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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion


Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 52 times in the past 24 hours, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as killed in action (KIA) and seven as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

The largest number of armed provocations by the militants took place in the Mariupol sector yesterday, namely 22 instances. At night, the occupiers once again shelled the residential quarter of the village of Olhynka, having damaged local residents' houses and some infrastructure facilities. The enemy had fired 120mm mortars on the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Chermalyk, as well as 82mm mortars near the village of Vodiane since the morning.

The Ukrainian positions near the villages of Talakivka, Lebedynske, Hnutove, Berezove, and Pavlopil came under fire from grenade launchers and small arms. Additionally, several cases when the adversary fired from anti-aircraft guns, cannons of infantry fighting vehicles along with sniper fire were recorded there.

Russian proxies in the Donetsk sector used only infantry weapons in the evening to fire on Ukrainian fortified positions near the town of Avdiyivka, and the villages of Pisky and Nevelske. After dark, the Russian occupation forces became much more active, especially in the vicinity of Avdiyivka and on the Svitlodarska Duha bulge. By the end of the day, the Kremlin-backed mercenaries carried out several attacks on the fortified positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Avdiyivka, and the villages of Kamianka and Luhanske, using 120mm and 82mm mortars, infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers and small arms of various calibers. During these attacks, the militants once again lobbed several mines into residential areas of Avdiyivka.

In the Luhansk sector, the invaders once again fired 120mm and 82mm mortars on the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Novotoshkivske in the morning. Later, they opened fire from 82mm mortars near the villages of Krymske and Novo-Oleksandrivka, and the town of Schastia. Furthermore, enemy shelling was recorded near the villages of Donetskiy, Stanytsia Luhanska, Troyitske, and Lobacheve where the Ukrainian military units faced grenade attacks along with firing from small arms.


Russia is strengthening its military infrastructure along Ukraine's borders, National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov has said.

"The situation in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) zone pushes us to make decisions, which we discussed at the start of this conversation [about a new format for resisting Russia]. Several ceasefires have been called during the last several months, but the aggressor did not abide by one, even for a day," Turchynov said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

The NSDC secretary said Russian-occupation forces daily fire from weapons forbidden under the Minsk agreements.

"We suffer losses not only among soldiers, but the civilian population. Unremitting attempts are made to penetrate Ukraine's defenses," Turchynov said.

He said troops and munitions continue to flow from Russia into Ukraine.

"What worries us most is the build-up of Russian troops on the border. These large assault units at any moment might start conduct military actions against Ukrainian Armed Forces. We must do everything we can to get ready for such an eventuality," Turchynov said.

The NSDC secretary said the build-up of Russian troops is in sectors [of the border] with Russia's Belgorod, Voronezh and Rostov regions to the north and east of Ukraine

"From the Sea of Azov to the border of Belarus a powerful military infrastructure has been created. In addition, Russia is preparing to conduct the large Zapad-2017 military exercise, which is scheduled to kick off in September. The training exercise will also take place in Belarus and include aviation, armor units, artillery and special operations forces. There will be a gigantic and dangerous concentration of military forces on Ukraine's western borders," he said.

In the course of the working trip to Donetsk region, President Petro Poroshenko awarded 21 military medics.

The Head of State conveyed certificates for sanitary equipment to the medical units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The President also examined the material-technical base of the 66th military mobile hospital and had a conversation with wounded Ukrainian servicemen.

Press Service of the President of Ukraine











In the course of the working trip to Donetsk region, President Petro Poroshenko awarded Ukrainian warriors who defend freedom and territorial integrity of Ukraine from Russian terrorists in the east of our state for personal courage and selfless performance of military duty.

“Such awards are granted only for those who defend our state on the battlefield,” the President said.

Press Service of the President of Ukraine




President Petro Poroshenko emphasizes the importance of ensuring opportunities to counter Russian aggression for the Ukrainian servicemen.

“If we cancel ATO and prevent the military from adequate actions in conditions of aggression, we will leave Ukraine defenseless,” Petro Poroshenko noted answering the question of the journalists about possible abolition of ATO and imposition of martial law.

The Head of State emphasized that he instructed to elaborate the draft law on reintegration of Donbas that will envisage a series of measures on the return of the occupied territories.

“Pursuant to my instruction, the draft law called ‘On Reintegration of the Occupied Territories of Donbas’ was elaborated. It includes a number of measures and steps to be taken to ensure reintegration and determine the legal regime,” Petro Poroshenko stated.

The President emphasized that the key position is reintegration of those territories. According to him, experts and people’s deputies take part in the elaboration of the given draft law. Besides, it is based on conditions enshrined in the Minsk agreements.

At the same time, the Head of State noted that political and diplomatic efforts would be continued as well. “The doors of the EU are open for Ukrainians and it is a recognition of efficiency of the Ukrainian reforms,” he said.

The President noted the necessity of continuing the policy of sanctions against the country-aggressor.

Press Service of the President of Ukraine

It is no secret for the international community, what state supplies weapons and ammunition to Donbas militants in eastern Ukraine. Both the OSCE and NATO have declared openly and officially that the supplier is Russia. Special Monitoring Mission reports Russian military equipment and ammunition crossing into Ukraine. There is factual evidence that Russia has been supporting militants with arms.

There are even individual statements of certain Russian public figures recognizing such military support. By the way, certain officials of the Russian defense ministry who confirm this clearly as well. Thus, the evidence is out there, and it’s not even being concealed. What’s lacking? A dot over the "i", that is the UN Security Council resolutions. But since Russia is a member of the Council, no such resolutions can emerge.

Within the OSCE and in the framework of their decisions, there can be no direct and clear definitions either because Russia remains one of the members – and sponsors – of the organization. No one has deprived Moscow of its membership status yet. In addition, the Tribunal ruling was supposed to emerge regarding Russia’s support of terrorism and separatism.

