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Church targeted by Pakistani Muslims

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So? I have seen a hundred duplicate threads being opened regarding the same incident. I'm quite sure the forum can handle the load.

what is the point of discussing same event in three threads... people do open duplicate threads and then mods have to merge them... its not about load.. its about convenience..
load isnt the problem, clutter is

No, it isn't. I observed how much attention the Muzaffarnagar riots got even as it caused unbearable pain to me as an Indian. I noticed thread after thread after thread on the topic, clutter was never an issue then.

what is the point of discussing same event in three threads... people do open duplicate threads and then mods have to merge them... its not about load.. its about convenience..

Why exactly are you wasting your breath on it?
Why exactly are you wasting your breath on it?

because forum rule requires you not to change thread title... I have asked same to pakistanis who got creative with it...
multiple threads from multiple sources ..... or analysis of same event is sometimes unavoidable.
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz please change thread title as per news
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@ADMINs please change the name of thread.
Its rubbish..
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because forum rule requires you not to change thread title... I have asked same to pakistanis who got creative with it...
multiple threads from multiple sources ..... or analysis of same event is sometimes unavoidable.
@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz please change thread title as per news

Forum rules? The same people who've banned you before? :P
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@Aeronaut @WebMaster
this name of thread is un acceptable
this thread should be removed or renamed……
Why Word "Muslim" is dragged between any such BS??
Never heard word hindus during gang rapes in Mumbai.
Islam don't teach such things and these are their personal acts atleast such things should strongly be followed on PDF and such anti Islamic things by some Indian websites should not be allowed.
It reminded me of a report about Dr Abdis Salam that he is not treated well coz he is not muslim and Ahmedi and blah…:blah:
But the reality was he was kept in Government Rest house which is most honorable place for any guest and Pakistan never even said a word when he was collecting finds for Israel……:coffee:
overall such bullshi* should be treated with iron handed specially when a proper thread is running.
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@Aeronaut @WebMaster
this name of thread is un acceptable
this thread should be removed or renamed……
Why Word "Muslim" is dragged between any such BS??
Never heard word hindus during gang rapes in Mumbai.
Islam don't teach such things and these are their personal acts atleast such things should strongly be followed on PDF and such anti Islamic things by some Indian websites should not be allowed.
It reminded me of a report about Dr Abdis Salam that he is not treated well coz he is not muslim and Ahmedi and blah…:blah:
But the reality was he was kept in Government Rest house which is most honorable place for any guest and Pakistan never even said a word when he was collecting finds for Israel……:coffee:
overall such bullshi* should be treated with iron handed specially when a proper thread is running.


That dig at Dr abdus salam was really unnecessary, with bigoted comments like that you only give legitimacy to people who title thread this way. Because let's be honest shall we? it was muslims who carried out this attack, against Christians, How is bullshit when it's the truth?
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thread title was anti Pakistan and admins is sleeping
if you go to google and write Church targeted by Pakistani Muslims then google opens this thread.
My point is why this name is suggested for the news because those who labeled such name of the thread wants to internationalize the event with the name labeling Muslims target churches in Pakistan.
In the event of it Muslims hatred will be increase as google is an international search engine.

No international news headlines its news like this but this forum and this thread. WOW.
May the victims rest in peace and the authorities not till they string the perpetrators up from the highest trees.
Those who have blown up the church would do the same with a mosque without any hesitation. Simply looking at things in Black and white is just ridiculous.
Why do terrorist attacks occur when dialogue is on the table, Imran asks :hitwall::hitwall:

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