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CIA worried over potential Pakistan nuclear scientists-extremist nexus

I love your confidence but you're wrong. Habibis will back out like the cowards they are plus they think of Pakistanis as mere slaves, get your head out of ***, only Pakistanis can look out for Pakistan no Arab, Iranian or Turkish ''brothers'' will fight for Pakistan.
sir, thank you for the complement on confidence but it is about love for habibis or habibis love for Pakistanis. confidence for saying that thing is that we know how strong habibis are, how much these habibis are ready to face the wrath of 2 most strongest armies in the region at the same time..

plus the sequence of attacks. one country at a time and attacking Pakistan and iran at the same time will neglect the american advantage to attack from afghanistan or reinforce the forces in afghanistan..
lol man, if I am not wrong there are some USA bombs still missing ,,,,,,,,,,,,, lol first go find them , , , ,
It has to be done like that, or there is no any other way to do it.
no its not possible to attack 2 countries at a time. it might lead to ww3. so only 1 country at a time.

Pakistan initially may side with iran but it will have to bow down to USA-GCC. with lots of packages economically and military..

if GCC side with america on attack on Pakistan, they might lose local population support for war. currently arabs population hate iran because of sectarian or iran policies but there is nothing against Pakistan which they can exploit and turn their population against Pakistan..
That's what I said. CIA will try to pollute peaceful environment, infect the minds to create chaos and unrest at first before making any move. The pattern is all same but this time it is Pakistan.

Furthermore, beside proxies, US has two major pawns available utilize by anytime. India holds grudge and Afghanistan is being governed by snakes that will sell their souls for $$. The way these situations are being constructed, indeed aren't good but still, Pakistan has its own style of dealing with matters and before any open conflict, the matter remains in the hand of people of Pakistan. There is reason behind creation of Pakistan that none forgets.
Brotherly rona dhona will never work with Afhna , They are our enemy(Indus area) way before Islam, , , and they will remain our enemy , Islam did not change much in Afghnistan , just look at their culture and other stuff.
India is our enemy for known reasons .
In reality 2 front war (India + Afghniostan) is here for us , only us , and also add Iran in that list(again reasons well known).
The only way forward is fence + trench + mine the border with Afgnistan and Iran , send all afghanis and bdeshis back to their countries , Upgrade Rangers , and try our best to safe our self from Iran and KSA (don't let any of both use us or spoil us).
I hope out higher ups take things seriously this time, enough has already been lost, denuclearisation will be attempted by US of Pak, it might already have begun,
I love your confidence but you're wrong. Habibis will back out like the cowards they are plus they think of Pakistanis as mere slaves, get your head out of ***, only Pakistanis can look out for Pakistan no Arab, Iranian or Turkish ''brothers'' will fight for Pakistan.
Many Indians may help.
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