There was no tribunal and, accordingly, there is no legal conclusion issued in international law, which could form the core of efforts to hold Russia liable. All the necessary evidence has been provided Ukrainian intelligence, CIA, and other agencies.

There is no secret for NATO, the European Union, and the United States as regards the “identity” of supplier of weapons to militants.

The question is whether there is a relevant formal recognition of the fact, or some definition, and whether it can result in some sort of legal action (sanctions, etc.) Certain sanctions have already been introduced against Russia, of course, including those in relation to Russia’s actions in Donbas. However, we shouldn’t expect anytime soon any additional sanctions against Moscow for its support of terrorism, separatism, and military operations, since this requires tough political decisions.

Currently, the EU is failing to make such moves because it would be unable to maintain the sanctions regime on their own, without the United States. The package of sanctions already introduced is the maximum we can expect from Brussels. Therefore, Ukraine now needs to work on legal decisions and legal definitions which could hypothetically result in the introduction (both by international organizations and individual governments) of a new round of sanctions against Russia.

Ukraine could also demand that court rulings be handed down which would lead to the prosecution of individuals responsible for the terrorist attacks on Ukraine on the part of Russia.

Such rulings could be issued in relation to Vladimir Putin, the officials of the Russian Defense Ministry and structural units of the presidential administration. But these issues cannot be resolved overnight. This is a long and exhausting game involving a wide range of major diplomatic, political, and media efforts.

The number of Ukrainian prisoners of the Kremlin has steadily been growing both in the territory of the Russian Federation and in the Russia-occupied areas of Ukraine. And while the negotiators in Minsk continue their efforts to coordinate the number of people the parties are willing to exchange, pro-Russian militants from “DPR” and “LPR” are filling throwing more hostages into their dungeons.

The Ukrainian delegation in the Tripartite Contact Group for the Donbas settlement at all meetings in Minsk insists on the immediate coordination of the Donbas hostages release date. However, representatives of pro-Russian militant forces constantly disrupt the negotiation process under various pretexts. In parallel lines, they continue illegal arrests of Ukrainian citizens. Just over a week ago, a Ukrainian journalist and blogger Stanislav Aseyev, who posts from the occupied area under the pseudonym Stanislav Vasin, disappeared in the militant stronghold of Donetsk.

His apartment was raided, with numerous traces of a search left behind. Vasin's abduction conditionally divided the Ukrainian civil society into two "camps," whose verbal battles are now raging in social networks.

Some are convinced that it will be possible to secure Vasin’s release through publicity, relying on international support in this matter. Others point to the potential risks of frank statements regarding his journalistic efforts and political views. After all, over the years of the armed conflict eastern Ukraine there have been plenty of glaring incidents of human rights violations by militants of the self-styled “republics.”

Even human rights experts refrain from siding with either of the two camps.

A spokeswoman for Amnesty International Ukraine Maria Hurieva notes that their organization has been following closely the situation surrounding the abduction of Stanislav Vasin, collecting all data available. "A person’s safety should remain top priority, and any disclosure of information should be treated with caution. Of course, in such an ambiguous situation, journalists should be aware of what information they spread and not forget that personal safety is now critical," she says. Hurieva also notes that, according to the policies of Amnesty International, in such situations, the consent of the victim's relatives is of key importance. Since they still have no such consent, the organization’s staff are simply continuing to collect data.

The coordinator of Media Initiative for Human Rights organization Maria Tomak is also convinced there is no universal recipe for "publicizing information about a person, or not," if they disappear in eastern Ukraine or Crimea. According to the human rights activist, in each specific situation, one must proceed from the interests of the person affected. "I’m aware of at least one activist who has already been held for a long time in an uncontrolled territory whose story is not being told publicly - his family opposes it because they believe that publicity will not change the situation for the better. And, in fat, this is the agreed position of the public sector, his family, and security forces," Tomak said.

"I am unaware of the circumstances of the illegal imprisonment of this man [Stanislav Vasin], but I understand that [the militants] knew who they were taking... And, perhaps, in this situation, not talking about it does as much good as talking. In principle, when it comes to journalists, one can count on pressure from the international community, which is quite sensitive to such things. After all, we saw a successful release of Masha Varfolomeyeva," she adds.

It should be recalled that a Luhansk journalist, Maria Varfolomeyeva, spent over a year in “LPR” captivity. And, by the way, in her opinion, if we talk about the significance and risks of international publicity in the situation with Stanislav Vasin, not everything is so unambiguous. "In any case, the terrorists have already seen his articles. It does not matter who we say the man is - they will issue a verdict at their own discretion. Treason charges will come beyond doubt. Another point is that by raising the topic in the media, we are also pumping up a ransom for him – they’ll be asking for more. For example, that’s how in exchange for me they wanted to have Aleksandrov and Yerofeyev (Russian GRU operatives Alexander Aleksandrov and Yevgeny Yerofeyev, who were exchanged for Nadiia Savchenko). But it is at the same time important to raise his issue in order to show that Ukraine is fighting for its citizen. Thus, he will not be forgotten. It was due to this that I was released," Varfolomeyeva said.

The Union of Journalists of Ukraine has already appealed to the OSCE SMM in eastern Ukraine and the International Red Cross with a request for assistance in the search for Stanislav Aseyev. Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Fiona Fraser also states that the mission is trying to find out his whereabouts.

It should be noted that the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission prepares public reports on the human rights situation in Ukraine. Among other things, their mandate covers the cases of illegal detention, disappearances, and kidnappings of people over their "pro-Ukrainian" views and potential links with the Armed Forces of Ukraine on territories beyond Kyiv’s control.

