspected explosive device on board, Ruslan Forostiak, an advisor to the chief of the Ukrainian National Police's main directorate for Odesa region, said.


Amina Okuyeva, a volunteer soldier who fought Russian-backed forces in eastern Ukraine, was killed and her husband, Adam Osmayev, was wounded their car came under fire at a railway crossing near the village of Hlevakha in Kyiv region late on October 30, an adviser to Ukraine's interior minister, People's Front MP Anton Gerashchenko, has said.

"The heart of Ukraine's patriot Amina Okuyeva has just stopped. Her car was fired at from the bushes at a railway crossing near the village of Hlevakha in Kyiv region. Amina died as a result of wounds. Adam Osmayev was wounded, but will live. I have just spoken with him on the phone," Gerashchenko wrote on his Facebook page on Monday, October 30.

According to the parliamentarian, investigative groups are working at the scene of the incident.

"Ukraine will always remember and mourn for its beautiful and clean daughter. I offer my condolences to Amina's family and friends. The best memory of her will be a just retribution to all those who were involved in this terrible murder," Gerashchenko wrote.

As reported, on June 1, 2017, Osmayev and Okuyeva, officers of the Kyiv-2 police battalion who took part in the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas, were attacked in Kyiv.

The assailant, who introduced himself as a foreign journalist, had arranged a meeting with the couple beforehand.

"When they got into the car, the man took out a Glock pistol from a box and shot Osmayev in the chest. In response Amina fired several shots with her Makarov pistol into the gunman," the police said in a statement.

Both men were taken with numerous gunshot wounds to a hospital in Kyiv. Later, the city court chose a measure of restraint for the suspect in the form of custody for 60 days without the right to deposit bail.

On June 8, Osmayev was discharged from hospital.


01 November 2017

The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine has reported its monitors have seen up to 50 tanks in occupied areas outside the city of Donetsk seized by the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic ("DPR") in eastern Ukraine.

"Beyond the withdrawal lines but outside designated storage sites, in non‑government‑controlled areas, the SMM saw 45-50 tanks (T-72) parked in a fenced-in abandoned industrial compound south-west of Manuilivka (65km east of Donetsk)," the mission said in an update on October 31 based on information as of 19:30 on October 30.

The SMM also said its monitors had revisited a "DPR" permanent storage site, whose location was beyond the respective withdrawal lines, and saw that eight tanks (three T-64 and five T-72) were again missing.

OSCE monitors also reported they had spotted 10 Ukrainian tanks outside the Russia-occupied city of Luhansk. "In violation of the respective withdrawal lines, in government-controlled areas, the SMM saw ten tanks (T-64) being transported in a south-westerly direction on flat-bed trucks near Teple (31km north of Luhansk)," it said in the update.


01 November 2017

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 17 times in the past 24 hours, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as killed in action (KIA) and five troops as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

"In the evening, 122mm artillery systems, 120mm mortars, grenade launchers and machine guns were fired at the defenders of the village of Shyrokyne in the Mariupol sector. It lasted for almost two hours. Our soldiers fired back, using infantry weapons. Unfortunately, three Ukrainian servicemen were wounded in that fighting," the press center said on Facebook on Wednesday, November 1.

At night, the Russian occupation forces lobbed five 120mm shells into areas near the village of Orikhove in the Luhansk sector. In the Donetsk sector, the Ukrainian positions near the town of Avdiyivka, and the villages of Luhanske and Zaitseve came under enemy fire from various types of grenade launchers, heavy machine guns, and small arms. Over the past day, the ATO forces had to fire back 13 times, using infantry weapons.


03 November 2017

Operatives of the SBU Security Service of Ukraine have detained in Luhansk region an accomplice of terrorists equipped with explosives and satellite maps with marked positions of the Ukrainian military, the SBU's press center reports.

The law enforcers have established that the resident of Popasna was recruited by an "intelligence operative" of one of the gangs within the so-called "LPR" terrorist organization.

