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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Nikolaev and Kherson shipyards, sea-ports of Odessa, Yalta, Evpatoria, plants of Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Donbass. Mines. All of this was built in the time of Russian Empire / Soviet Union. And the only hope to remain a highly industrialized, scientific society - to reunite with Russia, in extreme cases - the Eurasian Union.

So you are trying to say that there was no contribution by Ukrainians or other citizens of ex SSR ?

Why on first place Russian Federation worked for disintergration ?
So you are trying to say that there was no contribution by Ukrainians or other citizens of ex SSR ?

Why on first place Russian Federation worked for disintergration ?
Traitors worked on desintegration - Juda Gorbachev and others.
Reintegration of a common economic space - the only hope for Novorossia to stay industrialized territory. Russia has already begun modernization of plants in Crimea.
Reunification with the rest of Russia, de facto or de jure, will ensure the revival of New Russia.
Ukrainians speak Ukranian. Here we are talking about 2014-2015. UN was established in 1945.

Ukraininan is a dialect of Russian just as High German is a dialect of German. Ukrainian has always been known as Little Russian until the 1920s. Plus, hardly anyone in Ukraine ever speaks Ukrainian in daily conversation. They all speak Russian.
Plus, hardly anyone in Ukraine ever speaks Ukrainian in daily conversation. They all speak Russian.
This is true only for the southern and eastern regions. In the West, the majority, even in the cities, speak the local dialect, which is hard to understand for people from other regions.
This is true only for the southern and eastern regions. In the West, the majority, even in the cities, speak the local dialect, which is hard to understand for people from other regions.

Western Ukraine used to be part of Poland. Western Ukraine was joined to Ukraine after WW2.
Western Ukraine used to be part of Poland. Western Ukraine was joined to Ukraine after WW2.
The funny thing is that the Junta banned communism and cultivates anti-Soviet propaganda, but none of them for some reason is not going to return western Ukraine to Poland. Stalin personally tore Western Ukraine from Poland.

Men of Motorolla.
Polish politician: Euromaidan was a special operation from the USA and Poland
The presidential candidate of Poland And leader of the party KORWiN, MEP Janusz Korwin-Micke believes that the euromaidan in Kiev was not only the handiwork of CIA employees, but also the special operation in Poland.

in the elections of the President of Poland, scheduled for may 10, will participate eleven candidates, gathered more than 100 thousand signatures of Residents in support.

in the conversation of Polish Internet portal Corwin-Micke said that euromaidan was a CIA operation." Yes, but it was also our operation. Snipers are taught equally in Poland. About who really did the shots on the Maidan, wrote not too long ago printed edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Terrorists shot and killed on the Maidan 40 20 protesters And police in order to provoke unrest. The truth finally comes out, " said the presidential Candidate of Poland.

Polish politician believes that Europeans And poles, for example, should not be afraid of Russia." Poland has no controversial agenda with Russia. On the Polish-Russian border has no issues. Whipping up war sentiment in the hand, not us, and the United States, " says Korwin-Micke.

Speaking About the situation in Ukraine, the presidential Candidate of Poland said that Ukrainians themselves, unfortunately, are required for all thank American citizens. Russia had intentions to take over Ukraine. For us it was an ideal situation because in the interests of Poland, the existence of an independent Ukraine, but weak. And it was all destroyed by the Maidan ".

"authorized by the U.S. state Department Victoria Nuland agreed explicitly that Americans spent $ 5 billion to destabilize the situation in Ukraine," said Corwin-Micke." currently in Ukraine we deal with American aggression. Putin just pulls the chestnuts out of the fire, " said the presidential Candidate of Poland.

views 72-year-old Corwin-Micke - conservative liberal, eurosceptic, nobleman. Has six children, Catholic. Extremely popular blogger, the most among young people. Fought for presidential mandate in 1995, 2000 And 2005.
Polish politician: Euromaidan was a special operation from the USA and Poland
Traitors worked on desintegration - Juda Gorbachev and others.
Reintegration of a common economic space - the only hope for Novorossia to stay industrialized territory. Russia has already begun modernization of plants in Crimea.
Reunification with the rest of Russia, de facto or de jure, will ensure the revival of New Russia.

So you are saying that President Putin is working to bring back USSR ? But he has denied that.