The Office of the UN High Commissioner continues to monitor the cases of the two men detained by the "Ministry of State Security" of the "Luhansk People's Republic." Blogger Eduard Nedelyaev, who lived in Luhansk and posted information about the city life, was imprisoned in November 2016. He was "charged" with "spying" against "LPR" in favor of the Ukrainian authorities. Besides several videos with his "confessions" that were published by the militant security forces, there has been no information about his whereabouts or fate.

Vitaliy Rudenko, a judge of the Luhansk Regional Court of Appeal, was detained in Stanytsia Luhanska in October 2016. As of May 15, he remained in captivity in Luhansk, while the UN Mission was refused the right to meet with him.

In addition, the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission is aware of cases of detentions in Donetsk of men and women whom armed people would pull out from their homes and "arrest" for 30 days (if necessary, extending the custody term indefinitely) without indicating their location and providing no contact with their families. Most often, militants charge such people with "espionage." Sometimes they go further, putting forward even more absurd accusations, which, nevertheless, are upheld in their "courts." For example, Professor Ihor Kozlovsky who was "sentenced" by the "military tribunal of the DPR" to two years and eight months in a penal colony on charges of illegal possession of arms.

By the way, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission was following the "trial" and the mission's representatives were even present at the hearing when the "verdict" was handed down. The latest mission report says that the "court" issued the harshest punishment against Kozlovsky - imprisonment in a penal colony, although the "prosecutor" requested that the professor be put in a colony-settlement (where the level of security and control is lower, and prisoners are allowed to leave the settlement to visit their families). Anticipating a possible public condemnation of the mission's representatives who, while attending the "trial," failed to help Professor Kozlovsky, human rights activist Maria Tomak notes: "The question is what our expectations are. We do not expect that the UN Monitoring Mission will win back Donbas - this is Ukraine’s business. But the fact that they are present there and record everything is truly important. I would not underestimate the significance of this – thanks to their efforts we know what is happening there. Indeed, these reports will be read by 1% of the people who have access, but then, based on these reports, international judiciary bodies, such as the ICJ, will be making their decisions. It's not just waste paper, it's very important."

At the same time, human rights activists note that such monitoring is lacking in Crimea. While there is still some access for the international missions in Donbas, the situation with Crimea is deplorable: Russia does not allow access to the annexed territory to anyone who would record its crimes: abductions, arbitrary detentions, torture, and ill-treatment of people.
Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 55 times in the past 24 hours, with three Ukrainian soldiers reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

The Donbas militants once again mounted a treacherous attack on one of the front-line villages. Unfortunately, there were casualties among the local population this time. "The shelling of villages and towns. At about 23:00 Kyiv time, the pro-Russian illegal armed groups shelled residential areas in the village of Sukha Balka in the direction of the temporarily occupied town of Horlivka. An artillery shell hit a house on Molodizhna Street, as a result of which a 52-year-old man died. Another three houses on the same street were damaged. Power lines and a gas pipe are broken in the village, and the water tower is out of service. The mercenaries reportedly used 152mm howitzer artillery systems. Damage from at least half a dozen deadly enemy shells has preliminarily been recorded in the residential areas," the report says.


A conflict arose between leader of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" ("DPR") Alexander Zakharchenko and new "commander" of the "Somali" battalion Yegor Volchkov, nom de guerre "Synok" ("Son"), as a result of which the new chief was shot in the legs, according to media reports.

Zakharchenko put forward claims that the leader of the "Somali" battalion was inactive. He accused him of letting mercenaries defect and of terrible non-observance of military discipline, the Ukrainian online newspaper Novosti Donbasa reported.

The witnesses of the incident reported in social networks: "As a result of the conversation, 'Synok' has two bullet-ridden legs."

Volchkov became the successor of Mikhail Tolstykh, nom de guerre "Givi," in February 2017. "Givi" was assassinated earlier that month.

Former "Defense Minister" of the "DPR" Igor Girkin, nom de guerre Strelkov, claimed Givi's office in Donetsk had been blown up. "Supposedly, Givi's office was blown up together with the owner. Presumably, it was hit by a shell of the RPO-A Shmel [man-portable rocket launcher]," Strelkov wrote on his page on the Russian social media website, VKontakte.


Ceasefire violations in Donbas increased by 75% on June 5-11 compared with the week before last, Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine Alexander Hug said at a briefing on Thursday, June 15.

He noted that the situation in Donbas worsened last week. Ceasefire violations grew by 75% compared with the week before last. The use of weapons banned under the Minsk Agreements increased significantly. The OSCE SMM recorded over 1,200 explosions assessed as impacts of mortars, tanks, and artillery rounds, including multiple rocket launcher systems. The SMM had recorded 191 explosions the week before last.


In the course of the working trip to Donetsk region, President Petro Poroshenko visited 66thmilitary mobile hospital and thanked medics who provide assistance to the wounded and save many Ukrainian defenders. He also congratulated them on the Day of Medic.

„In the toughest moments in the airport and Debaltseve, the wounded and those preparing to evacuation were saved by military medics. The profession of doctor is one of the most respected ones and the profession of military doctor is one of the most important for state security. It is especially noticed now, when in the east of our country, military aggression of Russia against free, independent and sovereign Ukraine takes place,” the Head of State said.

The President noted medics who selflessly perform professional duty in hostilities providing medical aid to Ukrainian warriors and risking their own lives. According to the President, over 3.5 thousand military medics have taken part in hostilities on the frontline, over 200 of them were wounded. 248 military medics were awarded.

The attendees honored memory of 38 fallen military medics with a moment of silence.

The President emphasized the importance of professionalism, skills and patriotism of medics. „I sincerely congratulate all doctors on the Day of medic. I wish courage and energy to those who continue fighting for the lives of our warriors with death. Continue fighting and win,” Petro Poroshenko said.

