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Is this BD section a forum for propagating politics of the BNP and their conjoined twin, the fundamentalist Jamaat? This forum seems to be the JeI's mouthpiece.

Can't you guys divorce religion from politics? JeI is a religious fundamentalist party. Why the fu@k are they dabbling in politics? Why are they being allowed to do so? They should restrict themselves to the mosques and madrassas and stop behaving like Allah's army!
With the declaration of confiscation of JI's religious orgs., bank, properties; RAWAMY GOVT. has become bare/open by now (Jamaat has no place in Bangladesh politics: PM - bdnews24.com) on its non-promulgated war on Majority of a Muslim country. Knowing that PAK army's left over is eliminated by now, RAWAMYS are getting aggressive day by day and the Hindu-commie-infested army's
mum ness is making them even bolder to do it with faster pace.

No one understood or paid attention during BNP's era, when RAWAMYS were revealing at preparing to fight another Muktijhuddo. But they were calculative and knew about the Geo-Proximity of their real master. And the absence of real armed opposition, they knew that it would be facile for them to overrun Muslim-Nationalists. But as the saying went like man possessed but God dispossessed, courage under fire wasn't expected and it seemed like JI/SHIBIRIES weren't gonna surely earn them a walk over. And it looked like further courage, stamina and patient would define the future of a small nation in cunning giant's belly.

Once a wise person said.. Church (Religion) should not meddle with state, Jamat is religious organization, it must not have any place in politics.

@India: I hate to see Church and Mosque passing dictates for voting against any particular party, or to vote for a party.. This kind of activity is bad for both religion and state.
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Is this BD section a forum for propagating politics of the BNP and their conjoined twin, the fundamentalist Jamaat? This forum seems to be the JeI's mouthpiece.

Can't you guys divorce religion from politics? JeI is a religious fundamentalist party. Why the fu@k are they dabbling in politics? Why are they being allowed to do so? They should restrict themselves to the mosques and madrassas and stop behaving like Allah's army!

Allah's army believe in peace, Islam means peace. But some people turned Jihad's meaning in different way and has given bad name to Muslims and Islam
Is this BD section a forum for propagating politics of the BNP and their conjoined twin, the fundamentalist Jamaat? This forum seems to be the JeI's mouthpiece.

Can't you guys divorce religion from politics? JeI is a religious fundamentalist party. Why the fu@k are they dabbling in politics? Why are they being allowed to do so? They should restrict themselves to the mosques and madrassas and stop behaving like Allah's army!

Yesterday Hina was saying "These ppl are in very small number" She was right These ppl are in small number but effective. "In absence of light, dark prevail".

Yesterday there was an article on "BBC Hindi", It says , Indian Muslims vote on religious basis, in return the Islamic parties (read pro Muslim Kongress, Mulla and Lallo) make more mosque for them. These Islamic party promote Islamic studies (Koran) for Muslims. Muslim feel that they are served, where as they are been pushed to dark age.

Edited: My progressive view may be understand as Islamophobia.

Allah's army believe in peace, Islam means peace. But some people turned Jihad's meaning in different way and has given bad name to Muslims and Islam

Modified: Members may not accept my critical view on Islam.
Yesterday Hina was saying "These ppl are in very small number" She was right These ppl are in small number but effective. "In absence of light, dark prevail".

Yesterday there was an article on "BBC Hindi", It says , Indian Muslims vote on religious basis, in return the Islamic parties (read pro Muslim Kongress, Mulla and Lallo) make more mosque for them. These Islamic party promote Islamic studies (Koran) for Muslims. Muslim feel that they are served, where as they are been pushed to dark age.

This Islamic attitude (Islamic Army, Jihad, Islam is essence of state, Allah will save the state) will make BD a bad place...

Islam teaches us the ethics and said that go out from Mosque for livelihood after praying instead of stuck in there.

Yesterday Hina was saying "These ppl are in very small number" She was right These ppl are in small number but effective. "In absence of light, dark prevail".

Yesterday there was an article on "BBC Hindi", It says , Indian Muslims vote on religious basis, in return the Islamic parties (read pro Muslim Kongress, Mulla and Lallo) make more mosque for them. These Islamic party promote Islamic studies (Koran) for Muslims. Muslim feel that they are served, where as they are been pushed to dark age.

This Islamic attitude (Islamic Army, Jihad, Islam is essence of state, Allah will save the state) will make BD a bad place...

Please don't play good cop-bad cop with us. When was peace in Islam?? Your prophet fought war, your kings fought war, still your kings fighting war.

Tell me one century when Islam didn't fought war (Jihad).

And one more thing why should I trust your definition of Jihad?? What is the proof that your definition of Jihad is right and Taliban's is wrong?

Brother Its very subjective, Religion is evil if use as tool, religion is good if kept personal. And trusty me Islam never kept personal, it was always used as tool.

ok lets make clear it to you clear.

Our Prophet fought war in defensive mode, like some people invading Muslims and our Prophet took swad to protect them, never been in offensive mode. (this is call Jihad)

but today some people modified jihad definition own their own-selves to full fill their objectives
Not only Islam, all religion pass thru this phase.. Chirtianity reformed itself during renaissance (14th to 17th century). Hinduism is continuously evolving religion. Judaism reformed itself after birth of christianity.

