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Christians come under threat in Pakistan: ‘No one accused of blasphemy is ever safe’

it will take years for a sarkari muslim mind to see it as a problem. Right now they are enjoying safety and freedom so they are all happy, its human nature. Once you suffer then you feel the pain
Slowly the society will realize that persecution of minorities based on religion is a crime, its not protecting Islam. Just bear with the natural process!!
No one can offer more transparent and safer system for minorities with beautiful examples from the past. If you are saying that blasphemy laws are against minorities then you have only two meanings, either you are saying that minorities are blasphemers or you are blaming the judiciary and prosecution of Pakistan. In case of later possibility, you should raise the voice for every Pakistani because bad judicial procedure and prosecution not only affects some random Mr. A Maseeh or Mrs. X Maseeh but everyone living under it. If you want to close your eyes and keep repeating this mantra than no one can cure this "hypocrisy".
By Pamela Constable March 16 at 5:00 AM Email the author

staging a three-week protest outside the capital, Islamabad, in November. The group filed the original complaint against Massih and was treated deferentially by the police. Now leaders of the area’s minority Christians are beginning to fear they are no longer safe.

“Our life is over,” said Massih’s father Inderias, sitting despondently in a legal rights office in Lahore on Sunday. Even if he is found innocent and released, his father said, “we will always be afraid someone will attack us. No one accused of blasphemy is ever safe.”

‘This was never our war’
The Movement in Service to the Sanctity of the Prophet, formed several years ago, has caught fire across Pakistan, its emerald banners rippling from rooftops and taxis. Rather than advocating extreme ideology or terrorist tactics, it calls on ordinary Muslims to “defend” deeply held principles, especially reverence for the prophet Muhammad.

Government officials, almost all Muslim, have struggled to curb religious rabble-rousing without being seen as insufficiently devout. Many privately sympathize with the anti-blasphemy cause; some who try to mend fences have been humiliated. On Sunday, former prime minister Nawaz Sharif spoke at a Sunni seminary in Lahore, but two people from the audience threw shoes at him. One shouted exultantly, “We are here, oh prophet!”

[Religious groups protest guilty verdicts in slaying of Pakistani student]

Lahore, the capital of Pakistan’s most populous and wealthy province, is also the home of Sharif’s ruling party and half a dozen Islamist groups. In October, the anti-blasphemy group and a second religious party ran test candidates in a legislative race there, and observers say it could become a key battleground in their bid to influence the national elections later this year.

The region is also home to the country’s largest concentration of Christians, who constitute about 10 percent of the populace. Until now the anti-blasphemy forces have focused on condemning Ahmedis, another minority religious group, but Christians have come under attack before, and activists said the number of blasphemy accusations against them is growing.

“This was never our war. We have much in common with Muslims, and when problems arose we have always tried to settle things informally,” said Mary Gill, a Christian member of the Punjab provincial legislature. “We are not against the blasphemy law. We just want to prevent its misuse.”

Pakistan is making concessions to religious extremists. What’s the cost?]

But the family and their lawyer told a different story. They described a complex conspiracy that involved Muslim youths who fought with Massih at a cricket match, a mobile-phone shop owner who belonged to the anti-blasphemy group and a local landowner who wanted to drive out low-income Christian squatters.

“There are conspiracies through the whole story,” said the lawyer, Aneeqa Anthony. “This is a very emotional issue, and people in mobs don’t pay attention to facts; they just know they have been told that blasphemy has occurred, and they want someone to be hanged for it.”

Anthony said officers of the Federal Investigative Agency falsely accused Massih of sharing the offensive image on Jan. 16, a date when his cellphone was at the repair shop. She also said he could not read or write but put his thumbprint on a written confession after being beaten in custody.



Hypocrites Christianity should answer killing millions of Muslims in Iraq Afghanistan Libya Syria
The problem is that in Pakistan no one tries to think for himself.It's outsourced to the media.

This is from the article
christian washigton post.PNG

This show that he was not targeted just because he was a christian.He was targeted so that the Christians of the areas can be forced out.It was for the monetary gains by the powerful,at the expense of weak.

The writer tried to create a perception that the christian of Pakistan are targeted because of their religion. Which is untrue.

IT is simply a case of powerful people vs weak,ordinary Pakistanis.Which happen all over Pakistan. Because our prosecution and judicial system is weak,designed to protect the powerful.

Another point,most of Blaspheme cases are against Muslims rather then Non-Muslims.Which shows that the problem is persecution and justice system of Pakistan,not hatred against minorities.

These Anti-Pakistan articles will appear more and more,as Pakistan develops it's own independent foreign and domestic policy.
Nothing but scripted lies come from enemies of Pakistan & they will stop at nothing to show Pakistan is not safe for any one, jabronis.
By Pamela Constable March 16 at 5:00 AM Email the author

staging a three-week protest outside the capital, Islamabad, in November. The group filed the original complaint against Massih and was treated deferentially by the police. Now leaders of the area’s minority Christians are beginning to fear they are no longer safe.

“Our life is over,” said Massih’s father Inderias, sitting despondently in a legal rights office in Lahore on Sunday. Even if he is found innocent and released, his father said, “we will always be afraid someone will attack us. No one accused of blasphemy is ever safe.”

‘This was never our war’
The Movement in Service to the Sanctity of the Prophet, formed several years ago, has caught fire across Pakistan, its emerald banners rippling from rooftops and taxis. Rather than advocating extreme ideology or terrorist tactics, it calls on ordinary Muslims to “defend” deeply held principles, especially reverence for the prophet Muhammad.