Press service of the President of Ukraine



Over the past three years not only the Ukrainian army, but also the Ukrainian military medicine have been transformed, as stated by the President. Not only the army, but also the medics on the battlefield were not equipped. „They even didn’t have the first aid kits, let alone the armored trucks for removal of wounded, medical aircrafts, special equipment,” the Head of State noted.

„To date, 100% of warriors have individual first aid kits. However, it was the simplest task,” the President said.

„The state and volunteers got down to business. We established modern infrastructure of military medicine and now we are on the track of adapting it to the NATO standards. Now, the first aid on the battlefield is provided during the so-called ‚golden 10 minutes’. These are 10 minutes when speed is valued much higher than gold. And fortunately evacuation of wounded is carried out by the adapted newest sanitary transport,” Petro Poroshenko said.

Today, military medics received more than 20 new vehicles designed with consideration of combat experience. „Full cross-country ability, clearance, conditions for the medical worker, the largest number of heavily wounded that can be evacuated,” the President noted.

The Head of State presented new mobile X-ray office and modern mobile operating room. „When it is impossible to evacuate, operations will be made directly in the mobile operating room,” he said. The President noted that this mobile operating room would be delivered to Avdiivka.

„I, as President, and all Ukrainians want peace to come to Ukraine, Russian troops to get out of our native land and Ukraine to return the occupied parts of Donbas and the annexed Crimea,” Petro Poroshenko concluded.
According to the Ukrainian party of the JCCC, the illegal armed formations keep on shelling the communities in the east of Ukraine using the weapons forbidden by the Minsk agreements.

At night they shelled Sukha Balka using 152 mm artillery. One man, 52, was killed.





Over the past three years not only the Ukrainian army, but also the Ukrainian military medicine have been transformed, as stated by the President. Not only the army, but also the medics on the battlefield were not equipped. „They even didn’t have the first aid kits, let alone the armored trucks for removal of wounded, medical aircrafts, special equipment,” the Head of State noted.

„To date, 100% of warriors have individual first aid kits. However, it was the simplest task,” the President said.

„The state and volunteers got down to business. We established modern infrastructure of military medicine and now we are on the track of adapting it to the NATO standards. Now, the first aid on the battlefield is provided during the so-called ‚golden 10 minutes’. These are 10 minutes when speed is valued much higher than gold. And fortunately evacuation of wounded is carried out by the adapted newest sanitary transport,” Petro Poroshenko said.

Today, military medics received more than 20 new vehicles designed with consideration of combat experience. „Full cross-country ability, clearance, conditions for the medical worker, the largest number of heavily wounded that can be evacuated,” the President noted.

The Head of State presented new mobile X-ray office and modern mobile operating room. „When it is impossible to evacuate, operations will be made directly in the mobile operating room,” he said. The President noted that this mobile operating room would be delivered to Avdiivka.

„I, as President, and all Ukrainians want peace to come to Ukraine, Russian troops to get out of our native land and Ukraine to return the occupied parts of Donbas and the annexed Crimea,” Petro Poroshenko concluded.


Night shelling of Sukha Balka killed one man, 52, and injured three people and one child.

Several houses are damaged and the village is cut off power, gas, and water supply.


Twenty private houses were damaged on June 15 as a result of morning shelling of the Ukrainian-controlled town of Maryinka, Donetsk region, by Russia's hybrid military forces, according to the press-secretary of the region's police department, Natalia Shiman.


The shelling of the town began at around 7:00. The police officers have been recording the consequences of the shelling all day. Two completely destroyed houses and 18 partially damaged have been reported as at 20:00," Shiman wrote on Facebook.

She also specified that two families had been left homeless as their house were completely destroyed.

According to preliminary data, the Russian-backed militants fired Grad multiple rocket launch systems on Maryinka.

The shelling is qualified as a terrorist act.


Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 50 times in the past 24 hours, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as killed in action (KIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

"As a result of enemy shelling, one Ukrainian soldier was fatally wounded and died," the report says.

The largest number of enemy's violations of the ceasefire, namely 24 instances, the past day was recorded in the Mariupol sector in. In particular, the Russian armed gangs fired artillery systems on residential areas of the town of Maryinka on Thursday morning. Despite the considerable damage to several houses, fortunately, none of the civilians was injured. "In this sector of the front line, the militants opened fire from 120mm mortars near the town of Maryinka, and the villages of Pavlopil, Shyrokyne, and Vodiane. They also used 82mm mortars near the town of Krasnohorivka and the village of Talakivka. In addition, some armed provocations were staged by the occupiers near the villages of Hnutove, Lebedynske, Chermalyk, and Novomykhailivka.

As was the case before, the militants repeatedly opened fire of various intensity on the Ukrainian fortified positions there, using grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms," the report reads.



The Ukrainian Defense Ministry has announced the death toll of the Armed Forces of Ukraine since the beginning of the war in Donbas in 2014, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

As of June 16, 2017, a total of 2,696 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and 9,903 have been wounded since the beginning of Russian aggression in Ukraine," ministry speaker for Anti-Terrorist Operation issues Andriy Lysenko said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday, June 16.

According to earlier reports, a Ukrainian serviceman was shot dead by an enemy sniper near the village of Novotoshkivske in Luhansk region on Friday morning.


Since the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, 2,696 Ukrainian military servicemen have died and 9,903 have been wounded, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's spokesman Andriy Lysenko said.

"In total, since the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, 2,696 soldiers have died and 9,903 have been wounded," Lysenko said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday.


Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 67 times in the past 24 hours, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as killed in action (KIA) and three as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.


In the Mariupol sector, the militants fired 120mm mortars on the fortified positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near the village of Bohdanivka, as well as 82mm mortars near the town of Krasnohorivka. Additionally, the enemy repeatedly opened fire from grenade launchers and small arms of various calibers on the Ukrainian fortified positions near the villages of Shyrokyne, Vodiane, Pavlopil, Chermalyk, Talakivka and Novotroyitske. In total, 21 armed provocations were recorded in this part of the front line.

