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Christians now being slaughtered like Kashmiri's in India

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Is that why you're still alive then? :rofl:

Yes. yesterday we went with our guns looking for hunting down christians... found few hiding near a bush ... slaughtered some and went back home....:cheesy:
I said 'real' Muslims do hate Athiests. You are asking 'why are the "atheist" countries at the lowest risk of terrorist attack?'. :lol: How these two are related unless you are implying that terrorists == 'real' muslims? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What a moron you are :lol:

You're putting words in my mouth. :lol:

My question was, if the global terrorist networks (Al Qaeda etc.) hate atheists the most... as you claim... then why do they almost NEVER attack atheist countries?

East Asian countries and Scandanavian countries being the most atheist.

Stop spamming, it's against the rules of the forum. It's not as if these things don't happen today:

More Christians killed in India violence | Christian News on Christian Today

Report: Hindu Groups in India Offering Rewards to Kill Christians | Fox News

BosNewsLife – Christian News Agency » Blog Archive » Militants Kill Christian Teenagers For Reading Bible, Missionary Says

Christian girl raped and killed in India

NEWS ALERT: Christian Activist Killed In India (BosNewsLife Exclusive) | Live News India
You're putting words in my mouth. :lol:

My question was, if the global terrorist networks (Al Qaeda etc.) hate atheists the most... as you claim... then why do they almost NEVER attack atheist countries?

Besides how many Atheist states exist now?

check the third link ...nice way to score a self goal

NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- Suspected Islamic militants have killed two Christian teenagers who were reading the Bible in the disputed Kashmir valley, divided between India and Muslim Pakistan, BosNewsLife established Tuesday, February 8.

The victims were identified as Arifa, 17, and Akthar, 19, the daughters of Gulam Nabi Dar, said local missionary Mercy Ciniraj, who knew them well. "The [murdered] girls were believers and used to read the Bible through underground ministries."

She told BosNewsLife that "the girls were shot dead" last Monday, January 31, in the Baramulla area in Indian-controlled northern Kashmir, bordering Pakistan.

They were "brutally murdered" by at least three fighters of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan based Islamic militant "terrorist" group, she explained. Local police reportedly said in statements that they found two bodies near their home and that militants were to blame.


Lashkar-e-Taiba, or the 'Army of the Righteous', seeks to introduce an Islamic state in South Asia and to "liberate" Muslims in Indian-controlled Kashmir.

India has identified the group as the alleged masterminds behind the the 2008 terror attack on the Indian financial capital of Mumbai that killed 166 people.

The killings of Arifa and Akthar show that militant attacks also include targetting devoted minority Christians, Ciniraj suggested.

The girls' involvement in Bible reading was among several projects of mission group Salem Voice Ministries (SVM), which supports evangelism and aid among Muslims and Hindus in India, including through underground house churches in Muslim-majority Kashmir.


After last week's killings, however, local "believers are totally in fear," added Ciniraj, who founded SVM with her husband, Indian pastor Paul Ciniraj, a former Muslim.

The January 31 attack was believed to be the first incident of civilian killings by militants in the Kashmir valley, this year. The violence also added to other difficulties of Christians in Kashmir valley, as they suffered of diseases, explained Mercey Ciniraj to BosNewsLife.

"Since the last one and half months we all are fed up with different types of sickness. Few days we suffered with reddish eyes one by one [and] after that we were attacked with viral fever too," she said, adding that local believers asked for prayers.

Despite their concerns, local Christian workers plan to continue preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ who they believe gives eternal life to everyone who believes in Him, Ciniray stressed. "By God's grace now we recovered [of illnesses] and are fully active with the underground church ministries and reaching the Gospel at any cost who never have a chance to hear it."

BosNewsLife – Christian News Agency » Blog Archive » Militants Kill Christian Teenagers For Reading Bible, Missionary Says

atleast read the content before posting

Report: Hindu Groups in India Offering Rewards to Kill Christians

Extremist Hindu groups offered money, food and alcohol to mobs to kill Christians and destroy their homes, according to Christian aid workers in the eastern India state of Orissa.

The U.S.-based head of Good News India, a Christian organization that runs several orphanages in Orissa — one of India’s poorest regions — claims that Christian leaders are being targeted by Hindu militants and carry a price on their heads. "The going price to kill a pastor is $250," said Faiz Rahman, the chairman of Good News India.

Orissa has suffered a series of murders and arson attacks in recent months, with at least 67 Christians killed, according to the Roman Catholic Church. Several thousand homes have been razed and hundreds of places of worship destroyed, and crops are now wasting in the fields.



The pure hatred of Hindu's against Christians and the atrocities carried out to slaughter them is worse than the September 11th attacks on the US.
Hindu nationalists, as long as they BS about someone else, the longer they can live in denial and hide from reality.

Gujarat Massacre of Muslims Undercoer Footage 1 OF 3 - YouTube
31 Convicted In Gujarat Riots Case for Burning 33 Muslims Alive « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog
Khairlanji Massacre of Budhist Dalits by Hindutva Terrorists

Riot in Jagatsinghpur district, Orissa, India, at least 1 killed and 2 injured
Riots in Darrang district, Assam, India, 4 killed
Riots in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, at least 9 killed, over a dozen injured
Riots in Ujjain, India, 2 killed and 16 injured in a religious riot
Riots in Paramakudi, Tamil Nadu, India, 7 killed
Riots in Pimpri-Chinchwad, India, 3 killed
Riots in Ganjam, Orissa, India, at least 2 killed
Riots in Guwahati, Assam, India, 2 killed and at least 30 injured
Riots in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 4 killed
Riots in West Bengal, India, at least 8 people killed in post-election violence
Riots in Jaitapur, Maharashtra, India, 1 killed, more than 50 injured
Riots in Assam, Meghalaya, Northeast India, 4 dead

all in 2011, denial won't stop reality. Maybe it's time to make paradise India into a reality instead of a dream.

Dalit Protest | Violence | 6 Dead | Police Firing | Paramakudi | Tamil Nadu | 50 Injured

LOL , take a calculator , add the numbers killed , they will be less than the number of people killed in pakistan in a single bomb attack or Nato drone strike
Is he fishin' for a "label" now? Tauba, tauba!

He will skip India for sure, atleast did in 2008..

Next target for slaughtering is Sonia gandhi and Ak Antony, its learned.
LOL , take a calculator , add the numbers killed , they will be less than the number of people killed in pakistan in a single bomb attack or Nato drone strike

Why are you derailing the thread with your off-topic posts? This is the title of the thread:

Christians now being slaughtered like Kashmiri's in India

I don't see Pakistan anywhere in there.
Yes i am clearly trolling and want u or anybody having the itchh to report my posts.trying to g PINK before the year ends on thread based on 2008 news.

Next will be a thread on "Man lands in moon' and "dinosors got extinct".


Did time for India in 2008? No. Discrimination and violence against Christians as well as other minorities is still ongoing, you can live in denial but can they, no as long as people in denial like are are the majority. Keep trolling buddy.

INDIA Sajan George for Christmas, an end to violence against Christians - Asia News
Christian Activist Killed In India « Persecution News

offtopic.... can i start a 2008 thread on something negative, will the guest of honor , your highness, come and splash some on topic to showcase ur concerns and skills there..

never knew mod post is a personal attack. :lol:
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