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Christian couple charged with blasphemy in Gojra

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If true than punish them if false accusation than punish those who have falsely accused them and lady @Black Widow if law will not punish those who would insult our PROPHET SAW than people know how to do it

Yara Tone down a bit ...don't feed trolls.........
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I really hate this blasphemy law really one of the worst things pakistan has ever implemented and very dangerous in a half illiterate country like pakistan :pissed:
It's used and abused and people don't even know the meaning -simply questioning the zia made blasphemy law is considered as blasphemy itself.

this law was introduce in 1860 by british government......India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh all follow the same law (with local amendments off course)
How many people charged by this law who insult other religion.

google it my dear....and post the figure you'll be surprised..... :cheers:

BTW half of them does not belong to minority........
If the Prophet is no longer living, how can he be insulted?

my dear have you read This Law.....???

If not, read it first.....you will not ask this silly question.....
They should be released as soon as possible and maybe leave the country because after this some nutcase wishing to go heaven might end up killing them.
No sane person can seriously defend this barbaric law. This is the work of laanti Zia ul Haq and the semi-literate mullahs who run the business of hate and fear.
You hurt my feelings...whaah....whaah, crybabies. How evolutionary backwards and insecure do you have to be to burn people alive because they were 'accused' of blasphemy.

Cry me a river.
hopefully they get hanged

Let's use our brains...can you do that?

If Christian countries implemented the same standards and vigilantes simply murdered people that were occused of blasphemy then a whole lot of people including Muslims would be put to death.
Let's use our brains...can you do that?

If Christian countries implemented the same standards and vigilantes simply murdered people that were occused of blasphemy then a whole lot of people including Muslims would be put to death.

Christians used to do this in the medieval centuries. They have moved on. Muslims on the other hands are moving backwards. Muslims of medieval centuries were more advanced and tolerant then the Muslims now.
Muslims need stand up against this law, because it is used to abuse people 90% of the time. In a corrupt/jahil society like pakistan, this law will always be abused. Remember how the mullah wanted to punish that 11 year old, and it turned out he planted the burnt Quran papers himself. These religious nuts want to get rid of the christian/hindu populations, it is simple as that
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