The Russian occupation forces mounted 17 attacks on the Ukrainian positions in the Donetsk sector. "The Russian-backed mercenaries do not stop shelling the Ukrainian positions in the vicinity of the town of Avdiyivka. Yesterday afternoon and night, the occupiers used tank shells, mortars of various calibers and less powerful weapons against the Ukrainian defenders there," the report says.

After dark, the invaders intensively fired from mortars, including banned ones, on our fortified positions near the villages of Verkhniotoretske, Novhorodske, Luhanske and west of the village of Troyitske. In addition, the militants used grenade launchers of various modifications near the village of Pisky in the daytime. Furthermore, an enemy sniper was active near the village of Opytne," the headquarters said.

The largest number of enemy's violations of the ceasefire, namely 29 instances, was recorded in the Luhansk sector in the past day. In particular, this figure grew at night. The situation worsened on the Bakhmutka highway, where the militants actively used mortars, tank shells, grenade launchers and small arms against the Ukrainian fortified positions near the villages of Novotoshkivske and Krymske. Moreover, the illegal armed groups opened fire from mortars, infantry fighting vehicles and infantry weapons several times on the Ukrainian defenders near the village of Novo-Oleksandrivka.

In addition, the militants actively used small arms and grenade launchers near the villages of Stanytsia Luhanska, Donetskiy, Troyitske, Novozvanivka and Zhovte.

Militants conducted 67 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in the past 24 hours, killing one and injuring three servicemen, the press service of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) headquarters has reported.

"The enemy intensified shelling in twilight. Militants used weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements in almost one third of shelling cases," ATO HQ said on its Facebook page.

In the Mariupol sector militants shelled the Ukrainian armed forces' positions near Bohdanivka using 120mm mortars, near Krasnohorivka using 82mm mortars, near Shyrokyne, Pavlopil, Chermalyk, Talakivka and Novotroitske using grenade launchers and small arms.

In the Donetsk sector militants used tanks, grenade launchers and small arms near Avdiyivka, various mortars near Verkhniotoretske, Novohordske, Luhanske and Troitske and grenade launchers near Pisky. An enemy sniper was observed near Opytne.

In the Luhansk sector militants shelled Novotoshkivske and Krymske using mortars, tanks, grenade launchers and small arms, Novooleksandrivka using mortars, infantry fighting vehicles' weapons and infantry weapons, Stanytsia Luhanska, Donets, Troitske, Novozvanivka and Zhovte using grenade launchers and small arms.


Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 22 times on June 17, with three Ukrainian soldiers reported as wounded in action (WIA), the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters reports.

In particular, the invaders used banned artillery systems nine times against the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the report reads. In the Mariupol sector, the enemy fired 120mm mortars on the Ukrainian positions near the villages of Hranitne and Chermalyk. In addition, the Ukrainian fortified positions near the villages of Pavlopil, Slavne and Hnutove came under fire from grenade launchers of various modifications and small arms.


Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 66 times in the past 24 hours, with five Ukrainian soldiers reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.


Almost a third of the violations was conducted from artillery systems.

The Russian occupation forces mounted 28 attacks on the Ukrainian positions in the Mariupol sector. The defenders of the villages of Hranitne, Chermalyk, and Shyrokyne came under fire from 120mm mortars. The latter was also shelled from a tank. In addition, The occupiers fired 122mm howitzers on the Ukrainian soldiers stationed near the village of Novoselivka Druha from the outskirts of the temporarily occupied town of Horlivka. Moreover, the militants repeatedly opened fire from grenade launchers and small arms of various calibers on the ATO strongholds near the villages of Pavlopil, Slavne, Hnutove, Taramchuk, Talakivka, Vodiane, and the towns of Maryinka and Krasnohorivka.


Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian troops 47 times in the past day, using proscribed 120mm weapons 10 times, as a result of which six Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded, according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

"Six servicemen were wounded in enemy shelling in the past day," the ATO HQ said in its morning update posted on Facebook on Monday, June 19.

The Mariupol sector alone saw 21 attacks. "Using 120mm mortars, the invaders were shelling our positions near the villages of Pavlopil, Chermalyk, Shyrokyne, and Mykolayivka. Areas near the village of Vodyane came under 82mm mortar fire. Russian-backed illegal formations staged armed provocations near those villages and also the villages of Talakivka and Lebedynske – they used heavy weapons, namely grenade launchers, as well as small arms," the ATO HQ said.


Militants attacked the Ukrainian army positions 47 times on Sunday, the headquarters of the Ukrainian anti-terrorist operation (ATO) wrote on its Facebook page

"Six servicemen have been wounded as a result of hostile attacks launched in the past 24 hours," the HQ said on Facebook.

Twenty-one attacks on the Ukrainian army's defense lines were seen in the Mariupol sector. For instance, army positions near Pavlopil, Chermalyk, Shyrokyne and Mykolaivka came under attack of 120mm mortars, and 82mm mortars were fired near Vodiane. Besides, militants used grenade launchers and small arms near those populated localities, Talakivka and Lebedynske.

Militants shelled Ukrainian army positions using 120mm and 82mm mortars near Kamianka in Donetsk sector. Grenade launchers and heavy machineguns were fired on Ukrainian positions near Luhanske, and similar weapons were used in the southern suburb of Avdiyivka.

The Luhansk sector saw 15 attacks by militants. Mortars shelled Ukrainian army positions near Krymske, Troitske, Novotoshkivske and Zolote. Small arms, grenade launchers, heavy machineguns, and infantry combat vehicle weapons were engaged in the hostilities near Katerynivka, Novooleksandrivka, Novozvanivka, Stanytsia Luhanska, and Schastya.

Russia's hybrid military forces lobbed over 60 mortar shells into Ukrainian army positions near the village of Krymske in Luhansk region, Donbas, in the past day, according to a Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesman for Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) issues.