"At the directions of his supervisor, the man passed to militants information about the deployment and maneuvers of personnel and equipment of the Anti-Terrorist Operation forces," the report says.

Operatives of the special services detained a man in his own house. During the search, 1 kg of TNT, two detonators, and five satellite maps with marked positions of the Ukrainian soldiers were found.

According to the detainee's testimony, he had to keep the explosives left by unknown individuals until further instructions from his supervisor. The man is now a suspect under Article 263 and Part 1 of Article 258-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The investigation is underway.


03 November 2017

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 16 times in the past 24 hours, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

After 18:00 Kyiv time, the enemy used grenade launchers and heavy machine guns three times against the defenders of the village of Krymske in the Luhansk sector.

"Our fortified position near the village of Lebedynske, which is in the Mariupol sector, came under fire from the same types of weapons," the press center said. In the Donetsk sector, the enemy fired grenade launchers of various types and small arms near the villages of Luhanske and Kamianka, and Butivka coal mine at the end of the day.

In addition, the occupiers opened fire from machine guns near the town of Avdiyivka and the village of Zaitseve. Over the past day, the ATO forces had to fire back 13 times, using non-banned weapons.


The artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be ready, if necessary, to return to the disengagement line in the Anti-Terrorist operation (ATO) area in the east of the country, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said.

"Today, we need to sharpen the skills, sharpen the rapid reaction, the movement and the deployment of artillery and missile systems. You were taken from the disengagement line, but you must be ready to return there at any moment and get into action if this is dictated by the requirements of the defense," the president said in the village of Divychky of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky district of Kyiv region on Friday on the occasion of the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery.


A total of 400 civilians died in the combat zone in Donbas in 2017, Alexander Hug, the principal deputy chief monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine, said.

"Last week the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine recorded 5,892 ceasefire violations. That brings the total so far this year to over 325,000 ceasefire violations. Almost 27,000 of those ceasefire violations were caused by proscribed weapons - weapons that should have been withdrawn beyond the lines agreed by the sides in Minsk a long time ago," he said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday.

Observers recorded 48 pieces of such weapons, 31 in areas controlled by the Ukrainian government and 17 in areas outside its control, in the past week, he said. Over 3,800 pieces of heavy weapons deployed in violation of separation lines, with more than two thirds of them being in territories beyond Ukraine's control, were recorded this year, Hug said.

Instead of implementing the Minsk agreements, the parties pretend to do that and focus on arguments regarding what should be implemented in the first place, Hug said.

A total of 2,000 instances of restriction of the OSCE SMM's movement have been recorded this year, Hug said. Mostly they are related to failure in demining of territories or restrictions imposed by servicemen or "armed persons," totaling over 700 times, with the majority of them by the latter.

Observers have faced this most often in areas outside Ukraine's control, near the uncontrolled sections of the border with the Russian Federation, he said.



President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including artillery, must pass to NATO standards in the near future.

"I think that right now we need to move to the principles that dominate among our partner countries and NATO members ... NATO's key feature is accuracy. Today Ukrainian artillery fully meets these requirements. We are confidently moving forward this way," Poroshenko said in the village of Divychky of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky district of Kyiv region on Friday on the occasion of the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery.

He said that this year the Armed Forces of Ukraine received more than 600 units of missile and artillery armament, more than 250 units of night vision devices and other modern weapons.

"For this period, the portable complex Korsar, the unmanned aerial complexes Furia, Fly Eye were adopted or admitted for operation. In the framework of assistance from international partners, we additionally received over 100 night vision devices, protected laptops," Poroshenko said.

The president also noted a large number of problems in the Armed Forces. "This concerns both the problems of the restoration and modernization of weapons, the provision of ammunition, the establishment of training centers for the training of artillery specialists and the process of their training in full accordance with the real needs of the Ukrainian troops and NATO standards," the president said.

In this regard, Poroshenko ordered to increase the intensity and quality of training of Ukrainian artillerymen.

He called on the Defense Ministry of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine to continue increasing the intensity of training of artillerymen-rocket men.

