My first suggestion is that first you will need to register the organisation and seek legal help to ensure smooth running of this outfit since it will be interacting with all sorts of people, government organisation and sensitive incidents.
With focus majorly on Terrorism and Crime, Basic Services that your CIVIL Defense Organisation should be able to give:
1. Reporting
2. Rescue and Evacuation (during and after incident)
3. Medical (Basic First AID)
4. Psychological (Rehab)
5. Awareness
The Reporting teams have certain areas under their responsibility. They report to a team leader. They physically live in or around or near their area of responsibility. They know the activities scheduled (whether political/government/semi government) in their areas They are the EYES and EARS of organisation on the ground. They are vigilantes and they are usually looking for:
1. suspicious people
2. suspicious activity
3. suspicious vehicles
6. marches and protests
Suggested Team per Area:
1 X team leader
5 X members
Preferred personnel are students of journalism.
Rescue and Evacuation
The R and E is your main task force of volunteers. They are trained to handle all sorts of crisis situations. They are motivated to serve humanity. They know basic know how and common sense of handling dangersous situations with the motto of SAFETY First.
They know how to interact with shocked, distressed, displaced, injured (even deadbodies) people and not afraid of entering bombed buildings, half collapsed building, flooded area, contaminated areas etc They need to be trained in helping victims of:
1. Accidents
2. Fire
3. earthquake
4. Disease
5. Floods
etc etc
Suggested Team:
1 X Team Leader (35+ years age)
10 X Team (8 gents and 2 ladies ,since ladies can handle affected ladies easily without any fingers pointed in out culture)
First AID qualification is preferred
1 X 12 seater Van
11 X Safety helmet/safety boots/torches
Loud speaker
communication devices
Preferred to leave this task to EDHI or other ambulance services, however if a dedicated medical team is required, then even first AID qualified personnel can carry this out since hiring doctors and nurses will be expensive along with ambulances. Secondly, team should give first aid till the ambulances from EDHI etc arrive. If R and E Team is First Aid Qualified then you dont need a dedicated medical team.
The organizations personnel in the crisis areas will be dealing with all kinds of psychologically affected and traumatised people. These people may need professional help at some stage. The organisation must have qualified people in this sector who can soothe down affected people either through religion or psychological motivation.Hiring a psychologist for site visit is not required.
I would however recommend a Molvi as people in pakistan depend on Islam for every problem. The molvi can in simple words, ayats, surats recitations keep them motivated and their spirits uplifted.
1 X Molvi
1 X Koran
Buy him a CD-70 (kidding)
This team has two purposes.
1.Spreading awareness in Public
2. Marketing your organisation (people should know such civil defense organisation exists to serve them)
This team goes to schools, colleges, unis, private organisations, houses and colonies in all suburbs to spread awareness about Civil Defense. They stand at shopping malls and eating outlets with pamphlets to spread the name of your organisation.
You cane use same resources of Reporting Team.
Information Department and Control Room
This is where the shift head sits and all decisions are made. The shift head gets reports from Team leads in the field, makes decision and coordinates with higher ups of the organisation. All the conversations of this room are recorded and decisions documented. It is open 24/7.
Planning Department
This department focuses on short comings in any current or previous incident response and then makes new strategies and policies to handle future incidents in best possible manner. This is the nucleus of the organisation which is constantly involving. The members of this department are in contact with similar organisations throughout the world to capitalise on shared experiences.
Training Department
As the name suggests, the instructors impart full training to new volunteers. preferred instructors are retired army personnel or civil defense retirees.
HR Department
Interviews and hires new volunteers. Handles all HR issues
Administrative Department
handles all Clerical, budget, accounting, finance, legal issues.
For Citizens band Radio, its best that you contact FAB (frequency allocation board) and check for available frequencies that you can use. I have opened up a FAB Pakistan document but the mentioning of frequencies allotted towards Citizens Band Radio is missing. Generally, The CB service has an authorized 40 channels between 26.965 MHz and 27.405 MHz.
You will also have to check if a License is required or not, usually CB operation does not require a license, and (unlike amateur radio) as it may be used for business or personal communications.
Once you get to know the frequency spectrum, you can buy or lease communication equipment designed to operate on those frequencies.
Its not a complicated system and very easy to install and use.