The hottest spot in the Luhansk sector yesterday was near Krymske where over 60 shells were fired at ATO positions in the past day. The enemy was most active in the daytime. The fire was opened from the eastern direction," spokesman Oleksandr Motuzianyk said at a briefing on Tuesday, June 20.

"Some other instances of the violation of the ceasefire by Russian occupying forces were recorded near the town of Schastia in Popasna district and in the village of Stanytsia Luhanska," he said.

The press center of the ATO Headquarters wrote on Facebook earlier on Tuesday that there had been 43 enemy attacks on Ukrainian troops in the past 24 hours. Four Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in action.

The Ukrainian Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters has reported escalation in the past day in the east of the country: the number of attacks on Ukrainian troops and their intensity in some sectors along the contact line in Donbas increased only after dark.

Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 36 attacks on the Ukrainian positions, resorting to heavy artillery systems five times, the ATO HQ said in a morning update on Wednesday, June 21.

"One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action (WIA) as a result of enemy shelling yesterday," it said. Occupiers in the Mariupol sector in Donetsk region used infantry weapons only during the daytime and mounted artillery attacks at dusk. "In particular, our strongholds near the village of Talakivka were attacked with the use of 122mm artillery systems.

They also used anti-tank grenade launchers, and an enemy sniper was working there. Later they opened fire from 82mm mortars near the village of Hnutove," the ATO HQ said.

What is more, Ukrainian troops stationed near the villages of Shyrokyne, Vodiane, Pavlopil, Novomykhailivka and the town of Maryinka came under fire from grenade launchers and small arms. In total, 18 instances of the violation of the ceasefire in the sector were recorded in the reporting period. The Donetsk sector saw six enemy attacks. On Tuesday morning and during the day, the situation there was calm, the ATO HQ said.

"The first attack on our positions was recorded at about 18:00 – the occupiers used portable anti-tank grenade launchers and large-caliber machine guns to shell Ukrainian army positions near the town of Kamianka. Just some minutes later, the invaders opened fire from proscribed 120mm mortars and grenade launchers at one of our strongholds near the town of Avdiyivka.

There were at least three enemy attacks on our positions near Avdiyivka until midnight with the use of grenade launchers, small arms of different calibers and 82mm mortars. What is more, the mercenaries opened fire at the defenders of the village of Verkhniotoretske in the evening, using infantry weapons and cannons of infantry fighting vehicles. The Luhansk sector saw a new round of escalation along the Bakhmutske highway, where the Russian occupation forces again used heavy artillery systems against ATO forces.

"In particular, our strongholds near the village of Krymske came under fire from 152mm artillery systems and 120mm mortars. What is more, the occupiers used 82m mortars and cannons of infantry fighting vehicles to shell Ukrainian troops near the village of Novozvanivka," the ATO HQ said.

The violation of the ceasefire was recorded near the town of Schastia and the villages of Stanytsia Luhanska and Novo-Oleksandrivka, where the enemy used mainly grenade launchers and small arms.

Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak has said that today there are about 34,000 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) area in Donbas.

"About 34,000 our servicemen are fulfilling the task in the ATO area," he told journalists before the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in Kyiv on Wednesday.

According to the minister, other military men undergo various kinds of training, including in the framework of drills at the training grounds.

About 120 servicemen have been killed in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) area from the beginning of 2017, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry told Interfax-Ukraine.

"Since January 1, 2017 and up to now, the combat irreversible losses of ATO forces have amounted to at least 121 servicemen, 117 of which are servicemen of the Armed Forces of the country," the defense ministry said on Wednesday.

As reported, on May 24, 2017, Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak said that the total number of killed Ukrainian servicemen since the beginning of the year was about 100 people.
An armed man has attacked and fired at the observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) on the territory of Yasynuvata controlled by the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic.

"On 20 June an SMM patrol (1) comprising two armored vehicles and six members was stationary at an observation post at 'DPR'-controlled Yasynuvata railway station (16km north-east of Donetsk), when it saw two men in military-style attire, one armed with an assault rifle (AK-type) walking in a western direction about 80m away. Another SMM patrol (2) comprising two armored vehicles and six members was positioned about 150m west of the other patrol and about 100m from the two men. At 11:06, both patrols heard one burst of small-arms fire assessed as coming from the area of the two men," the OSCE SMM said in its report.

Then, the two men, both with their faces covered - moved towards to the second SMM patrol and began to aggressively shout at the SMM. They then left, the mission said.

"At 11:10 both SMM patrols attempted to leave the area. As SMM patrol (2) began to leave, the armed man ran to the second vehicle, tried to open the door on the driver's side and attempted to break the driver's side window with his gunstock. Failing to do either, he then ran after the first vehicle from SMM patrol (2). Following this, the armed man turned and pointed his assault rifle at the driver and front-seat passenger of the second vehicle from SMM patrol (2). Both patrol members raised their hands in response. When the armed man moved to the side of the vehicle to try to open the front passenger-side door, the driver accelerated. As the SMM vehicle was driving away, the armed man hit the rear right-side window with his gunstock, causing minor damage. The SMM then saw him fire a burst of small-arms fire into the air, followed by three shots that the SMM assessed were fired at the patrol vehicle," the report reads.

According to the OSCE SMM, the patrol vehicle was not hit. At 11:21, as all SMM patrol vehicles were leaving the area the SMM observed the armed man pointing his assault rifle at the SMM.

The SMM returned safely to base in Donetsk.

The SMM informed the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination and asked it to follow up on the incident.
Ukraine army's Grad drills


Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 10 times on June 22, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

In the Mariupol sector, the invaders shelled the Ukrainian positions near the village of Shyrokyne from heavy machine guns and small arms before dawn. They also used infantry fighting vehicles and an anti-aircraft gun near the village of Lebedynske. Afternoon, the enemy once again attacked the Ukrainian fortified positions near Shyrokyne, using 120mm mortars.

