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CIA mulls targeting Pak diplomats abroad: report

without help of ISI they cannot breathe in pakistan and afghanistan and CIA will beg for mercy very soon INSHALLAH.................they took the wrong guy currently being a supporter of pakistani agency i am enjoying the situation of american's govt i am smiling ALHUMDULLILAH

U may be right..

Without ISI, CIA/America cannot survive in Pakistan..

But u have not got the main point of that article..

Without CIA, ISI/pakistan cannot survive anywhere in the world.,:argh:
One cannot fear the Americans all the time..
yet one cannot jump in thumping chests.
The US cannot.. get out of their quagmire in Afghanistan without us..
They are already having nightmares of another vietnam with a Laos behind it.. In this case.. at least they have some say in this Laos(Pakistan).
If they break it off with us..sanction us.. are people assuming that the conditions in Afghanistan will stay the same..
that the ISI doesnt hold clout anymore in Afghanistan?

Funny.. that people assume the CIA as some god..
it is an intelligence agency.. a well established one.. but not one without flaws.. many of them.
If they want to play dirty because we just caught an asset red handed..
They have another thing coming..
Sanctions.. yes.. horrible stuff..
but whether they will risk them .. at the cost of increased losses in Afghanistan.. and even a military engagement with us..

Its our government that needs to mix courage with brains..
our awam is too busy with jingoism, thinking from their heart.. that has the government cowering from both sides.
who to obey.. the people that you were supposed to feed.. or the people that feed you..?

The davis case is the best opportunity to convey in no uncertain terms to the Americans.. for the lack of a better phrase ; you are your allies..not our masters.
We have laws.. in this case.. Mr Davis's recorded testimony puts him with an ambiguous status.. our courts will confirm his immunity.. till then.. he is ours... and you will sit in the waiting room of the court like every other citizen for the decision on it...period.

even if america leaves afganistan today, it will not effect america in anyway. do you really think pakistan can survive if america attacks you(if there is an another terrorist attack), yes holding the ground like it did in iraq and Afganistan may be not possible but destroying you armed force taking you back to mid-evil ages is just a matter of hour for america if they want
lets just not exagerate here. matter of hours? they cannot even take care of cavemans in afhanistan in fact they leaving afgh. from next year.
this time for US it won,t be a walk in the park like iraq or afhganistan.
One cannot fear the Americans all the time..
yet one cannot jump in thumping chests.
The US cannot.. get out of their quagmire in Afghanistan without us..
They are already having nightmares of another vietnam with a Laos behind it.. In this case.. at least they have some say in this Laos(Pakistan).
If they break it off with us..sanction us.. are people assuming that the conditions in Afghanistan will stay the same..
that the ISI doesnt hold clout anymore in Afghanistan?

Funny.. that people assume the CIA as some god..
it is an intelligence agency.. a well established one.. but not one without flaws.. many of them.
If they want to play dirty because we just caught an asset red handed..
They have another thing coming..
Sanctions.. yes.. horrible stuff..
but whether they will risk them .. at the cost of increased losses in Afghanistan.. and even a military engagement with us..

Its our government that needs to mix courage with brains..
our awam is too busy with jingoism, thinking from their heart.. that has the government cowering from both sides.
who to obey.. the people that you were supposed to feed.. or the people that feed you..?

The davis case is the best opportunity to convey in no uncertain terms to the Americans.. for the lack of a better phrase ; you are your allies..not our masters.
We have laws.. in this case.. Mr Davis's recorded testimony puts him with an ambiguous status.. our courts will confirm his immunity.. till then.. he is ours... and you will sit in the waiting room of the court like every other citizen for the decision on it...period.

But then again:

Alexander Pope: " For fools rush in where angels fear to tread. "

This was messy from day one----pakistanis have chewed more than they can swallow---and all this talk of bravado by the members here what they will do is like a spray of foam.

