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CIA Failed To Located Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons (Washigton Post)

lol, CIA might be thinking they do not have any nukes :) as they cant see it ....

reality is Pakistan nukes are world most safest ones, there are incident involving nuke in whole world even in USA ...
Alhamdulillah our Nukes are safe and i believe Allah will continue to protect them
lol, typical exaggeration and jingoistic bs from Pakistani media for the consumption of illiterate Pakistani masses.

Geez!!!!! I did not know that Washington Post was part of Pakistan media. You are so literate to deduce that.
Now do you really believed in that?
Pak and Indian nuks are heavily guarded sites. How many such heavily guarded sites will be there apart from nuk storage. Very few less than say 100. So actually its quite easy to know where nukes are stored. But the point is that they have kept safe distance and monitoring them.
Its not just about Pak but Indian nukes also.
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