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CIA gets nod to step up drone strikes in Pakistan


Dec 5, 2009
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KABUL, Afghanistan — Expressing both public and private frustration with Pakistan, the Obama administration has unleashed the CIA to resume an aggressive campaign of drone strikes in Pakistani territory over the last few weeks, approving strikes that might have been vetoed in the past for fear of angering Islamabad.

Now, said a senior U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity in discussing sensitive issues, the administration's attitude is, "What do we have to lose?"

Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta made clear the deteriorating relations with Islamabad on Thursday, saying the United States is "reaching the limits of our patience" because Pakistan has not cracked down on local insurgents who carry out deadly attacks on U.S. troops and others in neighboring Afghanistan.

"It is difficult to achieve peace in Afghanistan as long as there is safe haven for terrorists in Pakistan," Panetta told reporters here on the last stop of his nine-day swing through Asia. He made it clear that the drone strikes will continue.

The CIA has launched eight Predator drone attacks since Pakistan's president, Asif Ali Zardari, was invited to attend the May 20-21 NATO summit in Chicago but refused to make a deal to reopen crucial routes used to supply U.S. troops in Afghanistan, as the White House had hoped.

The CIA had logged 14 remotely piloted strikes on targets in Pakistan's rugged tribal belt in the previous 5 1/2 months, according to the New America Foundation, a U.S. think tank that tracks reported attacks.

"Obviously, something changed after Chicago," said a senior congressional aide in Washington, speaking on condition of anonymity in discussing a classified program. "I am only getting the official story, but even within the official story there is an acknowledgment that something has changed."

Another congressional official said the surge in drone attacks stemmed in part from success in tracking down militants on the CIA's target list, although only one has been publicly identified. It's unclear who else has been targeted.

Pakistanis view the drone strikes as an attempt to intimidate their civilian and military leaders into giving in to U.S. demands. If that's the strategy, it won't work, said experts and analysts in Islamabad, the Pakistani capital.

"They are trying to send a message: 'If you don't come around, we will continue with our plan, the way we want to do it,' " said Javed Ashraf Qazi, a retired Pakistani intelligence chief and former senator. It's "superpower arrogance being shown to a smaller state.... But this will only increase the feeling among Pakistanis that the Americans are bent on having their way through force and not negotiation."

A White House official said no political or foreign policy considerations would have prevented the CIA from taking action when it found Abu Yahya al Libi, Al Qaeda's No. 2 leader, who was killed by a drone-fired missile in Pakistan on Monday.

Both sides blame each other for the current dispute.

Pakistan blocked truck convoys hauling North Atlantic Treaty Organization war supplies from the port city of Karachi after a clash near the Afghan border in November led to errors andU.S. military helicopters accidentally killed two dozen Pakistani soldiers.

As part of the fallout, Pakistan ordered the U.S. to leave an air base in the country's southwest that the CIA had used to launch drone flights bound for targets in the tribal areas. Since then, the aircraft reportedly have flown from across the border in Afghanistan.

The U.S. initially halted all drone strikes for two months to ease Pakistani sensitivities, and the attacks resumed only sporadically after mid-January. By May, Pakistani officials were signaling a willingness to reopen the supply route to resurrect relations.

But talks deadlocked over Pakistan's demands for sharply higher transit fees just before the NATO conference, and President Obama appeared to give Zardari a cold shoulder in Chicago. Pentagon officials will visit Islamabad this week for a new round of talks.

After the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001, Pakistan allowed NATO supplies to transit through its territory at no charge. It later levied a token $250 charge per truck. Islamabad now wants more than $5,000 per truck to reopen the road, a toll U.S. officials refuse to pay.

As an alternative to Pakistan, Washington concluded a deal this week to haul military gear out of landlocked Afghanistan through three Central Asian nations — Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan — as NATO coalition troops withdraw.

The senior U.S. official said the Obama administration and members of Congress were angered when a Pakistani court sentenced Shakeel Afridi, a doctor who helped the CIA search for Osama bin Laden, to 33 years in prison. Navy SEALs killed Bin Laden in May 2011 in the Pakistani garrison city of Abbottabad.

CIA gets nod to step up drone strikes in Pakistan - latimes.com
Fantastic news. I want Americans to step it up so the traitors in Islamabad are forced to take action once and for all. What could America do to Iran after Iranians took out a drone. What more propaganda can they do.