I can tell you first hand---one of my relatives---an ssg was very active in afg during the russian war---I have posted it here before---he got an appointment of security to the embassy in poland----. When his dead body came back---it was in a sealed coffin that the family members were not allowed to open---some of his colleagues told the family---the russians picked him up and he was brutally tortured by them and killed.

This game of espionage is not a game that young pakistani can afford to play against the agency on a world class level---you neither have the discipline--- nor do you have the knowledge---you do not have the mettle---and the worst of all---you donot have character----you donot have any integrity either---.

The agency has just fired a blank---it has just fired a round against our bows---and has shaken the ISI---you act like spoilt foolish children---think that this world is in your servitude and you really are somebody---.

Some of you are bragging about how they can take the sanctions----well---pakistan never had real sanctions---they were just related to american defence equipment---once you get the economic sanctions---and you lose weight due to starvation and your pants fall down because you cannot afford to buy a rope to tie it down to the pants against your stomach and if you have children---they are dying in front of your eyes---because there is no milk---because there are no antibiotics----because the ear infection has spread and the pus is eating into their brains and they are howling in pain and you sit down in front of them with sightless eyes and empty expressions---.

I believe that most of you have no children of your own---I believe that most of you have never gone by a day where you didnot have enough food to eat at home----I am sure that neither one of you have suffered because there was no pain medicine available from lahore to multan---i am sure that most of you are full of hot air---pi-ss and vinegar.

Bottomline---pakistan has made a point---. That is all that is needed----in the next step after releasing Davis----they can focus on the 'illegals'---the contractors---the mercenaries---once the secret is out and they find out that they are being looked at---most of them will depart.

Whatever happens----america doesnot like it when a poor country dependant upon it wants to set up an example.

So many of you wanted to make a vietnam of the americans in afg in 2002---afg has already seen it what it feels like to make a vietnam of america----but pakistan---you are just barely feeling the first blast of the heat.

Nawaz Sharif is an imbecile---he was an imbecile---you people already know that very well---and knowing what that duffer can do---you people are again falling for his shenanigans----.

Some of you who have seen NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC---know that the LION by nature is a coward that can hardly hunt its own meal---while the hyena on the other hand is a brave brave animal---hunting in teams which can snatch the food away from the lions.

So---those of you who have bragged about LIVING LIKE A LION FOR ONE DAY AND NOT LIKE A JACKAL FOR A HUNDRED YEARS have been living in a fools paradise hich was invented before the onslaught of national geographics.

Even the isi is extremely concerned---at first it were the the PPP members who had bashed them all over the world during Musharraf's regime---now it is the pak public that wants to put their lives in jeopardy worldwide----.

Kids----don't your parents tell you to think with your brains and not with your feet.

Ridiculous post-- such people- thoughts and frightened mind- lead us to where we are at- in the first place-

Well if US white house (or must I say blackhouse to be politically correct) , does not want to meet our Ambassadors perhaps they should go attend the horse race show or dog's beauty pageant , we also have better things to do then to waste time watching Americans nod their head up and down while they hold a dagger behind their backs
But then again:

Alexander Pope: " For fools rush in where angels fear to tread. "

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty" Thomas jefferson.

Id rather take the bumpy road that I want to then be pushed around.
But there is no harm in looking ahead a little on that bumpy road.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty" Thomas jefferson.

Id rather take the bumpy road that I want to then be pushed around.
But there is no harm in looking ahead a little on that bumpy road.

But Pakistan won independence in 1947 with a heavy price in blood, toil and tears. What are you saying about the present state of affairs then, with that quote? :)
But Pakistan won independence in 1947 with a heavy price in blood, toil and tears. What are you saying about the present state of affairs then, with that quote? :)

Pakistan won independence in 1947--
Now enlightened people want us to be the Slave again-
Always Say Yes- to the New Conquerer- :eek:
The battle of sovereignty is being fought again-
and the enlightened ones are playing the role of pre-partition Maulana Abul Kalam aka Azaad- :agree:
Maybe they cannot handle the pressure at such age- but we the young ones can :D
Pakistan won independence in 1947--
Now enlightened people want us to be the Slave again-
Always Say Yes- to the New Conquerer- :eek:
The battle of sovereignty is being fought again-
and the enlightened ones are playing the role of pre-partition Maulana Abul Kalam aka Azaad- :agree:
Maybe they cannot handle the pressure at such age- but we the young ones can :D

Slave "again"? Here are two posts I just found in another thread, please do comment.