03 November 2017

Operatives of the SBU Security Service of Ukraine have detained in Luhansk region an accomplice of terrorists equipped with explosives and satellite maps with marked positions of the Ukrainian military, the SBU's press center reports.

Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/war/2223944-...kraine-army-positions-detained-in-donbas.html

"At the directions of his supervisor, the man passed to militants information about the deployment and maneuvers of personnel and equipment of the Anti-Terrorist Operation forces," the report says.

Operatives of the special services detained a man in his own house. During the search, 1 kg of TNT, two detonators, and five satellite maps with marked positions of the Ukrainian soldiers were found. According to the detainee's testimony, he had to keep the explosives left by unknown individuals until further instructions from his supervisor. The man is now a suspect under Article 263 and Part 1 of Article 258-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The investigation is underway.


04 November 2017

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 29 times in the past 24 hours, with three Ukrainian soldiers reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/war/2225391-ukraine-reports-3-wias-amid-29-enemy-attacks-in-last-day.html

"The ATO forces returned fire 17 times, thus forcing the enemy to observe the ceasefire. Three our soldiers were wounded as a result of hostilities," the ATO HQ wrote on Facebook.

The situation in the ATO area somewhat escalated last night as the enemy intensified its attacks significantly in the Donetsk sector after 18:00. The militants fired at Ukrainian strong points near the town of Avdiyivka until midnight, using grenade launchers and machine guns.

The Ukrainian military fired back to suppress the enemy's activity. As a result of the confrontation, one of Ukraine's defenders was wounded. In the evening, the ATO positions came under enemy fire from infantry weapons near the villages of Pesky and Zaitseve, as well as near Butivka coal mine.

Moreover, the Ukrainian strongholds outside the village of Luhanske were attacked twice. The militants also fired 120mm mortars near the village of Troyitske.

In the Luhansk sector, as a result of the enemy shelling from a heavy machine gun, another Ukrainian soldier was wounded near the village of Novo-Oleksandrivka.

In addition, the militants fired 82mm mortars on ATO strongholds outside the village of Triokhizbenka. They used all types of infantry weapons near the villages of Stanytsia Luhanska, Novozvanivka, and Valuyske.

In the evening hours, the Russia-backed militants attacked the Ukrainian strongholds near the villages of Talakivka and Taramchuk in the Mariupol sector.

As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed Decree No. 351/2017 on the establishment of the military and civil administration in the villages of Shyrokyne and Berdianske in Donetsk region's Volnovakha district.


"We clearly understand where the regular Russians troops are located [in Donbas]. In particular, a battalion tactical group is deployed in Donetsk, another battalion tactical group is located in Snizhne, and a company task group is stationed in Luhansk," he told Ukrainian TV Channel 5.

According to Zhebrivsky, the number of "idea-driven" militants, the followers of "russkiy mir" (Russian world) is decreasing.

On the front line and in the military units, there are either the Russians from the regular troops or 'advisors', as was once in Vietnam and Afghanistan. And of course, there are many mercenaries not only from the so-called [Russia's] private military company Wagner, but also those who are used as 'cannon fodder', forgive me, and fight for money," Zhebrivsky added.

As UNIAN reported earlier, the situation in the area of the Anti-Terrorist Operation remained tense last night, though fully controlled by the Ukrainian army. The enemy activated fire provocations almost along the entire contact line. Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 29 times in the past 24 hours.


"The hottest spot was in the Mariupol sector. Since midnight, the militants have fired grenade launchers and heavy machine guns four times on our strongholds near the village of Vodiane.
The Ukrainian positions on the outskirts of Krasnohorivka came under fire from the same types of weapons," the ATO HQ wrote on Facebook. In the Luhansk sector, the militants used small arms near the villages of Krymske and Luhanske.


The intensity of enemy attacks somewhat decreased in the Donetsk sector. Only in the morning, the occupiers fired an anti-tank grenade launcher and small arms on Ukrainian defenders of the town of Avdiyivka.