In the Donetsk sector, the Russian-backed militants were most active north-east of the town of Avdiyivka, namely near the village of Kamianka. In particular, the enemy repeatedly opened fire from grenade launchers, small arms of various calibers and infantry fighting vehicles. Furthermore, an enemy sniper was active there. The occupiers most often violated the ceasefire in the Luhansk sector on Thursday. At dawn, the enemy launched several 82mm mines on the Ukrainian fortified positions near the town of Schastia.

In the same area, as well as near the villages of Krymske and Lobacheve, the mercenaries used heavy machine guns and grenade launchers of various modifications against the Ukrainian soldiers. In addition, shots from small arms were heard near the village of Zhovte.

There is no alternative to the non-working Minsk format (Ukraine, Russia, OSCE) negotiations for the settlement of the situation in eastern Ukraine, and a complete ceasefire in Donbas can hardly be expected, political expert Yevhen Mahda has said.

"In Kyiv, Moscow, Paris and Berlin they understand that the Minsk format does not work. But we need to find a substitute in order to abolish it. None of the leaders of the Normandy format countries [Germany, France, Ukraine, Russia] can afford to slam the door and leave, except Putin [Russian President Vladimir Putin]. But no one will allow it, as this will be regarded as unwillingness to settle the situation in Donbas," Mahda told Kyiv-based news agency Interfax-Ukraine on Friday.

At the same time, the political expert did not rule out that the United States can offer a new idea in the matter of resolving the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

"I have the impression that the U.S. intends to exhaust all the participants to the process, and then offer some idea. But I would not make this idea absolute, because the U.S. is accustomed to solve the problem at the expense of the weakest, and in this situation, Ukraine is the weakest," he said.

Commenting on the next announcement of the ceasefire regime from June 24, the political expert expressed the opinion that "there will be no complete ceasefire."

"After all, there are tens of thousands of people with weapons [in the occupied territories of the Donbas], thousands of which are only able to fight. Do you think they will return to peaceful labor or return to Russia? Russia is least interested in taking back so many people who can do nothing, but fight. This does not meet any of its interests," he said.

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 48 times in the past 24 hours, using banned artillery systems, with two Ukrainian soldiers reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

The Luhansk sector was the epicenter of hostilities, namely 27 militant attacks were reported there. The situation remains hottest in the area of the Bakhmutka highway where the illegal armed groups repeatedly fired 120mm and 82mm mortars and 122mm artillery systems on the Ukrainian positions near the village of Krymske. In the evening, the militants opened fire from mortars on the Ukrainian fortified positions near the villages of Novotoshkivske, Novo-Oleksandrivka, Novozvanivka, as well as the towns of Schastia and Popasna. During the day, the enemy also used infantry weapons near the villages of Lobacheve and Nyzhnioteple, and Donets station.

The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine has recorded small-arms fire and explosions near the town of Zolote, Luhansk region, close to its patrol, according to an OSCE SMM report.

"On 23 June an SMM patrol comprising two armoured vehicles and six members was stationary in a residential area in government-controlled Zolote-4, approximately 300m north of the Zolote disengagement area (60km north-west of Luhansk)," the OSCE SMM said. All patrol members were outside the vehicles.


Militants shelled Ukrainian army positions 48 times on Friday, including 14 times using artillery, the press center of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) headquarters wrote on its page on Saturday morning.

"Two ATO soldiers were wounded in shelling by the enemy," the report reads.

The Ukrainian troops deployed in Donbas are ready for the ceasefire starting from midnight June 24, but they also stress their readiness to open fire should their lives be put at risk, Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzianyk told Interfax-Ukraine on Friday.

"We are ready for the ceasefire. We will honor it. However, our response to hostile actions will be adequate," Motuzianyk said.

Ukraine "implements the Minsk agreements at all times," in particular, the Ukrainian troops strictly observed every ceasefire arrangement in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) zone, the spokesman said.

We only open fire in the event of a real life threat to our troops in Donbas," the spokesman said.

For her part, Iryna Gerashchenko, who represents Ukraine in the TCG's humanitarian subgroup and is first deputy speaker in Ukraine's parliament, stressed the importance of resolving ecological problems and repairing the Donbas infrastructure, if the ceasefire starting on June 24 holds.

"For ecological problems to be solved security is very important! The TCG in Minsk agreed on a ceasefire from June 24. Where it will be quiet, we shall see after midnight. If the truce holds, there will be a chance to do repair work at the DFS [Donetsk filter station], the Avdiyivka coke and chemical plant, and at other enterprises close to the conflict line," Gerashchenko wrote on Facebook after a trip to Donbas on Friday.

On June 21 the Trilateral Contact Group, which mediates the Donbas conflict, backed a proposed ceasefire for the duration of the harvesting period starting from June 24. The so-called "bread truce" should last from the midnight of June 24 through August 31.

In order to avoid queues when the requirement for Russian citizens to produce biometric passports when entering Ukraine is introduced, it is necessary to install additional equipment at checkpoints, the National Security and Defense Council Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov said.

"There is still a need for technical equipment to avoid queues at the border, because there are is not enough technical means to fully ensure this task. But the border guards are working on it, and they will provide their calculations next week and they are formally ready to start this procedure," Turchynov said in Kharkiv region on Saturday.

He stressed that he considers the introduction of the requirement of biometric passports for entry as a temporary measure, before the introduction of a visa regime with Russia.

He made it clear that he does not care much that many Russian citizens do not have biometric passports.

"The fact that many Russians do not have biometric passports is their problem. Let them order them. We should protect our border and clearly identify who crosses this border, primarily from the aggressor country," Turchynov said.