Its very amusing Why Russian Federation hasnt invested in the modernization of Plants in Crimea before 2014 ?

Ukraininan is a dialect of Russian just as High German is a dialect of German. Ukrainian has always been known as Little Russian until the 1920s. Plus, hardly anyone in Ukraine ever speaks Ukrainian in daily conversation. They all speak Russian.

So now even Language and the people are similar. Why it was not before 2014 ?
10 March 2014
Pro-Russian activists attacked a pro-Kiev rally in Crimea



Western Ukraine used to be part of Poland. Western Ukraine was joined to Ukraine after WW2.

Now no wonder that Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania have formed joint military command.

Last Updated: Saturday, April 18, 2015 - 19:40
Kiev lists Russian military units allegedly in Ukraine | Zee News

Kiev: Ukraine's army chief of staff on Saturday listed for the first time some of the specific Russian military units alleged to be fighting against Kiev alongside pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine.

"Regular Russian army troops are still in Ukraine" despite a ceasefire agreement signed in February which ordered the withdrawal of foreign fighters from the front, Viktor Muzhenko said in an interview published by Ukraine's defence ministry.

Russia has repeatedly denied claims by Kiev and the West that it is arming and sending troops to help separatists who have gained control of parts of the east.

Muzhenko insisted: "We have details of all the Russian units, where they are deployed, their numbers and their weapons," he said.

He named among them the Russian army's 15th Mechanised Infantry Brigade, the 8th Mechanised Infantry Brigade, the 331st Airborne Regiment and the 98th Airborne Division.

He said he had "proof" that Russian regular troops had fought in three clashes in the east in February, including a fierce battle for the rail hub town of Debaltseve, which is now controlled by the separatists.

France and Germany brokered the ceasefire agreement on February 12 but heavy arms fire at the front between Ukrainian government and pro-Russian forces is still rumbling on in the east.

The year-long conflict has killed more than 6,000 people, according to the United Nations.

Despite the West's repeated allegations, no definitive measure of the scale of alleged Russian involvement in the fighting has emerged. Moscow has said any Russians involved must be volunteers who have gone to Ukraine without state backing.

However, independent military experts say there is considerable evidence of highly sophisticated weaponry being used on the rebel side and other signs of professional involvement in what bills itself as a homegrown insurgency.
So you are saying that President Putin is working to bring back USSR ? But he has denied that.

Its very amusing Why Russian Federation hasnt invested in the modernization of Plants in Crimea before 2014 ?
Putin and his colleagues are building a new Union - Eurasian. While purely economic, then we will see.
In only the year 2014, Russia has invested in the Crimea more money than Ukraine for 1991-2014 years.
Just before the Maidan, Nikolaev visited high-ranking delegation from Russia. Were reached agreement on investment in the shipyards about $ 5 billion. This was to be a revival of Nikolaev.
But Maydan broke all the chances of the city and famous Russian/Soviet shipyards for modernization. Now the only chance to save the shipyards, founded under Empress Catherine II the Great - to separate from Ukraine and reunite with Russia in one form or another.
And this is true for each city / factory of Novorossia.
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Putin and his colleagues are building a new Union - Eurasian. While purely economic, then we will see.
In only the year 2014, Russia has invested in the Crimea more money than Ukraine for 1991-2014 years.
Just before the Maidan, Nikolaev visited high-ranking delegation from Russia. Were reached agreement on investment in the shipyards about $ 5 billion. This was to be a revival of Nikolaev.
But Maydan broke all the chances of the city and famous Russian/Soviet shipyards for modernization. Now the only chance to save the shipyards, founded under Empress Catherine II the Great - to separate from Ukraine and reunite with Russia in one form or another.
And this is true for each city / factory of Novorossia.

EURASAIN concept is nothing new its like a counter to EU block. CSTO is like counter to NATO. Ukraine was not ready to join Eurasain nor CTSO and it was clear in 2008.

The reason for the decline in NATO are the policies adopted by EU members of NATO. But still NATO can counter CSTO everywhere.

Why here you dont see things from 1991 ? Why you wants to violate the soverignity of many nations and claiming to be part of Russian Federation?

Not the USSR, but the Russian empire. I suppose not many people know about the Russian empire.

Ukrainians and other Ex Soviet countries doesnt want to be part of Russian Empire but wants to remain Independent.