"In general, the Russian occupation forces have violated the ceasefire 11 times since midnight. The ATO forces fired back nine times, thus suppressing enemy activity. Today there were no losses among the soldiers of the ATO forces as a result of firing," the report says.


Over the past day, illegal armed groups in the zone of the Anti-Terrorist Operation violated ceasefire 25 times, according to the press service of the ATO headquarters.


In the afternoon hours, as a result of the shelling by pro-Russian mercenaries reported near Novozvanivka, one Ukrainian serviceman was injured. Russian-occupation forces continue their fire provocations virtually along the entire line of demarcation, with occasional use of mortars of various calibers.

On the Luhansk line, the enemy employed 120mm mortars near Novo-oleksandrivka and 82mm mortars near Novotoshkivske and Krymske.

On the approaches to the militant stronghold of Donetsk, near the village of Zaitseve, in the evening and night hours, the invaders fired three times at the strong points of ATO forces using infantry weapons and mortars.

Militants also fired from infantry fighting vehicles near Popasna. In the Primorske direction, positions of the Ukrainian army outside Starahnativka and Pavlopil came under the enemy fire from large-caliber machine guns and small arms.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine returned fire 17 times to repel the attacks.



More than 400 civilians killed or injured in the combat zone in Donbas in 2017, Alexander Hug, the principal deputy chief monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine, said.

"Last week the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine recorded 5,892 ceasefire violations. That brings the total so far this year to over 325,000 ceasefire violations. Almost 27,000 of those ceasefire violations were caused by proscribed weapons - weapons that should have been withdrawn beyond the lines agreed by the sides in Minsk a long time ago," he said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday.

Observers recorded 48 pieces of such weapons, 31 in areas controlled by the Ukrainian government and 17 in areas outside its control, in the past week, he said. Over 3,800 pieces of heavy weapons deployed in violation of separation lines, with more than two thirds of them being in territories beyond Ukraine's control, were recorded this year, Hug said.

Instead of implementing the Minsk agreements, the parties pretend to do that and focus on arguments regarding what should be implemented in the first place, Hug said.

A total of 2,000 instances of restriction of the OSCE SMM's movement have been recorded this year, Hug said. Mostly they are related to failure in demining of territories or restrictions imposed by servicemen or "armed persons," totaling over 700 times, with the majority of them by the latter.

Observers have faced this most often in areas outside Ukraine's control, near the uncontrolled sections of the border with the Russian Federation, he said.


06 November 2017

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 23 times in the past 24 hours, with two Ukrainian soldiers reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

The enemy was most active near the city of Donetsk in the second half of the day. Here, the Russian-backed militants launched over 100 rockets from multiple rocket launchers on the Ukrainian fortified positions near the town of Avdiyivka and the village of Opytne within several hours. At night, the occupiers used 82mm mortars and heavy machine guns along the southeastern outskirts of Avdiyivka.

After dark, the Russian-backed mercenaries shelled the defenders of the village of Pisky twice. At first, the enemy used 120mm and 82mm mortars, and at about 22:00 Kyiv time, the invaders started firing 122mm artillery systems.

In the Luhansk sector, the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Novotoshkivske came under fire from 120mm mortars, while 82mm mortars and cannons of infantry fighting vehicles were used to attack the defenders of the village of Novo-Oleksandrivka.

In addition, the occupiers fired grenade launchers of various types near the village of Luhanske three times in the evening. In the Mariupol sector, the militants used anti-tank grenade launchers near the village of Vodiane. The ATO forces fired backed 14 times, using infantry weapons alone.


Militants on Sunday carried out provocative shelling with BMP 2, armored vehicle and large-caliber machine guns of Ukrainian positions in the Mariupol sector, the Ukrainian side of the joint coordination and control center (JCCC) has reported.

"On the morning of November 5 this year, the illegal armed formations of the ORDO carried out provocative shelling with BMP 2, armored vehicle and large-caliber machine guns, as well as from weapons of 120 and 82 mm mortars of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in ATO zone located on the outskirts of Vodiane near Mariupol. The consequences of the bombardment are being clarified," the press center of the ATO headquarters wrote on Sunday evening with a reference to the Ukrainian side of the JCCC.

