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CIA Escalates in Pakistan

IF you want to help the Pakistani army.. then pay your taxes and pay your bills I know times are hard and corruption is there but at least some of the money will get to where it belongs so that we as a nation can operate.

Common people always pay taxes and always get hammered.It is the politicians who are defiant.
If one asks why US failed in Afghanistan, US policy makers want to suggest that US failed because Pakistan did not assist it - in other words, the policy is US and executing it is US but responsibility for it's success or failure is Pakistan's:smitten:

And if that was not crazy enough, the way to get more Pakistani cooperation is not to further Pakistani interests and attenuate Pakistani concerns by dealing with them forthrightly, but to destabilizing Pakistan.

Anyway, having wrecked havoc in the name of fighting terror, US now prepares to hunker down in huge heavily fortified bases, leaving the Afghans to fend for themselves - this after all those statements about how they were there to save Afghans -- like leaving Iraq to the mullah of Iran - soon leaving Western and South Western Afghanistan, from Herat to Zeranj to them as well -- with communists appointed in all key district, provincial and national offices (because no one else the US argues, knows how to run them), with all opposition Pashtun groups labeled "Taliban" and Norther Alliance leaders foreign bank accounts bulging fat with dollars, the ordinary Afghan is once again to be up a creek without...

And Pakistan? What of Pakistan? Well, insurgencies are doing rather well, the arab clerics and businessmen who imagine their willingly donated funds for "Afghan brothers" will be used to hammer Pakistani security men, even as Pakistanis and politicians continue to debate what the Pakistani state should be about and how it should function.

And if the US just ups and leaves for good? what will change? It's the wrong question - howz that? What US departure from Afghanistan will ensure is that as a source of mischief the US will depart the Asian continent and responsible powers can play their role in bringing about stability.

Where will the US go? to India? Only if you think the Indians are nuts? to the "Stans", may be but not for long. So then to the Arabian peninsula, you know Doha and all that - and then the Iranian can milk them in Iraq - all the way back to Israel?? As if the Israeli has lost his mind.
The Satrap speaks

Karzai against drone attacks inside Pakistan

Tuesday, 16 Nov, 2010

WASHINGTON: Afghan President Hamid Karzai has refused to endorse US drone strikes inside Pakistan, saying that he could not talk in favourable terms about bombing people.

In an interview to a US media outlet, Mr Karzai also showed an unusual understanding of Pakistan’s problems in dealing with the militants.

A new report by the ProPublica investigative news organisation on Monday claimed that Washington was wrestling with the dilemma over how much to pressure Pakistan to act against Lashkar-e-Taiba.

A bipartisan report, sent to the Obama administration and Congress earlier this week, even recommended using drones to destroy LeT hideouts in Fata.

“My nature is not one that appreciates military. I’m not a pro-gun person, I don’t like guns or aeroplanes, so I can never talk in favourable terms about planes that are shooting people or bombing people,” said Mr Karzai when The Washington Post asked him if he believed US drone strikes in Pakistan were effective.

“For the initial years, I was highly critical of Pakistan and their lack of action on the sanctuaries. Now I see Pakistan suffering more than we are in lots of ways.”
^^^ Karzai is just parrotting the line of whoever is paying him and his cronies at the moment.
Interesting and whose line might he be parroting? Who is paying him and his cronies?
Interesting and whose line might he be parroting? Who is paying him and his cronies?

I think i can narrow it down a little for you :whistle:

. .
Interesting and whose line might he be parroting? Who is paying him and his cronies?

The key phrase is "at the moment".

Karzai, like so many others in the region, are for sale to the highest bidder, and this will continue until they are deemed to have outlived their usefulness to their paymasters.
Come on now, this is an unrealistic position - Mr. Karzai does not have any reason to tick off the American military commanders who keep him in his palace and on whose funding his government functions -- Perhaps we may consider whether or not Karzai or the American military commander is closer to the political pulse of Afghanistan?

I appreciate that you are Pakistani and American, and you find the suggestion that the US military adventure in Afghanistan (so unlike in Iraq) is a shining success -- but if you care, I encourage you to set aside nationalistic sentiment and recognize that the US is not negotiating with the Talib (through Karzai) nor planning to downsize it's footprint, because it has been and is seen as having been successful in Afghanistan.
There are matters of contention among allies. governments, consortiums, groups, teams, families etc., but it does not mean they do not work together.

This thread was started by an Indian as usual to create as much tension between Pakistan and the US. These are just the main character of Indians, manipulative in nature. That is why Indians bowed down to every invader and cooperated on their knees in history.

We know that the Talibaan are no friends of Pakistan, women, innocent children and they do not want any peace any progress.

Allah did not want to us pray 24-7 since there are times for prayers and there is time to do work, family time, community work etc. Talibaan want to enforce religion 24-7 and that does not work. Even Allah made the prophets to do a profession. Prophet Mohammad was a merchant, Jesus was a carpenter and Moses was a shepherd. All the Talibaan did in their 9 years of their rule is build one telephone exchange and that also with the help of Pakistan and China, no universities, no research, no infrastructure, no state of art hospitals just BS.
All of what you say is correct especially that the Talib offers so little, but the Talib has turned the corner on the US/NATO?ISAF - and has successfully made the argument that these are invaders - Afghan govt has compounded this sensibility - if you can believe it, former communists now occupy key positions, in fact, the communists are best organized of the political parties -- all of this under US/NATO/ISAF, as if the people have forgotten.
Come on now, this is an unrealistic position - Mr. Karzai does not have any reason to tick off the American military commanders who keep him in his palace and on whose funding his government functions -- Perhaps we may consider whether or not Karzai or the American military commander is closer to the political pulse of Afghanistan?

I appreciate that you are Pakistani and American, and you find the suggestion that the US military adventure in Afghanistan (so unlike in Iraq) is a shining success -- but if you care, I encourage you to set aside nationalistic sentiment and recognize that the US is not negotiating with the Talib (through Karzai) nor planning to downsize it's footprint, because it has been and is seen as having been successful in Afghanistan.

Is this post directed at me or someone else? I will only respond if it is indeed for me.
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