If one asks why US failed in Afghanistan, US policy makers want to suggest that US failed because Pakistan did not assist it - in other words, the policy is US and executing it is US but responsibility for it's success or failure is Pakistan's
And if that was not crazy enough, the way to get more Pakistani cooperation is not to further Pakistani interests and attenuate Pakistani concerns by dealing with them forthrightly, but to destabilizing Pakistan.
Anyway, having wrecked havoc in the name of fighting terror, US now prepares to hunker down in huge heavily fortified bases, leaving the Afghans to fend for themselves - this after all those statements about how they were there to save Afghans -- like leaving Iraq to the mullah of Iran - soon leaving Western and South Western Afghanistan, from Herat to Zeranj to them as well -- with communists appointed in all key district, provincial and national offices (because no one else the US argues, knows how to run them), with all opposition Pashtun groups labeled "Taliban" and Norther Alliance leaders foreign bank accounts bulging fat with dollars, the ordinary Afghan is once again to be up a creek without...
And Pakistan? What of Pakistan? Well, insurgencies are doing rather well, the arab clerics and businessmen who imagine their willingly donated funds for "Afghan brothers" will be used to hammer Pakistani security men, even as Pakistanis and politicians continue to debate what the Pakistani state should be about and how it should function.
And if the US just ups and leaves for good? what will change? It's the wrong question - howz that? What US departure from Afghanistan will ensure is that as a source of mischief the US will depart the Asian continent and responsible powers can play their role in bringing about stability.
Where will the US go? to India? Only if you think the Indians are nuts? to the "Stans", may be but not for long. So then to the Arabian peninsula, you know Doha and all that - and then the Iranian can milk them in Iraq - all the way back to Israel?? As if the Israeli has lost his mind.