I cant believe my countrymen who cant run their own country properly and are currently getting screwed sideways talk about gathering Ummah under Pakistani flag.

Make yourself able to do this job first - stop relying on aid and debts from so called Kuffar and get your own house in order & become one of the top 10 economies of the world then talk about having Ummah together.

Pakistan has nothing to offer at the moment , we are shameless baggers , but that doesn't mean it can't change and unity in Ummah isn't achievable but not before we make ourselves worthy of it.

open your eyes , millions still live out in open in the tents -- apni chadar dekh kay paoon phelao mere bhaiyon - we usually talk big and do nothing , this is our national character -- bring a change in our beloved pakistan , make it a role model and then go out on a marketing campaign to get Ummah together !!

There is a saying in Punjabi which i am translating for you guys " We don't have any water to drink yet we desire to irrigate our front garden "

Wake up - we are not as good as we think we are , we are pathetic , poor , ugly , miserable & parasites who have no self respect --- we have forgotten Iqbal's concept of Khudi -- I am writing this all up openly for you guys with a bleeding heart !!

Young man - Pakistan is NOTHING at the moment , make yourself worthy of something and then you may go out and ask Ummah to join.
Be realistic , open your eyes , look at our misery and improve yourself.

We are not prepared for this task , you must be prepared before you sit in the exam ! - I am not against getting Ummah under Pakistani Flag but i believe that make this Flag worthy and powerful enough FIRST to take this responsibility.

Wishful thinking is a funny thing -- everyone of us is good at it but dreams turn into reality only by provoking thought and invoking action ! ---
U may be right..

Without ISI, CIA/America cannot survive in Pakistan..

But u have not got the main point of that article..

Without CIA, ISI/pakistan cannot survive anywhere in the world.,:argh:

you are 100% wrong here
without ISI, CIA/America cannot stay in Afghanistan for long and in result will loose $$ ,
Without CIA, ISI and Pakistan had lived b4 after becoming Nuclear power in 1999 so they can due it again ? maybe this time with some more financial issues but still it can be handled...

So the END result is if CIA want to leave Afghanistan they need ISI and ISI just not let the play in Pakistan....
Slave "again"? Here are two posts I just found in another thread, please do comment.

Yup- all we have to do is change-
And change we are longing for-
Self Respect and Integrity is the right start i suppose-

and i see a pattern on the location of such posters- do you see it?-
But Pakistan won independence in 1947 with a heavy price in blood, toil and tears. What are you saying about the present state of affairs then, with that quote? :)

Ayub Khan being more anti communist than the American's themselves..
Us plunging headlong into the Afghan conflict..
Musharraf siding with the US without calling a popular vote on it.
And now people cowering with the Idea that the aid will be cut off unless we follow instructions to the letter...
Some liberty..
Our feudal leaders that behave as despots... the 1% elite of this country.. be it civilian or military.. wishing to treat the rest as their doormats..and enjoying the fruits of their "yesssir" to foreign influence.

Despotic no?

I agree that we are in no position to make tall claims..
But bending over backwards is no answer to it.
I agree that we are in no position to make tall claims..
But bending over backwards is no answer to it.

Is this a case of damned if you do, and damned if you don't? Then what is the way forward realistically speaking?
Realistically.. let the courts decide on Davis first..
Let the Americans know in no uncertain terms.. that while we value their support...and co-operations.. we dont value dictation.
hit the local extremists first..the Afghan Taliban arent the problem..and hit them hard..
in the cities.. villages.. or the mountains..

Let the current democratic system continue.. without inviting another dictator in..
since they usually end up sleeping with the mislead nutjobs one way or the other.
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