The so-called "harvest ceasefire" in Donbas has failed as Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian troops 26 times along the entire contact line in the past day, according to the press center of the Ukrainian Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

The invaders repeatedly used types of weapons that are strictly forbidden by the Minsk agreements," the ATO HQ said on Facebook in its update based in information from 08:00 on Saturday, June 24, to 08:00 on Sunday, June 25.

The truce in the Mariupol sector lasted until 18:00 on Saturday, after which Ukrainian troops stationed there were attacked seven times.

Eight instances of the violation of the ceasefire were registered in the Donetsk sector. The enemy used small arms, large-caliber machine guns, anti-tank grenade launchers, and an anti-tank missile system.

Most of the attacks were registered in the Luhansk sector where the Ukrainian army was attacked 11 times. Such proscribed weapons as 120mm mortars and 100mm artillery systems were used along with infantry weapons. Infantry fighting vehicles were also engaged.

"Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed in action in the past day.

One soldier was wounded in action, another two suffered battle trauma," the ATO HQ said. As UNIAN reported earlier, the Minsk Trilateral Contact Group on the settlement of the Donbas crisis upheld local councils' requests for a ceasefire for the period of harvesting starting from June 24, the so-called "harvest ceasefire." In keeping with the agreements, the full ceasefire should be observed from June 24 to August 31.
Last respects for ATO veteran stabbed in Kyiv


The arrival of sniper groups from the Russian Federation has been recorded in the village of Oleksandrivka (western outskirts of the city of Donetsk) and the Trudivske residential area of the Donetsk's Petrivskiy district, according to Ukrainian MP and military expert Dmytro Tymchuk, who is also a coordinator of the analytical group Information Resistance.

"Outwardly, [they are] Yakuts or Buryats," Tymchuk wrote on Facebook.

In his words, the number of mercenaries from the Russian Federation is increasing while the presence of local militants is decreasing in this region, which is the responsibility zone of the units from the 100th separate motorized rifle brigade of the 1st Army Corps of the "DPR."



Authorities say a bomb planted under or inside a car has killed a senior Ukrainian military intelligence officer in the country's capital.

Photos from the scene showed the mangled vehicle in the middle of a Kiev intersection. Police say the car's driver was killed immediately and two passers-by were slightly injured in this morning's blast.

The Defense Ministry identified the victim as Colonel Maxim Shapoval of the Chief Directorate of Intelligence.

Ukrainian media reported that Shapoval was chief of military intelligence's special forces.

Kiev regional police chief Andriy Kryshchenko tells 112 television channel the unidentified explosive device was either attached to the bottom of the car or planted inside.

Investigators are treating the explosion as a terror attack but did not immediately say who was to blame.


Officer of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's Intelligence Department Colonel Maksym Shapoval, who died in a car blast in Kyiv on Tuesday, June 27, was commander of the deep reconnaissance division and was engaged in collecting evidence of Russia's involvement in armed aggression against Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian news portal LB.ua.


"It was thanks to him that Ukraine was able to substantiate its position in The Hague on Russia's involvement in armed aggression, and before that, it provided all such documented facts through diplomatic channels and through channels for the exchange of intelligence with the allies' intelligence agencies," a source in law enforcement agencies told LB.ua.

According to the source, Shapoval not only planned reconnaissance raids into the deep rear of the occupied areas in Donbas, but directly participated in them.

"The unique feature of the intelligence operations was that they used means to document the [action of] Russian occupation forces, their relocation, the availability of modern models of electronic warfare systems and weapons of destruction, doing this in such a way that it could serve as unconditional proof of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine, especially regarding the use of the regular battalion task force and the latest weapon systems that are produced in Russia only," he said.

In addition, individual reconnaissance operations concerned timely alerts about the deployment of Russian artillery, including long-range systems, which greatly reduced the loss of Ukrainian troops and civilians.

"The enemy eliminated Maksym for everyone to see, including as an element of intimidation and as an element of information warfare against the most devoted sons of Ukraine," the source told LB.ua.

As was reported, a car with a military intelligence officer was blown up in Kyiv on the morning of June 27. The incident was qualified as a "terrorist attack."


As a result of the car bombing in Kyiv on Tuesday morning, an acting soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of 1978 birth year has been killed; the law enforcers described the incident as a terrorist attack, Liaison Department Director of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine Artem Shevchenko has said.

"Since he is an active military, the prosecutor's office will determine the investigation of this criminal proceeding, which is now registered under Article 258 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as a Terrorist Attack by the Investigation Department of the Main Police Department in Kyiv," Shevchenko told reporters, later clarifying that the killed man was a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of 1978 birth year.

Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 18 times in the past 24 hours, according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.

In the Mariupol sector, at about 21:00 Kyiv time, the militants started firing 82mm mortars and heavy machine guns on the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Vodiane. And at the end of the day, the enemy fired small arms on the defenders of the village of Pavlopil. Seven instances of ceasefire violations by the Russian proxies were recorded in the Donetsk sector. In the afternoon, the Ukrainian positions near the village of Luhanske came under fire from grenade launchers.

The occupiers also used 120mm and 82mm mortars, grenade launchers and small arms of various calibers near the village of Kamianka. In addition, the invaders repeatedly used 82mm mortars and infantry weapons in the vicinity of the town of Avdiyivka.
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Fourteen Ukrainian wounded soldiers left for Germany to undergo treatment and rehabilitation.

“This is our sixth humanitarian mission. It’s my fifth visit to Ukraine and I define soldiers needing treatment,” the head of group of German doctors said.

Totally, 88 Ukrainian soldiers have undergone treatment in 2014-2017 in Germany.

“I would like to express my gratitude for support and assistance in treatment of the Ukrainian wounded soldiers. I think it is your friendly support and solidarity with all the Ukrainians and the Ukrainian army,” Deputy Minister of Defence Major General Oleh Shevchuk underscored.
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