In my opinion there is little more they can do with limited risk to themselves
Fantastic news. I want Americans to step it up so the traitors in Islamabad are forced to take action once and for all. What could America do to Iran after Iranians took out a drone. What more propaganda can they do.

In my opinion there is little more they can do with limited risk to themselves

There is a lot of difference between Iran and Pakistan.. The 1st is a independent nation with a self sustaining economy.. The latter is not...
what a wrong title of this thread, they are doing so based on fears that Pakistan will now stop CIA people from using drones inside Pakistan OR as the UN has taken a notice on innocent killers....

well both ways its Pakistan who is winning , BTW this is US fear.....
what a wrong title of this thread, they are doing so based on fears that Pakistan will now stop CIA people from using drones inside Pakistan OR as the UN has taken a notice on innocent killers....

well both ways its Pakistan who is winning , BTW this is US fear.....

I have a doubt about that. :)
what a wrong title of this thread, they are doing so based on fears that Pakistan will now stop CIA people from using drones inside Pakistan OR as the UN has taken a notice on innocent killers....

well both ways its Pakistan who is winning , BTW this is US fear.....

Firing missiles in Pakistan is not fear. Doing nothing against the terrorists is fear.
I am confident that our nukes could flatten Bombay and Tel Aviv if Americans or their allies were to launch a full and frontal attack.

America attacks Pakistan.. Pakistan nukes India and Israel.

hmm.... Good to see that you are a very logical man. I can now understand how terrorists make people agree for suicidal missions. You people lack common sense.

And may I know what you think Indian, American and Israeli military arsenal is composed of??
Are you aware that each of these countries can run over you SEPARATELY? And America can do that several times..
Pakistan is playing a VERY dangerous game...

We will play Pakistan's game.
Fantastic news. I want Americans to step it up so the traitors in Islamabad are forced to take action once and for all. What could America do to Iran after Iranians took out a drone. What more propaganda can they do.

In my opinion there is little more they can do with limited risk to themselves

Pakistan can kill this MAD ELEPHANT silently and quietly. I know these drones are hurting but see America bleed and burn on the other side. You got to think through the mind of Gen. Kyani to be successful against the pile of madness. Kyani is doing his job exceptionally well and I have trust in his abilities. But at the same time, I would want Pakistan to undergo a defense Pact with China and allow Taliban a space and recognition they deserve.. not because we want to hurt Americans with that but this is the right way forward for us, Afghanistan and the region.
@ ulysses ---- pakistan ceased to exist in october 2001 when musharaff sold his soul and the state called pakistan to the devil ----now there is just robber barons and barbarians runnning around trying to make the most dollars until the ship sinks ---there is no game to play or rather no one to play any games except that of sellling their souls and making money----
Pakistan ceased to exist in october 2001 when musharaff sold his soul and the state called pakistan to the devil ----now there is just robber barons and barbarians runnning around trying to make the most dollars until the ship sinks ---there is no game to play or rather no one to play any games except that of sellling their souls and making money----

Pakistan would of been attacked right after 9/11... Musharaff saved millions of lives and was willing to work with us on the War on Terror....

We made it clear from day 1 that we will go find these terrorist and fight them as well as those who harbor them.
Pakistan is playing a VERY dangerous game...

We will play Pakistan's game.

Yea like you played the Taliban game and after 10 years have still having American soldiers being killed.

Because unlike you believe, Pakistan is not run by idiots..

Ah welcome back after a good banning. Cant you Indians keep away from our forum?? You attack me personally because I believe that Pakistan will defend itself by whatever means at its disposal in a full frontal attack??

That is know as MAD. It is deterrence against American and Indian wet dreams .
Ah welcome back after a good banning.
Thanks :)

Cant you Indians keep away from our forum??
No.. And I cant stay away from strip clubs when I travel to USA.. Some vices are hard to give up ;)

You attack me personally

because I believe that Pakistan will defend itself by whatever means at its disposal in a full frontal attack??

That is know as MAD. It is deterrence against American and Indian wet dreams .

No.. I say this because you say that Pakistan will attack India and Israel if USA attacks Pakistan.. This is as absurd as it gets...Only an idiot at the helm of Pakistan will ever take that decision...
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