Also, the Ukrainian side of the JCCC said that the bombardments were conducted with the aim of provoking ATO forces. The Ukrainian Armed Forces units did not react in response and did not respond to provocations, following the declared ceasefire regime.

07 November 2017

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 13 times in the past 24 hours, according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

In the Mariupol sector, the occupiers used banned 120mm mortars twice to shell the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Vodiane, the ATO HQ said in an update on Facebook on Tuesday morning. The defenders of the village of Verkhniotoretske came under 82mm mortar fire. In addition, the enemy used anti-tank grenade launchers and machine guns near the town of Krasnohorivka.

In the Luhansk sector, the fortified positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the village of Triokhizbenka came under mortar fire. At the same time, the enemy used grenade launchers near the villages of Luhanske and Novoluhanske. The situation was also tense near the town of Avdiyivka in the Donetsk sector.

In the evening, the invaders had been shelling the Ukrainian positions from infantry weapons for one hour.

The ATO forces fired back eight times in the past day, the ATO HQ said. Fortunately, there were no casualties among the Ukrainian military, it said.

08 November 2017

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 17 times in the past 24 hours, with two Ukrainian soldiers reported as killed in action (KIA) and another three as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.


"At the end of the past day, the situation in the Donbas conflict zone again escalated. In the second half of the day, the Russian occupation forces intensified provocative attacks almost along the entire demarcation line," the report says. In the Mariupol sector, the militants opened fire from 82mm mortars and cannons of infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) on the defenders of the village of Hnutove.

The occupiers also used IFVs near the villages of Mykolaivka, Vodiane and Berezove. One Ukrainian soldier was wounded as a result of grenade launcher shelling of a Ukrainian fortified position near the village of Novotroyitske.

In the Luhansk sector, the Ukrainian positions near the village of Novotoshkivske came under fire from mortars. After 18:00 Kyiv time, the enemy continued shelling the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Krymske. At first, the Russian-backed mercenaries used heavy machine guns and 82mm mortars.

Closer to midnight, the enemy lobbed ten 120mm shells, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another two. In addition, the invaders resorted to using an anti-tank grenade launcher against Ukrainian troops deployed near Butivka coal mine outside the militant-occupied city of Donetsk.

The ATO forces fired back 12 times to suppress the enemy's activity, using infantry weapons alone.


08 November 2017

The United States has called on the Russian Federation to implement a "genuine ceasefire" in Donbas after the shelling of two water filtration plants, according to State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert.


"We call on the Russian-led forces to implement a genuine ceasefire and especially to cease shelling around the filtration plant and withdraw heavy weapons to the agreed-upon lines," Nauert said at a briefing in Washington, D.C., on November 7, 2017.

According to her, in eastern Ukraine two water filtration plants have been subjected to shelling in recent days. "It is considered especially dangerous because some shells have fallen as close to as 50 meters from chlorine gas storage tanks at the facilities.

A hit on the tanks would cause a major catastrophe, gassing people at the plant, possibly even those in nearby towns, as well as disrupting the supply of clean drinking water in the area," she said.

In her words, the Minsk peace agreements on Donbas call for a full ceasefire along the line of contact, "a ceasefire that Russian-led forces have never fully respected."

"We also urge Ukraine to show restraint and to do everything within its power to implement the Minsk agreements," she added.



Russia's hybrid military forces have attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 17 times in the past 24 hours, with two Ukrainian soldiers reported as killed in action and another three as wounded in action, the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) headquarters has reported.

"In total for the past day illegal armed formations 17 times violated the ceasefire regime. The ATO forces fired back 12 times to suppress the enemy's activity, using infantry weapons alone. As a result of the fighting, two of our soldiers have been killed, two more injured, one wounded," the press center said on Wednesday morning.

At the end of the past day, the situation in the Donbas conflict zone again escalated. In the second half of the day, the Russian occupation forces intensified provocative attacks almost along the entire demarcation line," the staff said.