Islam is new born religion. I hope it will also reform itself.

"Those who don't change, get destroyed."
Islam teaches us the ethics and said that go out from Mosque for livelihood after praying instead of stuck in there.

ok lets make clear it to you clear.

Our Prophet fought war in defensive mode, like some people invading Muslims and our Prophet took swad to protect them, never been in offensive mode. (this is call Jihad)

I don't know what (your interpretation of) Islam says. But In India to woo Islam (Voters) politicians are making Muslims incompetent and backward. A Madrsa/Koran educated kid can't compete with Missionary educated kid.

Read This... ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ???????? - BBC Hindi - ????

@your prophet war: You see as defensive war, Other see it as act of aggression. You know what TTP, Taliban, Al-sahab, Boko Haram, HuJI, LeT etc, all believe that they are fighting defensive war..
I don't know what (your interpretation of) Islam says. But In India to woo Islam (Voters) politicians are making Muslims incompetent and backward. A Madrsa/Koran educated kid can't compete with Missionary educated kid.

Read This... ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ???????? - BBC Hindi - ????

@your prophet war: You see as defensive war, Other see it as act of aggression. You know what TTP, Taliban, Al-sahab, Boko Haram, HuJI, LeT etc, all believe that they are fighting defensive war..

1. told you some people modified the defination of Jihad.
2. Our holly book "Al-Qur'an" not just religious book but a study book , but again Our prophet said go to china for study. I have no idea what those people thinks and just stuck in Madrasa.

So whats the update, which side is winning this civil war? :pop:

Bangladeshi people :D
Not only Islam, all religion pass thru this phase.. Chirtianity reformed itself during renaissance (14th to 17th century). Hinduism is continuously evolving religion. Judaism reformed itself after birth of christianity.

Islam is new born religion. I hope it will also reform itself.

"Those who don't change, get destroyed."

Correction: ALL major religions have various strains from the ultra-conservative to the ultra-liberal.

At any given point in time, some strains will be more dominant than others. In Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism, the ultra-conservative strains are marginalized, whereas in Islam they retain significant power. However, nothing is irreversible in any religion and everything may change over time, including course reversal.
1. told you some people modified the defination of Jihad.
2. Our holly book "Al-Qur'an" not just religious book but a study book , but again Our prophet said go to china for study. I have no idea what those people thinks and just stuck in Madrasa.

Bangladeshi people :D

I hope all Muslims should be as preogressive as you. I have great respect and regards for Bengali ppl/. Bengalis are one of the most intelligent ppl in Indian subcontinent.

I hope Bangladesh goes Turkey way and become progressive nation, and Jamatis loose this civil war... ASAP.

Correction: ALL major religions have various strains from the ultra-conservative to the ultra-liberal.

At any given point in time, some strains will be more dominant than others. In Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism, the ultra-conservative strains are marginalized, whereas in Islam they retain significant power. However, nothing is irreversible in any religion and everything may change over time, including course reversal.

Completely agree with you.
I hope all Muslims should be as preogressive as you. I have great respect and regards for Bengali ppl/. Bengalis are one of the most intelligent ppl in Indian subcontinent.

I hope Bangladesh goes Turkey way and become progressive nation, and Jamatis loose this civil war... ASAP.

Completely agree with you.

In Bangladesh 90% of people are Muslim but Jamat has 4.6% votes from them, so you can easily understand their position.
In Bangladesh 90% of people are Muslim but Jamat has 4.6% votes from them, so you can easily understand their position.

You know what my dream for BD is??

BD become developed nation like France and Germany, so that migration reverse and indo-BD relation become better. :)

But again 4.6% evil is very huge number.
You know what my dream for BD is??

BD become developed nation like France and Germany, so that migration reverse and indo-BD relation become better. :)

But again 4.6% evil is very huge number.
1. there is no proper document about migration and i have no idea about that claim because Bangladeshis thinks to go to west or middle east for job instead of india , because they are more developed (no offense) .
2. they got 4.6% vote for religious point of view, if they show aggression then they will lose more votes.
3. thanks for good wish for Bangladesh :)
With the declaration of confiscation of JI's religious orgs., bank, properties; RAWAMY GOVT. has become bare/open by now (Jamaat has no place in Bangladesh politics: PM - bdnews24.com) on its non-promulgated war on Majority of a Muslim country. Knowing that PAK army's left over is eliminated by now, RAWAMYS are getting aggressive day by day and the Hindu-commie-infested army's
mum ness is making them even bolder to do it with faster pace.

No one understood or paid attention during BNP's era, when RAWAMYS were revealing at preparing to fight another Muktijhuddo. But they were calculative and knew about the Geo-Proximity of their real master. And the absence of real armed opposition, they knew that it would be facile for them to overrun Muslim-Nationalists. But as the saying went like man possessed but God dispossessed, courage under fire wasn't expected and it seemed like JI/SHIBIRIES weren't gonna surely earn them a walk over. And it looked like further courage, stamina and patient would define the future of a small nation in cunning giant's belly.

There won't be any civil war. The worst case scenario is another 1/11.
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