Government officials, almost all Muslim, have struggled to curb religious rabble-rousing without being seen as insufficiently devout. Many privately sympathize with the anti-blasphemy cause; some who try to mend fences have been humiliated. On Sunday, former prime minister Nawaz Sharif spoke at a Sunni seminary in Lahore, but two people from the audience threw shoes at him. One shouted exultantly, “We are here, oh prophet!”

[Religious groups protest guilty verdicts in slaying of Pakistani student]

Lahore, the capital of Pakistan’s most populous and wealthy province, is also the home of Sharif’s ruling party and half a dozen Islamist groups. In October, the anti-blasphemy group and a second religious party ran test candidates in a legislative race there, and observers say it could become a key battleground in their bid to influence the national elections later this year.

The region is also home to the country’s largest concentration of Christians, who constitute about 10 percent of the populace. Until now the anti-blasphemy forces have focused on condemning Ahmedis, another minority religious group, but Christians have come under attack before, and activists said the number of blasphemy accusations against them is growing.

“This was never our war. We have much in common with Muslims, and when problems arose we have always tried to settle things informally,” said Mary Gill, a Christian member of the Punjab provincial legislature. “We are not against the blasphemy law. We just want to prevent its misuse.”

Pakistan is making concessions to religious extremists. What’s the cost?]

But the family and their lawyer told a different story. They described a complex conspiracy that involved Muslim youths who fought with Massih at a cricket match, a mobile-phone shop owner who belonged to the anti-blasphemy group and a local landowner who wanted to drive out low-income Christian squatters.

“There are conspiracies through the whole story,” said the lawyer, Aneeqa Anthony. “This is a very emotional issue, and people in mobs don’t pay attention to facts; they just know they have been told that blasphemy has occurred, and they want someone to be hanged for it.”

Anthony said officers of the Federal Investigative Agency falsely accused Massih of sharing the offensive image on Jan. 16, a date when his cellphone was at the repair shop. She also said he could not read or write but put his thumbprint on a written confession after being beaten in custody.



Check your own country first then post cr@p about others....In India goon patrol streets to save cows while their own women getting raped in moving buses and cars....
I live in area where Muslims, Christians and Ahmadiyya's live together in peace and we meet each other and have friendships. You need to look at each incident deeply and you will find blasphemy law is used only as tool. Our Policing system so corrupt they only support who is powerful. Organizers of these protests are not helping the victems, they are just helping their western lords and pursing their agenda. This is just part 5th or 6th generation war.
The problem is that in Pakistan no one tries to think for himself.It's outsourced to the media.

This is from the article
View attachment 459909

This show that he was not targeted just because he was a christian.He was targeted so that the Christians of the areas can be forced out.It was for the monetary gains by the powerful,at the expense of weak.

The writer tried to create a perception that the christian of Pakistan are targeted because of their religion. Which is untrue.

IT is simply a case of powerful people vs weak,ordinary Pakistanis.Which happen all over Pakistan. Because our prosecution and judicial system is weak,designed to protect the powerful.

Another point,most of Blaspheme cases are against Muslims rather then Non-Muslims.Which shows that the problem is persecution and justice system of Pakistan,not hatred against minorities.

These Anti-Pakistan articles will appear more and more,as Pakistan develops it's own independent foreign and domestic policy.
No doubt most of the christian doing low income jobs and always have dreams to go Europe and in this quest sometime they cross limits and do such things in order to get asylum in Europe.

sarkari muslim

First accept constitution of Pakistan then b@rk, your elder accepted to debate issue in parliament and after discussion you people declared non-Muslim by Majority and as per religion....
First accept constitution of Pakistan then b@rk,
Oo chaudhry personal na howa ker. First learn to respect others

Another point,most of Blaspheme cases are against Muslims rather then Non-Muslims.Which shows that the problem is persecution and justice system of Pakistan,not hatred against minorities.

From where did u pull these amazing facts from. Apni logic ko justify kerney key liye, just bring stats from anywhere and present them as facts :-)

First accept constitution of Pakistan then b@rk, your elder accepted to debate issue in parliament and after discussion you people declared non-Muslim by Majority and as per religion....
BTW we respect and obey constitution of country more than sarkaris. Even though its not a state's prerogative to decide individual's faith. Faith is between ur heart and God. But sarkaris told us not to write kalima, dont do azan, dont say salam. We accepted that. Never fought never destroyed even a single state property. Never caused any unrest. Persecution continues. We only exercise our right to defend because even God allows that
Hello, sir...How are you?

RSS is chanki policy trying to atak uS


Champ, you are probably right; what the heck, you are right, except for the Chanakya bit. But my point was that during a discussion on matters relating to Pakistan, bringing in a parallel situation in India displaces the whole thread; this is 'whataboutery'. After all, it is Pakistanis discussing a bad and undesirable state of affairs in Pakistan; the rest of us can only listen in, and occasionally make a point.
Champ, you are probably right; what the heck, you are right, except for the Chanakya bit. But my point was that during a discussion on matters relating to Pakistan, bringing in a parallel situation in India displaces the whole thread; this is 'whataboutery'. After all, it is Pakistanis discussing a bad and undesirable state of affairs in Pakistan; the rest of us can only listen in, and occasionally make a point.

But if Indian guy post a thread about situation in Pakistan....intention of him is not good either. That's why it is hard for me to not create parallel b/w two


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