In the Mariupol sector, the militants opened fire from 82mm mortars and cannons of infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) on the defenders of the village of Hnutove. The invaders also used IFVs near the villages of Mykolaivka, Vodiane and Berezove. One Ukrainian soldier was wounded as a result of grenade launcher shelling of a Ukrainian fortified position near the village of Novotroyitske.

In the Luhansk sector, the Ukrainian positions near the village of Novotoshkivske came under fire from mortars. After 18:00 Kyiv time, the enemy continued shelling the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Krymske. At first, the Russian-backed mercenaries used heavy machine guns and 82mm mortars. Closer to midnight, the enemy lobbed ten 120mm shells, killing two Ukrainian soldiers and wounding another two.

In addition, the invaders resorted to using an anti-tank grenade launcher against Ukrainian troops deployed near Butovka coal mine outside the militant-occupied city of Donetsk.


Future officers of troops combat deployment faculty undergo drills at the International Peacekeeping and Security Centre of the National Land Forces Academy. They learn to use BMP-2 armament and drive combat armoured vehicles.

09 November 2017

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 19 times in the past 24 hours, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as killed in action (KIA) and another three as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

"The Russian occupation forces had been firing from 120mm and 82mm mortars and cannons of infantry fighting vehicles on the defenders of the village of Pavlopil in the Mariupol sector for 30 minutes in the second half of the day," the ATO HQ said on Facebook in an update for November 8 on Thursday morning.

The militants also used anti-tank grenade launchers and machine guns near the village of Zaitseve, which is close to the Russian-occupied city of Donetsk. However, the situation was most escalated in the Luhansk sector in the evening. The occupiers fired infantry weapons on the Ukrainian fortified positions near the villages of Krymske, Novo-Oleksandrivka, Luhanske, and Katerynivka.At about 18:00 Kyiv time, two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in that fighting.

The ATO forces fired back 13 times to suppress the enemy's activity.


A shaky ceasefire between Ukraine and the region's pro-Russian separatists is regularly violated, and violations have spiked in recent weeks, Alexander Hug, principal deputy chief monitor for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's mission in Ukraine, said in an interview, as reported by Reuters.

The OSCE's 503 monitors in the region are now seeing a weekly average of 220 incidents involving heavy weapons, up from around 40 a week after a harvest ceasefire, with a total of 3,877 such weapons spotted this year in violation of the ceasefire.

"The warning signals of this uptick have been out there," Hug said. "We have been warning through our reporting that the situation is gradually deteriorating again.

"If some of these military-technical issues are not tackled now... we may see an increase in violence towards the end of this year," Hug said. Once the ground froze in the region later this month, he said, it would be easier to move around tanks, heavy artillery and other equipment.

Heavy weapons are the main cause of death in the conflict, which first broke out in 2014 and has claimed 75 lives and injured 346 so far this year, up some 3 to 5 percent from last year, Hug said.

Over 10,000 have died since 2014. Kyiv accuses Moscow of sending troops and heavy weapons to the region, which Russia denies. Hug urged the sides to implement decisions already made in the Minsk ceasefire agreement to withdraw heavy weapons from along the 500-kilometer (300 mile) line of conflict and disengage opposing forces, which are often staring at each other just 10 meters apart.

"All along the 500-km contact line where the fighting takes place, they are standing basically next to each other, and that is, of course, a recipe for more of the same," he said.

Both sides were violating the ceasefire, Hug said. "Returning fire is also a violation of the agreements. There is no exception to the non-use of weapons," he said.


During a month reservists of operational primary reserve and military of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade enhanced their skills at Rivne training area and worked out the scenarios of offensive, defensive, etc.

“I am pleased to see professional and coordinated actions of troops during these drills. Thank you for your devotion to military duty, I believe that due to joint efforts we will defend our country and win. I am proud of being the commander of this brigade”, Drills Director, Commander of West Operations Command Major General Oleksandr Pavlyuk.

The best service members were awarded following the results of the drills.








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