This is what a TOW does to a T-72. Now you know what Konkurs and Fagots do to Ukrainian army T-64 tanks. 8-)

9K111 Fagot, killer of tanks

The main battle tank of Russian military is T72B but i think Ukranians have captured some T72 tanks and even destroy quite in Eastern Ukraine.

Ukrainian soldiers captured a Russian T-72 tank from the militants.09.02.15
EURASAIN concept is nothing new its like a counter to EU block. CSTO is like counter to NATO. Ukraine was not ready to join Eurasain nor CTSO and it was clear in 2008.

The reason for the decline in NATO are the policies adopted by EU members of NATO. But still NATO can counter CSTO everywhere.

Why here you dont see things from 1991 ? Why you wants to violate the soverignity of many nations and claiming to be part of Russian Federation?
In Nikolaev even Admiralty was in old good days. It is a city of Russian glory, the city of Russian shipbuilders.
After the Revolution and Civil War warships are not built from 1917 to 1929. But the Independence of Ukraine caused more damage, warships are not built from 1991 to 2015. 24 years Nikolaev - is not true Nikolaev it is a pathetic shadow of himself.
However, the locals (I also consider myself Nikolaev sitizen, I lived and worked there) we believe that the return to Russia will return the city past glory, descent life and the main thing - hope.
There is no more Ukraine. It was first burned on the Maidan, and then in Odessa 2nd May 2014. It burned to the ground. For millions of people Ukraine simply ceased to exist.
But why do not you think that most of the inhabitants of New Russia does not want to have anything to do with Nazi Ukraine? That we want to be reunited with our great and mighty Motherland - Russia?
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In Nikolaev even Admiralty was in old good days. It is a city of Russian glory, the city of Russian shipbuilders.
After the Revolution and Civil War warships are not built from 1917 to 1929. But the Independence of Ukraine caused more damage, warships are not built from 1991 to 2015. 24 years Nikolaev - is not true Nikolaev it is a pathetic shadow of himself.
However, the locals (I also consider myself Nikolaev sitizen, I lived and worked there) we believe that the return to Russia will return the city past glory, descent life and the main thing - hope.
There is no more Ukraine. It was first burned on the Maidan, and then in Odessa 2nd May 2014. It burned to the ground. For millions of people Ukraine simply ceased to exist.
But why do not you think that most of the inhabitants of New Russia does not want to have anything to do with Nazi Ukraine? That we want to be reunited with our great and mighty Motherland - Russia?

Cant you talk from 1991 and 2014/2015 ?

Ukraine has lost Crimea and regions in Donetsk and Luhansk. But still Ukraine is a big country.

Ukraine Area: 603,700 km2 (233,090 square miles)
Crimea Area : 27,000 km2 (10,000 sq mi)
DNR Area : 8,539 km2 (3,297 sq mi)
LPR Area : 8,597 km2 (3,316 sq mi)

Fighting occurs in Triokhizbenka, Luhansk region| Ukrinform
KYIV, April 18 /Ukrinform/. Fighting between Ukrainian military and terrorists broke out in Triokhizbenka, Luhansk region, at 10: 30 on Saturday. As of 11.00, the clash still went on.

This has been announced by Head of Luhansk Regional Military and Civil Administration Hennady Moskal.

"The group of militants came to the destroyed bridge over the Siversky Donets River, which forms the demarcation line. Now the militants are shelling positions of our forces with mortars, heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft quick-firer. Ukrainian military fire back, the sounds of fighting could be heard in the village and surrounding area," Moskal said.

The information on the victims has not yet been reported.

Attack on Triokhizbenka repelled| Ukrinform
KYIV, April 18 /Ukrinform/. Fighting in Triokhizbenka village in Luhansk region is over, the militants' attack has been repelled.

This has been reported by press office of Head of Luhansk Regional Military and Civil Administration Hennady Moskal.

"At 12:20, fighting in Triokhizbenka was over. As a reminder, today at 10:30, the militants came to the destroyed bridge over the Siversky Donets River and tried to break through the demarcation line to Triokhizbenka. The fighting started and lasted more than two hours. During the clash, the militants used sub-machine guns, heavy machine guns, mortars, grenade launchers and rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns," the report says.

According to preliminary data, some Ukrainian servicemen have been wounded.

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